EVILICIOUS: Cruelty = Desire + Denial (26 page)

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Nietzsche, F.
Genealogy of Morality, I
, (D. Smith translation, 1994, Oxford: Oxford University Press); p. 10

Homicidal fantasies: Duntley, J. D., & Buss, D. M. (2011). Homicide adaptations.
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Domestic violence as an addiction: Irons, R. & Schneider, J.P. (1997). When is domestic violence a hidden face of addiction?
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The features that guide our perception of humanness: Bastian, B., Laham, S.M, Wilson, S., Haslam, N., & Koval, P. (2011). Blaming, praising, and protecting our humanity: The implications of everyday dehumanization for judgments of moral status.
British Journal of Social Psychology, 50
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For a review of dehumanization, see Haslam, N., Bastian, B., Laham, S., & Lougham, S. (2011). Humanness, dehumanization, and moral psychology. In M. Mikulincer & P.R. Shaver (Eds.),
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Being paid off to do something wrong: Graham, J. & Haidt, J. (2011). Sacred values and evil adversaries: A moral foundations approach. In:
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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78,

This is a comment Elie Wiesel has made repeatedly in his writings and speeches, reproduced here:

Populating the inner sanctum: Cosmides, L., Tooby, J., & Kurzban, R. (2003). Perceptions of race.
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Unconscious attitudes and prejudice: Avenanti, A., Sirigu, A., & Aglioti, S.M. (2010). Racial bias reduces empathic sensorimotor resonance with other-race pain.
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Bleaching humanity of its essence: Cheng, Y., Lin, C.P., Liu, H.L., Hsu, Y.Y., Lim, K.E., Hung, D., & Decety, J. (2007). Expertise modulates the perception of pain in others.
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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

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