Evil Intent (4 page)

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Authors: Robert Olsen

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Evil Intent
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“What are you trying to do?” He asked her, immediately moving closer to both her and the machine.

“I just need to make one copy, but I can’t get the print button to light up.”

“Did you enter your code?”

“Code? What code?”

“Billing code, Kathryn. This place is now counting every piece of paper, so we can accurately charge the clients for every nickel. A little ridiculous, in my opinion, but, here let me help you.”

Donald punched some number into a key pad and the machine came alive!

“Did you just say one copy?”

“Yes but I need each page of that report.”

“No problem.” Donald smiled and immediately started copying her full report.

“I heard you’ve started attending Andreyushkin’s lectures on his new pump. I can’t believe he’s already shoving his inventions down our throats, and it hasn’t even been fully tested yet. What is wrong with that maniac? I told everyone he was going to be a problem.”

“So I heard,” Kathryn whispered.

“Did you say something Kathryn?”

“No, Donald. Am I finished now?”

“Almost Kathryn, just a few more pages and we’ll be done. Aren’t you glad I came along to help you?”

“Yes, Donald, I am. This is so kind of you to do that for me.”

“No problem, I’m so glad I can help you Kathryn. And I mean it. You have always been so kind and helpful to me, I’m more than happy to repay the favor. Say, our scientist buddy thinks he’s pretty cool and can get awfully technical. If you need any help with any of that technical jargon, give me a call and I’d be happy to assist you. I may hate the doctor idiot, Who took from me the only job I ever wanted, but I’m more than willing to help you.”

“Thank you Donald. I’ll remember that.”

“Here we are, all done.” Donald said, removing the copies and handing them to Kathryn.

“Thanks again, Donald. Have a good day,” she said quickly leaving the copy room.

Holy shit! That guy is strange. What is it about him? He kind of makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe those things Suki said are right. I need to keep my distance. One thing is for sure. He certainly does not like Andreyushkin!

Chapter 5

he day following Kathryn’s encounter with Doctor Marks, was Wednesday, and Wednesdays were always less busy and less stressful, for the doctor than any other day. He never did surgery on Wednesdays, usually preferring Mondays or Fridays for that, nor would he work at the hospital on a Wednesday. Normally, he went straight to the office, saw as few patients as possible, and left relatively early. He called it his
do nothing day
, although comparatively speaking, by any other standard, he still worked harder and was more productive than most people.

Wednesday was also the day the doctor looked forward to a night out for relaxation. On Wednesday evenings he would visit with a group of friends that lived in the same condominium as he did, on East 66th Street. Several residents, all good friends with one another, had a strong passion for Bridge, and enjoyed getting together once a week to play cards. They rotated the meeting place, each taking turns hosting the evening at their respective apartments.

When it was time to leave his office, Dr. Marks enjoyed walking home, weather permitting, unless his schedule pushed him too late into the evening or he had other engagements to attend to. His residence was conveniently located between his office and Lenox Hill hospital, offering a manageable and relaxing walk in either direction.

Game time usually started around 7:30 PM and lasted to around eleven most nights, but occasionally lingered until midnight if a particular play became hotly contested. The doctor arrived home around 6:45 this night, immediately changed his clothes, and was planning to make a quick bowl of soup and a sandwich when the telephone rang.

“Hello?” He answered. “Oh hi Bob, what’s up?” Bob was one of the neighbors who participated in their card games.

“Good evening, Richard. Just a quick update. Carl had to cancel at the last minute and asked if Samantha and I could host the game. Something pressing I think is keeping him at the office all night. I told Carl that would be fine and now, I’m trying to reach everyone.”

“Is Lauren going to make it? She usually brings her friend if Carl isn’t able to join us?”

“I’m not sure, Carl didn’t say. See you at my place tonight.”

“Ok Bob, I’ll be there at eight. Thanks for the call.”

His friend Carl, was a CPA and a Partner of a major international Accounting firm on Park Avenue. Quite often, he would miss a game due to travel or other work related commitments. Carl was 46, younger than Bob, but 6 years older than Richard and divorced several years ago. In fact, the friends all remember his lovely wife, and missed her company. Carl, currently was seeing someone named Lauren, and their relationship appeared to be serious. Lauren, was a gorgeous platinum blonde, with extremely short hair, younger than Carl, and could pass as a Paris runway model. Carl was quite the heartthrob himself, being the tall, dark, and handsome type and somehow taught Lauren all about Bridge. She caught on quickly and loved the game. Actually, she was quite good and never missed a game.

Bob, was a famous novelist of Romance books, and he and Samantha had a fabulous apartment on the 30th floor. The gang especially liked meeting in 3005, if for no other reason than just to enjoy the view. It was absolutely spectacular, especially at night, overlooking the twinkling lights of midtown Manhattan.

And then, of course, there were the Barlow girls. Maggie, a renown Cellist, 69 years of age, was still working with the New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center, and her younger sister Harriet, 61, who was an actress appearing in a hit play currently on Broadway. Maggie owned the apartment and Harriet moved in with her sister when she was picked for the role in the play. Both women were very successful in life, and extremely wealthy having inherited their parents’ fortune. The girls were raised in Manhattan, close by on Central Park West. Their father was President and founder of United Tanker Corp., a large ocean going shipping company.

“Good evening, Harriet, you look amazing, wow!” Samantha said admiring her dress. “And Maggie, you changed your hair? I love it. Looks fantastic on you,” Samantha said offering a hug and air kisses to the two ladies. “Come on in, we’re just about to get started.

Dr. Marks had already arrived and was seated in their living room, talking with Lauren and two others when the Barlow girls arrived. He quickly stood, buttoning his jacket, and approached the sisters.

“So good to see you ladies, you just seem to be getting more gorgeous every time I see you!”

“Oh, Richard, such a gentleman, and a romantic I might add. You better watch out,” said Maggie. “A good looking single man like you is hard to find these days. You just might find yourself chased by two sex starved women if you keep that flattery going!”

“I’ll take my chances,” he said as all were laughing and having fun.

“Have you ladies met Gretchen before?” Samantha said as they all walked into the living room. “Gretchen is my best friend!”

“I do remember you dear,” Harriet said turning and looking back at Samantha. “We met Gretchen, Sam, when you invited us to that lovely party at the gallery downtown in Chelsea, if I remember correctly.”

“Yes, that’s right, you did come to our party,” Gretchen said, remembering. “You’re the actress on Broadway! Charles, my husband, and I went to see you. You were magnificent Harriet. We both just loved the play.”

“Well, what do you say we all get started? And, what would you ladies like to drink?” Bob asked the two sisters. “Does anyone else need a refresher?”

“I’ll take another Vodka tonic Bob, if you don’t mind,” said Lauren. Maggie and Harriet both wanted wine.

“Ok, listen up everyone,” said Sam, as Bob was fixing the drinks. “Tonight, we have a foursome with Richard, Lauren, Maggie, and myself competing, and the cutthroat team tonight will be Gretchen, Harriet, and Bob. Is everyone in agreement with that?” Sam said as all nodded with consent. “Wonderful! Then let the games begin!”

Bridge can be an intellectually challenging game that is normally played with four people. It is exceptionally challenging when played with only three, thus earning the nickname of “cut-throat Bridge”. The group always had a team of four plus a second team of three. Each week, the group selected the top three players of the evening, who were then chosen as the following weeks’ cut throat team. Some weeks, someone would bring a friend and they would have two complete teams of four.

“I feel so good this week,” said Maggie. “Just look at the way my partner, Lauren, is peering through her Dolce Gabbana glasses at her cards. I can just sense her brain waves firing away on every cylinder. You guys better watch out!”

Finally, Lauren responds. “Two hearts.”

“I’ll pass,” says Richard, as the game moves back to Maggie, who is deep in thought.

I opened with one spade, so what is Lauren trying to tell me? I think she has four hearts, but I don’t remember how the points work. I bet she’ll bid two hearts, so do I pass this hand? Raise? Go higher?

Maggie instantly wants to bite her nails! This is the world of Bridge.

“You’re awfully quiet over there,” Harriet yells over to her sister. “Did all you kids pass your bedtime already?”

“Just pipe down Mrs. Darby, I don’t need you haunting me yet,” Maggie said making reference to the character Harriet is playing in a Broadway Play in which a ghost returns to earth to haunt her murderous husband.

“How funny was that? Haunting? I just got it!” Gretchen says, laughing out loud over Maggie’s crack. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Harriet, but that gorgeous polar white dress you’re wearing, with all its flowing panels and cowl-like neck piece, does look like something out of heaven!”

“You better be careful too, little young one, or I’ll whip up a magic spell on you, too.”

As the evening progressed, everyone continued having fun, constantly talking, or laughing, pausing only when they were in deep strategic thought over their hand. And, of course, between plays, they munched on goodies, and continued to drink, drink, and drink.

“This is such a lovely game, Maggie blurted out. “It’s so much fun. Why don’t more people play this?”

“Because the Rollin Stones got in the way?” Harriet yelled over to her.

“I never realized they played this outside. A few stones shouldn’t stop folks from having fun.” Maggie said smiling and looking at Lauren, who had a strange look on her face and started giggling.

Just then, Sam piped in, “Maggie, I don’t think the game was in the road.”


“Duh...The Rolling Stones.... rock group?
Why don’t we do it in the road
?” Sam said, raising her shoulders and eyebrows at Maggie. Harriet is telling you sex got in the way.”

“Well, I certainly understand that. Harriet missed lots of things because of sex. It’s amazing that woman can still walk!”

With that said, Lauren lost it, going into hysterics, choking, and spitting her drink all over Richards’ sport coat.

“Oh my God!” Lauren screamed jumping up, knocking her cocktail over right into Richards lap. “I am so sorry, Richard,” she said quickly wiping off his jacket and instinctively pressing a hand full of napkins into his lap to soak up the liquid.

“Oh shit,” she cried again realizing where she was pressing.

“Please, Lauren let me do that,” Richard said as Lauren stood there blushing.

“Why don’t you wild ones come with me,” Samantha said signaling both of them to follow her, as Bob showed up with a towel to wipe the living room marble floors. Sam proceeded to lead Richard and Lauren into the master bedroom.

“Alright you two, take off your clothes, so I can throw them in the washer and dryer for you.”

“You’ve got to be kidding?” They both yelled almost in unison.

“What’s wrong? It’s all cotton. Red wine doesn’t come out that easy, but, if you want to save the garment, we need to do something, now! Just do it!”

Richard, still surprised at her order, bent over anyway and pulled off his trousers.

“Whoa... Richard! What are you doing?” Lauren hollered.

“Not here silly,” Sam said. “You go in the bath room, and Lauren, you can go in there and close the door.” Sam handed them each a robe to wear and ran off to throw everything into the dryer.

Moments later the two emerged all cozy looking in their matching silk robes.

“How embarrassing is this,” Lauren said wondering what Carl would say if he suddenly walked in. Soon, it quieted down, and everyone was back at the game, but it didn’t take long for the teasing to begin.

“Are your Wednesday nights always this much fun, Sam?” Gretchen asked. “I understand the Bridge game, but some of the conversation really has me stumped. Harriet thinks she’s a ghost, Maggie is referring to lots of sexual escapades, and Lauren pulled a fast one trying to get the handsome doctor undressed.”

I said right from the beginning that Richard better watch out,” Maggie reminded everyone.

“Wait just a minute, I wasn’t trying to get Richard undressed. I was trying to be helpful,” Lauren said.

“Well, regardless, I do think the good doctor is terribly attractive!” Harriet said.

This time Richard blushed.

“Why Harriet, I bet there are dozens of fair young princesses out there throwing themselves at the doctor? You can tell us Richard, no special lady?” Samantha said, as she got up to fix another martini.”

Richard was caught off guard, and had no idea what to say until he thought of Kathryn.

“Well, actually, there is someone out there.”

“That’s wonderful, Richard. I’m so happy for you. Please, you must tell us all about her. Is she pretty?” Maggie asked.

“She’s gorgeous!” He said looking at Maggie. “I guess she’s about five foot six or seven, slender, with short dark hair. Appears to be shy, but you can’t let that fool you, she knows what she wants, and can be very assertive when she wants to be. And, she’s very smart.”

“What does she do?” Asked Harriet.

“Sales. She’s a Vice President of sales for a pharmaceutical company.”

“Be careful, Richard. Don’t get these gals going. They can be relentless, if you don’t watch out. I’d take the fifth, if I were you,” Bob said jumping into the conversation to help his friend.

“Well, I think you should bring this Kathryn to Bridge night, Richard, so we can all meet her.” Sam suggested.

“Maybe I’ll do just that, Sam.”

Lauren, was quiet, smiling and listening to the conversation, as she stared at Richard. He was adorable, sitting there in his sexy Hef robe, she thought. Realizing she needed to get those thoughts off her mind, she blurted out another disruption.

“When was bridge really big Harriet? Wasn’t this game the rage back in the 60’s?”

“Oh, yes dear. It actually was real big before I was born. In the 1930’s, during the war, and all the way to the 1960’s it was popular. I heard that 25 million Americans still play bridge, and I think 3 million play weekly. Everyone else I guess is playing Texas Hold ‘Em poker. Anyway, Bridge is a wonderful game. It keeps your mind working. At least that’s what Warren Buffet and Bill Gates once said. You know, they’re big Bridge players too!”

“Did you hear that noise honey?” Bob asked Samantha. “I think the dryer is finished.

Lauren and Richard were ecstatic to get back into their clothes, and Samantha was pleased the wine stains came out just fine. Soon afterwards, the games were wrapping up and folks started talking about calling it a night. Bob turned out to be the big star of the evening. Lauren kept thinking Carl missed a doozy of a night, and Gretchen was just tickled that she was able to join in the fun. Perhaps the only one who had mixed emotions was Richard. How the hell was he going to convince Kathryn to join him in a Bridge game?

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