Evil Agreement (6 page)

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Authors: Richard L Hatin

BOOK: Evil Agreement
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She also spoke to
from the
dream world.

“Please help keep Aaron away from them.”

“From who?”

“The Keepers.”

“What do they want Aaron for?”

“He’s the missing link they need to bring him across.”

“Bring who across, I don’t understand.”

“Him, the Prince of Darkness, the Lord of Sin, the Evil One,
he goes by many names.”

“Why me?”

“Because you are special, chosen.”

“What do you mean, chosen?”

“Please, help him.”

“I still don’t understand.”

The specter of Aaron’s mother that appeared to
in this dream looked over her shoulder and when she
looked back at
a look of total terror had
overtaken her. She opened her mouth to let loose a scream.
in her dream state braced herself for the sound of the scream. Instead the
specter’s mouth was silent. The image broke up into wispy traces that seemed to
collapse into the silent open mouth of the fading image.
mind froze that image in place. But something was happening to the traces of
the image that filled the blackness of her mind. A new image was taking shape.

It was soon apparent to
or what this new image was. The sinewy muscular outline of a face filled her
entire mind. The face was that of a Halloween Devil’s mask that she must have
remembered from her childhood. It was a bright red. It glistened from out of
the darkness it seemed to be suspended in. The plastic like mask began to
evolve into a lifelike face, still bright red.

, he’s mine,” it spoke.

“No, no. No!” she shouted.

woke to find herself sitting
straight up in her bed. She was drenched in a cold night sweat.

From beyond the bedroom door, she could hear Aaron snoring.




The blinds were fully drawn in the windows that were on three
sides of the large conference room. On the remaining wall of the large
rectangular room was a large white board with some half-erased words scrawled
across its face. To its left was a large bulletin board, layered with various
papers and photos of houses from all around the greater Washington
County. Next to the bulletin board
were three small wooden plaques proclaiming Sutton Realty as the Real Estate
Company of the Year for 1992, 1994 and 1995. Next to these smaller plaques was
a larger one, which had a picture attached showing a women receiving the plaque
from another woman. The caption inscribed in the brass plate below read “Vermont’s
Woman Entrepreneur of the Year-1997, Phyllis Atkins, President, Sutton Realty,
Presented by the Governor of the State of Vermont,
Margaret C. Caron.”

The door to the conference room opened and in walked several
people who were engaged in conversation. They moved about the room, locating
chairs at what appeared to be a prearranged seating arrangement. The conference
table seats twelve, but at the moment only ten seats are occupied. A silence
settles over the room as the people seated fidget in their seats, all but one
person that is. Reverend Simon B. Mitchell is seated at the farthest end of the
table from the door. His hands are folded in front of him on the table in a
prayerful pose. To his left and going around the conference table is Bob
, owner of Bob’s Garage. Next is Judge Arthur W.
Fairchild and then Mrs. Lawless, office manager for the Governor of the State
of Vermont. Next to her sits
, a popular local radio station disk
jockey. To his left, sits Ed Foley, the veterinarian. To Ed’s left is a vacant
chair. This chair is at the opposite end of the conference table from the
Reverend. To the left of that chair is another empty chair. Continuing around
the table is Phyllis Atkins, President of the Sutton Real Estate Agency, whose
conference room they are now using. To her left is Judy
who owns a successful motel next to Interstate 89. Next is Ed Townsend, a
retired FBI agent. Finally there is Shirley Carter, who owns Sutton’s one and
only beauty shop.

“Brother Foley, did you bring the ingredients?” asked the

Not wanting to challenge the obvious question, he answers,
“Yes, yes, I brought everything.”


With that the conference door opens slowly and standing in
its open space is young Sammy Porter. He is quiet and obviously nervous. His
eyes dart about the room. He recognizes everyone in the room. He is wearing a
clean white short sleeve dress shirt, clean pressed slacks. His hair is combed
straight back. He is nudged into the room from behind. Following him into the
room is Walter
. Walter ushers him to the lone
seat at the opposite end of the conference table. Walter then moves to the last
empty chair and sits down. Sammy, not sure what to do with his hands, places
them onto the table and mimics the pose of the Reverend. The Reverend looks at
Sammy from across the table and breaks into a small smile.

“Welcome to our humble gathering, Mr. Porter,” said the
Reverend Mitchell.

“Uh, thank you, sir.”

“We are in your debt this day, Mr. Porter. Indeed, HE is in
your debt as well. HE is most grateful and desires to reward you for your
faithfulness. Are you prepared to accept HIS most generous gift?”

Sammy had been coached on the way over to this meeting of
what was about to take place and what to say by his escort, Walter.

“Yes, Reverend, I am prepared to accept His gift and to take
my place among His faithful.” He managed a sideways glance in the direction of
Walter, who was revealing a slight smile.

“Very well. Before we proceed, will Judge Fairchild
administer the oath?”

Judge Fairchild, an old man who wore his reading glasses at
all times, while looking over them most of the time, pushed himself back from
the conference table. He was wheezing as he stood up. His allergies had been
bothering him. He was carrying a large book, which was black leather bound and
resembled a large ledger book that an accountant might use. Its cover was
embossed in gold leaf with the shape of a pentagram.

At the very sight of the book, Sammy’s heart began racing
even more rapidly than it had already. He had only heard about the book from
others in whispered conversations. Sammy stood up.

The Judge held the book in front of Sammy and then he reached
down and took Sammy’s left hand with his own right hand and placed it on the
book. The Judge’s hand was cold to the touch.

“Repeat after me, Mr. Porter.”

“Yes, sir!”

“I pledge my life on this earth, my soul for all eternity, to
faithfully protect and serve.”

Sammy Porter repeated the oath, beaming with pride.

“I renounce the faiths of mankind, the words of the prophets,
and I reject the works of the Son of God.”

Sammy spoke in a firm voice, without hesitation.

“Be seated,” said the Judge.

The boy did as he was told.

The Reverend now stood up before the group. He opened his
arms as he spoke.

“Seated in this room, Mr. Porter, are the chosen Keepers of
HIS word. We are all descendants of the original coven, hand picked for the
important task of being the assembled ones, to serve our leader, the Monarch of
Hell, in this life and for all eternity. Our ancestors once agreed to serve as
we now serve. A sacred final covenant had been reached to bring HIM to this
side, to once again walk the earth in human form. As you have been taught, Mr.
Porter, that covenant was broken by an unfaithful one. We carry forward a
sacred tradition that one day it will be fulfilled as it is written in the Book
of Final Covenant, to which you have just laid your hand in a solemn pledge.”

As the Reverend spoke, each one in the room sat straight
backed in their chairs as if they were hearing these words for the first time.

“Mr. Porter, you have been chosen not by us but by HIM who
seeks you. Yes, you have smitten the enemy in HIS name with the two
that you participated in. But HE calls you
because of a greater part that you can play in serving HIM. You, Mr. Porter,
have a gift, the ability to listen to the thoughts of others. A gift that “HE
who we all made a promise to,” revealed to us. Are you aware of this great

The truth was all that was required at this moment.

“Yes, Reverend, I…I sort of knew I could hear the thoughts of
others. I didn’t…”

The Reverend held up his right hand to silence Sammy.

“We will work with you to develop this gift which you will
use to serve HIM. Now, before we proceed with your receiving HIS gifts for
eternal life, I want you to look at this and focus all of your attention on
this symbol of our loyalty.”

The Reverend pulls from his waistcoat a shiny object at the
end of a long gold chain. It is a crucifix hanging from the chain in an upside
down position. The Reverend begins to slowly twirl the crucifix. It sparkles,
reflecting the overhead lights.

Slowly it rotates.

Sammy stares at the distant object. After a few moments, the
crucifix seems to be coming through the air towards him. It is getting larger
and larger. The Reverend seems to be fading into the background. The whole room
begins to fade to black, except for the golden sparkle of the upside down
crucifix, suspended in the midst of a blacker than black void.

The voice of the Reverend drifts away. Sammy hears a whispered
voice calling to him.

The others in the room sit forward in their seats, knowing t
they will only hear one half of the conversation to come. Each remembers, in
their own way, their own first direct encounter with HIM.

“Sammy, it is I.”

“Yes, Master,” he responds.

“Sammy Porter, since the beginnings of creation, the Creator
has made each of us in his likeness and image. Do you believe?”

“Yes, I believe.”

“In the beginning, we were promised eternal life, to stand
beside the Creator, to share in his gifts. Do you believe?”

“Yes, I believe.”

“We were cast out, thrown down, sent away. Condemned and
unloved, to be feared by mankind. Do you believe?”

“Yes, feared by mankind. I believe.”

“I am Moloch, Lucifer’s most loyal lieutenant, on his behalf
I offer you eternal life, power over all. I will make you Master over Mankind.
We will not break our covenant to you. You will one day sit at HIS right hand
along with all the other faithful. Do you believe?”

“Yes, Moloch, I believe.”

Just hearing HIS name caused a mild gasp from some in the

“Samuel Porter, will you serve me loyally, will you strive to
find the unfaithful one, are you willing to reach into this blackness and bring
me forth so that I may pave the way for Lucifer’s arrival to rule over the

“Yes, I will be a faithful servant, I will be a keeper, ever

With his eyes in a trance like state, Sammy extends his
slender arms onto the table, palms facing upward.

“I want to serve,” says Sammy Porter.

With that, Ed Foley rises from his seat and unfolds a small
white cloth onto the table. Inside the cloth is a small vial attached to a
needle, a small piece of gauze and a band aid. He is seated to Sammy’s right.
Standing next to the boy, he removes elastic from his own coat pocket and ties
the upper left arm of the boy with it. Next, he searches for a suitable vein
which he soon locates in the crook of the boys inner arm at the elbow. He takes
the needle with the vial attached and plunges it indelicately into the boy’s
arm. In a moment, the vial fills up with rich, dark blood. Ed now pulls the
needle and vial out of the boy’s arm, while he places the piece of gauze over
the puncture wound and applies modest pressure. The gauze is soon replaced by
the band aid.

“Mrs. Lawless, will you please retrieve the sacred goblet.”

She pushes herself from the table and goes over to the
bulletin board. She removes a small device from her suit coat that resembles a
garage door opener and points it at the bulletin board. Her thumb presses down
on the device. At that instant, a soft click is heard as the bulletin board
pushes away from the wall. She puts the device back into her coat pocket as she
steps forward to the bulletin board. She reaches out and pulls it open to the
left, revealing a hidden safe. She nimbly turns the dial a couple of times,
then pulls down on the small black handle. She reaches inside the safe and
removes a small earthen cup, etched with several markings. Protruding from
inside the cup is a small yellowish brown bone of some sort. Mrs. Lawless walks
to the front of the room and places the cup on the table in front of the
Reverend. She continues around the table and returns to her seat.

“Mr. Foley, if you please,” said the Reverend.

Ed moves from his seat to the head of the table. He pours the
contents of the vial of blood that he had just extracted from Sammy Porter into
the cup before the Reverend. From his coat pocket he removes a small folding
case. The case glitters in the room’s light. It is obviously made of gold. He
opens the case and inside of it is a small vial of blood just like the one he
just emptied into the cup. Ed empties this vial of blood into the cup as well.
Also inside this gold case is a small gold compact. Ed delicately removes this
compact and opens it over the cup. He pinches a small amount of gray ashen dust
from inside and drops it into the cup. Ed replaces the compact and vial inside
the case and places them back into his pocket. Ed returns to his seat next to
Sammy Porter.

The Reverend pulls the cup directly in front of him and
proceeds to gently stir the contents inside of the cup. He whispers an ancient
incantation taught to him by Moloch. He passes the cup to his left and Shirley
Carter, Sutton’s one and only beautician, takes the cup with both hands. She
removes the bone and licks at the dark red liquid that drips from it. She
passes the cup around the table and each one present repeats this ritual.
Finally after the cup has returned to the Reverend and he too has tasted its
contents by licking the small bone, he rises and walks down to where Sammy
Porter is seated and places the cup in front of Sammy.

“Moloch commands all to drink and share in the promise of the

Sammy opens his eyes and looks down at the cup set before
him. He picks it up with both hands and slowly drinks from it while closing his

Everyone else in the room rises from their chairs and
applauds Sammy Porter. Joy engulfs them all. Sammy, finished drinking the
contents of the cup, removes the bone and licks it clean. He puts the cup with
the bone placed inside back down onto the table.

Sammy opens his eyes. They have changed to a deep, lifeless
black. They resemble the eyes of a shark—haunting, menacing, cold and totally
evil. Sammy responds to everyone’s applause by rising and nodding to the room.
Sammy raises his hands and gestures for all to be seated. The room falls

Sammy now speaks in a raspy guttural voice that is clearly
not his own “I am pleased you have chosen this one for our coven, our circle of
Keepers. You and your ancestors have all served me faithfully for these many
years and as I have promised to each of you before, I repeat once again. I,
Moloch, on behalf of the Great Satan, solemnly pledge that you shall have all
the riches of this earth, all the power known to mankind, all that there is
shall be yours and your successors forevermore, once you have fulfilled our
pact. Once I take up human form, and walk again upon this earth to prepare the
way, you, each of you, shall rule beside us over all that is created.”

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