Evil Agreement (31 page)

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Authors: Richard L Hatin

BOOK: Evil Agreement
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She took his head with her two hands and pulled him towards
her, as she passionately kissed him. Her lips ignited his own. Her tongue probed
his waiting mouth. He responded in kind. He seemed to feel as if his breath was
being sucked from his body, it was both pleasure and pain.

She pulled away from him and smiled down at him once again.

He leaned forward and kissed her breasts repeatedly, through
the tightly stretched spandex. After a moment he paused. Her spandex top was
now stained from his moist kisses.

Judy now maneuvered herself so she could kneel on the couch,
straddling and facing him. She reached down and pulled at her spandex top and
in slow teasing movements she removed it. She tossed her top on the floor. Next
she caressed her breasts with slow, teasing movement of her hands.

Aaron watched this, transfixed by her enormous beauty.

She reached down for his hands, and then, she placed them on
her breasts, encouraging Aaron to continue the massage. Her breasts felt firm
to the touch. He gently stroked her.

She pulled herself closer to him, offering her breasts to his
lips. He responded with ever increasing lust filling him.

Judy moaned softly as Aaron’s breathing began to grow more

She pressed her breasts against his face. She leaned close to
his right ear, and whispered, “Carry me to the bedroom, please.”

He responded immediately, by wrapping his arms around her
body, and after a momentary struggle, he gained his feet. She pointed to the
bedroom down the end of a hallway. As he carried her towards the bedroom, she
began to unbutton his short sleeve shirt. The aroma of her perfume was
intoxicating. Aaron felt drawn to her, by a powerful, consuming lust.

He laid her down on her king-size bed. He stood next to the
bed, looking down at her.

“Take off my socks and shoes,” she commanded in a gentle

He moved to her feet and began to gently remove her socks and

“Now, take off your shirt.”

Aaron did as he was asked.

“And take off those pants too.”

Aaron kicked off his shoes and quickly pulled his own socks
off. Next he unbuckled his pants, unzipped them, and let them fall to the

He stood there in his designer under shorts, with an enormous
bulge, lurking just beneath the surface.

“Don’t be bashful, take those off, too,” said Judy as she
reached for his under shorts with her left foot, tugging at the bottom edge
with her toes.

Aaron did as he was told.

“Oh, my,” sighed Judy, with a lustful smile.

Now it was Judy’s turn. She slowly began to peel the spandex
bottom off. She swung her hips in such a way that Aaron’s state of arousal
began to transform from a human level to an almost animal like level.

His mind’s eye noticed in the designer bedspread covering her
bed, a pattern, one that seemed faintly recognizable. Now, a swiftly building
struggle inside Aaron’s subconscious began. The bedspread pattern showed a
puritan style dressed woman with her back to the viewer, or turned sideways,
depending on the fabric’s pattern. The woman had obviously been picking flowers
from a small patch at her feet.

One of the images of the tiny woman turned and looked at
Aaron. He recognized the woman immediately, it was Miss Beacon.

The woman seemed to be trying to shout something to Aaron.

His eyes flickered back and forth between the now nearly
naked Judy
, and his guardian angel, Miss

Much of him wanted Judy
. He
wanted to make love to this goddess like body with every ounce of his
sexuality. Yet another part of him knew he needed to hear what Miss Beacon was
trying to say. His mind focused in on the small figure shouting out to him from
the bed.

“Aaron, use your eyes, look at her, really took at her, for
God’s sake!”

In a flash, the figure faded back into the bedspread’s

Aaron now turned his full attention to Judy. He looked at
her, only this time, his mind was taking control.

Judy had removed her spandex bottom. She knelt up on the bed
and reached out to Aaron.

“Come here, come to me,” she teased.

He began to reach out for her when his eyes, still straining
at the sight of her enormous breasts, now noticed that the left breast was
bleeding from the nipple. A trickle of blood streaked down her breast,
underneath and out of view. The other breast was also leaking blood. He

“I want you,” she said licking her tongue against her full

Her teeth now seemed slightly yellow. In fact, he noticed her
lips were cracked, and caked with black scabs of blood. His eyes began to take
frantic inventory.

“Aaron, I’m going to make love with you. I want you, now,”
she demanded.

She reached out to him, and her hand felt icy cold to the
skin on his chest. He looked down at her hand and it was wrinkled, covered with
dark welts, and occasional long white strands of hair. He looked back up at
her, and her blond hair was gone, her head was deteriorating as well. Her
breasts, once firm and bountiful, now hung against her body like a pair of
deflated, cheap balloons. Her chest and arms were covered with sores that oozed
a yellowish colored puss.

He tried to step back. She reached for him, trying to clasp
his now former erection. He stumbled backward.

“What’s the matter? Are you shy? I can fix that,” she said.
As she pronounced the word “that” a couple of her, now deeply yellowed, teeth
tumbled onto the bed.

“No, I. . . uh. . . just can’t do this. I . . .” said Aaron
as he quickly bent down and began to pick up his clothes.

“You seemed ready, just a moment ago. What changed?”

Aaron picked up his clothes and began to back out of the
bedroom. Judy
body was now reduced to a
sickly, emaciated shell. Her skin clung loosely to her body. The room smelled
of rotting flesh. Aaron heard the buzzing of flies. He didn’t see them, but
could clearly hear them. He turned and ran from the room. He ran out of the
house, closing the front door behind him.

Naked and in a full panic, he ran down the front steps and
climbed into the Land Rover. He locked the doors. He got dressed as fast as he
could. He wanted to get away from her as quickly as possible.

He was buckling his belt when he looked back up at the house.
Judy was standing on the front porch. She was totally naked. A swarm of flies
buzzed around her. She casually swatted at them.

“Listen, if you change your mind, I’ll be waiting.”

As he looked at her, her body began to transform itself
again, this time it quickly evolved into what seemed to be, a totally different
person. This person, also naked, was incredibly beautiful. Her hair was as
black as night. Then he noticed the horns, two small horns at the top of her
forehead. This new image now flashed back to the form of the Judy
that Aaron had seen and felt on the couch. The
image seemed to flip back and forth between the dark haired creature, and the
blond statuesque woman that had tempted him earlier. The flipping images
flickered like the flicking of an image on a television set. First the rotting,
decayed old woman, then the horned woman, then the blond temptress and back
again to the old woman, and so on.

Aaron put the key into the ignition and backed the Land Rover
up. He turned around and began to drive away. In his rearview mirror he could
still see her standing on the porch. The image had stabilized into the Judy
he had first encountered. He kept driving.




“Shouldn’t we wait for Aaron to return?” asked

“No dear, we can’t wait. Look, the coven is mostly focused
upon him right now, and we need to take this opportunity to save a young girl
from a certain death and eternity in hell.”

“So, what do I have to do?” inquired

“When we get there you can watch my back,” said Miss Beacon.

“That sounds easy.”

Miss Beacon handed her a small, chromed revolver.




Aaron pulled the Land Rover to a stop in one of the parking
spaces next to the park in the center of town. He turned the engine off. His
hands were shaking. His stomach felt all twisted, and his head pounded with
each breath that he took.

He had almost been unfaithful to the love of his life,
. He had almost betrayed his family, God and the whole
human race. If ever a man felt shame, it was Aaron. He sobbed and sobbed as he
sat in the stillness of the Land Rover.

It was sweltering in the vehicle, and Aaron was soon drenched
in perspiration. He couldn’t face
or Miss
Beacon right now. Miss Beacon, after all, had to warn him by sending him that

Shit, she must have seen me standing there,










Aaron had been sitting in the Land Rover for just a few
minutes. He was feeling ashamed and angry. He slammed his right hand on the

How could I have been so stupid?
he thought.

He put his head down onto the backs of his hands, which were
now gripping the steering wheel. He needed time to think and to clear his head.

A loud “click, click” sound startled him. Aaron sat up in a
start. He looked out the driver’s side window into the face of a teenage boy.
The somewhat steamed up window clouded the image. Nevertheless, Aaron could
plainly see the concerned expression on the boy’s face.

Aaron opened the driver’s door and stepped out of the Rover.
He wiped a tear from his right eye with the back of his left hand.

“Hey man, are you okay?” asked the boy.

“Yeah, I’m okay.”

“I wasn’t sure, you know. I thought maybe you were sick or
something. You know, maybe needed some help.”

“That’s really nice of you to be so concerned. Thanks, I’m
really fine.”

“Don’t look fine to me. Is it woman trouble?”

“Maybe, yeah.”

“You’re not from around here are you?”

“No I’m not. I’m just visiting the area for awhile.”

The boy was standing on a skateboard. He stepped off of it.
Looking down, he stepped on the skateboard’s tail and flipped the board upward.
He caught the front end of the board with his left hand. He was wearing
oversized jeans and a black colored tee shirt, which had a slogan silk screened
on it in bright yellow. The slogan said “Fear No One.” His sneakers were well
worn. His light brown hair was slicked back. He stood about six feet tall.

“Nice board,” said Aaron.


“My name is Aaron, what’s yours?”

“Curt, but my friends call me Hondo.”

Just then raindrops began to fall. These drops were large.
The wind began to pick up as well.

“Well, I’ve got to go,” said the boy as he put his skateboard
down. Stepping aboard with his left foot he pushed off with his right.

Aaron turned to head back to the Rover when he heard the
skateboard skid to a halt.

“Say, Aaron,” said the boy.

Turning around Aaron looked over at the boy.

“You be careful around here. There are some really freaky
people in this town, and they especially don’t like strangers.”

“Thanks, I will.”

“Like that one over there. He’s been watching us.”


“He’s sitting in that station wagon on the other side of your

Aaron slowly turned and looked through the front side windows
of the Land Rover. He could see the outline of the station wagon and its

Aaron turned back to speak to the boy, but he had already
moved on down the street. The rain began to fall at a much heavier rate. In the
distance came the low rumble of thunder. Aaron’s shirt was quickly soaked from
the heavy rain. He climbed back inside the Rover, started up the engine and
turned on the air conditioner to clear up the fog on the windows. As the
windows slowly cleared, Aaron looked over at the station wagon. Its driver
boldly stared back.




“We’ve got to go,” said Miss Beacon.

“But it looks like its starting to rain.”

“All the better. Now remember to keep the gun ready that I
gave you earlier.”

“You really think that we’ll need a gun?” said

“Yes, where we’re going we might need it.”

“Are you expecting trouble?”

“I expect everything.”

“Well, I checked and this gun only has six bullets.”

“It’ll be enough.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“A guardian angel just knows things!”

Miss Beacon picked up the small bag she had been packing and
headed for the back door. She opened it slowly and looked around outside. She
motioned for
to follow.
pulled the back door closed. There was a “click” as the door lock engaged.

The rain had just begun to fall. The two women headed over to
the barn, which also served as a garage. They entered the front side door. The
sound of the rain falling against the tin roof could be heard from inside of
the building. Moving swiftly in the semi-darkness Miss Beacon led
to the rear. With a tug, Miss Beacon pulled open the
rear door and headed out the back.
tagged along
behind her after closing the door. They headed into the woods. The rain was
falling more heavily now. Inside the woods the full effect of the rainstorm was
less noticeable, due to the canopy effect of the pine, maple and oak trees.
Other than the sound of rain and their footsteps, it was quiet here in the

Miss Beacon stopped for a moment.

“Look its going to be dark soon. Stay close to me and keep
low to the ground. These low branches can take an eye out before you know it.
We’ll be cutting around a few streets and through back yards. It’ll take at
least an hour to get there.”

“Okay, but we’re going to get soaked.”

remark, Miss
Beacon turned and moved along in a sort of semi-crouch position.

stayed close behind.

In the distance they heard a dog bark.

It barked again.

Darkness closed in quickly in the woods. Now the heavy rain
was making its way completely through the canopy of the woods. Both women were
soon drenched from the cool summer rain.

The dank odor of the wet forest floor filled the air. It was
a blend of pine, sumac, oak and maple fragrances. These were the decaying odors
rising up from the moist compost of forest droppings, which covered the ground.

Miss Beacon stopped.

She reached back and touched
with her left hand.
stopped, too.

In the darkness ahead was something or someone, which had
caught the attention of Miss Beacon.

could hear her own breathing
and Miss Beacon’s as well. The only other sound she could detect was the sounds
of the forest and the rainfall. The two women stood still.
heart was beginning to pound inside of her chest. This waiting in the dark made
her nervous. She slowly wiped raindrops from her eyebrows. A mosquito landed on
her left arm and proceeded to extract a full meal of fresh blood.
couldn’t see the insect, but could feel it. She
wanted to slap at it and kill it, but wasn’t sure if she should, while they
waited in the darkness.

Miss Beacon pulled at
arm in a gesture to follow along. The two women moved cautiously forward. After
a few feet Miss Beacon stopped again.

Directly in front of her came a low “growl.”

That sound gripped

The growling came closer.
reached for the gun she had slipped into her waistband. Miss Beacon knelt down
on one knee.



Judge Fairchild stood outside at the curb looking skyward.
The sky was filled with dark, swiftly moving clouds. The wind, which had picked
up, carried cooler air. In the distance, a rumble of thunder could be heard. A
nearby silver maple tree twisted about in the wind, with leaves turned upside
down, a sure sign of an approaching storm.

The front door to the Reverend’s house opened and Chuck poked
his head out.

“You coming, Judge? Everyone’s inside waiting for you so we
can begin.”

“Yeah, I’m coming.”

Rain had just begun to fall. Large raindrops pelted the Judge
as he half jogged towards the front door. As he stepped onto the front step a
crackling sound was heard coming from somewhere to the Judge’s right. It was
accompanied by a huge burst of pulsating light. In a half second, a pounding
explosion of thunder shook the ground.

“You just made it, Judge,” said Chuck as held open the door.
“Looks like that lightning strike was meant for you,” he continued nodding in
the direction behind the Judge.

The Judge looked back out onto the front yard. Where he had
been standing just seconds before lay a huge smoldering branch from the nearby
silver maple tree. The branch had to be close to a foot in diameter.

“That sure would have done some damage, right Judge?”

“Yeah, it would have killed me.”

“Well, relax. It wasn’t your time, at least not yet,” laughed
Chuck as he headed off in the direction of the Reverend’s office.

There were now many flashes of lightning and rumbles of
thunder, as the storm stationed itself over the valley.

The Judge walked into the office where everyone else was

Samuel was standing over by a large floor to ceiling window
staring out at the storm. Cascades of rain shimmered down the panes of glass.

“We’re all here, Samuel,” said the Reverend.

“Go ahead, Reverend,” said Samuel without turning around.

“If you insist,” said the Reverend. Let’s begin then with
Shirley and Phyllis. What did you learn?”

The two women spoke for several minutes. They both
embellished what they had seen or learned.

“So it seems that Miss Beacon is involved with Powell and his
girlfriend. She shouldn’t be much of a problem. We’ll just have…”

Just then a loud clap of thunder rattled the walls. At that
instant the power went out and three small lamps which had been on in the
office went out.

“You got any candles?” asked Walter.

“Yes, there are a couple over on the book shelf, and another
one sitting on the small table by the door.”

Samuel still hadn’t turned from the window. However, he
raised his right hand upward in a gesture that resembled taking an oath.
Suddenly, a small flicker of a flame danced from the end of his index finger.
Its appearance caught everyone’s attention. Now, pointing his right hand as if
it were a weapon, the flame left the end of his finger and moved through the
heavy air of the office. The flame moved to each of the candles lighting each.
It then returned to the tip of Samuel’s index finger.

“Continue,” said Samuel without turning around.

thought the Reverend, as did most of the
others in the room.

“Well, Judy, it’s your turn,” said the Reverend.




Aaron wanted to go over to the man in the station wagon and
give him a piece of his mind.

You want a piece of me? Well come on,
he thought.

He stared at the man who just simply stared back.

Aaron looked away for a moment to his left. The rain was
coming down in sheets. The wind was rocking the Land Rover. Aaron turned again
to his right to get another look at the man in the station wagon, when he was
startled by the presence of his mother sitting next to him.


“Yes, Aaron.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Don’t you think I should be asking you that question?”

“I don’t understand.”

She looked straight ahead at the rain beating down upon the
windshield. She closed her eyes. Her chest heaved with a sigh.

Aaron wanted to touch her, to let her touch him. He so wanted
her to hold him, as she once did many years ago. He didn’t dare to however. He
didn’t want to break the spell that had brought her to him. He needed to be
able to talk to her right now. He needed her help.

“Aaron, what happened earlier wasn’t your fault. These devils
are cunning and ruthless. You had to learn this for yourself.”

“But, I feel so, so wrong. I felt like I let you and everyone
else down. I should have been stronger.”

She half turned and faced him. Over her shoulder Aaron could
see the man in the station wagon took renewed interest in Aaron’s Land Rover.
His mother noticed Aaron’s eyes were shuttling between her and the man in the nearby

“He can’t see me. Only you can see me.”

“He sees something!”

“You must listen to me, Aaron. There isn’t much time left.
Tonight, the coven is meeting to plot its final move against you. For you to be
able to defeat them, you will have to let them get very close to you. They are
going to have to trust you. Whatever they do, you must not let them provoke you
into losing your self-control with anger, pity or despair. You must remain
strong and true. Do you understand me?”

“I do, mother, I do. I will be strong.”

“No matter what happens?”

“No matter.”

“They can’t get to you through our family, but they have
other ways Aaron. They have ways.”

“I understand what is at stake here. I’m a Powell, descended
from a long line of brave Powell’s. It’s has been our responsibility to defeat
the devil and his followers, ever since that night in 1843. I can only promise
to do my best.”

She smiled at her son. Her smile warmed him. Her eyes seemed
moist as if she were about to cry.

“We shall all pray for you my son.”


She had begun to fade from view. Just before she did, she
blew him a kiss. At that moment, he felt a slight brush of warm air against his
right cheek. He touched at it with his right hand. She was completely gone now.

The man in the nearby car had rolled his window down to get a
better look. Something had caught his attention. He was still trying to see
something inside Aaron’s Rover.

Aaron looked over at the man. Their eyes met. Aaron smiled at
the man, and gave him a slight wave. This gesture seemed to frustrate the man
who now quickly rolled up his car window.

Aaron put the Rover in gear and backed out of his parking


Miss Beacon and
were frozen in place.

What the hell is that?

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