Everything to Nothing (43 page)

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Authors: Mark Henthorne

Tags: #romance, #relationships, #drugs, #sex, #mark, #to, #billionaire, #nothing, #bestseller, #f1, #monaco, #everything, #formula one, #henthorne

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‘Two seconds
honey.’ Michelle grabbed her bikini and shawls and skipped back
into the bathroom to put them on. A short time later she was ready
and Sally stood up from her chair.

‘You look good

‘So do


watched as Sally left the cabin and all she could do was dream of
ever looking as good as her friend. Sally had been to London
recently and dyed her hair a deep copper red. It cascaded down her
back to just under the strap of her bikini top. Sally must have
felt that Michelle was not following her and she turned in the
doorway to beckon her friend to follow. The bikini top fitted
snugly around Sally’s large breasts, slightly smaller though than
Michelle’s. But it was the stomach, hips and legs where Michelle
really lost out. Sally’s were toned with no fat on them at all.
Faintly you could make out her stomach muscles under the
translucent shawl, and her hips and legs also slender but with
toned muscle on them too. No matter how long Michelle spent in the
gym, no matter how hard she tried she could never look as good as
her friend did. She looked into Michelle’s eyes and smiled which
lit up her emerald green eyes. ‘Are you coming?’

‘Yeah, sorry.
Thank you Sally so much for letting me come with you.’

‘Nonsense! It
is my pleasure, well our pleasure. We’ll both enjoy your company.
Now come on and stop being silly! Lunch is ready. I’ve heard a
rumour that it’s one of the chef’s specialities; a delicious
seafood salad!’

‘Sounds even
more perfect!’

Sally held out
her hand which Michelle took and she led them through the yacht,
along the corridors that looked like they had been lifted straight
out of the Gallagher’s mansion, to the large pool area.




After the
seafood salad lunch the yacht began its journey. It turned away
from Saint-Tropez and made its way out into the Mediterranean
heading east towards the north shore of Corsica. While they were
sailing, Sally and Michelle relaxed around the pool area, swimming
or enjoying the Jacuzzi. During this time they were served with
delicious exotic fruits and a limitless supply of ice-cold fruit
juices to help keep the Mediterranean heat away.

It took five
hours to reach the north coast of Corsica and they moored two miles
off the island. When Sally told Michelle that they could take the
jet skis across to a secretive cove that could only be accessed
from the sea, Michelle let out a scream of excitement and they both
ran through the yacht down to the starboard hatch that had been
lowered for them. While they waited for the jet skis to be brought
round from the rear hangar, they relaxed in sun loungers and drank
more juice that was served to them from the starboard bar.

Soon enough the
skis were ready to go and they were moored next to the starboard
hatch. Both the women had used this exciting medium of transport
before, so they were quickly away, blasting across the perfectly
calm Mediterranean Sea towards the cove. Quickly they arrived at
the beach and they both dragged their skis onto it and took their
prepared towels and sunshade from the storage compartments on the

The rest of the
day was spent swimming and relaxing, with no one around them. The
sheer cliffs of the cove stopped anybody seeing them from above and
the yacht was far away, so the young ladies were comfortable enough
in each other’s presence to bathe and swim topless. Within one of
the compartments were light refreshments so at one point during the
day they lounged in the sand to eat the sandwiches and fruit.

All too soon
though the day was over and reluctantly they both loaded the skis
back up and made their way back to Samurai. As they disembarked
from the jet skis at the starboard hatch the Chief Steward met them
and informed them that dinner would be served around the pool area
at eight o’clock. When they walked towards their respective cabins
Sally could not help notice a sense of heightened activity on the
yacht so she approached one of the crew. ‘What’s going on? You all
seem very busy?’

‘Oh, nothing
Miss Gallagher. Just cleaning and preparing.’

‘Preparing for

‘Your father’s

‘But he doesn’t
arrive until the day after tomorrow?’

‘Yes, we know
ma’am, but we have a lot to do.’

Whatever. I’m going to have a rest now so please keep the noise to
a minimum around my cabin.’

‘Of course Miss

As they left
the steward Sally expressed her thoughts with Michelle. ‘Strange.
They always start to run around like headless chickens only on the
day my dad is due to arrive.’

‘I wouldn’t
think about it. They’ve obviously started early.’

‘Yeah, maybe.
Never mind. Right, here we are. I’m going to go to the bridge and
call David off the satellite phone. Do you want to come with me and
you can call Simon?’

‘Yeah, good
idea. I wanted to call him but I guess our mobiles won’t get a
signal out here?’

‘Yep, they
won’t work out here. We’ll go up now.’

‘Can we change
into something a bit less revealing first?’

Sally turned
and looked at her friend. She noticed how her breasts seemed to be
defying any known laws of physics by somehow remaining in her
bikini top. Catching a glimpse of herself in a nearby mirror she
also concluded that it would probably not be a good idea for her,
the daughter and heiress of a billionaire, to be surrounded by
sailors dressed the way they were. ‘Probably a very good idea
honey,’ stated Sally. ‘Meet you here in five?’


Ten minutes
later, both dressed in shorts and t-shirt, they stepped onto the
bridge where in a fluster they were approached by the Captain.
‘Miss Gallagher. A pleasure. Can I be of assistance?’

‘Can we use the
satellite phone to call England?’

‘Of course, of

‘What’s going
on? Everyone seems very busy?’

nothing at all. Just keeping busy running some safety drills.’

‘Oh. Do you
want us to come back later?’

‘No, no. Now is
fine. Please, you know where it is.’

Sally nodded
and wandered through the banks of computer screens and aviation
style chairs to where the satellite phone was housed. They both
phoned their respective partners, both expressing how much they
were missing them and how Benidorm was rubbish without them.
Claiming the expense of the call, neither of them talked for long
so they both made their way back through the yacht back towards
their cabins. ‘Right, I’m going to have a sleep I think so I’ll see
you here at eight and we can both go up to dinner,’ said Sally.

‘What should I

‘Just one of
your cotton summery dresses will be fine. Nothing too revealing,
nothing that’s going to make you hot either because it’s going to
be a balmy night.’


‘Yeah, it

‘Are you okay?
You seem distracted?’ Michelle asked.

something going on.’

‘Do you think
he’s coming early?’

‘I doubt it. He
sounded like he was very busy to get everything in a fit state to
leave it for a few days.’

‘He doesn’t
like to leave it does he?’

‘No, because
whenever he does someone messes up. He doesn’t have anyone he
trusts implicitly to control things when he’s away, hence why he’s
always trying to persuade me to join him.’

‘And are you
going to?’

‘I doubt it. I
don’t want to live like he has done, never seeing my future husband
or children, working every hour and every day. There’s more to life
than that isn’t there?’

‘Of course
there is. But remember, I’m sure he didn’t enjoy being away from
you or your mum, but he made the sacrifice. Without that sacrifice
we wouldn’t be stood on a hundred million dollar yacht.’

‘Two hundred

‘You know what
I mean.’

‘I suppose
you’re right. I’m still thinking about it. Anyway, I’m tired after
all the travel and swimming so I’m going for a rest. See you

‘Okay. See you




At seven
o’clock that evening Sally’s alarm woke her. After a few more
moments of resting her eyes, she leapt out of bed and did some
light pilates exercises. Once these were complete, she felt more
awake and started to prepare herself for dinner. It was while she
was applying a little makeup that she heard the distant noise of a

Used to hearing
helicopters come and go through her life, she did not pay it much
attention. Then she thought about where she was. The north coast of
Corsica is not renowned for its plethora of heliports. She also
noticed it was getting closer and when she listened harder she
thought she recognised the tone and beat of the engine. ‘Oh my!
That’s the Flying Star!’

With a shout of
delight, she threw her mascara onto the dressing table and raced
out of her room, banging on Michelle’s door as she passed. Michelle
jumped as she heard her door being hit so vigorously and she flung
it open without thinking that she was dressed only in her

‘Get some
clothes on quick! He’s here, he’s here!’

‘Calm down! Who

‘My dad, my
dad! Hurry up!’

Michelle flung on her dress and followed the now sprinting Sally
through the yacht. As they reached the rear of the vessel they were
just in time to see the yacht’s helicopter touch down on the
helipad. They both tried to approach, but the beat of the rotors
beat them back, but it was not long before the passenger door was
opened and Mr. Gallagher exited the helicopter. ‘Daddy!’ Sally
screamed, but he could not possibly hear her over the roar of the
settling engine and rotors.

Instead he
waved at them both, and ducking low he walked over to where they
were stood, to be greeted by big hugs and kisses on the cheek.
Pointing down, back into the body of the yacht, he took both their
hands and led them down into one of the lounge areas of the yacht.
Once they were away from the noise of the aircraft, Sally flung her
arms around his neck again. ‘I can’t believe you’ve come early! I
can’t believe it! I’m so happy to see you!’

‘Me too Mr.

‘And I’m happy
to see you both. Hot damn it’s good to be back on my yacht!’

‘Why? Why have
you been able to finish early?’

‘I pulled

‘What?! I
thought this was the deal of the year for you?!’

‘It was. But
they annoyed me. We’re making a deal with the more expensive
company instead. I’ll pay a little bit more to be treated the way I
should be treated.’

‘Fair enough.
We’re glad you decided to do that!’

‘Left it with
the lawyers and a couple of directors to sort out so no doubt when
I get back I’ll have to sort out the mess!’

‘Well it’s
about time you gave them a bit more responsibility. I thought the
helicopter, the Flying Star, was broken?’

‘Amazing how
quickly something can get fixed when you threaten to cancel the

‘Indeed! It’s
so good to see you!’

‘It’s good to
see you too darling, and you of course Michelle. Now, where can an
old man get a drink around here?’

‘Which old
man?’ retorted Sally, looking over his shoulder. ‘Come on. Let’s go
up to the pool area. Dinner should be ready now. And you’re not

‘Hmmm, perhaps
you’re right. I’d still give you a run out on the squash court I

‘I know you
would. Come on! Let’s go and relax by the pool and we can talk
about anything and everything so long as the anything and
everything does not concern the company!’

‘Sounds good to

Taking both
their hands he led them up a level. When they arrived he gave a
quick glance down onto the helipad to make sure the crew were
storing the helicopter away straight away. Sally pulled him away.
‘Come away and relax. They know what to do.’

‘I doubt it.
That’s the reason it broke you know?’ he replied, turning to face
her. ‘They left it out overnight in a storm!’

‘Yes, I know
daddy, you told me. You also told me that you don’t think that they
will ever do it again after the roasting you gave them! Trust them
to do their job.’

‘That’s one of
my biggest problems Sally. I don’t trust anyone apart from

‘I’m glad you
do trust me, but let’s forget about everything and relax!’

‘Okey dokey
boss. Lead me to the bar!’

‘Come on!’

Sally dragged
him to the bar where she dismissed the offers of the attendant and
made her father his favourite cocktail, a mojito. For the rest of
the evening and into the night, they talked and talked about
anything and everything; from the hopes and aspirations of the
Sally and Michelle to how much they all missed Sally’s mother.
Eventually though, after many freshly made cocktails, a few yawns
were exchanged and both the women announced that they were going to
bed. They both gave him a goodnight hug and kiss, after which they
both retired to their respective cabins.

Mr. Gallagher
though was not tired. After all the years of creating his fortune,
he only slept for a few hours each night and he was quite
comfortable to go for a number of days without sleep. He quickly
called James from the satellite phone on the bridge to make sure
that nothing had gone wrong in the short time he had been away.
James politely informed him to not call again until he returned to
England and that everything would be handled while he was away.

Not believing
him for a moment, still he made a mental note though to try and
resist the temptation to call again, so he returned to the pool
area where he dismissed the bar attendant, who he noted looked
shattered, and made himself another cocktail. He then remembered
that he had forgot to tell James about a small matter and before he
realised what he was doing he was half way back to the bridge.

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