Read Everything to Nothing Online

Authors: Mark Henthorne

Tags: #romance, #relationships, #drugs, #sex, #mark, #to, #billionaire, #nothing, #bestseller, #f1, #monaco, #everything, #formula one, #henthorne

Everything to Nothing (14 page)

BOOK: Everything to Nothing
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As Sally
thought, she did not seem to realize that she was leading Storm to
the top of a hill that looked down onto a certain road that went
past a certain garage. They reached the brow of the hill and Sally
was surprised when she looked down the hill and there, at the
bottom, was the garage where David worked. She looked down onto it
and through the fading light she noticed a figure appear out of one
the garages and wander over to one of the vans on the yard. This
figure hopped onto the rear of the van and for a moment it looked
like he was staring at something in one of his hands that was held
out in front of him. Then the hand moved to the side of his head
and after a few moments she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket
followed by the ring tone ringing. Storm shifted under her as the
noise startled her a little but she quickly settled. Sally looked
at the screen of the phone after she had removed it from her pocket
and was surprised to see that it was an unknown number that was
calling her. Her thumb automatically went to the red button to
reject the call, but then something unknown, a feeling inside her,
made her accept the call. She lifted the handset to her ear and
simply said, ‘Hello.’

‘Hi. Is that

‘It is. Who is

‘Erm, hi, it is
David. I guess you remember me but I guess you get lots of guys
calling you?’ David gave a nervous little laugh as he thought his
attempted joke crashed and burned. What he did not see was Sally’s
face visibly brighten, flush and then smile.

‘That’s a bit
silly isn’t it David? Of course I remember you. How could I forget

‘Erm, good.
Erm, how are you anyway?’

‘I am okay.
Didn’t sleep very well.’

‘That isn’t
surprising. Neither did I.’

‘Well it wasn’t
a very nice night for either of us.’

‘Erm, no, I
suppose it wasn’t. Erm, good news about your car, it has been

‘Oh! Wow! Did
you do it?’

‘Yeah, with a
little help.’

‘David you
shouldn’t have. I would have paid to get it done. You didn’t have
to spend your day off working on my car!’

‘It’s okay. I
was working anyway. It didn’t take long.’

‘Well, anyway,
I’m touched. I will make sure I pay you for it.’

‘I must warn
you that it is not like it was, I mean, everything is fixed, but
the amount of damage… It was impossible to get it like it was.’

‘I didn’t even
expect you to attempt to fix it and I certainly would not expect
you to get it as it was so whatever you have done will be fine. How
much do I owe you?’

‘Well, erm, I
don’t want money and I would never take money from you anyway.’

‘No, I insist.
How much?’

‘No, like I
said, no money. You can pay me in another way…’

Sally put on a
sultry tone and said, ‘Why David, I have only just met you!’

They both
laughed at Sally’s joke and David went on to say, ‘Erm, I didn’t,
erm, exactly mean that. You can pay me, by, well, erm, going out
with me sometime, I mean, well, you wouldn’t have to pay even then,
I mean, erm, the payment would be going out for a date with me.’
David was shocked as the words came out of his mouth. He had an
idea that he was going to ask her out but not like this and he then
thought that she was going to put the phone down on him. However,
her answer surprised him to the point of jaw-dropping.

‘I would
absolutely love to so long as I you let me pay for everything. That
is my only term and is, quite frankly, un-negotiable.’

Sally had been
watching the figure on the back of the van as they talked. Not long
after the conversation had started she had seen the figure hop back
down off the van and start pacing up and down the yard. After she
had given her reply she saw the figure leap in the air and start
punching the air.

For a few
moments there was silence as David tried to regroup his thoughts
and finish his celebration manoeuvres. Quickly he thought about
what she said and he concluded to just accept even if she wanted to
pay for everything. ‘Okay then, if you insist. When would be a good
time for you?’

‘Anytime. I am
free all nights this week.’

‘Okay. How
about Wednesday?’


‘What would you
like to do?’ asked David.


‘What time
would you like me to pick you up?’

‘Well if my car
is okay I will drive and pick you up.’

‘Are you sure
that is okay? I don’t mind driving.’

Sally thought
that she did not mind driving but she did mind him seeing her house
and realising how wealthy she was. ‘No honestly, it is okay for me.
Let me know your postcode and house number and I will find
directions to your house.’

David gave her
these details which Sally easily remembered and then he said, ‘When
would you like to pick the car up?’

Sally noticed
that he had returned to his seat on the back of the van and she was
so tempted to inform him that she could come for it right now but
she managed to bite her tongue. Instead she did say, ‘How about
tomorrow? Not too early though! Need my beauty sleep if I have a
date on Wednesday!’

‘I don’t think
you do. How about eleven tomorrow?’

‘Perfect again.
Eleven it is then. Give me a call if anything changes.’

‘Will do. See
you Sally.’

‘See you

Sally pressed
the red button on her phone and looked down and saw David jump off
the back of the van and do another dance of joy. She felt awful
spying on him like this but she was also very impressed about how
much a simple date with her obviously meant to him. She looked down
at her phone and entered the menu Received Calls and there was
David’s number. She created a new addition in her phone book and
then quietly said to Storm, ‘A new addition to my life angel, one
that I am immensely looking forward to developing.’

With those
words she turned Storm around and made her way through the dusky
evening back to the estate.


Chapter 15


Her Saturday
went from bad to worse. After leaving his house, she walked home
and everything seemed perfect. She felt great and almost skipped
her way home. Arriving home she lied easily to her mum about where
she had spent the night then went straight upstairs and showered.
While she was in the shower the cocaine was still affecting her so
she toyed and played with herself, also using the shower head in an
imaginative way until she brought herself to orgasm. Thankfully
over the noise of the shower her mum could not hear the loud moans
and groans as the immense feelings ripped through her daughter’s

Sarah knew
though that even if her mum could hear her she would not be
concerned or even notice the ecstasy her daughter was experiencing.
Sarah also knew that by this time on a Saturday her mum would have
had at least a bottle of vodka and some wine to top it off. As the
day carried on she would continue to top this off with probably gin
or whiskey depending on what mood she was in. The only way nowadays
that Sarah had to judge her mum’s mood was by what drink she was
consuming at that given moment; gin if she was feeling particularly
down, whiskey meant she was hovering around joyous, vodka was the
middle of the road drink.

Sarah’s mum had
not taken notice of anything Sarah did for a long time now. Ever
since her dad had run off with a cleaner from his work her mum had
been in a downward spiral of ever decreasing spirits, and an upward
spiral of ever increasing consumption of spirits. Her parents’
history was always something that upset Sarah whenever she thought
about it. She knew that her parents were just not meant to be

They had spent
one night together and her mum had got pregnant after that one
night. Fair enough, her dad stood by her mum and married her, but
even Sarah could work out that she was a little mistake and indeed
her mum had even once kindly put it to her when she was drunk one
night, ‘Sarah, you are a little mistake’.

Even after
hearing this, Sarah, who loved her mum immensely like any daughter
does, tried everything to get her off the drink. She tried removing
all alcohol out of the house but this just resulted in trips to the
local boozers and Sarah had been called out many times to the local
drinking establishments to come and collect her highly inebriated

Not wanting to
make their problems anymore public than they already were, Sarah
tried a different tack and hid all of her mum’s bank account cards
and savings books so she had no way of purchasing the demon drink.
All this resulted in was her mum taking identification down to the
bank and withdrawing money without needing her cards or books. So,
Sarah again tried a different tack. This involved, during rare
moments of sobriety, trying to talk to her mum about her definite

Sarah had done
her research and knew that they did have a problem. When she
removed all alcohol out of the house and her mum did not have a
drink, she noticed that after a short time she started sweating,
shaking and she also noticed that she became anxious and agitated.
To get over this Sarah allowed her mum small amounts of alcohol but
this just resulted in a total loss of control. She demanded that
Sarah go out and get her more to drink. When Sarah refused she got
highly angry and that was when the trips to the local bars started.
She definitely knew they had trouble when Sarah came down in the
early morning and saw that her mum had not gone to work nor phoned
to tell them that she was not going to work, but was instead sat
watching television with a large glass of vodka on one side of the
table next to her and a large glass of wine on the other side. The
sun had not even risen. Needless to say, after a few more mornings
like this, she was sacked. Ever since those mornings, Sarah knew
that her mum was an alcoholic.

She had tried
persuading her mum to seek help by talking to her, but her mum
denied that she needed help. “It is just a phase I am going through
since your dad left.” The phase had been lasting over eighteen
months now. Of course, any sentence mentioning the ‘d’ word led her
mum to take another drink.

Sarah had taken
to leaving leaflets around the house from local alcohol
organizations, but these went unread. Eventually Sarah contacted
the organization herself and asked them for help. They told her to
try and bring her mum to a meeting. This took around a month of
subtle persuasion until her mum agreed to go but she insisted that
she went on her own. Sarah knew this was a bad idea and indeed, it
turned out to be a very bad idea.

Her mum did
attend the meeting; however, she was highly drunk when she did. The
meeting organizers did not mind this as much as the fact that
during the meeting she pulled out a bottle of whiskey out of her
bag and started to drink it. When she then started to offer the
bottle around to the other attendees she was asked, in not quite so
polite terms, to leave. It was after this disaster that Sarah gave
up. She decided that she could not help her mum anymore and left
her to her downward and upward spirals of spirits.

Sarah, without
the guiding hand of a parent, her father did not help her because
Sarah refused to acknowledge that she had a father anymore, became,
to say the least, a little wild. She was out partying near enough
every night and had built up quite a good reputation for being a
party girl. She was also building a reputation for being extremely
liberal with whom she took to bed.

Knowing that
her mum would be comatose by midnight, there was no problem in
taking young men back home and having some fun with them. Over the
last twelve months she had tried lots of men in all shapes and
sizes, and slowly worked through the book of sexual positions she
kept under her bed. One time, when she was on the living room
carpet in her favourite position of being taken from behind, her
mother had actually walked past them into the kitchen, got a glass
of some strong liquor, and returned back upstairs without even
noticing her or the black man who had his penis lodged deeply
inside her daughter’s vagina.

Her promiscuity
did come with its problems. She had had an abortion in the last few
months and she knew very well that she had Chlamydia, but this did
not stop her having copious amounts of unprotected sex with a
plethora of partners. The abortion though was one thing that she
did not want to experience again, so after the shower she walked
naked to her bedroom and took a contraceptive pill. She refused to
use condoms as the feeling of a man ejaculating into her, the
feelings of desirability that this gave her, was one of the most
enjoyable aspects of sex for her. It was after taking this pill
that she started to feel nauseous again.

She lay down on
her bed and this helped a little, but not enough. She jumped up and
returned quickly to the bathroom and knelt down in front of the
toilet not for the first time that day. Nothing happened though and
she was tempted to stick her fingers down her throat but she
resisted. Instead, after a few more minutes knelt there, she
returned to her bedroom and started to pace around, feeling again
restless as she had in the morning. She was puzzled as to what was
making her feel like this and then she remembered Peter’s words,
“Everything comes at a price Sarah.” and then the thought occurred
to her that she was addicted.

Although she
did not realize it, it was nothing quite so dramatic; however, she
was experiencing a severe cocaine comedown. The amount she had
taken through the night and the morning was a lot. Being that she
was also not used to it resulted in her having all the symptoms of
a very heavy comedown. She tried lying down again and relaxing but
as soon as she closed her eyes an image flashed in front of her,
the same image that she had experienced in the morning, the image
of the cocaine bag resting on the bedside table. Her eyes flashed
open and this time she said out loud, ‘Oh my God, I am

BOOK: Everything to Nothing
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