Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy) (16 page)

BOOK: Everything She Needs (The Everything Trilogy)
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It was so intense. In his eyes, I could see both pleasure and pain. His feelings were alternating, making mine do the same thing. I had an overwhelming feeling of love and an equally difficult feeling to deal with, want.

I pushed my feelings back hard and broke the stare by leaning in to kiss him. I kissed him with everything I had, and I
was. Alfie kissed me back with equal passion. He broke the kiss and nuzzled into my neck, his voice husky as he spoke into my ear. “Fuck, you are so amazing, my little Lily. I am so happy right now.”

He smiled and continued talking. “You being here with me, makes tonight so much more than it already was.” My heart stuttered at his candid words about his feelings. This was the most open I’d ever heard him about anything. I can’t explain how I felt hearing that, ecstatic doesn’t really cover it.

“C’mon.” He pushed me up and stepped in front of me, pulling me to the back of the box again. “Dance with me
,” he cooed, smiling.

I’d never heard of anyone dirty dancing to rock music before, but we managed it
, and Alfie had me giggling again. My melancholy low mood passed due to being with him, he had a way of making me feel better.

He leaned forward next to my ear. “Am I allowed to use hands yet?” he asked, grinning suggestively with his
eyebrows wiggling.

I hesitated
. “Maybe.” He gave me a naughty smile.

“Interesting choice of words there,
Missy. Are you teasing me?” He chuckled, then said sexily, “Your call, baby,” before pulling me in for another breathtaking kiss.

We forgot the music altogether as we got lost in each other. We made out like teenagers
in the back of the box. We were partly hidden by the barrier between the breakfast bar style bench, and the seating. We could see our friends at the front of the box below as the seating was tiered.

Jack had turned to look for us, and I knew he could only see my head above the wood. It was just as well really, because Alfie had his hands up under my thigh length dress, and was hugging the cheeks of my ass.

It was my fault really, I was the one that broke the no hands agreement when I slipped my hands up under his t-shirt and raked my nails down his back. “Fuck, Lily.” Alfie’s eyes had grown wide, and without any space between my movements and his, he slid his hands up there before I could change my mind.

He turned me around to face the stage and saddled up behind me, rubbing his more than ample erection over my ass and swept my hair to the side to nuzzle my neck again. He kissed across my bare shoulder softly, making me shudder, causing him to chuckle into my neck.

The dress I was wearing was a party dress, body hugging. It was silver and jade green. Elle persuaded me to buy it, saying it was “a rock-star-girlfriend’s dress.” The sexy bodice of the dress pushed my pert breasts into a perfect cleavage.

Alfie’s hand slid between my thighs, gliding up to the lace of my hold ups. He gave me an erotic guttural growl, before venturing further to my lace panties. “Christ, Lily, you’re soaked, tak
e your panties off,” he hissed.

He curled his index fingers
in the elastic waistband of my panties at each side and dipping slightly, making light work of drawing them down to my ankles. I lifted each leg as he pulled them away, stepping free of them.

He scrunched them up, kissed them chastely and tucked them quickly into his jeans pocket. His eyes flicking to mine again as I turned to look at him.

He smirked playfully, widening his eyes at me, before flashing me his sexy lopsided smile. He dipped his mouth to my ear again and told me, “I need to be inside you so fucking badly, Lily, but I’m not taking you here. This isn’t going to be some quick fuck in the back of here. I want you spread out and in my bed.”

His finger stroked my saturated entrance as he spoke
, and he kicked my feet wider to allow him access to play with me. His finger rubbed my little bundle of nerves and made me shudder when his mouth kissed my neck at the same time.

It seemed like I was a one woman epidemic of goose bumps tonight. The pleasure he evoked in me wa
s nothing short of sensational.

I moaned
, and I leaned back, melding into his hard body, whilst he worked me to a leisurely release. “Do that again, I love the noises you make when I’m playing with your body,” he whispered seductively into my ear.

His touch was unhurried, he was
taking his time, feeling me tenderly, stroking down either side of my clitoris before, finally, allowing his finger to glide inside. My eyes closed, and my head rolled back on his chest. A moan escaped my lips, and I heard him growl in my ear over the music when his finger entered me.

I reached behind me and rubbed his bulging erection through his jeans. He was going commando, the glans of his cock breach
ing his waistband.  I could rub the head of him without needing any adjustment to gain access.

His legs almost buckled when he bent forward and saw me take my moist thumb out of my mouth, slip it back there and connect with his smooth mushroomed head. I rubbed it over his glands and flicked his

“One hour
,” he growled. I turned my head and looked up at him, my brows bunched as I puzzled over what he meant. “The party, we’re leaving in one hour,” he clarified.  I only hoped I was doing the right thing.

Before we left the box, some music executive came to speak with the band. I overheard them set up a meeting with him for January 2
, the day before they were due to fly back to the USA.

I hoped it was good news for them, but at the same time, I had that feeling of dread again. He was going to be famous and at some point maybe he’d be leaving me again.

I shook it off, as Jack came and kissed me on my nose. “Jesus, Jack, have you never heard of appropriate body space?”

He smirked
. “What’s yours is mine baby, what’s yours is mine, so, therefore, there is no invasion.” I giggled at the state he was in, and it was still another hour until the New Year. I wondered if he’d see it before he passed out.



The New Year’s Eve party was taking place in the O2 venue so we didn’t have to move on anywhere. Apparently, it was in another part of the site. When the guys were ready, Alfie came over to us.  My heart sped when our eyes connected again. The executive was leaving, and Alfie’s attention turned back to me.

He took my hand. “Come on, we’ve a party to escape from, but we need to go there before we can leave.” I wished we could’ve left at that moment.

Everyone followed us down the long corridor and through countless doors, and I wondered how the hell Alfie had learned this route in a few days. It would have taken me months with my lack of direction.

I was surprised when we walked in and everyone started clapping, then remembered we were with the support band. I felt a little self-conscious, but the ever confident Alfie smiled down at me and squeezed my hand.

“You look beautiful, bet they’re applauding that dress.” He winked. I smiled back, funny how he knew exactly the right thing to say to stop me feeling nervous.

The lead singer of Cobham Street strolled over to Alfie.  He was a
tall, muscular guy with a sleeve of ink down his arm. Many of the tattoos looked like there was no rhyme or reason to them all being on one arm.

He w
as carrying a large glass with amber liquid in his hand. “Fucking A, dude! Glad you stepped in, we were stoked you guys played for us.” Alfie grinned.

“Glad to be of service, anytime
,” he joked.

Rick Fars, the guy in front of me
, was a legend, and I felt like I was five again, all tongue-tied and awkward. Alfie glanced at me and smirked. “Sorry, Rick, this is my girl, Lily.” He smiled at me and squeezed my hand again, “Lily, meet Rick.”  Once again, he’d introduced me as “his girl.”

Rick’s eyes met mine
, and he gave me a half smile. “Actually, I wasn’t interested in this dude, I only came over to see who the smoking hot chick was that he had in tow.” He was joking, but it made me feel better that he wasn’t up his own ass or felt that he was so self-important that he could say or do what he wanted without consequence.

Alfie’s face wasn’t that happy though
. I didn’t think he liked Rick objectifying me in front of him, and his jaw twitched like it did when he was mad.

We chatted for a few minutes, and he was courteous enough to ask me about myself. I felt stupid telling him I was studying music when this guy made millions every year doing just that
, and he’d never even been to college.

Alfie and I wandered around
, mingling, until it was midnight. Someone had found a massive TV and wheeled the damned thing into the room to count down to the chimes of Big Ben.

Ten, nine, eight… I looked over at Jack. He smirked and wrapped his arm over Elle’s shoulder. Elle turned her head and began shouting loudly with him as the count down to the
New Year came to an end.

Big Ben began chiming, and on the first bong of Big Ben’s bell, the room was filled with cheers. There were people making out all over the place, no clipped restraint like there
was between relatives in someone’s sitting room at home.

Alfie took my face in both hands. I
didn’t think I’d ever seen him look so happy. “Happy New Year, honey, it’s going to be a great one.” He closed the gap between us, staring intensely at me. It was as if time stood still, and we were the only people in the room.

He brushed his lips across mine, before moving his hand behind my head to push me closer, deepening the kiss with his tongue at the same time.

His other hand left my face and slid down to the small of my back, and he pulled me closer until I was flush against him. He broke the kiss, but left his mouth at the side of mine. “Ten minutes, and we’re gone,” he growled huskily.

Jack pushed Alfie out of the way
. “Stop keeping her for yourself, you’ll wear her out before I get mine,” he teased Alfie.

“Happy New Year honey, I love you so much.” Jack picked me up and spun me around planting a
chaste drunken kiss on my lips.

Alfie’s eyes flashed at mine, he looked embarrassed that Jack was doing this, and being able to tell me without condition that he loved me. I wondered how it fel
t to stand there and hear that.

There was nothing he could do about it. Not even if he had felt differently towards me, because Jack’s celebratory kiss and actions were totally appropriate for those of a friend.

I must have kissed dozens of people after wishing my friends a “Happy New Year.” Drew, Des, and Andy earned scowls and dark looks from Alfie when it was their turn to kiss me, but the worst was saved when Rick came back, saying, “I’m not missing my chance to kiss this little cutie.”

Alfie looked like he was going to commit murder, but I controlled the situation, by turning my head so that his kiss landed on my cheek rather than my mouth. Many women would have deemed me insane for that
; Rick’s a very hot looking guy.

However, from my perspective, although he’s a famous rock star, I didn’t know where that mouth had been. Alfie squeezed my hand when Rick released the vice
-like grip he had on my waist, and I laced my fingers back in Alfie’s. I think he appreciated my efforts to fend Rick off the way I did.

led me over to Jack. “Say Goodnight, we’re leaving,” he commanded. He dropped my hand and wandered over to Drew. They both dipped heads towards each other as Alfie spoke into his ear. Drew looked over and nodded, smiled and held his green beer bottle up in a salute, and began chugging it down.

Drew’s eyes flicked to my right
, and I turned to see what he was looking at. Elle was smiling, and she began walking towards Drew, his arm was held out to the side waiting for her to fit in it.

David was deep in conversation with the music executive who came to speak with the guys earlier. Maddie’s feet were swollen
, and I could just tell she’d had enough for today. I smiled at her. “I’m so glad you came, honey. Do you want me to get you a cab home?”

She smiled slowly and nodded. “Yeah, I’m a bit beat, Lily, but I had a great time, thank you.” I hugged her and
signaled to Alfie. He came back and slipped his hand in mine.

“We need to make sure Maddie’s alright.  The others can fend for themselves.

Alfie nodded and smiled at her. “Sit tight little mama, I’ll make sure you get home safely.” He walked over to a mountain-of-a-guy who looked almost as wide as he did tall. I fi
gured that he must be security.

The guy spoke into his wrist, and then turned back to Alfie.  He strolled back over to us. “Okay, there’s a car waiting for you, Maddi
e. He’ll make sure you get home.  Come on, we’ll walk with you.”

We walked through the massive expanse of the venue’s concourse
, our voices echoing in the vast space. Alfie signaled to another equally wide guy, who led Maddie out and into a black Toyota SUV with tinted windows. We waved, and although I couldn’t see her, I knew that she would be waving back at us.

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