Everything I Want (3 page)

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Authors: Natalie Barnes

BOOK: Everything I Want
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We pulled up outside the studio. The day, of course, is hot and humid; so I hurry my way into the cool building. Lux is standing in front of the doors, greeting us as we walk in. Beside him stands Tristan and Caleb. Oh, boy! Will I ever get over this feeling of titillation I get whenever Tristan’s around? I want to taste him and slap him all in the same moment. Fuck, it’s so annoying. I shake off the image of Tristan in my mind and look over to Caleb and give him a small smile and wave.

Caleb’s head is shaved, and has tattoos and piercings all over. By the looks of him, he may seem kind of scary; but when you start talking to him, he is a very sweet and intelligent man. Meaning: don’t judge a book by its cover.

“Hey, everyone!” Lux says as he walks toward the middle of all of us. He’s now standing in the center of us, turning slowly in a circle as he starts talking again. Looking at each one of us, he says, “We have to get some photos done of you guys today. Tristan and Caleb will take you guys downtown to meet up with the team.” Tristan and Caleb are standing back just a little ways. Caleb is grinning ear to ear. Tristan, on the other hand, is standing there with this stone-cold look on his face, showing no emotion. Figures!

“I’m thinking that some industrials would look good. Does this sound okay?” Lux glances at me then the guys. I’m thinking that industrials would look pretty sweet. We all nod at each other; then I turn back to Lux. “Yeah. That sounds cool, actually.” I couldn’t help my super excited grin dancing on my face. “I have one question.” Matt raises his hand slightly like we’re back in class or something.

“Shoot.” Lux nods at him to go on.

“What’s industrial?” I turn back at him with the dumbest look that must be showing on my face.

“Really Matt?” I quirked my eyebrow up at him.

“I know what industrial is, Sophie.” He uses air quotes when he said industrial. “All I was wondering is… Are we gonna be using metal and shit?” Awe my. I really can’t give him a hard time about this because the look on his face says that he’s really trying to understand.

“Yes, Matt. That’s exactly what you guys will be using,” Lux says it to him in a slow speech; then, Lux shakes his head and looks around at all of us one last time. “You guys are going downtown by some warehouses. That’s where the shoot will take place. Now… Anymore questions?” Everyone turns back to Matt. He looks at all of us. “Hey back off. Shit! Next time I won’t fucking speak.” You can tell by the tone of his voice that he was trying to be serious, but the expression on his face gave away a look of a wiseass. We all started laughing and throwing a couple jokes at him. I walk over to him, and I give him a quick squeeze. When I turned back around to face Lux, I notice Tristan glaring at me. “We got shit to do. Let’s go.” Tristan walks past us, heading out of the lobby doors. Lux shakes his head then waves us on. “Good luck!” He says before heading toward the elevators. How come the thought of Tristan comes to mind when Lux said “Good luck”?

Caleb holds the door for me as we start to leave. It’s nice to know that his guitarist has some fucking manners. Two vehicles are out front parked in the street. Both of them are SUVs with tinted windows. I so don’t want to be in Tristan’s vehicle. I notice Caleb entering the first one parked. I see Matt and Cory opening the doors to get in. Shit! I have to hurry so I can get a spot. When I approach, I notice the back of it has trunks and cases filling it.

“Hey, girl! Over here.” I hear Roger yelling, holding the front door of the second SUV open for me.
I mumbled some profanities to myself and rolled my eyes.
Stop acting like a brat!
I scold myself. “No, no, that’s okay. You can take the front. You’re bigger than me. I can squeeze in the back with Jared.”

“Don’t be silly. Ladies first, remember? Now get in.” Roger’s pulling the tender gentleman card, but right now, all I feel is annoyed. “Someone get in!” Tristan leans forward onto his folded arms that are resting on the steering wheel. I take one last look at Roger and give him a little scowl. All that’s given back to me is a cheesy grin that’s on his face. I take my seat in the SUV, reaching up to grab the seatbelt.

“Sophia, do you mind moving your seat up a little?” Roger asks me. I buckled myself in and reach for the button on the side to move my seat forward. “You know, Roger, you should have just sit in the front like I said. You’re much bigger than me.” I’m so close to the dashboard now. Roger isn’t the slimmest one in the bunch (if you know what I mean,) and he’s very tall, too.

We turn onto the freeway and head north. I have no idea where we’re going. The only parts of LA I’ve seen in the past month are the studio and the hotel. Yes, I know. I’m lame. The guys tried getting me out a couple times, but all I could focus on was doing my best job on the album. Roger and Jared started talking about some club they went to the other night.

Reaching forward in my seat, I push the button for the radio. I really don’t want to hear about their sexcapades. Tristan glances down at my hand. I find a station that’s playing Alice in Chains, “Hole.” Great song. I’ve always loved ’90s rock music, especially those from ’94 and down. I turned it up a little louder when Roger started talking about some easy whore he slept with. Ugh! Guys are such pigs! That’s why I made sure never to be one of those girls. I’ve only been with a few guys and I’m proud of it. Like literally three. But I can say sometimes it was definitely tough.

There’s something about Layne Stanley’s voice during this song that makes my nerves start to shiver. I look over to Tristan, and I noticed how he presses his right palm, rubbing up and down on his upper thigh. Just the little action of what Tristan does brings the image of his rough hands on my body. The thoughts of what could be are teasing my skin. Oh my god! Change thinking process now!

I stared out at the freeway when, all of a sudden, I hear Tristan’s voice. “So… You like Alice and Chains, huh?” What is this? Is he actually being nice? It’s probably because Roger and Jared are in here so close. I look up at him real quick and notice his right hand combing through is thick, curly hair. He looks so damn hot right now. “Yeah” is the only thing I could get out of mouth right now. Damn, my stomach. He makes me so nervous. He glances down at me and uses his index finger to slide his sunglasses back into place on the bridge of his nose. I can’t keep staring at him, so I turn and gaze back out the window.

“What other bands do you like?” Wait, is Tristan actually making conversation?
That’s nice.

“Well, I like pretty much alternative and rock. A few of my favorites are Deftones and Pantera, Avenged Sevenfold, In This Moment, and you guys… ” Why oh why did I just admit that? Shit. Shit. Now his head is going to be even bigger. I take a quick glance up at him. He has this little half smile playing on his lips. Wow! He is so hot wearing those aviator sunglasses, his wavy hair falling around his broad face, his tight gray T-shirt that compliments his muscular chest so perfectly… Mmm… Damn it! I have to stop letting my thoughts run away with me. I press my thighs together to stop the dull ache that’s been growing between my legs since I got into this damn car. That’s it! Roger has shotgun on the way back.

We take a right toward our exit. “Well, thanks” was all that he said back to me saying that I liked their music. Okay?
I guess?
We’re at a stoplight now, and this gorgeous car pulls up next to us. I think it’s a Ferrari? Yeah, it has that dancing-looking horse emblem on the hood. Shit. When I actually notice it, there are a lot of nice cars around. I see one of these kinds of cars every once in a while back home, but rarely. Sports cars in Michigan equals not so good. One word: winter. As I’m thinking of all of this, Tristan pulls me out of my train of thought.

“We’re about five minutes away now. There will be some costumes at the site. I think a stylist will be available if anyone needs help or anything.”

“Wait. Like what kind of costumes? Halloween and shit?” Jared stupidly asks.

“No. Unless you want to wear that shit. Basic shit you know? I think the only one with really any choices here is her.” Tristan uses his thumb and gestures toward me.

“I tell you guys what. I’m not changing my fucking clothes. I could care less.” Roger speaks up from the back.

“That’s probably because they won’t have anything in your size,” Jared says then busts out laughing.

“I’m not fat, you fucktard! I’m big-boned. Fuck! My dick alone wouldn’t be able to fit into the bitch pants you wear.”

“Sure, Roger,” Jared says to him, still laughing.

“All right, children, knock it off.” I have to talk to them like this sometimes. I glance back over to Tristan, and he’s smiling a little. He’s so unbelievably attractive when he’s like this.

We arrive at the location. These are warehouses? Detroit always comes to mind when thinking of warehouses. Like the Packard Plant. Actually, that’s not a bad idea. I’m going to have a little talk with Lux about setting some video shoots up in Motown.

“So what’s going to happen now exactly?” I ask Tristan. “I mean… I— We’ve never done anything like this before.” Tristan pulls off his shades and his eyes are a little softer now.

“There will be a stylist and photographers. That kind of shit. All you guys have to do is get ready, and they will direct the rest. If you have any ideas, make sure to let them know. Lux won’t be stopping by so that’s why I’m here to make sure it goes okay.”

“Sounds easy,” Jared says.

I climb out of the SUV and start walking over to meet up with Cory and Matt. They’re laughing at something Caleb just said.

“You’s ready?” I asked them both. “Yeppers,” Matt says then looks down at me still trying to control his laughter. What the fuck did Caleb say that’s so funny? All of a sudden, I hear a very flamboyant voice in the background.

“Hello, hello, hello!”

This really tall, thin man with long, blonde hair comes out. He’s wearing black leather pants with a matching leather vest. He has a red bandana tied around his neck. He’s wearing heavy black eyeliner and his fingernails are painted dark red. Oh, boy! I hope the guys behave themselves, or I’m going to freak. I hurry up and turn around to face them, quietly speaking to them.

“Better fucking behave yourselves!” I turn back on my heel. Tristan chuckled at my comment to the guys. He must know, when we go out in public sometimes, it is like a fucking zoo.

“Ooh la la. You’re so fabulous! I’m Frankie. Frankie Heart.” He winks at me then embraces me in a big hug. Wow, okay?

“And you must be my Sophia. And these are the boys, hmm?” They all look uncomfortable while Frankie checks them out. Roger and Jared are trying so hard not to laugh. Cory just has this confused look on his face, and poor Matt… Well, I don’t really think he knows what to think. Actually, I think Matt might be a little high when I get a better look at his face, what with his bloodshot eyes and all. “Give me names of da boys.” Frankie gestures his delicate hand to them.

“Well, this handsome man right here is my drummer, Roger.” I smile and grab Roger’s hand to pull him closer. He seems to be dragging his feet a little. “Roger.” Frankie stretches out his delicate hand for Roger to grab. Roger takes his hand and shakes once firmly.

“Ooh… Love the grip! Gotta hold onto them sticks tight, huh?” Frankie says teasingly. Everyone but Roger burst out laughing, even Tristan. Roger doesn’t know what to do or say but nod. “Yeah, I guess.” He’s trying not to be rude, and I can tell Frankie is just pulling his chain a little. “This is my bass player, Jared.” I nod over my shoulder to Jared. “Nice to meet you, Jared. OMG! I love your pants!” Now Roger starts wailing from laughing. Jared glares at him. I had to hurry up and change the subject fast before these two start ripping into each other. “This is Matt. He’s one of my guitarists.”

“Charmed, I’m sure.” Frankie winks at Matt. Matt’s more of the pretty boy of the group, so he does this all-American smile at Frankie; and I thought Frankie was going to have a heart attack. Matt loves fucking around with people. Stupid ass. But he is kind though. “And, finally, this is Cory.” Cory walks up to Frankie with his right hand extended. “He is lead guitar.” I stated before taking another quick glimpse at Tristan. Caleb and he are now standing behind me. Tristan has this sexy smirk playing on his lips with his arms crossed in front of him. Caleb just whispers something in his ear and Tristan nods. I wonder what Caleb just said?

Frankie yells something towards the warehouse. But I didn’t make out what he just said because my mind was wrapped around Tristan and Caleb’s muted conversation. “Okay! So everyone, this is my assistant, Chloe. She’s fabulous. Now let’s play, shall we?” He claps a couple times. You can definitely tell he’s excited about this. Chloe is shorter and a little stubby. She has short, purple hair and her cute little dimples have piercings in them. She dresses like someone who lived in Seattle back in the early nineties with her baggy olive-colored pants and red flannel shirt unbuttoned at the top. She’s wearing what looks like skate shoes. She gives us a shy smile and a low wave.

We head toward the warehouse where everything is set up and displayed. I instantly eye up a table and a rack, which I know is for me, and beeline right for it.

“Chloe, darling, take these fine men to their tables. I wanna have some fun with Miss Ariel over here.” Frankie is circling his index finger at me. “She’s gonna be so much fun!” Chloe leads the guys away, talking with Roger. Tristan and Caleb then enter our designated area. My stomach flips again just seeing Tristan come through the door, staring back at me.

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