Everything But (3 page)

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Authors: Jade C. Jamison

BOOK: Everything But
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Chapter Three


.  No, it wasn’t the dress. 
The dress, while a little too revealing, wasn’t pulling or bunching.
  It wasn’t too tight…a little snug and form-fitting, but it was just for one night, she reminded herself.
  So she could deal with the discomfort of putting herself on display.  It was for a good cause.

At least that’s what she kept telling herself.  She could have kicked herself for not knowing up front what she’d been getting herself into.  She’d had no idea the coach was auctioned too
until earlier today
here she was, getting ready to be sold along with the cheerleaders under her supervision
, wearing an old dr
ess she’d worn to her parents’ fo
rty-year anniversary celebration last summer

Dear God.

And if she felt like a bug under a microscope now, she knew it would only be worse once she had to actually stand onstage.

It felt like they’d been waiting forever, but she knew it had only been about ten minutes.  Another five or so and they’d begin the proceedings.  She heard and saw a commotion near one of the double doors leading into the gym.  She was drawn to it and that’s when she saw him.  She knew it was him even though she could only see the top of his head.

It had to be Riley Schultz, former lead singer of the now-defunct band Spawn.  She knew all about
history.  In fact, she’d liked Spawn.  They’d had a few hit singles, but being a metal fan, she’d bought all their albums.  She knew they were a few years older than she—Winchester was proud of the local boys who became famous, and she knew she’d been in middle school about the time they were seniors in high school, so she’d never really known them.  But she’d listened to their music and followed their careers.  Between
, Erin knew that Riley had never been married, hadn’t had any children (that he knew about anyway), and was now in a new band
called something like Undue Influence
that would be releasing a new single any
day now, would be
touring midsummer, and would be releasing their first album late summer or early fall.

In fact, in high school, Erin had fantasized more than a little about Riley Schultz.  Hey, i
t could happen, right?

But she’d outgrown her schoolgirl crush and had moved on. 
When she’d found out he would be hosting the auction tonight, she almost feigned illness.  She had no idea how she would react around someone famous…
someone she’d crushed on so long ago.

But she got over it.  She was an adult, for God’s sake, and had to go on with the show.  They’d have the auction; she could get a little excited seeing a famous rock star up close; and then she could go on some stupid-ass date and get on with her life.

Oh, part of her was more than a
d.  Part of her felt like a
.  But Erin was no idiot.  She knew rock stars never wound up with groupies
(well, maybe for a quick lay)
, and if she threw herself at him, she’d never have a chance.

Who was she kidding?  She didn’t have a chance anyway.
  For all she knew, he had a serious girlfriend just waiting for him to finish this gig.

Well, it didn’t matter.  She was going to enjoy the view just the same.  Riley emerged from amongst the throng of fans, guided by
the theater teacher
Ron Gill
, and sat next to the stage, just as the co-captains of the football team made their way up to the microphone.  Before the lights
dimmed, she got a good look at Riley.  Again, thanks to
, she knew he was around thirty, and in spite of the last few years of hard living (she knew about two stints in rehab for heroin addiction), he looked incredible.  He was cut and he had a strong, chiseled jaw.  His hair was a little mussed up, just adding to the rock star
, and it was longer than he’d ever worn it before
  It was
  She wasn’t sure, but she thought he was wearing his dog tag necklace and he had a couple of big rings on his fingers.  But one of the things she liked the most about Riley, his sleeves of tattoos, was mostly on display, thanks to the short sleeves.
  God…he was fucking gorgeous.

And Erin decided she’d better look away before she started drooling.

She looked down at her hands, trying to compose herself, because she felt herself growing nervous.  She’d gotten herself totally worked up, and deep down she knew someone like Riley Schultz wouldn’t give her the time of day
.  So she had to stop torturing herself.  She focused on
inane conversation between Brenda and Rainy…something about how to apply smoky eye shadow.  Once she felt like she had control of herself again, she focused on the PowerPoint and forced herself to keep her eyes away from Riley Schultz.  It was the only way she could survive.

When the co-captains finished their sweet presentation that had put the cheerleaders up on some impossible pedestal, they introduced the former
of Spawn as the evening’s emcee.  And that’s when he stood up and walked the few steps up to the platform to the loud roar of applause that greeted him.  Erin knew the praise was due to two things—one was there were some true fans in the crowd, probably mostly teenagers; most of the parents who’d decided to attend had no clue who Riley was; but, second, she knew it was because—whether those people knew his music or not—they knew he was a local boy who’d gone on to become famous and had returned home.

The good news?
  She could look at him all she wanted now, and no one would ever know better.  No one would ever know how ravenous her gaze really was, including the young ladies who surrounded her.

So what did Riley actually say?  Well, she missed that.  She heard his voice
all right…smooth baritone, a little raspy, very sexy, but the actual words? 
Missed ‘
  It didn’t matter, though.  She knew most of the words already, considering
and the cheerleaders had written them all earlier that week.  She did catch Riley doing some ad lib, though…he was telling some jokes and warming up the crowd.  Oh, yeah…no denying Riley was the kind of person meant for the stage.  He had charisma and had won the entire group over in a matter of minutes.

He began reading the card for Michaela as the young lady in a wispy red dress walked down the bleachers to take her place onstage. 
God, what a
place for the auction
  Erin had questioned why they were using the gym and not the auditorium, the perfect place for something like this.  Ron Gill had explained during the last faculty meeting that the stage was already set for the “epic play” the following weekend.  His students had worked hard on the set, had finally completed all but the final touches, and he didn’t want to ask them to take it down.  “Besides,” he’d said, “I’m training my set kids on how to work with a traveling theater group.  They need practice on setting up the temporary stage
, the one we’ll be using for the auction
.  Best yet, cheerleaders work in the gym.  What better place to have the auction?”

Well, it was bullshit, but she wasn’t their permanent coach and wasn’t willing to fight for it.  The girls didn’t seem to mind.

Michaela was smiling, her teeth gleaming, her long black hair shining under the stage lights while she was under the scrutiny of the crowd.  Still reading off the card, Riley said, “Michaela’s favorite things are soft, cute puppies,
macaroni and cheese, and slumber parties with her best friends.  Turn offs include bad breath, smoking, and bushy eyebrows.”  Riley set the card on the podium in front of him and pulled the microphone off the stand.  Erin felt her pulse pick up a
just because she’d seen him do that move a dozen times in videos and at the two Spawn concerts she’d attended back in the day.  Apparently, her subconscious wanted Riley to perform.

Instead, he walked close to Michaela and then said into the mike, “Anything else you’d like to add, Miss Michaela?”

The girl giggled and—even though Erin couldn’t quite tell, thanks to the stage lights—she was pretty sure Michaela blushed, her cheeks reflecting the red of her dress.  Apparently, Riley close up was potent.  Could Erin survive her own trip up there?

Michaela barely leaned to
the microphone, as though Riley might gobble her up if she got too close.  But she didn’t look like she’d mind either.  She said, “No…I think you got it.”  Michaela was one of the shyest cheerleaders, if there was such a thing.  The girl was fine performing cheers, dancing in front of large crowds, performing gymnastic feats under the gaze of hundreds of people, but Erin already knew you didn’t ask the girl to talk in front of people, even if it was a small class of twenty-five.  So Riley had gotten out of her probably the only words the young lady would say up there on the platform.

No problem, though, because Riley was quite comfortable in the limelight.  He said, “Let the bidding begin, folks.  Now remember.  You’re bidding for a date with this young woman.  The date will be held in this very same place tomorrow evening.”  He stepped over to the podium, grabbing another note
card, glancing down at it for a moment.  “You’ll be served a three-course Italian meal followed by an hour of dancing, and you’ll have the company of the beautiful young lady you bid on.  Not only will a good time be had by all, but”—in a smooth motion, he placed the note
card back on the podium, but he didn’t miss a beat—“you’re giving to a good cause.  This fundraiser will allow this fine group of cheerleaders the chance to attend
their annual summer camp, where they learn new things, grow in their camaraderie, and prepare for another year of keeping the student body pumped about sports
…and we all know how important that is.
”  Riley looked again at Michaela.  “Miss Michaela, you’re a senior, are you not?”

The girl blushed again and giggled, nodding her head.

“Well, are you still going to attend camp?”

She looked up at the ceiling and giggled again.  Riley placed the microphone in front of her mouth.  Michaela finally said, “Well, no, but this will help the girl who replaces me.”

“What a generous gesture,” Riley said, and Erin wasn’t sure if anyone else picked up on it, but she was pretty certain his words had been sarcastic as hell.  Before she could contemplate it any further, he said, “The bidding will begin at twenty-five dollars, but, come on, folks.  This lovely young lady’s company is definitely worth a little more than that.”

Too bad, Erin thought, he didn’t really mean it.  She just hoped the rest of the pumped-up crowd couldn’t pick up on it.




Chapter Four


auction had to be one of the stupidest things Riley had ever let himself get roped into doing.
  But he decided to have fun with it.  He’d already gotten away with a couple of snarky comments, so he’d see just how much he could say before he either got disturbed looks from the girls he was auctioning or got a loud hiss or
from the crowd.  That would be his indication that he’d gone too far.  Hell, he decided he’d even stop if one of the girls looked confused by something he’d say.

But so far…nothing.
  Everyone was having a genuinely good time. 
Everyone, that
was, except for him.  He felt like the soul was being sucked out of him.  And time had been dragging.

Finally, though, he was auctioning off girl number twelve. 
The event
had gone on forever.  Some girls—apparently prime cuts of meat—actually “sold” for two hundred dollars.  He had to admit they were the cuter ones, not
that girls
that young caught his eye anymore.  Well, they
, but it made him feel like a dirty old man.
  Today, he could admit that they were cute without lusting after them.
  He’d been twenty-one the last time he’d been with a minor, and the threat of a lawsuit had scared the shit out of him.  Fortunately, he’d had a good lawyer and enough money that he could settle out of court before the law got involved and pressed the issue.

He was okay with that.  Young girls often expected way too much—
, for example, something Riley wasn’t able to give for reasons far too many to divulge to the young lasses.  At least most women over twenty-five understood that if they chose to sleep with a rock star, said rock star knew they were groupie whores and wouldn’t even look at them the morning after if they
even made it to that point.

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