Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy) (27 page)

Read Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy) Online

Authors: Kristine Cayne

Tags: #Six-Alarm Sexy Book Two

BOOK: Everything Bared (Six-Alarm Sexy)
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Having a good day?

Not particularly. You?

I’m meeting Erica 4 lunch, then shopping 4 a dress 4 the party

He grinned, thinking of her wearing one of her sexy outfits, of stripping the outfit off her. Then his grin turned into a frown. Danielle didn’t have a lot of money, and he didn’t want her spending it on clothes she didn’t need.

Why not wear something you already have?

None are right for the CFO’s date

As he read her text, his gut clenched. Were they really doing this? Were they going to the party
together? It was a big step, but he wanted everyone to know this gorgeous, tough, witty woman was his.

What about your job? I don’t want you to get in trouble

William waited for her reply. He checked his phone several times to make sure he hadn’t missed the telltale beep of an incoming message. Finally, when he’d been on the verge of calling her, she responded.

Don’t worry. It’s all under control. See you tonight.

His brow creased. What did she mean by that? He’d been warned by enough people to know her position on the rescue team was at risk if the truth about their relationship came to light. Which brought him right back to the question that had been tormenting him since yesterday. What exactly was the truth about their relationship? And his answer was still the same:

Fuck if he knew.

Chapter 13



On the third day of Dani’s four-day furlough, she started to lose her mind. How did women do this? How did they stay home, locked within four walls, with nothing but cooking and cleaning and laundry to entertain them? Will employed a regular cleaning service, so there really hadn’t been much to do besides tidying up a bit. But she had gone grocery shopping. She was proud of the way she’d managed to maintain Will’s rather strict shelving protocol. Her own method was to pile the cans one on top of the other until there was no space left, or the tower started to wobble. Then, she’d slam the cabinet door shut. She had the same strategy for the fridge and freezer. But this was Will’s home, and she was nothing if not adaptable.

But her biggest mistake so far? Calling her mother to ask for her braised balsamic chicken breasts recipe. It had cost her a thirty-minute interrogation, during which she’d been peppered with questions about Will, his background, his education, his family, the company, their relationship. Ugh! To end it, she’d pretended to be losing the call. Sure it was childish, but her mother always had that effect on her.

Dani scanned the kitchen. Everything was ready for Will: The chicken was in the oven, the ice was ready, a bottle of Glenlivet and a tumbler were on the counter, classical music played softly over the speakers embedded in the ceiling, Coco was shampooed and brushed, and Dani was waxed, styled, and made-up.

She drummed her fingers impatiently on the table she’d already set with Will’s best dishes and two very tall candles. Everything looked perfect. So why was she so nervous? Maybe because it was the first time they’d be alone together since the awful morning after the boat incident. Even roaring fires weren’t as scary. The thought of losing Will terrified her, but it had strengthened her resolve. She’d be what he wanted, even if it killed her.


Dani rubbed the back of her neck, trying to ease the tight muscles. She was doing the exact opposite of what she’d advised Erica to do regarding her relationship with Jamie. She’d been born to be a firefighter; it was in her bones. But the truth was, losing Will would hurt far worse than losing her job. If he’d have her—and that still remained to be seen—being his wife and the mother of his children would have to be enough.

Keys in the lock announced Will’s arrival. She jumped up and smoothed out her skirt and blouse before approaching the entryway. His back was to her as he closed the door. When he turned around, he looked her up and down, glanced around the living room and the dining room, surprise clear on his face. “Are you expecting someone?”

She smiled. “You.”

He toed off his shoes and placed his briefcase in front of the closet. Then he crossed the distance separating them and kissed her. When they pulled apart, he gave her an adorably shy grin. “Hi.”

His tie beckoned her. She wanted to grab it, pull him close, and ravage his sexy mouth. But no. That’s
what Kathleen would do. Instead, she smoothed down his tie and patted his chest. “Have a seat and I’ll bring you a drink.”

“Okay,” he said, his voice hesitant.

A minute later, she returned to the living room with his scotch on the rocks. He’d stretched out on his recliner and his eyes were closed. She set the glass on the side table and stepped behind his chair where she had better access to his head. Pressing two fingers to each temple, she massaged him with slow circles.

“God, that’s good.” He moaned like he did when they were having sex. Arousal dried her mouth. She closed her eyes and fought the urge to swing her leg over his middle and straddle him right there on the recliner.

When she opened her eyes, he was staring up at her, his lips curved, his eyes crinkled and teasing. He knew exactly what she’d been thinking. She moved away. “Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”

She caught his frown as she turned to go to the kitchen. Worry made her hands shake. Had she done something wrong? Shit. This evening had to be perfect, so he’d see she could be the woman he wanted.

Fighting down her nerves, she got the chicken out of the oven and served their plates. After setting them on the table, she went back into the living room and took Will’s hand. “Come. Let’s eat.”

He let her pull him to his feet, which put them face to face. Touching her check, he pressed his lips to her jaw and trailed tiny kisses to her ear. “And talk. We really need to talk, Danielle.” She nodded. Whatever he wanted.

He spotted the meal she’d laid out. “Wow. That smells wonderful. I thought you couldn’t cook.”

“I can. I just don’t get much opportunity. This is one of my mom’s recipes. I think you’ll like it.”

Sitting down, he laid his napkin over his lap. “You never talk much about your family.”

He sliced into the chicken and scooped up some tomatoes and balsamic vinegar sauce along with it. She held her breath as he lifted the fork to his mouth. Air left her lungs in a rush when his eyes rounded. “Danielle, this is delicious.”

“Told you I could cook.” She flashed him a victorious grin and dug into her own food.

He waved his fork. “So, about your family…”

“We don’t get along that well.”

“As you saw last weekend, the Caldwells don’t always get along great either. But we’re family.”

“You guys have love and respect, even if you don’t always agree with each other. No one gives you a hard time because what you want is different from what your brothers want.”

Swallowing another bite of chicken, he nodded. “We’re a pretty accepting bunch. I take it your mother doesn’t agree with your choices.”

The chicken turned to sawdust in her mouth. “Maybe someday, I’ll meet her expectations.”

He barked out a laugh, startling her. “Not very likely. Parents are funny beings that way. They want the best for their children as long as what they choose matches their vision of their children’s future.”

She studied his face. He didn’t seem upset. Still, his response surprised her. “Your parents didn’t want you to be an accountant? I’d think they’d be thrilled you went into the family business.”

“They’re happy about that. But I was somewhat of a disappointment to them when I was a kid.”

As far as she knew, Will had been a model child. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Jamie was always the golden boy. Strong, athletic, smart. He was a born leader. Everything I was not.”

“I don’t believe it,” she blurted, completely shocked. “You’re no slouch yourself, William Caldwell. I’m sure you were great at sports.”

His lips kicked up at the corner. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. I had bad asthma as a kid. Physical activities triggered attacks, and I was in and out of the hospital a lot. So, I stayed in, studying, playing video games, or reading.”

Cocking her head, she smiled. “That explains why you’re so brilliant.”

“Ha! I was a total nerd. Other than Jamie and Drew, I had no friends. And because I was treated with an inhaled steroid when my attacks got particularly bad, I was small for my age. That made me an easy target, and kids picked on me a lot. Jamie got more than one shiner defending me.” He shook his head as though remembering.

“Did you outgrow it? The asthma, I mean. I haven’t seen you with an inhaler, and you seem pretty athletic.” It was hard to imagine him as anything but virile and strong.

“By the time I’d finished high school, the asthma was controlled. And luckily, I caught up to my growth curve. The doctors figured my lungs had grown enough to alleviate the symptoms. Whatever the reason, it’s gone. I don’t even carry an inhaler anymore.”

She arched a brow. “Did you ever go to one of your high school reunions?”

He seemed taken aback. “Why would I ever want to go back to that hell?”

“Believe me, Will. No one would dare bully you now. Especially not when—” She cut herself off, finishing the sentence in her mind.
Especially not when you use the

“When what?”

“When they see how successful you’ve become.” She picked up their dishes and placed them in the sink. Anything to get away from him, to keep him out of arm’s reach. Her body was on fire. Images of him using that voice, ordering her to bend over the bed, a chair, the table, his recliner. Anything. Then his hand coming down on her bare ass with a satisfying smack. She could almost feel the sting, then the heat and tingles spreading over her cheeks, across her hips, and deep inside her pussy. God, how she wanted him to slap her pussy until it was red, swollen, and wet for him.

He came up behind her while she was blindly rinsing their plates, and cupped her breasts. Moaning, she leaned into him, wishing he’d yank up her skirt and sink his hard cock deep inside her with one single powerful thrust. But he didn’t. His hands went to the buttons of her blouse and undid them one by one. When he got to the third, he slipped his hand under the silken material. He stilled.

Leaning over her shoulder, he pulled the lapel of her blouse aside and gaped. “You’re wearing a bra?”

“You don’t like it.”

“It’s lovely. But I thought you only wore a bra at work, and when you were exercising.”

“A few other occasions too.”

His gaze stayed fixed on hers until after a few moments, he sighed, closed his eyes, and kissed her. Not wanting to seem aggressive, she kept herself in check while he explored her mouth. Her hands safely on his hips, she responded with a tongue curl when his tongue touched hers.

Using his hands on her cheeks to force her head back, he pushed his tongue deeper into her mouth. His lips were insistent, as he sought a stronger reaction from her. She tightened her hands at his waist and prayed she could get into the kiss. For the first time ever with Will, her body felt numb. Before he could notice, she broke the kiss and took his hand. “Let’s go to your room.”

He glanced at the table, the chairs, then the counter. “What’s wrong with here?”

“Your bed is softer on my back.”

“Your back?” He floated a finger up her arm, his eyes hot with intent. “I’m sure we can come up with a more exciting position than that.”

Her legs quivered, his finger affecting her far more than the kiss. Why was he making this so difficult? She was
to be a good girl here. She shot him a coquettish look. “Okay. Then it’ll be softer for

Relief softened his features and he grinned. “Now you’re talking.” Then he slapped her butt. “Go. Now.”

She almost came on the spot. The voice, the command, the slap.
How was she expected to keep things vanilla when he acted like that? With a squeak, she took off before he could slap her again and finish the job. By the time she reached the room, her breath was coming in gulps and pants that had nothing to do with the short distance, and everything to do with the predatory expression on Will’s handsome face.

When normally she’d have ripped off her clothes and positioned herself how she liked on the bed, now she waited for him to undress her and tell her how he wanted her. Will was only too happy to oblige. In complete silence, he unzipped her skirt and pushed it down her legs. Then he finished unbuttoning her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. He made quick work of her bra and panties until she stood naked, except for her mid-height pumps. Would someone like Kathleen have sex with her shoes on? Somehow she doubted it. She kicked off her heels. William arched a brow when she dropped down by two inches. “They were pinching my feet,” she said by way of explanation.

Seeing him reach for her, she jerked back the comforter and got in bed, tucking the sheet under her arms. Will stared at her like she’d lost her mind.
Maybe she had. This was what he wanted, wasn’t it?

Will joined her on the bed. His playfulness was gone and he seemed more than a little uncomfortable. “Danielle, is everything okay?”

She forced a smile and opened her arms. “Of course.”

He stretched out on his side under the sheet and trailed his finger over her exposed shoulder, continuing to the swells of her breasts. She gasped at the lightness of his touch. He pulled her onto her side so they were face to face and dipped his head to graze her neck. His teeth left trails of fire down her throat, along her right clavicle, her shoulder before finally coming back around to the top of her breasts. When he tried to tug the sheet down, she stayed his hand, but inched closer to him. She couldn’t let him put his lips on her breasts. Breasts that were achy, desperate for his touch, the heat of his mouth. If she did, she’d lose control. She’d go wild, and like all the times they’d been together, things would get kinky real fast.

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