Read Every Vow She Breaks Online

Authors: Jannine Gallant

Every Vow She Breaks (20 page)

BOOK: Every Vow She Breaks
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Travis planted an elbow on the table and leaned toward her. “Have you contacted the police?”

Claire blinked. “No. What would I tell them? There’s been no threat. The whole thing is freaking me out a little, but I’m not afraid. Not really.”

Travis’s frown deepened. “Is this man escalating?”

She shrugged. “His notes are worded a little more strongly each time. Accusing now rather than upbeat the way they were in the beginning.”

“I don’t like it. Go to the police and get a restraining order against this guy.”

“That’s the problem. We don’t know who he is.” Jed reached toward the plate of pepper poppers the server delivered. His eyes watered as he chewed and swallowed. “Could be one of two men. We’ll confront them both when we get back to Shady Bend. Maybe the lame-ass will confess.”

“Neither is the violent sort. I’m sure if I explain I’ve moved on, he’ll stop.” Claire picked up a pepper. “Let’s talk about something else. We’re supposed to be having a fun evening, and I’m not in any real danger.”

Grace licked one finger. “Yum. I love hot food.” She glanced over at Claire. “I’m relieved you have Jed around. Don’t try to face this man down on your own. I made that mistake once and am lucky to be sitting here.”

“We saw the article in the paper about the assassin.” Jed took a swallow of his drink. “I’m glad they locked that psycho up for good.”

“He pleaded insanity, but he’s smart. My guess is he’ll convince the doctors at the mental facility he’s sane, and some judge will release him before he turns thirty.”

Jed reared back. “
You’re kidding.
The freak’s a trained killer. He kidnapped you.”

“The system doesn’t always work the way it should. We’ll see what happens, but he’s locked up for now at least.”

When the server returned with crab cakes, they placed their dinner orders.

Travis lifted one of the appetizers onto his plate. “What do you do Claire?”

“I’m a nature photographer for
Rugged America

“Very cool.” Grace set down her fork. “What’re you working on now?”

“A pictorial of lighthouses and sea creatures. That’s why we’re in the city. I needed to meet with my editor to get her approval for the story.”

Grace turned toward Jed. “What about you? Have you made any decisions about work next summer?”

“Nope.” He scowled. “Kane’s been on my case about my lack of gainful employment. I don’t need another lecture.”

“Your brother’s just concerned about you.”

“I’m a big boy. I’ll figure it out.”

Travis cleared his throat. “That reminds me. An old buddy of mine mentioned something the other day that made me think of you. He’s sending his son to a two-week adventure camp in July. A friend of his runs it. The kids spend half their time at the ocean and the other half in the mountains camping. It’s a wilderness training thing. I guess they offer different locations to keep it fresh. The company is based out of Seattle.”

Grace shuddered. “Sounds like torture to me. I’ve never been a fan of camping, but Rachel would have loved it when we were girls.”

“I bet a lot of kids would love a camp like that.” Claire munched on the last popper.

“I know I would have.” Jed smiled as the cocktail server approached. “Anyone want another round?”

Travis shook his head. “A client offered to take me sailing first thing in the morning, so I’ll pass. Ladies?”

Claire pushed away her empty glass. “Two’s my limit, and we had one at the bar earlier. I’m a lightweight. Right now I need more food.”

“That’s because you’re tiny.” Jed responded to the pretty brunette’s questioning glance with a head shake. “I guess we’re good with drinks.”

Their meals were served a few minutes later and the conversation lagged while everyone dug in.

Claire twirled linguini with clam sauce around her fork and inhaled the heavenly aroma. “The food here is ambrosia. Ralph’s Diner isn’t going to cut it for me after this.”

“I don’t know.” Jed glanced up from his plate. “I could live on his pancakes.”

Grace forked a shrimp into her mouth and licked her lips. “As delicious as this is, nothing beats pizza.”

Travis gave her a pitying look. “You’re warped.”

“I know.”

By the time they’d finished their dinners and paid the bill, Claire was willing to forgive Jed for scraping their romantic date in favor of a foursome. Full of excellent food and mellowed by Grace’s entertaining account of how she and Travis had met, she tucked her hand through Jed’s arm as they left the restaurant. When she shivered in the cool night air, he pulled her close.

Grace stuffed her hands in the pockets of her wool coat. “You’re not driving north tonight, are you? The fog is thicker than chowder.”

Jed shook his head. “No, I booked a hotel room.”

“We have a spare bedroom if—ouch!”

Grace removed her elbow from her fiancé’s ribs. “Sounds like you’re all set then.” She smiled at Claire. “This was fun. I hope we’ll see you again soon. Maybe Jed can drag you along to my sister’s for Thanksgiving.”

When he didn’t respond right away, some of her pleasure in the evening evaporated as the chill in the air crept in around her heart. Jed lived for the moment. Committing to a date two months in the future definitely wasn’t his style.

He cleared his throat. “I’m too stuffed full of seafood to think about turkey.” He shook Travis’s hand and gave Grace a hug good-bye. “Don’t stress over your wedding. When is it, by the way?”

“If we don’t run off to a tropical island to tie the knot before then, December.”

The expression in her eyes when she met her fiancé’s gaze twisted Claire’s heart.

“We don’t want to wait any longer than we have to, but my mom was adamant she needed a few months to prepare.”

Travis gave her shoulders a squeeze. “The day can’t come soon enough for either of us. Good night, Claire. See you, Jed.”

After they strolled away, Claire sighed.


She looked up into his puzzled gaze and shrugged. “I’ve never been deeply in love like that. They’re lucky.”

He took her hand and rubbed his thumb across the back. “I guess they are. Love and commitment aren’t subjects I’ve given a lot of thought.”

Her chest tightened, but she didn’t respond. There was nothing left to say.

* * * *

Jed dropped their bags, shut the hotel room door and laid his hands on Claire’s shoulders. She glanced up and smiled, but the sparkle in her eyes that always sent a quiver sliding through him was absent.

“Everything okay?”

She looked away to slide her arms out of her coat. “Why wouldn’t it be? I had fun tonight. Travis and Grace are great.”

“Yeah, they are.” He tossed her coat over the back of a chair and shrugged out of his jacket. When he laid it on top of hers, the soft leather slid to the floor. Stepping over it, he took her hand to pull her toward the bed. “Sit. Tell me what I did wrong. As Grace pointed out, I’m a little dense about what women are thinking.”

She leaned her head against his shoulder. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Maybe in the beginning I wasn’t so happy to have our romantic evening turned into a group affair, but I got over my irritation. It’s not your fault you’re clueless. Probably a missing gene or something.”

The floral scent of her hair filled his senses. Breathing deep, he struggled to keep the conversation on track. “Agreed. I’m an idiot. Sorry.”

“Don’t be. I liked getting to know your friends. But I did sort of wonder if you still have a thing for Grace.”

Taking her chin in his hand, he tilted her face until he could see into her eyes. “Is
why I feel a chill in the air?”

“She’s beautiful and funny and—”

. You’re beautiful and funny, too. Jesus, Claire, I’m not carrying some kind of freaking torch for Grace. Never was. We’re pals and sort of related by marriage. That’s it.”

“You’re sure?”

I’m sure.”

She smiled, humor glimmering in the blue depths of her gaze. “I believe you. Your acting skills aren’t good enough to fake that kind of indignation.”

“Thank God for that. So, do you want to make out first or just get naked?”

She laughed. “We could do both, get naked then make out.”

“I like how you think.” He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her, taking his time, tasting the hint of raspberry tart they’d had for dessert. The way she settled against him with a wiggle of her hips made him forget everything but the woman in his arms.

Pushing strands of silky hair out of his way, he lowered the zipper of her dress. It slid down her backbone, not stopping until his hand reached the rounded curve of her sweet—

A giggle erupted in his ear.

“That tickles.”

His fingers slipped even lower, cupping firm flesh. “How about that?”

Her breath hitched. “That just makes me want to rip your clothes off.”

Grinning, he kissed the side of her neck. “I’m not stopping you.”

With a shove to his chest, she pushed him backward onto the bed and straddled his hips. “Think I’m going to turn down an invitation like that?” One hand slipped the buttons through their holes before parting his shirt with excruciating slowness to push it off his shoulders. Her fingers glided over his chest, pausing on one flat nipple. “Not a chance. I like being in control, knowing exactly what’s going to happen next.”

His heart raced, the pulse drumming in his ears. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” She unbuckled his belt, lowered the zipper on his pants then stroked a path across his abdomen, leaving goosebumps pebbling his skin.

Sweat broke out on his brow as he sucked in a harsh breath. He was pretty certain he might die if she didn’t speed up the process. “You’re killing me.”


He nearly choked. “Is that nice?”

A wide grin and a wicked twinkle in her eyes was his only answer. Rising up off his lap, she gave his slacks a tug. When he lifted his hips, they slid along his thighs. Her gaze dropped and held. He glanced down to where his briefs tented like a teepee.

Her chest rose then fell on an exhale. “Goodness. I guess we need to get the party started.”

He dragged his gaze away from the hint of cleavage. “You’ve got my vote.”

With a backward scramble, she stood beside the bed. His eyes widened as her little black dress slipped off her shoulders and fell to the carpet. Purple panties hardly worthy of the name and a matching lace bra covered her most interesting parts.


“I thought you liked the pink ones best.”

“Pink. Purple. Rainbow stripes. I’m not picky about underwear.” He swallowed. “Not when you’re in them.”

Her thumbs stroked down her hipbones and caught the elastic edges. “And when I’m out of them?”

He tried to answer, but his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. A croak emerged.

High black heels thumped onto the carpet. Purple silk and lace followed. Jed’s vision blurred as the blood pounded in his head. Both heads. He gulped air.

When he bent forward and reached for his shoes, Claire swatted his hand. “I’m in control. Remember.”

He nodded and lay back down. “Got it.”

An eternity passed while she pulled off each of his shoes, his socks and the slacks still bunched at his ankles. When he grabbed the elastic waist of his briefs, she frowned.

His hand fell away. Nothing could have been sexier than her prim expression—which was the only thing she wore.

“Let me.”

Breathe, idiot, breathe.

When her hand brushed against him as she pulled off his underwear, he jerked and very nearly exploded. Teeth gritted, he fought for control.

Her smooth skin slid against his as she climbed on the bed to lie full length on top of him. She kissed the side of his neck then brought her lips around to meet his. Wrapping his arms around her back, he returned the kiss, easing his tongue into her mouth.

When Jed was forced to come up for air, he pressed his forehead against hers. “Have I told you how much I love…being with you?” The words he’d meant to say stuck in his throat.

Do I love her?

When she came down on top of him, enclosing him within her, he nearly cried. If the emotion sucking every rational thought from his head wasn’t love, it was so damn close he couldn’t tell the difference.

Eyes closed, her mouth opened on a gasp as she rose above him and pressed down hard. “I…love…this.”

He surged inside her. “Me, too. More than I can say.” Wrapped up in the magic of Claire, he stopped trying to think and let himself fly.

* * * *

He scrolled through the photos, one after the other, his hand shaking on the mouse pad. Some were older. A whimper escaped as he stared at a photo of Claire sunbathing on a lounge chair on the patio behind her cottage, a bikini top lying on the ground next to her. He’d pushed his camera lens through the thick hedge hiding her from admiring eyes to get that shot. Some were more recent. Claire bent over as she pulled on a pair of green panties, her ass so firm and fine. She should have been more careful. A pervert could have been peeking through the crack between the curtains of her motor home instead of him.

He clicked on the photos he wanted to print and placed the order. As he opted for express shipping, he winced. The price was horrendous but worth it. Claire wouldn’t be able to ignore his next gesture, and he couldn’t afford to wait any longer. This time she’d know for sure he wasn’t joking. Fervently, he hoped it would make her as hot as the anticipation was making him.

After pulling his credit card from his wallet, he completed the order. That job finished, he clicked back to the picture folder. So beautiful. So very, very beautiful. But looking at Claire’s image on a computer screen wasn’t enough. Only the flesh and blood woman could satisfy his needs. Hearing her laugh. Seeing her smile. Touching her…everywhere.

With a moan, he slid his hand into the front of his pants. Until she was there beside him, he’d have to make do with pictures.



Chapter 16


“You’re sure you want to do this alone?” Jed fisted his hands on his hips and scowled. “Remember what Grace said about confronting your stalker by yourself. You might set him off, and then God only knows what he’ll do.”

BOOK: Every Vow She Breaks
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