Every Day with Jesus (9 page)

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Authors: Andrew Wommack

BOOK: Every Day with Jesus
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A new ox was often trained for plowing or drawing a cart by yoking him with an experienced ox. The yoke kept the young ox from doing his own thing, and he soon learned obedience to his master. In like manner, we are to commit ourselves to being yoked to Jesus. “It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” (Jer. 10:23). We have to “bear the yoke in our youth” (Lam. 3:27) if we want to become mature Christians, but the comparison ends there. Unlike the sometimes harsh treatment oxen are given to bring them into subjection, Jesus is “meek and lowly in heart” and wins us by love. Jesus pulls more than His share of the load; therefore, our burden is light.

The most loving father in the world cannot compare with the love our heavenly Father has for us. Yet, many times we find it easier to believe in the willingness of a father, mother, or mate to help us than to believe God wants to protect us, bless us, and provide for us. Relatively few people really doubt God’s ability, but they doubt His willingness to use His ability on their behalf. Their doubt and unbelief causes them to do without.

In these verses, Jesus assures you that His love and His willingness to demonstrate that love are far greater than you could ever experience in any human relationship. Not only does He want your love, but He wants you to let Him love you today.

March 18: The Unpardonable Sin

Luke 7:36; 8:3; Matthew 12:24-31; Mark 3:22-30

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

Matthew 12:31

In these passages of Scripture, Jesus said that blasphemy against the Holy Ghost was attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to the devil. Many people in the Bible did this, including Saul of Tarsus, who became the apostle Paul. However, in 1 Timothy 1:13 Paul said he received mercy concerning his blasphemy because he had done it “ignorantly in unbelief.” Therefore, the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost that Jesus warned against must be willfully and knowingly reviling the Holy Ghost.

This parallels Hebrews 6:4-6, where qualifications are placed on those who can fall away from grace. This passage indicates that only a mature Christian can commit such a thing. Likewise, rash statements spoken against the Holy Spirit in ignorance or unbelief by those who don’t really know what they are saying can be forgiven. This is not blaspheming the Holy Ghost.

From our human perspective, no clear line can be drawn as to when someone becomes accountable for blasphemies and has committed this unpardonable sin. We can be assured that God knows the hearts of all people, and He will judge righteously concerning this. His Word does show us that when anyone becomes a “reprobate,” they lose all conviction from the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 1:28.) Therefore, anyone who is convicted and repentant over having possibly blasphemed the Holy Ghost has not yet reached the place where it is unpardonable; if they had, they wouldn’t care.

If you keep your heart tender and sensitive to the Holy Spirit, you will not have any concern about committing this sin. Listen closely to Him today!

March 19: Worth It All

Romans 8:1-20

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Romans 8:18

People suffer terrible things in this world. Just a casual glance at human history will reveal sufferings so unspeakable that we wonder how God will ever wipe away the tears from some people’s eyes. (Rev. 21:4.) But this verse assures us that God’s rewards will be much greater than our sorrows.

Many things in life come only through much effort and hardship. In childbirth, for instance, nine months of pregnancy isn’t all fun, and the actual birth process involves pain and suffering. Yet Jesus said it’s all soon forgotten because of the joy that the baby brings to the parents. (John 16:21.) Athletes endure suffering, yet all the afflictions of training are quickly swallowed up in the ecstasy of winning gold. The end result makes all the effort more than worthwhile.

That’s the way it will be with us when we see Jesus. The worst injustice that any person in history has suffered is not worthy to be compared with the glory that awaits those who love the Lord. Anyone who doesn’t see it that way is exalting their suffering over the eternal rewards they have in Christ. This can easily happen because it is so easy to feel the pain of the present, but they have never had a glimpse of the glory that awaits them. Certainly none of us have fully comprehended how wonderful eternity with Jesus will be. (1 John 3:2.)

Take joy in the truth that whatever you may be suffering today will fade into oblivion when you experience God’s limitless blessings throughout eternity.

March 20: Your Faith Must Be in God

Mark 11:20-26

And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

Mark 11:22

This verse is often used to teach that we must have faith in our faith. It’s true that we need to understand and believe that the faith we have is sufficient to accomplish anything we need from the Lord, but this verse specifically teaches that our faith should be in God, not in our faith.

Our faith has to be in someone other than ourselves, or we are simply “New Agers.” If our faith is in ourselves or our circumstances, we are doomed to fail. When our faith is in God, our faith is potent!

Hebrews 12:2 says we are to look “unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.” Faith begins and ends with God. Faith is totally dependent on Him. A person whose faith is truly in God will not find it more difficult to believe for big things and easier to believe for minor problems. Everything is small compared to God’s ability. He’s limitless. If our faith is in God, then our faith should know no limits.

Is your faith in God? It’s easy to tell. Can you believe for anything, or are certain things too big? If your faith is limited, then your faith isn’t totally in God. You are still basing too much on yourself and others. When your faith is in God alone, nothing’s impossible. (Mark 9:23; 10:27.)

You can limit God. (Ps. 78:41.) One of the quickest ways to do that is to have more faith in your ability to fail than in God’s ability in you to succeed. Today put your complete faith in Him alone. That is the key to having a good day!

March 21: What Is in Your Hand?

1 Peter 5:5-11

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

1 Peter 5:7

My youngest son was almost three before he talked. There was nothing wrong with him-why should he talk when he had three people who got him whatever he wanted with only a point and a grunt? He was smarter than the rest of us, and this had to change.

Coming out of a public restroom one day, he tried to open the door but the spring in the door handle was too tight for him to turn. He looked at me and grunted, but I told him he would have to talk before I opened the door. He refused and wouldn’t let go of the door handle. Others were waiting to get out, so now I needed to open the door. His little hand still clutched the door handle, and in order to turn it and open the door, I would have to squeeze his hand. I realized I had to get him to let go of the door before I could open it.

I had no sooner done that than the Lord spoke to me, “That’s the way it is with you. You have your problems so tightly in your little hands, and I can’t do anything about them until you let go.” Wow! I instantly knew what He was talking about.

I had cares about finances for the ministry. I was thinking day and night about what I could do to turn the situation around. I hadn’t cast my care on Him. I was still holding it tight in my little hands. I figuratively opened my hands and said, “Lord, I give this problem to You. You open the door.” He did, of course, and our needs were supplied.

Are you keeping the Lord from intervening in your situation because you have such a tight grip on the problem? Let it go by casting all your care upon Him because He cares for you. He can handle your problems better than you can.

March 22: Beggar or Believer?

Mark 10:46-52

And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the highway side begging.

Mark 10:46

Prior to this time, Bartimaeus had no option but to be a beggar. There was no cure for his blindness. But some people had told him about how a man named Jesus had healed blindness. Now that man was passing right by him, and Bartimaeus cried out to Him, calling Him the son of David. That showed that he recognized Jesus as his Messiah. This was his day. God in the flesh was passing by. Nothing else mattered!

Bartimaeus could have made a different choice. With all the people going by, he could have made more money begging that day than he would have made in months. This was the break of a lifetime. Beggars think that way. But Bartimaeus turned from being a beggar to being a believer that day. He wasn’t thinking about an opportunity to succeed in his beggarly existence; he was thinking of a brand-new life, a life free from begging, an independent life where he could see to make it on his own and help others.

What choices are you making? Are you so occupied with continuing the status quo that you’re missing the opportunity Jesus is giving you to change your life? Are you so busy making a living that you don’t take time to study or pray? Are you unable to go to church because of the demands of your business? That would be like Bartimaeus not calling out for his healing because of his great opportunity to beg.

Don’t let the demands of everyday life cause you to miss Jesus as He passes by you today. Throw off all your beggarly clothes and act like a believer.

March 23: How Desperate Are You?

Mark 10:46-52

And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me.

Mark 10:48

It’s amazing how much influence other people have on us. There is an intense desire for each of us to conform to those around us. We want to be part of the group. We don’t like to stand out from the crowd. We want to be accepted. But the crowd is never going to go all the way with God. Those who receive God’s best always have to buck the crowd.

Bartimaeus was compelled to conform to what others expected of him. Other men could choose where they wanted to live or what they wanted to do for a living, but a blind man had no choice but to beg. However, when Bartimaeus heard about Jesus and the miracles He was performing, suddenly he had a choice! He could choose to believe and be healed.

Inside that blind beggar’s body was the heart of a believer. Bartimaeus longed for the day when Jesus would pass his way, and one day that came. He wasn’t going to let anyone stop him from receiving his miracle, and the moment he knew Jesus was close by, he began to yell, “Thou son of David, have mercy on me!” Other people were embarrassed by his outburst, but he had spent a life of embarrassment and shame and wasn’t about to continue that way. If he didn’t make a spectacle of himself, things would never change. It was now or never.

There’s something powerful about desperation when it is mixed with faith in Jesus. Are you desperate enough to do whatever it takes to touch Jesus and receive all He has for you today? Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from receiving His best.

March 24: Prepare for Your Miracle

Mark 10:46-52

And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.

Mark 10:50

In Bartimaeus’ day, beggars wore clothing that distinguished them as beggars. Therefore, when Bartimaeus cast away his garment, he was making a significant statement. He was saying, “I’m finished begging.” He believed Jesus would heal his blindness, and he acted accordingly.

While he was blind, he couldn’t see the clothing he wore; but other people could, and he was obligated by the culture in which he lived to wear clothes appropriate to his place in life. Beggars weren’t like everyone else. They weren’t productive members of society. They might have been tolerated or pitied, but they weren’t admired. They definitely weren’t allowed the same privileges as those who were normal.

Bartimaeus must have hated the differences that his blindness imposed on him. No doubt, he dreamed about what it would be like to have his sight. Once he heard that Jesus was healing the blind, he probably became very specific about what he would do if Jesus ever passed his way. One thing he knew for sure: If Jesus came by his place, he would let nothing and no one stop him from receiving his healing. He’d never go back to begging, and he probably thought about what he would like to do after he could see.

Bartimaeus knew Jesus would heal him and he would never need his beggar’s clothes again. How convinced are you that He will heal you, change you, deliver you? Are you holding on to your “old clothes” just in case nothing happens and you have to stay in your beggarly existence? That’s not faith! Meditate on God’s promises until you see yourself receiving whatever you need. Then make no plans to go back to where you were before.

March 25: God’s Truths Belong to You

Matthew 13:1-13

He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

Matthew 13:11

God’s truths are hidden for His children, not from them. He has given us His mysteries, which are those truths that can only be understood by His children. Only born-again believers can receive divine revelation to know how the kingdom of God operates.

God wants all people to enter and enjoy His kingdom. He has given an open invitation to everyone to receive the spiritual rebirth that entitles them to the revelation of these mysteries of the kingdom. As stated in 1 Corinthians 2:14, a natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned. Therefore, whoever rejects Jesus, rejects the source of all wisdom and knowledge. (Col. 2:3.)

God has reserved the deep understanding of eternal life for those who receive Jesus. We can then draw on His wisdom through the Holy Spirit inside our spirits to receive revelation from His Word and wisdom to live this life. In this way also, He safeguards His laws, upon which the universe is founded, from being misused by Satan and his kingdom of demons.

In this passage of Scripture in Matthew 13, Jesus spoke about those who have revelation knowledge of the mysteries of God. They will receive even more revelation and will walk in the abundant life He provided. (John 10:10; 2 Peter 1:3.) Those who do not continue to grow in revelation will eventually lose whatever truth they have and go into deception. God reveals His truths to us in stages, not all at once (Isa. 28:9,10), and we must keep seeking Him!

As you walk in the revelation of what the Lord has already shown you, He will reveal more of His truths to you. The truths of God are mysterious only to those who do not soften their hearts by seeking God with their whole hearts. As Jeremiah 29:13 says, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

March 26: Guard Your Conscience

Matthew 13:14-23

For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

Matthew 13:15

The word waxed means “to become gradually more intense or to increase.” It shows this condition of the heart is not something we are born with or that strikes us suddenly. It has to be nurtured over a prolonged period of time. This is why we should not violate our consciences, even in small things.

Guarding your conscience will keep you sensitive to God and will stop your heart from becoming hardened. If you will stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit, even in the small things, then you will understand, continue to mature in the Lord, and become more and more whole.

Walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh affects your awareness of how much God loves you. If you sin habitually and make no effort to resist your flesh, your conscience becomes defiled and condemns you. God never condemns you because you are His child, and He loves you unconditionally; but your conscience will condemn you. In your earthly life, your awareness of God’s love is everything. It is the knowledge and confidence of His love that will help you resist temptation to sin and keep a clear conscience and a pure heart.

First John 3:21 says, “Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.” Today, be persuaded that God loves you no matter what! Then you will have confidence to move forward in the life He has for you overcoming sin and succeeding in every area of your life.

March 27: The Miracle of the Donkey and the Colt

John 12:14-15

And Jesus, when he had found a young ass, sat thereon; as it is written, Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold, thy King cometh, sitting on an ass’s colt.

John 12:14-15

This is the fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9, and it was fulfilled to the smallest detail. Zechariah prophesied Jesus would not only ride an ass but also a colt or unbroken foal of an ass. He declared that the people would rejoice and shout over the Messiah, which certainly came to pass on this day.

All four Gospels include a triumphal entry, but only Matthew records a donkey with a colt. A simple explanation to a so-called “contradiction” is that Jesus rode the colt while the other donkey went along, and He may have ridden each animal part of the way.

Jesus hadn’t been in Jerusalem in quite a while and there is no indication He had made previous arrangements with anyone there to obtain these animals. Knowing where the ass and colt were was supernatural knowledge imparted to Him through the Holy Spirit.

God also worked some kind of miracle in the owner of these animals as well, so he would be willing to release them. Perhaps he was a devoted follower of Jesus who gladly surrendered them when he knew Jesus was the one wanting them. Either way, this whole episode in Jesus’ life was miraculously orchestrated by God.

What do you need today? As a child of God and joint-heir with Jesus, all your needs have already been supplied. Just like Jesus, the Holy Spirit will tell you where you need to go and who you need to see to obtain the resources you require to fulfill His call on your life.

March 28: The Power of Praise and Worship

Luke 19:29-40

And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

Luke 19:39-40

There is nothing wrong with praising God. It is encouraged and commanded thousands of times in the Scriptures. The reason the Pharisees were so upset was because they didn’t accept Jesus as God. Indeed, it would be blasphemy for Jesus to accept worship if He wasn’t God. This is another confirmation of His deity.

Only Luke records this account of the Pharisees’ objection and Jesus’ answer. This was the triumphant entry of Israel’s King, what we call Palm Sunday, that had been prophesied and they had anticipated for centuries. The excitement could not be contained. If people refused to praise Him, the creation would have broken out in spontaneous praise. No rock should have to do what God created us to do!

By compiling all of the writers’ accounts of what the multitudes were saying, we have this record: “Hosanna to the Son of David” (Matthew only). “Blessed is he” (“the King”- Luke; “the King of Israel”- John) “that cometh in the name of the Lord. Blessed be the kingdom of our father David that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Mark only). “Hosanna in the highest” (Matthew and Mark only). “Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest” (Luke only).

One thing reserved for God alone is worship, and the devil has always sought that. If he can’t be the one to receive worship, then he seeks to turn others away from giving true worship to God. This is why the Pharisees, who were Satan’s puppets, wanted the people to stop praising Jesus.

If you want to make the devil run in terror today, praise and worship the Lord with all of your heart.

March 29: The Meaning of Passover

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