Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) (30 page)

BOOK: Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)
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Constance is so good with the babies; she gets right down to their level and plays for hours with them. As she plays with them today, I notice an odd expression on her face, almost terror. I can

t help but wonder what she sees. Constance has premonitions; she can

t control them
, and
usually needs some kind of contact with the subject. The fact that she looks so concerned while with Nik and Elyn concerns me. I have to know what

s wrong
I can

t take any chances with these two little ones.

Connie, what

s wrong?

I ask
kneeling down to her.

With sad eyes filling with tears
she looks at me

hey want Nik.

Who wants Nik
? W
hat are you talking about Connie?

Panic takes over,
I pull Nik into my arms in a protective cuddle.

As a tear falls from down her porcelain cheek
she mumbles,

he Cerberus. They know about Nik
. T

s why they came back this time. They hoped to catch us off guard
and get him. Drake wants to raise him as his own
and groom him to the dark side, so to speak.

How the hell do they know about Nik?

I would have to guess
from one of their powers. None of us know what powers they have. The good thing is
they don

t know our powers either, and now we know what they want. Maybe that

s why he wanted Danika.

How could Danika help him get a
day walker

Well maybe
because she

s such a new vampire, she can still have a chance of conceiving. I don

t really know, but we aren

t dead, we are just immortal. So maybe there

s a possibility that the reproductive organs still work
and we

ve just never heard about it.

I guess it would make sense, but how could a vampire nourish a baby?

I question.

It might be something worth researching; maybe we can

t carry to term because of the decreased blood flow through the body. A baby requires blood and nutrients to grow
. T
hey couldn

t get what they need
because we have slower blood, less oxygen and don

t eat food. Maybe this is the only reason vampire

t have children. It could be possible
n someone as young as Danika, because her body hasn

t completed detoxifying and still
carries something to make childbirth viable.

So now that Nik is here, they don

t need Danika. Wait though
why wouldn

t they just create a new vampire of their own?

I don

t know kiddo

m just bouncing ideas around. The important thing is protecting Nik
. W
e have to figure this out

Constance says with determination.

Maybe it

s time we leave Wenham
. I
t may be the only way to save him.

It won

t help Sophia
. T

ll keep looking for him.

The tears roll down my face as I look at the little baby I love as my own. Looking up at Florence, I plead to my mother figure with my eyes. My family joins me on the floor in an attempt to comfort me. I just don

t know how much more I can handle. In the few years
since we returned to Wenham, the people I love have faced so much adversity.

Sophia, it hasn

t all been bad here
; think
of the good. You
found love and friendship. You have a husband now
and together you

re raising his brother. Wenham has taught our family more
in a few short years
than we

ve learned in a century

Alexander responds to my inner thoughts.

Although I curse him most of the time for peering into my head, he does make sense. I wouldn

t have Nathanial, Ebony or Nik
had we not come here.

My sweet Sophia, every family faces their share of challenges
. O
urs are far different from those of mortals, but nonetheless they are challenges. We will find a way to keep Nik safe
just have faith in those of us around you. We love him too

t let anything happen to him.

I know everything my family is saying is true
. T
he Cerberus would have to kill us all before they could get to Nik. We have much better odds in
battle against them
too. Three fights
and they have lost hundreds,
we have lost three
and had two other severely injured. I have to keep that thought close. They may be older and harder to destroy, but we are a much tighter unit
and have heart behind our fight. Together
we will figure this out.

Chapter 26


A New Hope


Ebony and Eliza have been searching for hours
a magickal way to cure Nik of his conditio
f that

s what we can call it. At the same time
Constance and Florence have been flipping through Elijah

s journals in hopes of finding more information on
day walkers

or destroying
. We have been working on this for a few days now
deep in
our research. Everyone

s concentration is broke
by a knock at the door. We all look around
wondering who it could be. Alexander smiles as he stands to answer the door. With a quick flip of his sandy blond hair, he
the door to a new friend.

Michael, it

s great to see you again. We wondered if you would be gracing us with your presence again. Thank you for all your assistance in the fight the other night

Florence says as
towards the handsome angel.

I told you that I

d help, and I will continue to do so. Just understand
I have other priorities that I need to ensure have been taken care of
to my standards.

My apologies
please come in. I

m sure Caspian will be glad to see you
, as will everyone else
. We recently lost a student who succumb
to her injuries sustained in the battle.


m here so
maybe I can give them a lesson

Michael responds
as he walks through the door.

You okay
man? You seem kinda pissy.

Alexander pats him on the shoulder.

Yeah, sorry
ou know how it can be. Sometimes you just have to follow orders
no matter how much you disagree with them.

You know we appreciate your help, but if you don

t wanna be here

s okay. We can manage on our own.


s not that...it

s...ah, never mind.

Michael, I hope you know we are here for you
just as you are here for us.

Thank you Alexander
ybe some other time. Is Caspian in the school?

Yeah, I

ll take you down,

Eliza offers.

As the two walk over to the area of the elevator, Eliza says a chant
and the magickal elevator appears before them. We decide to follow them down
Michael may have something to teach us all.



As Michael steps off the elevator
many students come running to greet him. A small smile forms across his face. I

m pretty sure it

s the first time I

ve seen a genuine smile on his face. Maybe one day we will learn his story
or even better, maybe Alexander can fill us in a little later. I notice Alexander look me in the eyes and shake his head, telling me he

s sharing my thoughts
and he can

t get a read on our new ally.

Hey Michael, good to see you again. I was wondering where you took off too,

Caspian greets his new friend.

Yeah, I had to check on someone. I told you I had other obligations
and I needed to ensure they were being handled to my specifications. That was
the battle the other night
and I also needed to recharge myself

why don

t you get settled in the auditorium

ll be in there shortly. Have your Mac-book ready to take notes

I suggest to the students in order to allow Michael and Caspian so
time away from the students.

Thanks Sophia,

Caspian says.

Now Michael, I can tell you

re a nice guy, but something has been bothering you. My family and I are here for you
. D
o you care to tell us what

s been bothering you?

Thanks Caspian
. T
hank you
all of you. I really don

t mean to be

m just having a difficult time dealing with some of the decisions those above me have made.

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