Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)
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she needs blood.

I just gave her an entire bag.

No you idiot, vampire blood.

I can see the light bulb go off in his eyes as his fangs descend and puncture his wrist before placing it to her lips. As she begins drinking, I notice Caspian

s pleading look. He has realized this is his
soul mate
. I only wonder if he realizes it

s Ashley

s soul.


t worry Caspian, I

ll save her
I promise.

I refocus, visualizing the silver exiting the wound, the heart beating slightly faster than our usual
at six beats a minute
ealing and rejecting the poison. I hear Ebony and Eliza chanting behind me


In the divine name of the goddess

Who breathes life into us all

We ask you to heal

Protect this servant

Through magick

Through love

Protect and heal her

So mote it be,

So mote it be,

So mote it be.


Feeling warmth, I open my eyes. A white candle burns beside Siobhan

as the flame grows the healing progresses. I smile and nod at Caspian. He leans down
kisses her head and whispers


s enough
my dear.


I look to Constance and Isaac as they now both work on Russell
a blanket is covering Carlina. Constance looks at me and
with sadness
shakes her head. I know we

lost her; we

lost one of our students in this war
a war that
to fight against the Cerberus.

how is Russell?

I question.


s stable

m going to keep him here in the main house for observation
. W
hat about Siobhan?


s fine,

I respond.


m going to take her to my dorm room and stay with her tonight. I will call you if anything changes

Caspian insists, not allowing anyone the opportunity to question him.

had taken
the other students back to the school
after the battle
before anyone could get any news
their friends. I think it

s time we go and fill them



As we enter
the school corridor
the students are all gathered, holding white candles in honor of their fallen friends. Caspian walks through the crowd with Siobhan wrapped in the safety of his arms
covered with a soft pink blanket of warmth. The students part as he walks through them towards his room. As they pass, the students closest to them kiss their fingers and touch them to her head. You can see the concern on their faces for their friends that have been injured tonight. Caspian retreats to his dorm room with Siobhan
to ensure she gets the rest she needs
and to
reflect on the information he received
ough he
feeding from him.

Everyone turns back to the rest of us for answers
Elijah takes the lead

irst off
I want to thank you all for an amazing fight. With your help
we were able to destroy what I

m sure is the entire Boston following of the Cerberus. This is an achievement no one has had the pleasure of claiming before.
I do
have a
unfortunate circumstance to report
. T
he leaders, Drake and Cyrus
escaped our wrath. We were able to stake Cyrus
but before destruction was complete
he disappeared before our eyes, followed by his son. Because of Cyrus

s age
assume he will heal from this injur
his son once did.

Cyrus found Drake and brought him back to the
ever after
once upon a time
. We can only assume he will now return the favor for his father. This is why we insist on decapitation and burning after staking. We ensu
many steps
so that
vampire can

t return from beyond the grave.

s hard to tell which ways will kill each individual vampire
and the longer they live the harder they are to kill. I only wish these two would be as simple as a new vampire and a stake through the heart or some holy water would do the trick

The crowd sighs at the thought that the leaders got away. Then Elijah continues,

call this a pure victory, because it didn

t come without a cost. Three of our own were seriously injured tonight. Siobhan, Russell and Carlina each sustained severe injuries during the fight. As you saw
Siobhan is better
but will require round the clock care. Caspian will be providing this for her, so please
if he asks for anything, lend him a hand. Also
Russell is in stable
but critical
and will be staying up at the main house under Isaac

s medical care. It is with my deepest regret
that I must
inform you all
that we
lost one of our own in the battle. Carlina succumb
to her injuries
and we were unable to save her. She passed away tonight in the arms of her caregivers. We will be contacting her family and informing them of her passing. We would also like to perform a wake in her name later this week. On behalf of my family
e are sorry for the loss of your friend, classmate, and team member.

Gasps and sobs echo throughout the corridor as some students collapse into the arms of others. Tonight we will allow them to mo
. T
omorrow we

ll try to make sense of what went wrong
how we can avoid another tragic loss.

Chapter 21



s Second Chance


Taking Siobhan back to my room, I lay her on the bed and cover her with my fluffy down comforter
imming the lights and turning on the gas fireplace in an attempt to make her as comfortable as possible.

My family has done everything in an attempt to make mine a comfortable transition bac
k into the family.
room is very
; it

very large
and resemble
a bachelor

pad. My king size bed is situated in one corner
with black nightstands on either side. The gas fireplace is situated in the middle of the room in the wall that separates my sleeping quarters from the living area. To complete the bedroom aspect of the room
have a large
black dresser and walk-in closet that leads to the restroom.
the other side of the
is an over-stuffed
black leather sofa
with a glass top coffee table in front of it,
to the right is a corner office style desk where my
rests. A large T.V. rests in the wall above the fireplace
a little push
so it swivels to face the sleeping area. Alexander must have done the electronics
I have everything a man could want in his man
cave. The coolest part is the speakers
; they
are little pads that attach to the wall
turn the
entire wall
into a
speaker. Thankfully for everyone else, the room is also soundproofed. I haven

t lived th
comfortable in years, since I first left my family. Walking around
my feet sink into the fluffy
wall shag carpeting
. T
he white carpet contrasts perfect
all the black furniture.

I have a small reading chair that I pull to the side of my bed
I want to keep Siobhan in my sights and not leave her side. Looking at the beautiful
sandy blond
e haired
woman, I can

t help but wonder how any of this is possible. I felt such a connection when she drank from me
he kind of connection only
soul mates
feel. How can
be? Ashley was my
soul mate
and I lost her over thirty years ago. Was Matilda mistaken with Ashley, or am I just so lonesome that I just want her to be a match for me
As I look her
, memorizing every feature, I feel the most wonderful tingle run through me. I want to learn more about her
. I
f she is my
soul mate
I want to know why
and how

s possible. Can I have more than one
soul mate
? The connection I had with Ashley was like something written in the movies. I know Ashley and I were meant for each other, so how can it be true for Siobhan and me too?

Siobhan is very beautiful
about five
eight inches tall
with blond hair that hangs just below her shoulders. When she smiles
two adorable little dimples form on either side of her mouth. Her full
pink lips need no lipstick
would call them kissable. I find myself experiencing feelings that I haven

t felt in years. I text Alexander
asking him to bring me her student file
I want to know as much as I can about her.

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