Ever Winter (14 page)

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Authors: Alexia Purdy

Tags: #Fiction, #Fairy Tales; Folk Tales; Legends & Mythology

BOOK: Ever Winter
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“Brisa,” Soap hissed. He pulled her back to sit on the settee with him in hopes he could catch her the next time she lunged at the prince like a wild animal. “You heard him. Two weeks. We plan our strategy and go from there. And…” He loosened his grip on her arm realizing she was squirming from the pressure. “You won’t be coming along.”

“The hell I’m not. You can’t just dump me here in this traitor’s fortress! I’m going, you better not stop me either cuz I’ll just…” Her voice trailed off with Soap’s hand over her mouth.

“I have to get you back home. You won’t be coming. Faerie is dangerous for humans. It’s no place for one without magic. Your fate would be my responsibility and I’m not sure I can protect you by myself.” Soap slowly pulled his hand away from her mouth as she seethed in silence. “Shade wouldn’t want anything to happen to you. Alright?”

Brisa glared at him, unable to understand why she couldn’t go. She knew Shade wouldn’t want her to. The dangers she’d told her about Faerie were not pretty and having no powers was definitely not a plus here. Defeated, Brisa nodded, getting up to leave and get her things from her room. She paused at the door and threw Ursad an icy glare. “I won’t forget this. If Shade gets out alive, which you better hope she does, I will remind her of your lies and deceit. You’ll be very, very sorry.” With that she stomped from the room and down the hall.

Soap was left
to come up with a plan. Two weeks until the full moon. Two weeks of torment to wait and see what had become of Shade and Dylan. He might be in constant competition with Dylan, but he’d grown used to his presence. The absence of them both weighed heavy on Soap and he cracked his knuckles thinking of them.

Ursad fidgeted in his chair. Watching Soap deep in thought made him nervous. He knew he wouldn’t be harmed, his guards were quick and would best him if they had to. It wasn’t that which had him so on edge
−going against Corb was what he feared the most. He’d never attempted to defy his father before and he wasn’t looking forward to doing so. If he lived through this, he had to make sure Shade knew that he had never wanted this to happen. He’d never willingly put her in harm’s way, but the Ice King was persuasive.

Ursad would pay for everything sooner or later. Right now, he’d have to atone for what he’d done one way or another, that included helping Soap form a reconnaissance mission.

Chapter Thirteen


shiny, polished surfaces, which gleamed with white and blue. It made Shade think she was still unconscious or dreaming for walls so smooth, yet wavy and blue-white couldn’t be real. Blinking, she reached up to rub her eyes and let them adjust further to the brilliant illumination surrounding her.

Sitting up she felt a slow pulsating of a fading headache as she examined her surroundings. Warm silken sheets were under her, the same color ice blue as the walls. It was some sort of bedroom, complete with a mirrored dresser, a carved ice wardrobe and small loveseat set to the side of the bed with enormous fluffy blue pillows to sit on. She glanced above, feeling snowflakes landing softly on her nose. The room was opened to the outside through the roof and the white sky blended into the sharp ice tips that made the castle’s exterior.

The snowflakes felt good on her nose, it wasn’t freezing cold as she would’ve expected. In fact, the lack of cold from the obviously frozen surroundings jolted her into full awareness. Glancing down, the jewel encrusted dress she wore was way too thin to offer any protection from the frigid temperature. What was this? Where was she?

She dangled her legs over the side of the bed and stepped onto the smooth ice flooring. A dusting of fresh snow littered the ground but it felt of nothing, not cold, not hot. Just was
. She walked over to the dresser and sat on the small cushioned chair that stood before it. Glancing up toward the mirror she sucked in her breath as she studied a stranger’s reflection.

Her skin was pale, ice blue, like the frozen walls around her. But, her lips remained pink and lush. Her brown eyes stared back at her through ringlets of curls for her hair was piled up on her head and clasped with a diamond barrette. She looked ethereal, unnatural. Even her fingernails were pure white, like snow.

She stood up, spinning around the room to see if anyone was around. “Hello?”

The shifting ice groaned in response but nothing alive answered back. She couldn’t see a doorway, and she feared she was trapped. But, was this not her home now? Her confusion made her mind spin and she sank back down onto the edge of the bed, afraid to realize she couldn’t remember anything, or anyone. Just her name.

“Shade?” A calm voice with a familiar ring to it echoed in the room. A rounded doorway appeared in one of the solid walls, sending her to her feet, searching for some kind of weapon. Grabbing the lone candelabra sitting atop a side table next to the bed, she readied herself to pummel the owner of the intrusion.

Instead, Dylan walked through the door. Or a very changed Dylan. His skin was the same ice blue as hers but his lips were a welcoming shade of pink. His black locks lay carelessly across his shoulders, laced with wisps of ice.  Shade wondered why it was that she knew his name, but nothing else. Smiling she dropped the candelabra, letting it clatter to the floor and ran toward him, nearly tumbled him to the floor as she embraced him.

“Whoa there, are you alright, my queen?” He squeezed her back before holding her out with his arms to take in her face. “Is something amiss?”

“No, no. I’m fine. I was just confused for moment. I’ve forgotten where I am. What is this place? I can’t remember for some strange reason.”

“I know, I feel the same. It all seems so familiar but things evade my thoughts even if I concentrate to try to remember. But…” He stroked her hair back, his sweet smile making her relax and feel a flutter of warmth inside. “I remember you very well. I remember your name, your face, your voice, your scent…”

Shade’s heart hammered in her chest, closing her eyes as his lips hovered so close to hers. There was nowhere else she wanted to be. Nowhere that Dylan wasn’t.

“Yet, you look different. I’m changed as well.” She flicked her eyes open to his statement. He seemed as confused as she was, but relieved to find her in this frozen place. His skin felt slightly warmer than hers but the white blue with a touch of frost sheen to it seemed an unnatural tone for him. Only his eyes and dark hair were the same and she ran her fingers through the hint of ice which clung to his locks. Tracing them to the ends until her fingers caressed his skin. His hair now just past his shoulders, growing so fast, he’d have his previously long mane back soon. He’d cut it to mourn his life at the Teleen Caverns. He had to give up his prestigious position as Captain of the Guard to save his brother Darren and be bound to Shade by blood to protect her. He had been reluctant at first, but now, being at Shade’s side was the only place he desired to be. But, how did she know this? What did it mean to her?

She shook her head, confused and wanting just to hold him for now.

“What is this place?” Looking around them, they decided to exit and explore.

“I have a ver
y strong feeling that it’s The Great Divide−the Ancient Ice King’s castle. Not too many castles are made of ice in Faerie. Funny, I don’t remember much but small things do come to me.” He glanced at her in his periphery, throwing her a sweet smile. She flushed and kept close to him as they walked slowly down the hall of ice, gripping his hand in hers.

“I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered.

“I’ll never leave you. Never willingly, at least. You know that right?”


They crept on slowly, trying to stay aware of their surroundings. The place seemed abandoned−not a servant nor the Ice King made an appearance. Coming to a huge palatial room, they stood in awe of the vast spread of food waiting before them on a long table. Two places were set up at one end and they glanced at each other before they proceeded and sat down. Silver cups stood before them and their plates waited to be filled. Shade reached over to touch the cup and it spontaneously filled with rich red fluid. Dylan did the same with his, bringing the filled cup to his lips to taste it.

“Wait, you don’t know what that is,” Shade shook her head at him, her eyes widening with fear as he took a sip.

He put the cup down and shrugged. “I feel fine. Hey, we have to eat. I’m thinking this is for us. Two settings? How much of a coincidence could that be?” He grabbed his plate and started loading it up with the plethora of fruits, chicken, vegetables and more. Shade threw him a dirty look for his gluttony and sighed. He was right, her stomach was rolling in complaints from her hunger. She reached out and plucked a few grapes, chicken and something that looked like mashed potatoes slathered in gravy. Shoving it into her mouth as it watered from the yummy aromas.

So far, they hadn’t keeled over, thank goodness. Relieved, Shade continued to eat until she felt fat as a tick and settled back in her chair, sipping the fruity tasting red drink that kept refilling itself. She watched Dylan polish off three plates and down at least four cups of drink. Studying the room, she felt as though she was being watched. The walls could have eyes for all she knew. She shuddered, not from the cold, but from the dread that crept along her skin like night crawlers. How could she feel safe and yet so frightened all at once?

“How do we get out of here, Dylan?”

He wiped his mouth as he did his own scan of the room. “Good question. I’m not sure, but there has to be a way out of here, right? Somehow, we got in.”

She nodded, reassured that he was with her, no matter where here was. “What should we do then? I don’t know about you but the cold doesn’t seem to be bothering me much. I thought I was human, so I should be a Popsicle now.” Bringing her pale hands up, she studied the off coloring of her skin. Touching her fingers to her face, they felt warm to her, not frozen like they appeared.
So strange.

“I feel fine. I feel great actually.” He grinned and stood up, offering his hand to her and they made their way through another hall. The place was a labyrinth. How anyone managed to not get lost here was a feat unto itself. The ice sculptors, carved halls and doors were so intricately done, she wondered if they ever melted. Probably not. Wherever this place was, it was cold enough to build a castle made of ice so it probably never got warm.

“Shade, do you remember anything, anything whatsoever about life outside these walls?” Dylan kept on, his tunic shifting with every step. It clung snugly to his broad chest and his pants were just the same. She blushed, realizing her admiration of his body was getting quite absurd. She couldn’t keep her eyes off him. Maybe that was a good thing. They obviously liked each other. Why fight it?

“No, I don’t remember anything or anyone besides you and the Ice King Corb. Why is that? Why do I not feel like it matters much? Bits come to me like a foggy dream but they don’t mean much or I can’t figure out what I’m supposed to know from them. I’m just happy to be here with you.” She squeezed his hand and felt his reciprocate. Somehow, with his small gesture, he made everything okay.

“Me too. It’s quite odd isn’t it?”

“Yes. Quite.”

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