Read Eve Vaughn Online

Authors: The Factory

Tags: #Erotica, #Sci Fi

Eve Vaughn (4 page)

BOOK: Eve Vaughn
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Sydney was equally frantic, working on his belt buckle and undoing his pants.

She gasped when his cock sprang free. “You’re not wearing any underwear,” she said lamely.

Jack chuckled, knowing he was a little above average as far as his dick was concerned. The look of pure unadulterated lust she gave it told him Sydney very much liked what she saw.

“I can’t abide the things. They’re too restricting. Besides, this is easier access, my dear.”

She licked her lips again. “No talking. I want more action.”

“Whatever you say, pretty lady.” He grasped his cock and rubbed it against her damp passage. Damn, Sydney was so wet she was dripping. “Open yourself for me, Sydney. Show me that pussy of yours.”

Not hesitating for a moment, she reached between her legs and parted her swollen, slick folds, displaying the tender pink insides. Jack had never seen a more tantalizing sight.

With a growl, he thrust into her, driving balls deep. He released his sharp intake of breath. Dear sweet heavens she was tight. Sydney’s cunt gripped his cock, sucking


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him in as deep as he could go. Jack doubted he’d be able to hold out for very long.

“Wrap your legs around me, darling.”

Complying with his command, she tilted her hips up and he went deeper still.

He didn’t think it was possible for him to be so far inside of a woman to the point where he didn’t know where he ended and she began. Jack didn’t want this to ever end. For some reason, being with Sydney just felt right.

As he began to move she did so as well, meeting each shove of his cock and giving as good as she got. “Pussy… so… fucking… tight,” he huffed, unable to verbalize his words effectively.

“More! Harder!” Sydney screamed. He increased the pace, pumping into her with more force, but it didn’t seem to be enough for Sydney. “Faster, damn you!” She bucked and gyrated her hips against him as her vaginal walls squeezed him harder than ever.

Jack knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out now. His only hope was that she got off before he did because his climax was on its way. Ramming in and out of her as quickly as he could for several more strokes, the payoff came when Sydney stiffened beneath him before she broke out in spasms.

“Oh yes!” she cried her release as her nails ran down his back. She probably broke skin, but Jack didn’t give a damn, because the pressure in his balls moved through his entire being and then exploded.

Shooting his load into her hot, tight cunt, he collapsed on top of her, getting in a few more thrusts before stopping. Jack rested his head in the crook of her shoulder trying to catch his breath. With neither speaking, they lay on the hard cold ground, their arms wrapped around each other’s bodies.

Then common sense finally returned.

Holy shit! What the hell had he just done? They could’ve been discovered and yet rational thought hadn’t entered the equation while he was fucking her. If Chase found out what just happened, he knew he’d be in for another lecture. What was it


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about Sydney that made him forget his vow to stay away from her? They had to get up and out of here just in case someone did come along.

Jack rolled off of her and sat up. “We shouldn’t have done that.” The minute the words were out of his mouth he wished he could take them back. Hadn’t he already learned from past mistakes to think before he spoke when it came to women? Standing up on unsteady legs, he pulled up his pants. Hell, he hadn’t even undressed properly.

He’d taken her on the ground like some randy mutt. It was on the tip of his tongue to soften what he’d just said, but Sydney replied.

“You’re right we shouldn’t have.” The matter of fact way in which she said it made it seem as if they were talking about the weather rather than the fact that they’d fucked.

He should have been glad she wasn’t going to get hysterical on him, but her offhandedness bothered him. Was she so casual about it because she made a habit of screwing guys she barely knew? And if that were the case, why did it bother him?

She wobbled to her feet and adjusted her clothing, not making eye contact with him.

“Is that all you have to say?” he demanded gruffly.

Sydney shrugged, stepping into her panties and pulling them over the gentle curve of her hips. “What would you like me to say?” Jack couldn’t tear his gaze away from her gorgeous body. He’d just had her, yet the burning ache to possess her once again was rearing its head.

What he needed was a cold shower.

“I don’t know… that
shouldn’t have done that?”

“I’m just as responsible as you were. If we’re being honest with each other, I was probably more to blame than you were. I asked -- no, I begged for it. You obliged. So don’t feel like you owe me any explanations for what just happened. And for the record I don’t usually do things like this. It was a heat of the moment thing. I’ve never been in a situation where I wasn’t in control, and I needed something -- anything -- to gain some kind of balance.”


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Jack narrowed his eye. “So you used me?”

“No. We used each other. You enjoyed it too didn’t you?” He wanted to scream at her for being so nonchalant about it. Despite his own misgivings about the incident, he didn’t like how easily Sydney was able to brush it off as if it were no big deal.

“Yes, you know I did.”

“Good.” She smoothed the wrinkles out of her clothes though they still looked rumpled for her efforts. “Then there’s nothing else to discuss.”

“No,” he muttered tightly. “We should arrive at our headquarters in a half hour if we hurry.”

She nodded. “Lead the way.”

The rest of their journey was traveled in silence. Sydney seemed reflective and serene -- almost too calm considering what she’d experienced in the past day and just now. Jack, on the other hand, couldn’t stop thinking about how her soft body had felt against his, how deeply her pussy had gripped his cock, and the scent of her skin.

How was he going to get anything done now when he had to deal with two women he had no right getting involved with? There was Anna, who he’d always valued as a friend, whom he’d hurt. And now there was Sydney who apparently didn’t see him as anything beyond a quick fuck. It would be a wonder if he could make it through the next few days and still maintain his sanity.


Chapter Five

Bella woke up with a start. Had it all been some horrible nightmare? Or had she really been sold to a zoo on another planet? She wiped away the cold sweat beaded on her forehead and then noted the pillow beside her. It had the imprint of someone’s head.


No, it hadn’t been a dream, but at least now she was no longer alone in her plight. She slid out of bed and grabbed the clothes she’d flung onto the floor earlier.

Once she was dressed she left her cabin in search of her lover.

She found him in the cockpit of their tiny ship, a frown marring his golden face.

Her heart raced at the sight of his shirtless body. He had the physique of a god with strength radiating from every muscle in his large frame. A smile touched her lips as her gaze slid down the taut length of him to rest on his tight buttocks.

Her pussy tingled with her need for him. They’d made love before she’d gone to bed but she was ready for him again. Quietly, she stalked toward him and then wrapped her arms around his waist.

Dar turned around with a smile on his handsome face. “Well, hello. I thought you would still be in bed asleep.”

It took a moment to discern what he was saying from the movements of his lips.

Bella was pretty proficient at reading lips, but she was still learning his language and some words still escaped her. She was pleased there were more times she understood him than not, as she was able to pick up enough to string together a sentence.

“I had that dream again.”

He dropped a kiss on her forehead and pulled her closer. She felt safe within his tight embrace. If anyone had told her months ago that she’d end up on a planet in


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another galaxy as an animal attraction, she would have laughed, and told them they were crazy. But that’s exactly what happened. And had it not been for Dar, her caretaker, she would still be there, put on display for the amusement of the native Flamrylians. Just when her will to fight had nearly been shattered, Dar stepped in as her defender, and for that she was grateful, but her feelings for him ran much deeper than mere gratitude.

She was in love with him, gold body and all. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t Human and didn’t look like the men she was used to on Earth. What did matter was how he made her feel with his compassion, bravery, and strength.

Dar lifted her chin, so that she was looking at his face, a sign that he wanted to speak with her. “Why don’t you go back to bed? I’ll join you shortly.”

“No. I want to stay here with you. Is everything all right? You seemed disturbed about something when I came on deck.”

Dar pulled away from her, the deep rise and fall of his chest and his warm breath on her face indicating his sigh. “We’ve made it into Earth’s orbit.” The news sent a burst of pure joy soaring through her. When she had been locked up in a cage on Flamryl, Bella didn’t think she’d ever see home again, or her dear friends Holly and Sydney. After their escape she had hope and now it seemed her dreams were finally going to become a reality. “That’s wonderful! I can’t wait.”

“Darling, I’ve been sending a signal for several days, yet no one has answered. I fear if we don’t receive some kind of communication back we’ll eventually run out of fuel. So we’ll either have to turn around or take a chance and land in hopes we’re not shot down in the process.”

The elation she felt only seconds ago quickly faded. “We can’t go back.”

“But we take the risk of falling right into the hands of the Cyrellians. Even if we aren’t attacked the moment we attempt to land, we’re not going to be welcomed. We know too much. They’ll more than likely separate us and then torture us… if we’re lucky.”




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“Are you sure they won’t intercept the signal you’re sending? Maybe they’re already on to us.”

Dar shook his dark head. “I’ve been very careful about it. The radar on this ship is able to zone in on the number of people in a certain area. It figured most people will be in the larger cities, and the renegades, as you’ve described them, would be on the outskirts.”

“Explain to me in laymen’s terms.”

“I’ve been able to lock into several communicators; most of them are within the bounds of highly populated sections. But I’ve managed to find one where there weren’t so many people. Actually a lot less. If my theory pans out, I’m hitting the renegade coordinates.”

“Are you sure the Cyrellians won’t pick it up? Their technology is probably as advanced as what’s on the ship. Maybe they have some kind of interceptor regardless of whether you can cloak your signal to any ones it wasn’t intended to go.”

“Keep in mind, Bella, that the Cyrellian technology is advanced by Human standards. These parasites were banished from our galaxy several hundred years ago, so they probably haven’t had a chance to develop their devices beyond what they were when they left. At least, that’s what I hope.”

Bella didn’t like the uncertainty lingering in Dar’s eyes. “How much time do we have before a definite decision needs to be made?”

“Two more days.”

“If you can lock in to where the majority of Earth’s inhabitants are located, why not try to land where they aren’t?”

“That idea has merit although by sending a signal we can at least flee while we’re in the air. Once we hit the ground, there may be no escape.”

“I see. But we’ve come this far, I’d hate to turn back now.” Dar stroked Bella’s cheek. “I know what you mean, but I refuse to risk your life.” She gave him a long hard stare. “I hope we’re not going to go through this again.

I’m capable of taking care of myself. I don’t need you to coddle me. Besides, if David


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weren’t asleep at the moment, he’d agree with me about going to Earth no matter what.”

David had been her fellow cellmate on Flamryl. It had been the intention of the head zookeeper to mate him with Bella. Little did the powers that be know, David was gay and Bella had already given her heart to Dar. Still, she’d come to appreciate the friendship that had developed between the two of them and wouldn’t have dreamt of leaving him behind when she’d been offered a means to escape.

“I like David, but I don’t care about his safety as much as I do for yours.”

“But it’s not up to you to make the decisions for me. I don’t know if things were like that back on your planet, but on Earth, women are allowed to think for themselves.”

He cupped her face between his palms. “I love you, Bella. The thought of harm coming to you causes me pain I can’t put into words. I don’t want to make you feel helpless, but I can’t put you in the line of danger.”

“I appreciate your concern, but please don’t do this to me.” His brows furrowed together. “What? Love you?”

“No. Try to shelter me. One of my very best friends has done that to me all our lives, and while she only had the best of intentions, it got annoying. The last time we saw each other, we argued. I may never see her again, to tell her how much I care for her, but I want to try, and no one will steal that chance away from me. Not even you.” She poked his chest to emphasize each word she said.

Dar crossed his arms over his massive torso. “Oh? And how do you propose to do that when I’m the only one aboard who knows how to captain this ship?”

“I’ll find a way. If I need to, wherever you decide to land, someone is bound to bring me back to Earth.”

“Do you think it will be so easy?”

“I’ve been told I’m stubborn. I’m very determined.”


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He gazed at her with those fathomless cobalt eyes of his. Dear heavens above, she adored this man. But she’d meant every word. Even if she had to go against his wishes to get back to Earth, somehow she’d discover a way.

Finally, his shoulders slumped, defeat radiating from him. “If this is what you really want, I’ll do everything I can.”

Bella jumped up and down, clapping her hands together in her glee before throwing her arms around him. “Thank you so much!” She planted kisses along his jaw line and against his sculpted lips.

A fiery wave coursed through her body.

Dar’s erections pressed against her belly. Bella broke her embrace and frantically began to undo his pants.

He stilled her hands with his. “What are you doing?” She grinned at him. “Thanking you properly.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Haven’t you learned I do what I want?”

“But David --”

She placed a finger against his mouth to silence his hesitation. “Is sound asleep.

Whenever he takes those sleeping pills he picked up on Razek, he’s out for several hours at a time.”

As she pushed his pants down his lean golden hips, Bella went to her knees. She unlaced his under briefs to set his cocks free. She marveled at the sheer size of his members. No matter how many times they made love, it always amazed her. The fact that he was so huge should have been enough to scare her in itself, but his sub-penis, perfectly portioned and half the length and width of his main one probably would have given any woman pause.

Not Bella. She loved having a big hard shaft jammed into her pussy while another slipped in and out of her ass. Sucking and playing with them was nearly as much fun.




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Grasping both dicks in one of her hands, Bella gave them a gentle squeeze. With the other she fondled his tight balls, tickling them with her fingers. She didn’t have to hear his voice to know Dar was getting off by what she was doing. She could tell by the way he gripped the sides of her head and how his body quivered.

Running her tongue along the mushroom shaped helmets, she licked the pre-cum dripping, reveling in the unique spicy flavor. Giving Dar pleasure was as arousing as receiving it. She lifted her head to make eye contact with him. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down and he clenched his jaw as if he might have been holding back.

She wouldn’t allow him to do that. Bella needed his absolute surrender.

Wrapping her lips around his main cock, she slid over him taking inch by delicious inch deeper into her mouth. Since they’d been together, she had practiced swallowing him whole. She was almost there and could get to the point where it pushed past her gag reflex before she was unable to take any more, but it was much further than her first attempt.

This time, she nearly made it to the base of Dar’s dick before pulling back.

“Mmm,” she moaned, hoping the humming sensation she created around the sensitive rod was enough to send him over the edge.

It was, because his fingers dug into her hair and he began to thrust in and out of her mouth, gently at first, but when she increased the pressure of her mouth around his organ, he seemed to lose control like a man possessed. He pumped back and forth, practically yanking on her hair, but Bella didn’t feel the pain. She was too caught up in the moment to care.

All that mattered was that Dar get off.

Bella gripped his sub-cock, rubbing her thumb back and forth over the velvety-smooth head. It spurted come, and she knew he was close to orgasm. Refusing to let up she sucked him harder, faster, moving in rhythm with his thrusts.

Dar stiffened, signaling his orgasm was near. Then he exploded into her mouth, shooting his seed down her throat.




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Bella slurped and sucked, catching as much of his essence as possible. He was the one to finally pull away, before hauling her to her feet and then carrying her toward their cabin.

She snuggled against him, anticipation burning through her veins, because she knew Dar would return the favor.

* * *

Holly re-read the note that had been slid under her door, searching desperately for some clue as to where she could find Sydney.

If you’re reading this, I might have put you in danger as well, but I didn’t know who else
to turn to. Don’t believe what you hear on the news. I was set up. You were right all along. The
Cyrellians are behind Bella’s disappearance and what’s worse, they’re probably responsible for
more deaths than we know of. I can only hope our friend is well. I’m going to lay low for a while
until I figure out my next move. I’ll need to leave the city. No matter what happens to me, know
that you’ll always be in my thoughts, my dear friend. I love you. Sydney.

P.S. Attached are some papers I took from the file I told you about. You may want to
burn them soon after they’re read; otherwise, you might be implicated in this conspiracy as well

“Dammit, Sydney, you should have come to me, and then we could have run together!” Holly exclaimed to no one at all.

To her horror, she’d woken up to see Sydney’s face plastered all over the news as a thief. Holly had known something had gone terribly wrong. She should have tried harder to convince her friend to quit that awful job the moment Sydney had begun to voice her doubts. But she hadn’t wanted to come off as pushy. It was what had driven Bella away in the first place and she didn’t want to make that same mistake again. Too bad she hadn’t listened to her first instinct. It might have caused Sydney to turn her back on her as well, but at least her friend would be out of danger’s way.

Holly had called in sick to work after watching the bulletins on television, still unable to get over what had happened. To her dismay, a breaking story later came on to


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say Syd had been captured, but then escaped with a mysterious man who was said to be the leader of a “terrorist” organization.

That had at least given Holly some hope, but were the renegades any better than the Cyrellians?

With shaking hands, she glanced over the papers her friend had taken from the GXT file. Holly had known those bastards were probably capable of anything, but this?

BOOK: Eve Vaughn
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