Eve of a Hundred Midnights (45 page)

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Chungking capital move, 76–77

Communist Chinese tensions with, 166–67, 181–82

Lingnan students' opinions of, 27

Marco Polo Bridge (Lugouqiao) incident, 38–39, 40

New Life Movement, 31, 201–2

Sian incident, 28–29, 31, 36, 37

United China Relief as benefit for, 144, 152

Wang Ching-wei agent network and, 63–64

See also
MJ's Chungking Voice of China job (1940); Sino-Japanese War; Voice of China

Lamont, Thomas W., 145

Lanchow, 182–83

Laos, 116–17

Lascher, Bill, 173

Lasky, Jesse, 13–14

Lattimore, Owen, 177

Leaf, Earl, 71, 72, 94, 146–47, 151, 157, 192, 206

Lee, Clark

Cebu sojourn, 302, 304, 307, 308

Corregidor sojourn, 258, 263, 268, 278

Doña Nati
escape, 313, 315, 316, 320, 321–22, 323, 327

La Florecita
escape to Corregidor, 249–51, 255–57

friendship with MJ, 217–18

Manila escape plans, 235, 239, 243, 244, 249

Manila press community Christmas celebrations, 235

panda diplomacy and, 221–22

Pearl Harbor attack news and, 227

preparations to leave Manila, 246

Princesa de Cebu
escape, 283–84, 287, 294, 299–300

Lee, Warren, 183

Lee Ya-Ching, 153

Lehman, Herbert, 152

Leitao, Carlos, 30, 71

Leitao, Marie, 30, 51, 71, 156

Lend-Lease Act (1941), 154, 177

Leonard, Royal, 178, 194, 223

Leong, Charles L., 54, 56–58

magazine, 265, 276

MJ's reporting for

Lombard, Carole, 358

Long March, 28

Los Angeles Times
, 78

Luce, Clare Boothe, 161, 219, 355

Luce, Henry R.

Chambers and, 363

Europe front priority, 355

MJ's job hunt (1941) and, 166

MJ-AWJ reporting from Corregidor and, 311

MJ-AWJ wedding and, 219

Far East bureau job offer, 200–201

northwestern frontier reporting (1941) and, 181, 182

Philippines invasion threat (1941) and, 240

Princesa de Cebu
escape and, 299–300

Thunder Out of China
and, 364

travel to China (1941), 161, 163–64, 165, 166

United China Relief and, 143–44, 145, 146, 151, 153–54, 159–60

See also
MJ's reporting for

Ludwig, William, 137, 138–39

Lugouqiao (Marco Polo Bridge)

incident (1937), 38–39, 40

MacArthur, Arthur, 334

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas

Australia headquarters, 329, 330

Corregidor escape plans and, 279–80, 282–84

Corregidor sojourn and, 261–62, 278–79

Manila evacuation, 281–82, 284, 326

MJ's death and, 371

MJ's photograph of, 333

MJ-AWJ wedding and, 220

Open City declaration, 5, 236–37, 281

Philippines invasion threat (1941), 5–6, 225–26, 227, 239

reporters escape and, 257

MacArthur, Jean, 284

McCarthy, Joseph, 364

McCurdy, Bill, 131

MacDaniel, Yates, 107

McEvoy, Dennis, 223

McNamara, Robert, 129

(hospital ship), 4–5, 239–40

Magellan, Ferdinand, 210

Manila, 208–10

Open City declaration, 5, 236–37, 281

war preparations in, 229–31, 233–34

See also
bureau chief job; Philippines; Philippines invasion threat (1941)

Mao Tse-tung (Mao Zedong), 28

March of Time
(radio series), 338, 372

Marco Polo Bridge (Lugouqiao)

incident (1937), 38–39, 40

Marks, Jackee, 206, 370–73

Marshall, Ray, 59

Martin, Gen. Maurice, 103, 110

Martinpantz, Pierre, 106–7

Meisenhelder, Ed, 148

Melville Jacoby
(ship), 369–70, 373–75

Merrell, Bud, 31

Meyberg, Elza Stern Jacoby (MJ's mother)

AWJ's arrival in Chungking and, 196

AWJ's United China Relief job and, 192

Corregidor sojourn and, 278

death of, 370

Doña Nati
escape and, 322

loss of daughter Marilyn, 20

MJ's birth and, 14

MJ's death and, 349–50, 354

MJ's early life and, 15–16

MJ's return to the United States (1942) and, 121–22

MJ-AWJ engagement and, 204, 206, 208

relationship with AWJ, 354, 356–57, 358–59

Meyberg, Manfred (MJ's stepfather), 16–17, 20, 33, 54, 204, 206

MGM, 136–39, 158, 162, 191, 192, 272, 356.
See also

Michie, Allan, 218, 223

“Missouri Mafia”, 65, 67

Mitter, Rana, 39, 40, 76

MJ's Chungking sojourn (1941)

air raid shelter disaster (June 1941), 170–76

AWJ's arrival, 194–98

AWJ correspondence, 189, 191–92

censorship, 180–81, 182, 195

Chungking environment, 167–68

engagement to AWJ, 202–6, 207–8

Far East bureau job offer, 200–201

Mydans friendship, 7–8, 182–85, 187–89

northwestern frontier reporting, 182–84

magazine correspondent job, 168, 176, 177, 188

travel to China, 160–65, 166

United China Relief work, 152–53, 157, 160, 198–200, 216

U.S. war role and, 177–79

Voice of China job offer, 150–51, 168–69

working conditions, 168–69, 186–87

MJ's Chungking Voice of China job (1940), 70–97

Chiang Kai-shek dinner, 152–53

Chungking environment, 74–78, 83–86, 96–97

Chungking journalist community, 78–83

European war and, 95–96

job offer, 67–69, 72

MJ's daily schedule, 89–91

MJ's disillusionment with, 92–96, 99–100

MJ's journey to Chungking, 70–71

MJ job scope, 73–74

proximity to Chinese leadership, 86–89

Voice of China origins, 72–73

MJ's Lingnan University student exchange program, 22–35

friendships, 25–26, 30–33, 34–35

Kwangsi visit, 30–33

letters from, 23, 24–25

photo, 23

political context, 24, 26–27, 28–29

program overview, 20–21

MJ's photography

American Clipper
voyage, 163

Chungking, 75, 88, 91, 170

Chungking air raid shelter disaster, 174–76

Corregidor, 333, 334, 335

Douglas Airview
magazine story, 357

Hanoi, 102

job search (1941) and, 147

Mayling Soong, 87

Carl Mydans support for, 55, 184–85

Princesa de Cebu
escape, 290, 299, 301, 304

MJ's reporting for

anti-Communism and, 364–65

Cebu, 309, 310–11

Chungking air raid shelter disaster article, 174–76

Corregidor, 264, 274–75, 276, 278–79

fall of Bataan, 335

Indochina, 101, 103

northwestern frontier (1941), 182–84

photographs from Australia, 332–34

MJ's reporting for

anti-Communism and, 363, 364–65

Cebu, 310–11

Corregidor, 264, 275–76, 278–79

correspondent job (1941), 168, 176, 177, 188

job offers, 96, 147–48

northwestern frontier (1941), 182

See also
bureau chief job (Manila)

MJ's Shanghai sojourn (1939), 61–67

international identity, 61–62

Japanese occupation, 62, 235

Jewish refugee community in, 66–67, 78

journalist community in, 64–66, 68

reporting, 66–67

Wang Ching-wei agent network, 63–64

bureau chief job (Manila), 208–13

contacts, 211–12

engagement and, 204–5, 213–15

Japanese attacks on the Philippines, 227–29

job offer, 200–201

Clark Lee friendship, 217–18

Manila environment, 208–10

panda diplomacy, 216, 221–22, 223–24

Pearl Harbor attack, 226–27

wedding, 218–21

See also
Philippines invasion threat (1941)

MJ's United Press job (Indochina), 105–18

Japanese occupation and, 108–9

job offer, 105–7

journalist community, 109

MJ's arrest in Haiphong (1940), 8, 112–16, 141

MJ's departure, 116–17

political difficulties, 110, 112

MJ and AWJ collaborations

Corregidor reporting, 264–65

“This Is Our Battle” book

manuscript, 310, 323–24, 332, 334, 336, 337, 355–56, 358, 359, 372

War Brides
screenplay (1941), 158, 162, 191, 192, 272

Moats, Alice-Leone, 115–16

Moore, Col. Joseph, 352

Morris, Eric, 225

Morris, John, 149

Mydans, Carl and Shelley Smith Arizona State University conference (1982), 366

on AWJ, 133–34, 135, 137, 193

AWJ's arrival in Chungking and, 198

on Chungking, 77

Chungking arrival (1941), 179

Manila internment, 286, 311, 325–26, 330, 332, 343–44, 353

Manila war preparations, 230

MJ's friendship with, 7–8, 54–55, 182–85, 187–89

MJ-AWJ wedding role, 8, 218, 219

northwestern frontier reporting (1941), 182–84

Pearl Harbor attack, 226–27

Philippines invasion threat (1941), 235, 239–40, 241, 245–46

photographs published in

magazine, 332–34

preparations to leave, 248–49

release of, 360

support for MJ's photography, 55, 184–85

Mydans, Shelley Smith.
Mydans, Carl and Shelley Smith

Mynderse, J. Franklin “Frank”, 18–19, 53

“My Private Utopia” (Jacoby), 19

Nationalist Chinese.

NBC, 150, 151, 168, 186, 212

Neville, Bob, 118

New Deal, 19

New Fourth Army incident (1941), 166–67, 181

New Life Movement, 31, 201–2

The New Republic
, 149, 365

magazine, 151, 161

New York Times
, 64, 147, 149

Oakie, John, 95

Open City declaration, 5, 236–37, 281

“Ours Is Full of Holes” (Jacoby), 357

Pai Chung-hsi (Bai Chongxi), 26

panda diplomacy, 198–200, 216, 221–22, 223–24

Parker, Nancy, 147, 355–56

Parsons, Louella, 272

Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 226–27, 280, 361

Peng, Mike, 168

Peng Lo Shan, 72

“Philippine Epic” (
magazine), 332–34, 364–65


colonial heritage, 209–10

defense of, 5–6, 225–26

Japanese attacks on (1941), 227–30

See also
escape from the Philippines; Manila; Philippines invasion threat

Philippines invasion threat (1941), 4–6, 231–35

collaborators, 258–59, 293

danger to reporters, 8, 238–39

“Europe First” strategy and, 261–62

Manila war preparations, 5, 229–31, 233–34, 237

MJ Luzon/Lingayen visit, 231–33

Open City declaration, 5, 236–37, 281

U.S. reinforcement hopes, 5, 234–35, 262, 267, 270, 293, 298

U.S. troops removal to Corregidor, 5–6, 8, 236, 238, 241, 242–43, 255–56, 259–61

See also
escape from the Philippines

“Photo Joe”, 292

Pola, 291–95

Pons, Ramon, 312–13.
See also Doña Nati

Pratt, F. D., 325, 328

Princesa de Cebu
escape, 285–89, 290–300

arrival in Cebu, 300–302

Estancia, 299–300

Mantla Bay, 288–89

photographs of, 290, 296, 299, 301, 304

plans for, 279–80, 282–85

Pola, 291–95

waiting for the ship, 285–87

Quezon, Manuel, 209, 210, 226, 237, 371

Ramos, Benigno, 258

Rand, Peter, 83

Rape of Nanking (1937), 8, 62–63, 242

Rappe, Bertram, 187, 196–97, 216

Reader's Digest
, 140

Reagan, Ronald, 272

Redmond, Juanita, 344–45

Reed, Charles, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117

Reuters, 65, 68–69

Rice, John, 127, 142

Rice, Jonathan, 60

Richardson, Gen. Robert, 148

Rinden, Robert, 113–15

Rivers, George, 302

Rockefeller, John D., III, 145

Rockwell, Rear Adm. Frank, 316

Rodevitch, Maya, 79

Romulo, Carlos, 266–67, 294, 340–41, 342–43

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 145–46

Roosevelt, Franklin, 177, 262, 280, 281

Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 145

Rouverol, Aurania, 138

Rozanski, Mordechai, 65

Sakdalista Party, 258, 293

San Francisco Chronicle
, 59–60, 78, 94

Sayre, Francis B., 209, 237, 274

Scudder, Col. Irving C., 305

Second Sino-Japanese War.
Sino-Japanese War

Secret Agent of Japan
(Vespa), 212

Seller, Thomas, 136, 138–39, 192, 359

Selznick, David O., 145, 146, 158, 159

Shanghai Press
, 65

Sharp, Gen. William F., 305

Shinno, Luie, 361–62

Shinno, Ruth, 361

Shippey, Lee, 125–26

Sian incident (1936), 28–29, 31, 36, 37

Sigma Delta Chi (Society of Professional Journalists), 52, 56

Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)

Canton air raids (1937), 50–51

Chungking air raids, 84–86, 91–92

Flying Tigers, 118, 178–79, 226

Indochina occupation, 103–4, 105, 108–9, 110, 112–15

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