Evans, Gabrielle - Reckoning [Fatefully Yours 9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove) (2 page)

BOOK: Evans, Gabrielle - Reckoning [Fatefully Yours 9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever ManLove)
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“Holy fuck.” Fiero groaned. “Can’t someone control him?”

“Are you really complaining?” Hex asked, his voice none too steady.

“He’s going to get our asses arrested.”

Echo blocked them out as he rocked in Hex’s arms, stroking his heated cock from tip to root. “Fuck me,” he pleaded. “Someone fuck me.” Releasing his hold on his rigid dick, he reached between them and began jerking on Hex’s waistband, trying to pop the button free. “Now!”

The ding sounded, indicating that they’d reached their floor, and there was a collective sigh of relief when the doors hissed open. “Please, please, please,” Echo chanted, still fumbling with his mate’s skin-tight leather pants.

“Shh, baby. One minute. We’re almost there.” Hex breathed heavily as he rushed them down the hallway. “Who has the damn key?” His large hand wrapped around Echo’s cock and began jacking him slowly. “Guys?”

Someone must have pulled their head out of the lusty haze and unlocked the door, because the next thing Echo knew, he was on the floor inside their suite. “Mmm.” He purred as he writhed beneath his mates when they all converged on him.

Hands were everywhere, clothes started flying, and loud growls permeated the room. Echo’s cock was stroked and licked. His nipples were pinched, pulled, and bitten. His head whipped back and forth, a continuous stream of moans and whimpers falling from his panting lips.

Then his knees were pushed to his chest, and a lubed finger found his needy entrance, pushing in and hitting his pleasure button without error. Crying out, he peeked down his body to find Vapre kneeling between his legs with lidded eyes and a sultry smile.

Looking beyond Vapre’s shoulder, Echo also realized that they’d neglected to close the door in their eagerness to get to him. He started to comment, but Vapre chose that moment to insert a second finger into Echo’s quivering hole at the same time Myst dove down to engulf the crown of his cock.

Echo went off like a firecracker. Arching his back, he pushed deeper into Myst’s mouth as he shouted out his release and poured his cream down the man’s throat.

“Disgusting,” someone spat.

Disoriented from the intense orgasm, Echo frowned. It certainly seemed like an odd statement considering their current situation.

“Fucking faggots, man,” another voice said in disdain.

Lifting his head, Echo met the eyes of two very large and menacing looking men standing just outside the doorway in the hall.

“I don’t know, Jeff. He’s kind of pretty. I might let him suck my cock. I bet he’d love that.” The man met Echo’s eyes and leered.

The room erupted into loud snarls, and Echo mentally cursed himself for not saying something about the open door. He didn’t fear the two assholes. He had the biggest, toughest bodyguards on earth. No, his fear was
the men. They had no idea who they were taunting. The men who treated him with such care were preparing to rip the two idiots apart.

“Guys,” Echo croaked. Clearing his throat, he tried again. “Guys! Snap out of it. They’re just a couple of rednecks. It’s not worth it.”

“Yeah, listen to the little slut,” the biggest man sneered. Then he and his partner turned to walk away.

Sensing his demons were about to follow, Echo jumped up and dove across the room to slam the door shut. Pressing his back to it, he stared them all down. “They’re not worth it,” he repeated. “Just let it go.”

The warriors nodded grudgingly, but no one looked in the mood to continue their fun. His dick was still damp from Myst’s mouth. That’s how quickly things had had gone downhill.
Fucking wonderful

Shaking his head sadly, Echo made his way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He shut the door and locked it. He wasn’t angry with his mates, but he did need a minute alone. His men weren’t the only ones upset by the comments made by the two douche bags in the hallway. Echo imagined he was upset for an entirely different reason, though.

He’d lived in the research facility for years. Sexual orientation was never an issue there. When you lived in a dormitory with only men for company, it was practically expected that they would turn to one another to scratch their itches.

Since finding his mates, they’d done everything in their power to protect him from the world at large. Sure, they’d had to face down some truly terrifying creatures, but those beasts didn’t give a shit who they fucked.

Honestly, why did it upset him so much? Stepping under the warm spray, Echo dropped his head and groaned. He’d been living inside a nice little bubble his entire life. Though it hadn’t always been pleasant, people hadn’t judged him based on the fact that he liked having a cock up his ass. Surrounded by the love and attentiveness of his mates, it was easy to forget that anything outside their home existed.

The outside world was very real, though. And that world was a cruel one.

“Life’s not fair,” Echo mumbled around a dark frown. He immediately chastised himself for his self-pitying thoughts. He had seven men who loved him desperately. He had good friends who had become more like his family. He’d finally found his mother.

True, she was a goddess. She had lied to him, abandoned him, and rarely spoke to him, but Athena was still his mother. Too bad that just raised more questions than answers. The first and foremost in his mind was who the hell his father was.

He pushed those thoughts away as well and began scrubbing his hair. They would be home soon enough, and all their troubles would still be waiting for them. Until then, he would enjoy what time they had left, the excitement of staying in a hotel for the first time, and the anticipation of room service for breakfast.

* * * *


Waking up cold, with no blankets, and his ass hanging off the bed, was not the way Echo imagined starting his morning. Myst and Hex were sprawled together in the king-size bed, hogging all the damn covers and leaving little room for him.

Practically falling off the mattress, he padded naked out of the bedroom, crossed the common room, and peeked into the other bedroom.

Syx, Vapre, and Onyx were wound around each other on one of the queen-size beds, while Eyce and Fiero took up the majority of the other. Well, it didn’t look like he’d find a place to squeeze in there either.

Closing the door quietly, he glanced at the sofa. Before he could decide whether or not to try and get a couple more hours of sleep, his stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten before he’d crashed.

Snatching up the phone on the small circular table, he read over the speed dial numbers and quickly pushed the button for room service. He was almost giddy about it. When an automated recording came over the line, his face fell. Room service did not begin until eight o’clock, but the recording did offer an alternative. A buffet-style breakfast would be served in the gathering hall beginning at six.

Placing the phone back in its cradle, he glanced at the clock on the small microwave that sat atop the minifridge. It was only a few minutes after six. He wondered if he should wake his lovers to go down with him, or at least let them know he was leaving.

Stepping back into the bedroom he’d been sharing with Myst and Hex, he dressed quietly and crept to the alpha’s side of the bed. “Hex,” he whispered into the man’s ear.

“Hmm?” Hex didn’t even open his eyes.

“I’m going downstairs to get something to eat. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Give me a sec.” Hex yawned. “I’ll come with you.”

Echo choked back a chuckle so as not to wake Myst. “That’s okay, big guy. Go back to sleep. I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn’t worry.”

Hex opened his eyes and blinked blearily. “Do you have your phone?”

“It’s in the car. I’ll only be downstairs.”

“Take mine.”

Rolling his eyes, Echo leaned closer and kissed Hex’s cheek. “Fine. Do you want me to bring you anything?”

“Naw. Be careful.”

Echo rolled his eyes again, but didn’t comment. Waiting until Hex curled around Myst’s back and drifted back to sleep, Echo slipped out of the room, grabbed the room key and Hex’s cell phone from the table, and headed out to find some grub.

Making his way down the hall, he noticed several Do Not Disturb signs hanging from the doorknobs, and reached the elevator just as the double doors slid open. The two men from the night before curled their lips at him in identical sneers of disgust and hatred. Then, noticing he was alone, their expressions changed to something that Echo didn’t want to contemplate.

Turning away from the elevators, he hurried back down the hall, digging in his pocket for the keycard to his room. He’d almost made it when a beefy arm wrapped around his midsection and hauled him off his feet.

He started to scream, but a large hand clamped over his mouth, effectively cutting off his shouts for help. Though he kicked and flailed, the man carried him easily, taking him farther down the hall and waiting while the other man opened the door to another suite.

“Go ahead and fight, sugar. We like it a little rough,” the man holding him drawled. “Pretty little cocksucker like you won’t mind some hard handling.”

The arm around his waist tightened, and the man humped the mound in his jeans against Echo’s ass. Then he dropped him to his feet and shoved him down on the sofa. “You’re going to die,” Echo warned before the first man landed on top of him and started squirming all over him, fumbling with his zipper while Echo tried to push him off.

“Syx! Wake the fuck up!”
Echo continued to struggle with the man, feeling his panic rising when he heard the rasp as the asshole’s zipper finally give way. The other man was fumbling with his jeans as well, getting them undone and pushing them down his hips.

“Syx! Please wake up! I’m down the hall. Help me!”

The man on top of him wrapped his long fingers around Echo’s throat and squeezed. His other hand tore at Echo’s jeans, jerking on the waistband until the sound of ripping fabric sounded over the man’s labored breathing.

Echo began to fight in earnest, kicking and punching, trying to cause pain to any part of the man he could reach. The guy’s friend moved swiftly, grabbing Echo’s wrists and pulling them over his head. Echo went crazy. Jerking his knee up, he rammed it into the fucker’s groin, earning him a vicious backhand for his efforts.

He screamed over and over, fighting with every ounce of strength he possessed as the men jeered and continued to tear at his clothing. “Go ahead and scream, cocksucker,” the man holding his wrists said with a growl. “We’ll make you scream.”

Then he lost it. His fangs elongated, and he jerked around, sinking them into the bastard’s forearm. His attacker screamed, jerking his arm away and releasing his hold on Echo.

Twisting back to the man on top of him, Echo drove his fist into the idiot’s face, growling in satisfaction when he heard bones crunching. Rearing up and shouting in pain, the dumbass exposed his neck, and Echo struck. He wasn’t gentle about it either. He bit and chewed, tearing at the flesh with a savageness he didn’t know he possessed.

The asshole with the bleeding arm returned, landing a solid blow with his fist against Echo’s temple. It barely fazed him. Snarling like an animal, Echo pushed the one man off of him as though he weighed nothing and launched himself off the sofa.

Landing on top of the douche with the bleeding arm, he swung out, connecting with the man’s face over and over. Jerking and bucking beneath him, the guy finally managed to throw Echo off him and roll so that he straddled Echo’s hips. His huge fist cocked back and a demented light flashed in his eyes.

The door crashed inward and the noise level became deafening. While his attacker looked like he was going to piss himself, Echo almost passed out in relief. The growling, snarling, and roaring was music to his ears.

The jackass on top of him was wrenched away, and strong but gentle arms scooped Echo up off the floor. “I swear we can’t take you anywhere,” Syx whispered.

Echo laughed. It felt good to laugh even if it was slightly hysterical. It lasted only a moment though before he broke down and started sobbing. The adrenaline ebbed and his whole body shook as he clung to Syx’s neck and buried his face in the demon’s throat.

It became eerily silent, and Echo finally controlled himself enough to look around the room. Hex had one man by the neck, blood spilling over his hand from the gaping bite mark on the redneck’s throat. The guy’s feet dangled off the ground, and his face was turning red as Hex shook him like a ragdoll. Myst had the other man pinned to the floor, holding him there by resting his foot on the side of the asshole’s face.

“Can we kill them now?” Myst asked calmly.

“Yes,” Hex growled.

“No!” Echo looked up at Syx pleadingly. “Call the police. Don’t let them do this.”

Syx wasn’t looking at him, though. He was staring down at the man on the floor, and there was murder in his eyes.

Looking between his lovers, Echo started to shake again. The fuckers should be punished for what they’d done to him. Maybe if they’d succeeded in their little plan, he might be feeling differently. But he was mostly unharmed, and he didn’t want anyone to die—especially not by his mates’ hands.

“Fucking weres,” Onyx spat and kicked the guy on the floor in the ribs. “Do you have any idea what we are?”

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