European Tour (Rocking the Pop Star Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: European Tour (Rocking the Pop Star Book 1)
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Brody’s look of determination galvanizes me. I want to be stronger and better in business because of him. Also, I knew without a doubt when I snapped at him and saw how dejected he was at my rebuff that I loved him. I’ll need to tell him, soon, but right now saving my tour is priority.

And I’m loving the idea of making my mother’s scheming backfire on her.

“Okay,” I say. “I’ll be ready.”



“Are you sure you’re not still miffed at me?” Sky whispers, bringing me out of my reverie.

We’re on our way over to the restaurant to meet Pit Viper, and I’m quiet because I’m afraid the guy might recognize me. We met a couple of times when The Savages opened for his band The Snakes back in the day. We went on to eclipse The Snakes and, of course, he didn’t want anything more to do with us. The label had suggested they open for us, and Pit Viper had said, “The Snakes will open for this motherfucking junkie over my fucking dead body.”

Of course, I look nothing now like the skinny, overly confident kid he’d met back then who’d already developed a formidable drug habit. Cocaine, ecstasy, and occasionally mollies. I’d been physically exhausted from performing, too, so I could identify with where Sky was coming from. The more I worked, and the more exhausted I became, the more drugs I used. It was a vicious, never-ending cycle.

While Sky’s uncharacteristic snapping had hurt my feelings, I understood I’d woken her up from a deep, much-needed sleep. Her reaction took me back momentarily to how Kim had been in her final days. Sometimes she got like that during tours—surly, pissed off, uncommunicative. Had she lived, she most likely would have broken up, either she would’ve left me, or I her.

Sky is under a lot of pressure. She tries not to show how concerned she is about the tour, but the way she’s been pushing herself lately is a dead giveaway.

I smile a broad smile to reassure her. “No. I promise. I’m just thinking about how we can best use Pit Viper to enhance your songs.”

This is not the whole truth. I also have other feelings I want to talk about with her, too, but this is not the right time or place. Her hopefulness has rubbed off on me or some shit, because I’m beginning to feel like we may have a shot at this—whatever it is—between us.

“You know, we wouldn’t need Pit Viper if another rocker I know and love would play for me.” She slaps her hand over her mouth as if she realizes she’s said the “L” word. “I mean, you know, love as in ‘like a lot’ as friends, fuckbuddies, or whatever the hell we are.”

I let her off the hook because she’s about to have a meltdown and I need her to be comfortable and unfrazzled enough to negotiate with Pit Viper. He’ll take over, if she allows him to. Controlling fucker…

I react to her faux pas with a mixture of sincerity and levity. “Listen, Sky. I’ve grown to care for you, too, and we are most definitely good friends…who fuck a lot, so don’t sweat it.”

She laughs. “You’re incorrigible, Brody.”

“Most rockers are.”

“But then you’re not in some ways. You’re really an enigma. I said I was going to figure you out, and I’m not anywhere near doing that.”

I sigh. “And it’s entirely my fault, Sky. I promise, when this tour is over, we’re going to have a conversation about everything you want to know.”

“Including that R.I.P. tattoo on your bicep?”

To be honest, I’m surprised she has taken this long to ask about it. “Yes, and the person who inspired it. Okay?”

She smiles. “Okay.”

I look deep into her eyes. “Do you trust me, Sky? I mean really trust me?”

She looks thoughtful for a moment, and then her green eyes shine with an emotion that is unmistakable when she answers me. “I know it’s been a short time, Brody, but I do trust you. I trust you with my life.”

“Good, because I’m going to need you to hold on to your curiosity about me and my past for a little while longer.”

She nods, her mouth twisted to one side, as if she’s resisting the urge to frown.

“I’ve met Pit Viper,” I continue. “In fact, he and I were on the same label once upon a time. I don’t look very much like he remembers me and I certainly don’t go by the same name, so I’m going to try and psych him out. Can I trust you to just go with that? Like I said, I’m going to come completely clean with you very soon.”

“Okay,” she says. “I’ll play along.”

The car slows and she peers out the window. “Oh look, we’re here.”

The driver stops the car at the curb.

Malik jumps out of the front seat to open the door for us.

An explosion of camera flashes blind us and the paps calling to Sky begin their symphony of photograph taking as we exit.

Malik positions himself in front of us as sort of a human battering ram, carving us a path through the melee.

“Skylar! Skylar, look here!” a reporter shouts.

“Hey Skylar, who’s your boy toy?” another one of them calls.

This is not a press conference, so we don’t entertain any questions.

Skylar and I just smile for the cameras and I move her toward the restaurant door.

Like a linebacker, Malik straight-arms a photographer who gets too close and moves him out of our way.

Finally, we’re inside. The hostess whisks us to a VIP private dining room. The one and only Pit Viper is already seated, accompanied by a man I assume is his manager.

Pit looks askance at me.

The feeling is mutual. Still, I swoop in to shake his hand while Sky checks her wrap with the hostess. “Brody Kent,” I say. “We spoke on the phone.”

Pit Viper continues to look at me, his brow furrowed. “Pit Viper, aka Max Lachlan. This is my manager, Liam Cooper.”

His Australian accent is thicker than I remember.

Sky joins us at the table, so I figure I should make the introductions. “Mr. Lachlan, Mr. Cooper—this is Skylar Samuelson and her security chief, Malik Thompson.”

They both stand.

The hostess pulls out a chair for Sky. We all sit.

As Sky and I planned earlier, I will let her take the lead on negotiating with Pit Viper, who’s squinting at me again.

He shakes his head. “As you know, Skylar, the elder Mrs. Samuelson called us up a couple of days ago after having heard I was on hiatus and implored me to play for the last three stops on your European tour.”

“Yes, my mother is a manager’s manager. Always looking for ways to do cutting-edge things for her daughter’s career,” Sky says. “I’d like to thank you for entertaining her offer and coming here to meet with us.”

“My pleasure, love. I’m not one to big note meself, but I’m no bodgy bloke, neither.”

“I know you’re not. I’ve heard your music,” Sky says with a polite smile.

“What’s your endgame? Let’s nut this out so we can eat.”

“If you can give some of my songs part of your signature sound, I should be able to tap into a new fan base for these last three concerts on the tour.”

“I promise to give you a fair go. If my fans hear I’ll be playing with you, they’ll come scurrying in like cockies.”

Sky nods. “Not sure what a cockie is, but I like the sound of them scurrying in.”

“Ah, it’s just what you Americans call a cockroach.”

“Okay,” Sky says and sips her water. “What is your fee, Mr. Lachlan?”

“It’s Max…or
when we’re on stage, little lady.”

“Thank you, Max. I realize that a performer of your stature would demand more than mere double or triple scale. I’d just like to know how much you’re going to hurt my bank account before I sign on the dotted line.”

“I have a copy of Max’s boilerplate contract for such things,” Max’s manager pipes up for the first time.

Mr. Cooper removes a one-pager from his briefcase and hands it to Sky. She looks it over and then hands it to me.

I give it a once-over. Everything looks legit. Of course I knew Pit Viper wouldn’t come cheap, but I’m pleased to see he isn’t gouging Sky. I give Sky my nod of approval.

“I’m looking forward to us working together, Max.” She offers him her hand to shake, and Pit Viper obliges.

The waiter hovers at the tableside as we share handshakes all around and Sky signs the document in duplicate.

I pick up my menu, as does Sky, happy to have that bit of business complete. “What’s good here?” I ask the waiter.

He goes into his litany of specials and his personal favorites.

Sky squeezes my thigh under the table to get my attention. “Thank you,” she mouths.

“Welcome,” I mouth back.

Although I am not performing, it feels good to be in partnership with someone again, and living vicariously through her experiences.

We return to the hotel. Sky jumps me as soon as I get her suite door open.

“What gives?” I ask.

“I don’t know, I guess negotiations make me horny.”

“My god, woman, if that’s the case, I’d certainly like to see you negotiate more often.”

I find the pulse on the column of her throat and suck her supple skin into my mouth, teasing her captured flesh gently with my tongue.

Sky moans—she always does when I do this.

My cock is hardening against her belly. She must feel me, because she reaches between us and strokes me as we kiss.

We stumble to the bed, removing our clothes as we go.

Together, we unroll a condom onto me.

Sky pushes me onto the bed and straddles me.

I love how with my encouragement of her she’s become so bold. She unapologetically takes what she wants in the bedroom now.

She lowers herself inch by agonizing inch onto my cock until I am buried in her to the hilt. She begins to rock in a sensual, methodical motion, sliding up and down my length. She levers her torso down. With her breasts against my chest, her lips pressed to my throat, and her thighs gripping my sides tightly, she continues her sexy grind.

I mimic her movements below, meeting her strokes, my muscles contracting as the sensation she’s creating winds me up toward release.

“You feel so fucking good, Sky,” I mutter.

Taking my face in her palms, she kisses me, riding me in her slow, sexy roll. She laces her fingers through mine and sits back up again, moving her hips in broad, swerving circles, lifting until only my tip is inside of her, then sitting on me until I’m deep inside her once again.

I’m shaking all over. She squeezes me in tiny flutters, her muscles pulsing. The feeling is so intense my orgasm detonates, spurting my hot seed into the condom.

Our bodies are covered in a fine sheen of sweat, but she keeps her rhythm as my waves and shudders continue. I am trembling, but intent on moving until she gets what she needs. She releases my hands and leans back, bracing her hands against my thighs, her hips still writhing, moving relentlessly against mine.

I put my back into it grinding up, up, up.

She stiffens, finally.

“Oh, Brody!” She screams over and over, repeating my name as if in prayer, riding out the throes of her orgasm. She collapses onto my torso, completely spent.

I roll her onto her side. I pad to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and return with a warm towel. Since she did all the work, the least I can do is clean her up.

Sky shields herself shyly as I stroke her, and I shake my head at her, uncomprehending how the woman who fucked me like that could be bashful.

“You just rode me like a cowgirl and now you’re shy?”

“But when I was doing that you weren’t gazing into my…” she trails off as if she can’t say the word.

“Your p—?”

She shoves me playfully, effectively stopping me from saying the offending word. “There are no cats in this room, and I
say vagina,” she insists.

I climb back in bed next to her and pull her close. “Whatever. It was just trembling like a purring cat.”

“It was, wasn’t it?” she says after a short silence.

Her laughter is contagious and I double over along with her at the humor of the situation.

Like Kim, she doesn’t take herself too seriously, and I love that about Sky. But unlike Kim, she isn’t afraid to deviate from her natural submissiveness and not allow herself to be manipulated in affairs of the heart. I love that, too.

How I feel about her mother, however, is another story. I’m proud of the way Sky has committed herself to standing up against her controlling mother despite having spent years under her thumb.

And I’m pretty sure I love the fuck out of her, but I’m not ready to say it yet—not until I’m really sure. Sky’s Freudian slip earlier had been adorable, but I want us both to be sure we really love each other before we make it official.

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