Eternal Changes (Mikah) (7 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Berry

BOOK: Eternal Changes (Mikah)
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Jayde laughed as McKaylin crashed into her. A loud thump echoed in the room as the fell to the floor. Their arms and legs flailed in the air.


Jayde gently pushed at McKaylin. “Do you always have to be so wild?”


McKaylin’s blue eyes twinkled with amusement. “Yep,” she said as she sat up. “It’s one of the reasons I’m your best friend.”


Jayde rolled her eyes. “If you say so.”


“So, what are our plans for tonight?” McKaylin asked as she slid her hair behind her ears.


“Well, I was going to have an Underworld movie night marathon until Ashton killed the mood.”


Understanding dawned in McKaylin’s eyes. “You still haven’t told him.”


Jayde had a guilty look on her face as she looked into her friends brown eyes.


“You’ve been in love with him for the past ten years!” McKaylin exclaimed throwing up her hands.


 “Shhh! You’re the only one who knows,” Jayde said as she tried to hush her friend.


 “Well, anyone who has a set of eyes can see it except for Captain Oblivious,” McKaylin disagreed before dropping the subject. “So, how about we forget about dumb male vampires and we take a stroll down the streets of a small German town tonight?”


Jayde looked over at McKaylin. “What town do you’ve in mind?”


McKaylin smiled. “I was thinking Speicher. There’s a festival going on tonight. We can find a couple of drunken hot guys.”


Jayde didn’t need to think about it long. Anything was better than sitting on the couch dwelling on her feelings over a vampire who didn’t even realize she existed. She’d a soft spot for Germany and McKaylin knew it.


“Let’s roll,” Jayde told her friend as she closed her eyes and dissipated.


Jayde opened her eyes a few seconds later as she solidified in a dark alley. McKaylin arrived shortly after she did. Red, green, yellow, and orange lights blinked not too far away from where they were.


“Maybe I can find me a hot military man,” McKaylin joked. “There’s just
about a man in uniform.”


Jayde and McKaylin walked out onto the cobblestone of the main street. Laughter rung through the streets as people enjoyed the festivities. A whirling sound captured Jayde’s attention. There were two lines of seats that people were strapped into as it moved in a circular motion. Screams pierced the air as the ride plummeted to the ground.


Jayde walked past the ride as it rose back up into the air. She took in a deep breath as she caught the sweet scent of schwenkbraten. There was a small line coming from the vendor’s booth. Jayde sighed as she walked past it. The spices used on the pork smelled heavenly, but it wouldn’t fulfill her.


“What about those two guys over there?” McKaylin asked as she pointed to two men sitting by the bumper cars. The lights outlining the ride flickered to the rhythm to the music.


“Aww…a double date,” Jayde cooed. “It’ll be perfect.”


Jayde and McKaylin sauntered over to their intended targets. They stood a few feet from them and waited. McKaylin twirled her black hair in-between her fingers. Jayde glanced over at the man with sandy brown hair. His hazel eyes widened as he nudged his blonde friend. A look of irritation flashed across the blonde’s face. The brunette leaned over, whispered in his ear, and pointed to where McKaylin and Jayde were standing. A smile lit up the blonde’s face as he looked at the two women.


McKaylin crooked her finger and beckoned the men to come to her with a mere flick of her hand.


Jayde laughed as the men jumped up and scrambled towards them. The sound of their footsteps running across the pavement mixed with the techno music.


“How are you two fine young men doing this evening?” McKaylin asked in German.


The blonde’s brown eyes skimmed over McKaylin. “We’re doing better now.”


Jayde stepped into the brunette man and gently tugged on his blue shirt. “What’s your name?”


His eyes widened. “It’s Christoph.” He jerked his head at the blonde. “His name’s Sasha.”


McKaylin smiled up at the blonde. “Sasha, huh?”


Sasha nodded. “Yes.”


“I looove your name,” McKaylin purred as she rubbed her hand down Sasha’s sculpted chest. “How about you boys follow us? We’re gonna show you a good time.”


McKaylin and Jayde spun around and walked towards a nearby alley.


McKaylin and Jayde entered the shadows of the alley and waited for Sasha and Christoph. McKaylin pushed Sasha up against the building as he walked up to her. She leaned in against him and skimmed her nose against his neck.


Jayde smiled at Sasha as he stepped into her. She shook her head in amusement as she looked at his outfit. His blue shirt had a black outline of a dragon on it and his turquoise pants didn’t match his shirt. Sasha smiled down at her as he pressed his body against her.


Jayde looked deep into his eyes. “You’re going to think you had the
make out session of your life,” Jayde whispered. “Do you understand me?”


Sasha nodded his head as Jayde pulled him in even closer. She gently bent his head exposing the soft flesh of his neck. Her fangs elongated as she delved in. The warm blood gushed into her mouth. Her veins sung as Sasha’s sweet blood rejuvenated her parched cells. She could feel the power build within her as she pulled more into her mouth. Jayde pulled away from him and waved her hand over the small pinpricks. The pinpricks closed and she sent him on his way.


Sasha stumbled over to Christoph and threw an arm over his shoulder. They swerved in and out as they walked out of the alley. Christoph shoved Sasha lightly and their laughter rung through the air as they left the alley.


 “Well, I’m sated,” McKaylin purred as she threw her arm around Jayde’s shoulders. “How about we kill the last couple of hours watching vampires fight werewolves?”


“Underworld it is,” Jayde confirmed.


Jayde looked over at her friend and smiled. McKaylin always knew how to put her back in a good mood. The night was turning out better than she’d thought it would.


Chapter 7


Deep in the belly of the Alabaster Caverns, Jaymes stirred to life as the sun set.


 “Do you think the Dragomir have already located what’s causing the power surges?” Ophelia asked as they left the caverns.


“If they did, one would think they’d stop it so we wouldn’t be able to locate it,” Jaymes responded as they flew up into the night. “We’ll head further east after we’ve finished feeding.”


“I think Tulsa will be a great place to quench our appetites,” Ophelia said as she flew beside him. “It’s the forty-seventh largest city in the United States which means a plethora of food to choose from.”


Jaymes's mouth was almost salivating as hunger made his stomach clench. “Sold,” he hissed as he increased his speed. He could hear Ophelia laughing as she quickly followed him.


They soon arrived at the city. Jaymes took the lead and landed on a roof near the Blue Dome District. The people below had no idea what had just arrived in their city. He dissipated and solidified in a dark corner below. It wasn’t long before Ophelia appeared right beside him.


Jaymes was thoroughly enjoying the nightlife scene he was looking down upon. The streets were flooded with people out looking for a good time.  He could smell the variety of blood he had at his disposal and he grinned at Ophelia.


“Excellent choice,” Jaymes said.


“Bon Appetit,” Ophelia said as she sashayed away from him and blended into the crowd.


Jaymes delved into the streets. He was in the mood for something a little more fun than just an ordinary kill tonight.  His skin itched from the impatience humming within him as he investigated the area. There was nothing here that really piqued his interest. It was time to go exploring elsewhere.


He dissipated and solidified in the sky. Jaymes flew up near the clouds as he looked down below. The lights lit up the city like a well decorated Christmas tree. He flew around anticipating the moment that something or someone would catch his eye. All of a sudden, in the far off distance, he caught the sound of people screaming. He looked towards where the sound was coming from.  That’s when he saw it: a large contraption spinning in the air. Jaymes smiled to himself as he turned and flew that direction. There’s nothing more entertaining than a county fair.


Jaymes landed in the shadows before traipsing onto the fair grounds. He sauntered towards the contraption that was spinning people in what looked like individual cages. There was a line of people waiting to get on. It was then that he heard what it was called: the zipper. 


A woman slid by Jaymes with a seductive smile on her face as she looked over at him. Her daisy duke shorts showed off her trim, too tan legs. Her bleach blonde hair was a stark contrast to the darkness of her skin. Jaymes smiled as he called her over to him.


“Whatcha want sugar,” the woman purred as walked up to him and ran her fake nail down his chest.


Jaymes’s lowered his voice as he pulled her towards him. “How’d you like to go on a rough ride with me?”


The woman’s eyes lit up with excitement as she glanced from him to the zipper. “Be my pleasure.”


Jaymes smiled as he compelled the people in the front of the line to leave. He refused to wait.


“Looks like you’re next buddy,” the carney said.


Jaymes went to move towards the cage when a hand stopped him. He glowered down at the carney that was holding him.


“I just need your ticket,” the carney said as he recoiled.


Jaymes looked into the carney’s eyes as Jaymes compelled him. “I don’t need a ticket and it’s such a tragedy that you’re going to shoot yourself in the head tonight.”


A blank stare came over the carney’s pock marked face. “Yes, such a tragedy.”


“Whoa,” the woman said as she attempted to tug free. “What’s all


“Nothing,” Jaymes told her as he lifted her up and placed her in the cage. He climbed in and shut the door behind him. The woman opened her mouth to scream, but Jaymes cut it off with his hand. He leaned into her making it look like they were just a couple who were enjoying each other’s company.


“Shhhh,” Jaymes whispered into her ear. “You and I are going to have a little fun.”


The ride started and the cage swung back and forth as he took his hand off of her mouth. She began screaming, but it was too late. Everyone else on the ride was screaming too. She scrambled to get away from him, but there was nowhere to go. Her fingers clutched to the metal as she shook it vigorously. The cage swung even more sporadically.


“Let me out!” She screamed, tears streaming down her dark cheeks.


“Don’t you like the ride?” Jaymes asked as he touched her arm.


She jerked away from his touch. The fear permeated through her skin. Jaymes closed his eyes as he enjoyed the scent. If they had this scent in a candle, he would buy every last one of them.  He opened his eyes. They were no longer black, but bright red as the bloodlust consumed him.


“Please, don’t,” she begged as Jaymes inched towards her.


Jaymes didn’t bother responding as he launched himself on top of her. He ripped open her neck as she screamed and he feasted on her blood. Not much blood pooled beneath his feet as he savored his meal. Her glorious blood flowed down his throat in thick waves. The screams soon stopped and all that could be heard was the gurgling of blood as it filled her throat. The body slowly went limp and Jaymes let it drop to the floor.


He bent down over her as his fingernail elongated. His nail cut through her neck and her head bounced onto the floor once it was free. There was something about mutilating the bodies that thrilled him. He took one last look at his artwork before he dissipated into thin air.


Jaymes arrived at the cavern and noticed that Ophelia was already waiting for him.


“What took you so long?” Ophelia asked as she glided towards him.


“Nothing,” Jaymes said. “I just like to
my meals,”


Ophelia circled Jaymes before stopping in front of him. She grabbed his shirt as she pulled him in to her. Jaymes stared down at her with heat building in his eyes. Jaymes could deny that he didn’t want her, but he couldn’t fool her. His body language spoke volumes. Ophelia latched onto his mouth taking what she wanted.


Jaymes grabbed Ophelia by her hair and pulled her head back, making her release her mouth from his.


“You wanted it, you got it,” Jaymes hissed right before he bit into her neck.


“Yesss,” Ophelia moaned.


Jaymes ripped away from Ophelia as he realized he was playing into the palm of her hand.


His voice rose as he threw her away from him. “Enough! We don’t have time for this.”


“There’s always time for this,” Ophelia denied as she stood up glaring at him.


“We need to move further east before sunrise,” Jaymes told her before dissipating.


over, Jaymes,” Ophelia whispered


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