Essays in Science (9 page)

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Authors: Albert Einstein

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We will only mention in passing that our empirical principle of the equality of inert and heavy masses prompts us to answer this question in the affirmative. If we elevate the equivalence of all co-ordinate systems for the formulation of natural laws into a principle, we arrive at the general theory of relativity, provided we stick to the law of the constant velocity of light or to the hypothesis of the objective significance of the Euclidean metric at least for infinitely small portions of four-dimensional space.

This means that for finite regions of space the existence (significant for physics) of a general Riemannian metric is presupposed according to the formula


whereby the summation is to be extended to all index combinations from 11 to 44.

The structure of such a space differs absolutely radically in
respect from that of a Euclidean space. The coefficients gμν are for the time being any functions whatever of the co-ordinates x
to x
, and the structure of the space is not really determined until these functions gμν are really known. It is only determined more closely by specifying laws which the metrical field of the gμν satisfy. On physical grounds this gave rise to the conviction that the metrical field was at the same time the gravitational field.

Since the gravitational field is determined by the configuration of masses and changes with it, the geometric structure of this space is also dependent on physical factors. Thus according to this theory space is—exactly as Riemann guessed—no longer absolute; its structure depends on physical influences. Physical geometry is no longer an isolated self-contained science like the geometry of Euclid.

The problem of gravitation was thus reduced to a mathematical problem: it was required to find the simplest fundamental equations which are co-variant in relation to any transformation of co-ordinates whatever.

I will not speak here of the way this theory has been confirmed by experience, but explain at once why Theory could not rest permanently satisfied with this success. Gravitation had indeed been traced to the structure of space, but besides the gravitational field there is also the electro-magnetic field. This had, to begin with, to be introduced into the theory as an entity independent of gravitation. Additional terms which took account of the existence of the electromagnetic field had to be included in the fundamental equations for the field. But the idea that there were two structures of space independent of each other, the metric-gravitational and the electro-magnetic, was intolerable to the theoretical spirit. We are forced to the belief that both sorts of field must correspond to verified structure of space.

The “unitary field-theory,” which represents itself as a mathematically independent extension of the general theory of relativity, attempts to fulfil this last postulate of the field theory. The formal problem should be put as follows:—Is there a theory of the continuum in which a new structural element appears side by side with the metric such that it forms a single whole together with the metric? If so, what are the simplest field laws to which such a continuum can be made subject? And finally, are these field-laws well fitted to represent the properties of the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field? Then there is the further question whether the corpuscles (electrons and protons) can be regarded as positions of particularly dense fields, whose movements are determined by the field equations. At present there is only one way of answering the first three questions. The space structure on which it is based may be described as follows, and the description applies equally to a space of any number of dimensions.

Space has a Riemannian metric. This means that the Euclidean geometry holds good in the infinitesimal neighborhood of every point P. Thus for the neighborhood of every point P there is a local Cartesian system of co-ordinates, in reference to which the metric is calculated according to the Pythagorean theorem. If we now imagine the length I cut off from the positive axes of these local systems, we get the orthogonal “local n-leg.” Such a local n-leg is to be found in every other point P’ of space also. Thus, if a linear element (PG or P’G’) starting from the points P or P’, is given, then the magnitude of this linear element can be calculated by the aid of the relevant local n-leg from its local co-ordinates by means of Pythagoras’s theorem. There is therefore a definite meaning in speaking of the numerical equality of the linear elements PG and P’G’.

It is essential to observe now that the local orthogonal n-legs are not completely determined by the metric. For we can still select the orientation of the n-legs perfectly freely without causing any alteration in the result of calculating the size of the linear elements according to Pythagoras’s theorem. A corollary of this is that in a space whose structure consists exclusively of a Riemannian metric, two linear elements PG and P’G’, can be compared with regard to their magnitude but not their direction; in particular, there is no sort of point in saying that the two linear elements are parallel to one another. In this respect, therefore, the purely metrical (Riemannian) space is less rich in structure than the Euclidean.

Since we are looking for a space which exceeds Riemannian space in wealth of structure, the obvious thing is to enrich Riemannian space by adding the relation of direction or parallelism. Therefore for every direction through P let there be a definite direction through P’, and let this mutual relation be a determinate one. We call the directions thus related to each other “parallel.” Let this parallel relation further fulfil the condition of angular uniformity: If PG and PK are two directions in P, P’G’ and P’K’ the corresponding parallel directions through P’, then the angles KPG and K’P’G’ (measurable on Euclidean lines in the local system) should be equal.

The basic space-structure is thereby completely defined. It is most easily described mathematically as follows:—In the definite point P we suppose an orthogonal n-leg with definite, freely chosen orientation. In every other point P’ of space we so orient its local n-leg that its axes are parallel to the corresponding axes at the point P. Given the above structure of space and free choice in the orientation of the n-leg at one point P, all n-legs are thereby completely defined. In the space P let us now imagine any Gaussian system of co-ordinates and that in every point the axes of the n-leg there are projected on to it. This system of n2 components completely describes the structure of space.

This spatial structure stands, in a sense, midway between the Riemannian and the Euclidean. In contrast to the former, it has room for the straight-line, that is to say a line all of whose elements are parallel to each other in pairs. The geometry here described differs from the Euclidean in the non-existence of the parallelogram. If at the ends P and G of a length PG two equal and parallel lengths PP’ and GG’ are marked off, P’G’ is in general neither equal nor parallel to PG.

The mathematical problem now solved so far is this:—What are the simplest conditions to which a space-structure of the kind described can be subjected? The chief question which still remains to be investigated is this:—To what extent can physical fields and primary entities be represented by solutions, free from singularities, of the equations which answer the former question?

Notes on the Origin of the General Theory of Relativity


the request that I should say something about the history of my own scientific work. Not that I have an exaggerated notion of the importance of my own efforts, but to write the history of other men’s work demands a degree of absorption in other people’s ideas which is much more in the line of the trained historian; to throw light on one’s own earlier thinking appears incomparably easier. Here one has an immense advantage over everybody else, and one ought not to leave the opportunity unused out of modesty.

When, by the special theory of relativity I had arrived at the equivalence of all so-called inertial systems for the formulation of natural laws (1905), the question whether there was not a further equivalence of co-ordinate systems followed naturally, to say the least of it. To put it in another way, if only a relative meaning can be attached to the concept of velocity, ought we nevertheless to persevere in treating acceleration as an absolute concept?

From the purely kinematic point of view there was no doubt about the relativity of all motions whatever; but physically speaking, the inertial system seemed to occupy a privileged position, which made the use of co-ordinate systems moving in other ways appear artificial.

I was of course acquainted with Mach’s view, according to which it appeared conceivable that what inertial resistance counteracts is not acceleration as such but acceleration with respect to the masses of the other bodies existing in the world. There was something fascinating about this idea to me, but it provided no workable basis for a new theory.

I first came a step nearer to the solution of the problem when I attempted to deal with the law of gravity within the framework of the special theory of relativity. Like most writers at the time, I tried to frame a
for gravitation, since it was no longer possible, at least in any natural way, to introduce direct action at a distance owing to the abolition of the notion of absolute simultaneity.

The simplest thing was, of course, to retain the Laplacian scalar potential of gravity, and to complete the equation of Poisson in an obvious way by a term differentiated as to time in such a way that the special theory of relativity was satisfied. The law of motion of the mass point in a gravitational field had also to be adapted to the special theory of relativity. The path was not so unmistakably marked out here, since the inert mass of a body might depend on the gravitational potential. In fact this was to be expected on account of the principle of the inertia of energy.

These investigations, however, led to a result which raised my strong suspicions. According to classical mechanics the vertical acceleration of a body in the vertical gravitational field is independent of the horizontal component of velocity. Hence in such a gravitational field the vertical acceleration of a mechanical system or of its center of gravity works out independently of its internal kinetic energy. But in the theory I advanced the acceleration of a falling body was not independent of the horizontal velocity or the internal energy of a system.

This did not fit in with the old experimental fact that all bodies have the same acceleration in a gravitational field. This law, which may also be formulated as the law of the equality of inertial and gravitational mass, was now brought home to me in all its significance. I was in the highest degree amazed at its persistence and guessed that in it must lie the key to a deeper understanding of inertia and gravitation. I had no serious doubts about its strict validity even without knowing the results of the admirable experiments of Eötvös, which—if my memory is right—I only came to know later. I now abandoned as inadequate the attempt to treat the problem of gravitation, in the manner outlined above, within the framework of the special theory of relativity. It clearly failed to do justice to the most fundamental property of gravitation. The principle of the equality of inertial and gravitational mass could now be formulated quite clearly as follows:—In a homogeneous gravitational field all motions take place in the same way as in the absence of a gravitational field in relation to a uniformly accelerated co-ordinate system. If this principle held good for any events whatever (the “principle of equivalence”), this was an indication that the principle of relativity needed to be extended to co-ordinate systems in non-uniform motion with respect to each other, if we were to reach an easy and natural theory of the gravitational fields. Such reflections kept me busy from 1908 to 1911, and I attempted to draw special conclusions from them, of which I do not propose to speak here. For the moment the one important thing was the discovery that a reasonable theory of gravitation could only be hoped for from an extension of the principle of relativity.

What was needed, therefore, was to frame a theory whose equations kept their form in the case of nonlinear transformations of the co-ordinates. Whether this was to apply to absolutely any (constant) transformations of co-ordinates or only to certain ones, I could not for the moment say.

I soon saw that bringing in non-linear transformations, as the principle of equivalence demanded, was inevitably fatal to the simple physical interpretation of the co-ordinates—i.e., that it could no longer be required that differentials of co-ordinates should signify direct results of measurement with ideal scales or clocks. I was much bothered by this piece of knowledge, for it took me a long time to see what co-ordinates in general really meant in physics. I did not find the way out of this dilemma till 1912, and then it came to me as a result of the following consideration :—

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