Escorts and Thieves (26 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Escorts and Thieves
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“Would you care to elaborate?” Marcus asked the inspector.

“We’ve apprehended an employee of the auction house,” Inspector Chadwick explained as Mr. Hammerlein cringed. “The employee was trying to smuggle the item out of the country, no doubt to sell it to a foreign collector.”

“What makes you so sure that his is the real one, and this is the forgery?”

Marcus’s hand around Olivia’s waist held her closer to him as if he felt her unease around the policeman. His thumb stroked her tenderly.

“He confessed, and we found the workshop where he made the replica. We’ll of course have to test both items to make sure. Therefore, we’ll have to confiscate the artifact for now.”

“Baby, why don’t you give the armband to the inspector?”

She was unable to move. Marcus took the armband from her hands and passed it to the inspector.

“Very sorry, Madam, Sir,” Mr. Hammerlein apologized. “The auction house will of course make sure you receive the real armband once the investigation is closed. And your money will be put in an interest bearing account for your benefit. May I say, we at Christie’s are shocked and—”

Marcus waved him off. “I’m sure you’ll sort it out.”

Then he looked at Olivia, and a big smile spread over his face. He seemed completely unfazed about the revelation that he’d purchased a forgery.

“Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse us. My girlfriend and I have plans . . . ”

The way he said
in one sentence coupled with the way his eyes devoured her told her exactly what he wanted.

“Of course,” Hammerlein stammered.

After an exchange of business cards and a receipt for the fake armband, they were alone.

Gone was the armband, replaced by the knowledge that there was no legend or magic attached to the forgery.

It was worse than she’d thought. If there was no magic, no legend, then what had compelled her to come back to Marcus, the man she’d robbed? Whatever it was, she had no intention of finding out.

“I’ve got to leave,” Olivia burst out and made for the door, pushing past him.

He gripped her arm and pulled her back. “You’re not going anywhere, love.”

Her lips trembled. Shit! “But—”

“Let’s talk.”

“We’ve got nothing to talk about.”

Marcus nudged her until her back met the wall. With his arms braced on either side of her body, he towered over her.

“Oh, we’ve got plenty to talk about. Because from where I stand you still owe me. You broke our deal last night.”

“I did nothing of the sort. We had sex in exchange for you letting me escape the police.”

He shook his head. “That was for your first offense: breaking and entering. But then you left with the artifact. That’s a second offense.”

Her breath hitched.

Slowly a smile formed around his lips. “That’s right. Now you’ve got to pay for stealing the armband.”

“But it was a fake!” she protested. “That guy from Christie’s said so just a minute ago.”

“Yes, but you didn’t know that last night. In any case, it’s still theft.”

Marcus moved closer, pressing his body against hers. His eyes were dark, his lips parted. When his breath fanned over her face, she inhaled, taking in his intoxicating scent. It reminded her of the night she’d spent in his arms. Against her better judgment, she moved her head closer to his, inviting him.

“What do you want this time?” she husked, knowing at the same time that it was stupid to give into him. Yet, she couldn’t resist the erotic pull he exercised.

“Now we’re talking.” His lips brushed lightly over hers, then trailed along her jaw down to her neck.

Her body began to tingle under his touch, her nipples beading involuntarily.

“I enjoyed the way you sucked me last night. I think we’ll start with that . . .”

“Start?” she murmured, her mouth already watering at the thought of licking him again.

“Yes,” he answered and stroked his hand over her torso, cupping her breast. “Since you’ll be in my bed for an entire week this time, I figured we’ll take it slow.”

An entire week? Was he trying to kill her? She’d never survive a week in his bed. He would turn her into a sex addict. “You can’t be serious.”

He pressed his growing erection into her stomach. “Oh, I’m dead serious. Stealing is a serious offense. You didn’t think I would just let you get away with it, did you?” He tsked.

“But a week  . . .”

“Isn’t nearly enough punishment, I know.” Marcus grinned. “But considering that you’ll probably not comply with all my wishes anyway, I’m sure I’ll have to add extra punishment for non-compliance as we go along. A week could easily turn into two.”

Olivia suppressed the urge to fan herself. “Or three  . . .”

“That’s right. Plus, at any attempt to escape, I’ll automatically add a week.”

“Oh,” she whispered. “I suppose that means I have to submit to everything you want me to do.” Why did that suddenly sound so appealing?

Slowly, she moved her hand to his backside, pressing him closer to her. When a moan escaped him, she smiled inwardly. Maybe he thought he was in charge here, but she could easily turn the tables on him.

“That’s right.”

“This will be fun.”

Marcus chuckled. “Oh, I’m counting on it.”

Then he sank his lips onto hers and drowned her in a passionate kiss that made her forget everything. For a week she would allow herself to indulge in this crazy affair, but then, she had to get back to reality.

“Oh, and, Olivia?”


“Try not to steal anything else from me.”

Olivia smiled back at him. Now there was an idea for later.



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About the Author & List of Books


Tina Folsom was born in Germany and has been living in English speaking countries for over 20 years, the last 11 of them in San Francisco, where she's married to an American.


Tina has always been a bit of a globe trotter: after living in Lausanne, Switzerland, she briefly worked on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean, then lived a year in Munich, before moving to London. There, she became an accountant. But after 8 years she decided to move overseas.


In New York she studied drama at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, then moved to Los Angeles a year later to pursue studies in screenwriting. This is also where she met her husband, who she followed to San Francisco three months after first meeting him.


In San Francisco, Tina worked as a tax accountant and even opened her own firm, then went into real estate, however, she missed writing. In 2008 she wrote her first romance and never looked back.


She’s always loved vampires and decided that vampire and paranormal romance was her calling. She now has 15 novels in English and several in other languages (Spanish, German, and French) and continues to write, as well as have her existing novels translated.


For more about Tina Folsom:

To sign up for Tina’s email newsletter please click here

You can also email her at
[email protected]


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Samson’s Lovely Mortal (Scanguards Vampires #1)
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Amaury’s Hellion (Scanguards Vampires #2)
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Gabriel’s Mate (Scanguards Vampires #3):
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Yvette’s Haven (Scanguards Vampires #4):
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Zane’s Redemption (Scanguards Vampires #5):
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Quinn’s Undying Rose (Scanguards Vampires #6):
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A Touch of Greek (Out of Olympus #1):

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To download your copy of
A Scent of Greek (Out of Olympus #2):

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To download your copy of
Lover Uncloaked (Stealth Guardians #1):

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To download your copy of
Venice Vampyr - The Beginning (Novellas 1 - 3)
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To download your copy of
Venice Vampyr #1:

to purchase.


To download your copy of
Venice Vampyr #2 Final Affair
to purchase.


To download your copy of
Venice Vampyr #3 Sinful Treasure:
to purchase.


To download your copy of
Lawful Escort
to purchase.


To download your copy of
The Wrong Suitor
to purchase.


To download your copy of
Steal Me
to purchase


To download your copy of
Captured to Breed

to purchase.




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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


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Table of Contents



























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