Escorts and Thieves (16 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Escorts and Thieves
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“What are you doing?” Sabrina’s voice startled him, and he hit his head on the freezer door as he pulled out.

“Ouch!” Great, how would he explain this? “Nothing. Just checking if we have ice cubes.”

She raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment any further. She looked stunning. Her skin glowed both from the sun she’d gotten in the afternoon and the oil he’d used on her during the massage. The scent of lavender was still all around her.

She wore practically no make-up. Not that she needed it. Her face was flawless, and her eyelashes so naturally think that no mascara would have added anything to her expressive eyes.

“I didn’t expect you to be done so quickly.” None of his girlfriends had ever gotten showered and dressed in under an hour, let alone in under fifteen minutes.

Sabrina shrugged. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

“Come, we might as well drive into town early and do a little sightseeing before dinner.” Anything to get out of this cottage and the temptation to strip her naked.

The little town of Healdsburg was centrally located in between Alexander Valley, Chalk Hill and Dry Creek Valley. Daniel wasn’t disappointed in the restaurant Tim had recommended, and judging by Sabrina’s appetite, she loved the food too. When he’d massaged her, he’d noticed that her curves were fuller than those of any of his ex-girlfriends, who’d barely ever eaten more than a little salad or some sashimi for fear of gaining a pound or two.

He liked to feel the roundness of her hips and the fullness of her breasts, and it reminded him that he hadn’t touched her breasts in far too long. Severe withdrawal symptoms made themselves known in the form of uncomfortable pangs in his abdomen.

During dinner, their conversation centered around observations about the wine country. He avoided anything that could be construed in a sexual way, and Sabrina seemed to do the same. On the drive back to the cottage, they were both quiet. He knew what was on her mind, because it was also on his mind: they’d be sharing a bed tonight.




Sabrina had felt the tension all evening. There’d been an awkward silence between them on the way back in the car. As soon as they’d gotten to the cottage, Daniel had switched on the TV and installed himself on the couch.

She took her time in the bathroom, but at some point she couldn’t stall any longer and, dressed in a simple short cotton nightdress, she went into the bedroom. It was still empty. She slipped under the covers and wondered when he’d finally come to bed.

She missed his touch and his kisses more than she wanted to admit. There really was no way around it. She wanted him, and she didn’t want to deny herself anymore. To hell with the consequences. By now Holly had probably stocked up their freezer with enough ice cream to see her through the worst once Daniel was gone.

The sound of the TV ceased, and a few seconds later Daniel came into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. He went straight for the bathroom. Sabrina shook her head when she heard the shower again. This would have to stop. And she would make sure it did.

Daniel couldn’t have looked any more tortured if he’d just had his teeth pulled. And she knew that she was the reason for it. She wasn’t being fair to him. He’d paid to spend time with her and to enjoy himself, and she was spoiling his fun. And her own fun at the same time.

The bathroom door opened, and he stepped out, dressed only in his boxer shorts. With every step he made toward the bed, her heart beat faster. She hoped to find the courage to do what she needed to do.

The mattress moved when he lowered himself onto the bed and slid under the covers. He reached for the light on the nightstand and switched it off.

“Good night, Holly.”

He made no attempt to move closer to her or to even kiss her goodnight. Her heart beat up into her throat, but she couldn’t go back.

“How are those cold showers working for you?”

She felt him jolt up, and seconds later the light came back on. He sat upright in bed and turned to her. His face looked angry. This evidently hadn’t been the right approach.

“I think it’s better I sleep on the couch.”

Before he could get out of bed, Sabrina put her hand on his arm and pulled him back. “No.”

He gave her a startled look but didn’t say anything.

“You promised we’d be sharing a bed, and you also promised you’d kiss me. Are you planning on backing out on both those promises?”

He raised his eyebrows but still didn’t talk.

“Damn it, Daniel, you haven’t kissed me all day, and you’re moping around like somebody stole your lollipop. Why the hell don’t you take what you want? You sure paid for it.” Now she felt anger boiling up in her. How could a man be so stubborn?

He finally seemed to find his voice again. “I don’t take what’s not offered freely,” he hissed.

“What do you want me to do? Wear a sign saying
fuck me
? I can’t do that.”

“I won’t sink so low as to force a woman to have sex with me when she obviously doesn’t want me, no matter whether I paid for it or not. You made it pretty clear today that you don’t want me. I should have never talked you into this weekend.”

“What?” She thought she’d given him sufficient signals that she wanted him to touch her. Had he completely forgotten the massage and how she’d shivered under his touch?

“Don’t play with me. Every time I touch you, you tense up.”

Oh God, he’d completely misread her. She’d have to be much more obvious to get the message to him. Drawing on all her courage, she slid closer to him.

“Daniel, please.” Sabrina looked into his eyes, but he didn’t seem to understand. She took his hand and slowly moved it, placing it on her breast.  “Make love to me.”

“Because I paid for it?”

She shook her head. “Because I want you to. Because I need to feel you inside of me.”

His other hand went to her face, cupping it gently. Daniel searched her eyes as if to determine whether she meant what she’d said. “Are you sure?”

She could feel his breath on her face. “Kiss me and you’ll find out.”

The instant she felt his lips on hers, her heart leapt, and she felt as if she’d faint. But his lips kept her conscious. There was no denying their chemistry. His kiss released all the pent up tension from the day. Without hesitation, she responded to him, demanded he play with her tongue and invade her mouth.

She clung to him with a desperation she’d never known, until she suddenly felt him pull away. Stunned, she looked at him. Had she put him off with her behavior?

“We have to talk,” he said in a serious voice.

“No. No talking. I want to feel you.”

He grabbed her wrists before she could pull him back against her body. “Baby, I need you to understand something.”

No. She didn’t want to know anything. She didn’t want to face reality, not the reality they were in anyway.

“Look at me.” His tone was insistent. “If we do this tonight, if we make love, you’re mine. There will be no backing down. I won’t take no for an answer after this. Do you understand?”

Sabrina nodded. She understood. As long as he was in San Francisco and for the entire time he’d booked her, he’d demand that she have sex with him, and he wouldn’t accept any more excuses. Yes, she understood. And she would comply, because she wanted him.


“God, I missed you,” Daniel exclaimed and swept her back into his arms. He chuckled softly. “I have to warn you, those cold showers didn’t do anything to cool my desire for you.”

Sabrina laughed. “I don’t know why you bothered. You almost made me come on the massage table. You could have had me right there and then.”

Daniel gave her a surprised look. “But you tensed up.”

“Because I was about sixty seconds away from an orgasm.”

He kissed her softly. “I’m such an idiot. How can I make it up to you?”

“I can think of a thing or two . . . or three . . . or four.” She smirked.


Daniel laughed out loud and hugged her tightly, his laughter rippling through his body. Suddenly everything was perfect again. Sabrina had come to him and admitted she wanted him. And he’d told her that he wanted her for good, and she’d accepted it. They’d work out the details of their lives together later. But now, all he wanted was to make love to her. He’d already waited far too long.

Though he could feel her breasts through her thin nightgown, he decided she wore far too many clothes. He’d make it a rule that from now on she wouldn’t be allowed to wear anything in bed. Ever.

His mouth was greedy when he captured hers, because he was hungrier for her than he’d ever been. The knowledge that he loved the woman in his arms made every touch and kiss double as sweet. He hadn’t declared his love yet, but he knew she could feel it. Soon he’d make it official.

But for tonight, he would just savor her first step, savor that she’d come to him. He knew she needed more time for all implications to sink in, but she’d already made a large leap forward by acknowledging that she was his.

The only small hurdle he still had to jump over was to let her know that he was aware she wasn’t an escort. But this wasn’t a talk for tonight. After twenty-four hours of lovemaking she’d be ready to have that conversation, because by then she would have realized just how much he loved her. He’d make sure of that.

As Daniel freed her from her nightgown and slipped out of his boxers, he was finally able to feel Sabrina the way he’d wanted to all day. Naked skin on naked skin, lips locked, legs intertwined. Possessively, his hand moved to the soft curves of her ass and tugged her closer into him. With a sigh, she surrendered.

“Baby, I’ve never been happier,” he murmured into her ear as he proceeded to kiss the tempting curve of her graceful neck down to the dip on the base of it.

Her hands roamed his chest exploring him, but before he could even register her touch, she moved south. A second later, she wrapped her hand around his erection. A deep moan originating in his gut traveled up to be released from his lips.

With one touch, this woman could completely undo him. His woman, he corrected himself. The power she had over him was frightening yet exciting at the same time.

“Stop, baby, please. Or you’re going to make me come instantly.”

As he looked into her face, he saw a naughty smile spread over her lips. “A little sensitive, are we?”

“Says the woman who almost came on the massage table,” he joked. “Which reminds me. What exactly was it that set you off?”

Before she could protest, he flipped her onto her stomach. “I think I should find out in order to know for the future.”

“I don’t think I should give away secrets like that,” Sabrina teased him.

He kneeled next to her and put his hands onto her back. “I’ll just have to figure it out for myself then.” And his hands went to work, slowly moving along her neck and shoulders, before diving deeper, stroking along her spine and reaching the curve of her lower back.

Daniel noticed a change in her breathing and knew exactly what direction to go. He shifted on the bed and, pushing his knee in between her thighs, he forced her to spread them wider to make space for him. She complied with an appreciative moan.

His erection grew harder and bigger as he looked at the enticing position he’d taken, nestling between her thighs with his hands on her hips. It was exactly the kind of position he wanted her in.

Softly, his hands massaged her cheeks, making circles on her skin, moving outwards to her hips and then back inwards and down to the apex of her thighs. Sabrina lifted her ass up toward his hands asking for more, and he saw the glistening entrance to her female core. Moisture oozed from her plump pink pussy.

Daniel slipped his hand down and touched the moist and warm flesh. Instantly, he was rewarded with her moan.

“I can guess what you want.”

Sliding his fingers along the outside of her female folds, he sank his head onto her ass, planting kisses on her skin. Soon, his tongue came out to aid and licked every inch of her twin peaks. Her breathing told him that she was well on her way to a very satisfying conclusion. His teeth tugged at her skin, biting gently into her soft flesh.

Daniel felt her press against his hand, and he gave into her and slid his finger into her tight channel.

“Oh, Daniel!” Her voice was raspy and uncontrolled.

Continuing to bite and lick her ass, he added another finger and moved in and out of her moist core. Her body flexed under this touch, forcing him to move faster and harder.

“Please,” she begged. “Fill me, now.”

He was more than ready to join her. But where were those damn condoms? “Wait, condom.”

“Nightstand, drawer, my side,” Sabrina pushed out between pants.

Lifting himself up, but without pulling his fingers out of her, he struggled to reach the drawer, until he finally opened it and pulled a condom out. With his teeth he opened the wrapper.

“Sorry, baby.” He needed both his hands to sheath himself. It took only seconds until he was ready and pulled her hips up to him.

“Now, Daniel, please.”

His erection nudged at her center and sliced into her with one smooth, continuous, slow motion as he savored every inch he submerged in her. He pulled back and plunged in again, but it had been too much for her already. Her muscles clenched around him as her orgasm ripped through her, making him unable to hold on to his own control. He joined her in release as his cock jerked uncontrollably inside her.

Daniel felt a high he’d never felt before, as if he’d taken some drug and was floating. This was more than just sexual gratification. To be physically joined with the woman he loved, and to know the kind of heights they could drive each other to, brought with it the awareness that he’d found what he’d been unknowingly looking for all his life. His other half, the person who completed him.

As they collapsed, he rolled them to the side, spooning her. He showered Sabrina’s neck with kisses, unable to stop showing his affection for her. With his hand, he smoothed her hair out of her face to look at her. She turned her face to him.

Her green eyes seemed darker than before, and she wore the look of a woman who seemed completely and utterly satisfied. Which wouldn’t stop him from making love to her again very shortly. This night they wouldn’t get any sleep, not if he could help it.

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