Escape: A Stepbrother Romance (21 page)

BOOK: Escape: A Stepbrother Romance
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I snuck behind a bush and got changed into the school uniform. Caiden was immediately all over me; his hands going up my skirt and under my blouse. I even put my hair into pigtails for an additional bit of flourish.

“You like the schoolgirl thing then?” I asked.

Caiden nodded. “I saw students in London doing those bar crawls dressed as schoolgirls and schoolboys. That’s not really something we have in the States, because school uniforms are not that common, but I have to admit it drove me a little wild. Seeing you dress like that, well, it’s more than I can handle.”

One by one, we visited all the places I had been left out of because I was considered too much of a goody two-shoes. We went behind the gymnasium where everyone used to smoke as evidenced by all the fag butts on the ground.

Caiden pushed me up against the wall and fumbled at my breasts and fingered me as if we didn’t have much time and might get caught. He even kept looking around although we had the place to ourselves. I came quickly under Caiden’s control, but instead of fucking me he told me to take him to my old dorm room.

“I think the school is locked up,” I said.

“There will still be caretakers even over the summer. Let’s go walk around.”

Sure enough, we eventually saw a janitor walk into the building. We waited a few minutes and then followed him inside. I took Caiden to the dorm room I had shared with two other girls.

“I actually liked the two girls I shared a room with,” I told Caiden. “Although one of them used to masturbate really loudly when she thought we were asleep. Even if I had been asleep, I would’ve woken up at the sound of her moaning while furiously shoving her fingers inside herself.”

Caiden smiled. “I’m sure that must have been tough for little innocent old you.”

“Just because I was a virgin, doesn’t mean I didn’t rub one out as often as everyone else. I was just a little more subtle about it.” I laughed to myself but Caiden noticed and asked me what was so funny. “I can’t believe I just said ‘rub one out.’ I never used to talk like that. I rarely even let thoughts like that go through my mind, let alone speak them out loud.”

“There’s a lot of things you do now that you didn’t use to do. So, who did you hear having sex?”

I pointed to the wall next to my bed. “The girl in the room next door had a guy in there occasionally. I don’t think the sex was all that exciting; it certainly never lasted for very long, but the girl used to scream like a porn star from beginning to end. I’m pretty sure she was faking it.”

“Probably. Imagine she’s next door now. Pretend she’s lying in bed trying to get to sleep.” Caiden pushed me onto the bed and pulled my panties off, but left the rest of my uniform on including the stockings. I’d never actually worn stockings at school, but it had been a little extra touch like the ponytails.

Caiden’s tongue went to work on my pussy. I had been worried I might become harder to please with time, but if anything the orgasms came quicker and quicker every time Caiden went down on me.  

He never seemed to get bored of it or enjoy it any less. I’d assumed the novelty of my taste would have worn off after a while, like when you eat too much of your favourite ice cream and got fed up with it. If Caiden was bored of my taste, he was doing a damn good job of hiding it. He used his fingers to open my entrance and stuck his tongue deep inside me.

I screamed loudly to let Caiden know I was close to coming and then even louder as I came. I made more noise than I needed to, but it was all part of the game we were playing and the more noise I made the more excited I got.

It probably seemed a bit silly to anyone else, but revisiting the place I spent so many years listening to girls talk about their sex lives while I remained a virgin held a lot of appeal now that I was getting laid.

Even after I’d come, Caiden wasn’t finished with me yet. “Where’s the headmaster’s office?” he asked.

“Headmistress,” I corrected. “I’m sure it’ll be locked.”

“Just show me the way.”

At first it looked like the office was locked, but the door was just stiff. Caiden gave a firm push against the door and it finally came open. He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me over to the headmistress’ desk.

Caiden sat down in her chair and made me sit opposite him. He scolded me for being a naughty girl and for having sexual relations with boys. I played along and decided to act like a slutty schoolgirl who needed punishing.

Caiden threatened me with detention, but I kept talking back to him so finally he decided I needed to be taught a lesson. He made me stand next to his chair and then he yanked me down by my tie and bent me over his knee.

“You’ve been a very naughty girl,” he scolded. “You mustn’t fraternize with boys. I wish I didn’t have to do this but you need to be taught a lesson.”

He brought his hand down and smacked my right arse cheek. SMACK. He did it again; hitting the other cheek this time. SMACK. The impact of his hand on my arse cheeks stung, but I didn’t tell him to stop. There was some pain, but it was my pain and I didn’t want to escape from it. I wanted to feel it again and again.


“Have you learned your lesson now? Do you promise to stay away from boys?”

“I’ll stay away from boys,” I said. “But not men. One man in particular is going to fuck me every which way he pleases.”

I braced myself for another spanking from Caiden but instead he lifted me up and pushed me over the desk. I could’ve handled a few more smacks, but Caiden couldn’t handle waiting any longer. He slipped on a condom and slammed his cock inside me.

We fucked with an urgency I hadn’t felt since the day of the away day. He took hold of my pigtails yanking my head back as he ploughed me with his large shaft. I screamed and groaned like an animal as he fucked me hard from behind.

“Harder,” I yelled. “Don’t hold back. Fuck me harder.”

He did. He pulled out and slammed back in with what could almost be described as rage as his balls slammed against my pussy with each thrust until he shook and came inside me. I collapsed onto the desk and pushed all the papers out of the way and onto the floor. I’d have to clean up before we left, but right now I didn’t care how much mess I made.

We ended up having to make a quick exit when the caretaker came down the hall. I think he heard us running, but he didn’t bother to chase after us. We ran back to the car and drove away quickly. Anyone who saw me in the car on the way home would have seen me in pigtails and a slutty schoolgirl uniform. The house was empty when I got home, so I kept the uniform on for a few more hours for Caiden’s amusement.


I’d been so busy screwing Caiden that I hadn’t given much thought to Sheri and my dreams of becoming a food blogger. Caiden asked once in a while, but I kept making excuses and told him that I had given up on the idea. Sheri tried to speak to me a few times and showed an interest in what I was doing in the kitchen, but I always made an excuse to avoid the conversation. Eventually she gave up.

I should have just focused on my own work, but every time I tried to be creative in the kitchen I kept thinking of all those other bloggers out there whose recipes had been stolen by Sheri. There were probably others out there like her as well. What was the point in trying to make a success of things when you work could just be stolen by people rich and famous?

One evening, Dad and Sheri went out for dinner, so I did what I always did when the house was empty and went to find Caiden. We tried not to spend too much time together when either of our parents were around so that they wouldn’t suspect we were doing anything, but the second we had time to ourselves we usually jumped on each other. Caiden was not in his room and his running shoes were not by the door, so he’d probably gone for a run or to the gym.

I slumped down on the sofa, disappointed not to be getting any right now, and put my feet up on the coffee table. As I slouched down, I saw my dad’s briefcase under the table. The briefcase was usually locked, but this time he’d left it unlocked. I couldn’t resist opening it and looking inside. If I was going to be a lawyer one day, I might as well see what type of work he did. Maybe it wouldn’t be half as boring as I expected.

I pulled out a wedge of papers. They weren’t as boring as I expected. They were more boring. Far more boring. The first document was an employment contract for a bank manager. Once I’d looked at the salary information there was not much else of interest. There was a memo on some niche area of intellectual property law and a draft court filing that had my dad’s handwriting in red ink around the margins. Some poor associate had a lot of edits to make in the morning.

The last document was an email chain between Dad and Sheri. Fortunately, the tone of the emails was professional and formal, so there were no lovey-dovey things or heart emoticons. Mind you, I couldn’t imagine my father doing that in emails outside of work either.

The email chain confirmed everything Caiden had told me about Sheri. In fact, he had understated what she had done. By the time I had read through all the emails, I realized her entire career has been built on a fraud.

I opened up a scanning app on my phone and scanned in images of the emails. I don’t know why I did it; the emails were confidential between a solicitor and his client so it’s not like I could do anything with them, but I wanted copies anyway. Perhaps one day, when dad was giving me one of his sanctimonious and pretentious speeches, I could pull out the photos and show him what a hypocrite he was to marry a fraud like Sheri.

I put all the documents back in the briefcase and slipped the briefcase back under the coffee table in the exact position I’d found it. I read through the emails again. They were remarkably revealing. Sheri was basically confiding everything to my dad so that he could help clear up the mess she’d made. He’d certainly made a lot of money from her, assuming he still collected the fee once they’d become engaged.

I forced myself to put my phone down and turned the TV on as a distraction. I flicked through to a cooking channel and couldn’t have been less surprised to see Sheri’s face on one of the imported American TV shows.

She was the head judge of a panel reviewing food prepared by amateur chefs. People like me. When she had the nerve to criticize a contestant’s meal as being unoriginal, something in me snapped. I’d been too hasty in assuming there was nothing I could do with the emails. There was nothing I could
do, but as long as I covered my tracks there was most definitely something I could do to make Sheri accountable for what she had done.

I created another email account and headed out to the pub. I didn’t want a drink, but they had free Wi-Fi, and right now I wanted to do something online that I didn’t want traced back to me.

I was taking a stupid risk just to spite someone else, but she deserved it. Caiden might think it was a silly thing to do, but one thing was for sure; Mum would be proud of me.

I’d never been much of a runner. I worked out regularly, but that usually involved lifting weights or rowing if I wanted a cardio workout. At a push, I would do some cycling or use an elliptical, but you’d rarely see me on a treadmill or running in the wild.

Friends from back home described running outdoors as being liberating and freeing, but that had never clicked for me. I got bored running for more than twenty minutes at a time and found it impossible to get into the zone.

Out here in this sleepy part of town the only way to stay fit was to run. I should have bought some weights and turned the garage into a gym, but I’d be gone soon so there wasn’t much point. The nearest gym was at least a twenty minute drive away and I didn’t have a UK driver’s license.

Today I had a purpose behind my run. I wasn’t out here pounding the pavement to get fit or train for a race. I planned to explore the town a bit and see if I could find the man that had been following me.

I knew what his car looked like, so I ran around the town looking for a red Ford Escort with a license plate starting with a Y. It wasn’t a lot to go on, but it was a small town, so I liked my chances of finding something, if not the first day, then perhaps the second or third. That’s assuming he lived nearby. If he’d been hired by Naomi to find me then he could be staying anywhere, but I had nothing else to go on so it was worth a shot.

BOOK: Escape: A Stepbrother Romance
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