EroticTakeover (4 page)

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Authors: Tina Donahue

BOOK: EroticTakeover
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She looked stunned that he’d asked.

Her shock didn’t have anything on his. Already Mac regretted
asking such a dumb question, even as he hoped she was between men. Until now,
he hadn’t considered the complication of her being involved, which would make
his interest in her so much more difficult.

When she didn’t answer, Mac should have dropped the subject
but somehow couldn’t and said the first thing that came to his mind. “Rocco?”

Jodi laughed lustily, slumping in her chair from the force
of it. “He’s a nice guy but I don’t think I’m his type.”

“Why not?”

Sobering quickly, she gave him a weird look as though he’d
offended her.

Mac couldn’t imagine why. “He’s not gay, just in case you’re

“I wasn’t.”

“Then you simply don’t like muscular guys who shave their
chests and wear makeup so they’ll look pretty for the camera.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Jodi’s mouth but didn’t
last. Shoving her glasses up her nose, she mumbled, “Let’s just say he’s not my

Mac nodded slowly even though his pulse raced out of
control. The temperature seemed horribly warm suddenly, as though he’d had too
much to drink. So far, he’d only had three sips of his beer. Maybe he should
have had more.

He let another moment pass then asked, “What is your type?”

Her color rose again. Quickly, she averted her gaze and
concentrated on her beer, finishing half of it in one long, seemingly desperate

Call him crazy, but Mac again sensed her interest in him and
that she wasn’t serious about anyone. Content for the moment, he devoured his
dog, which he’d slathered with sauerkraut and dotted with brown mustard. The
spicy flavors heated his blood even more.

A group to the side pushed back their tables so they could
dance to a slow tune from the nineties. Other customers joined them.

Mac glanced at Jodi. Longing registered on her face as she
regarded the couples. Her body swayed gently to the romantic tune.

She probably wanted to dance. Hell, Mac wanted that too, her
snuggled within his arms. Problem was, he suddenly couldn’t move or speak. For
the first time in recent memory, he actually hesitated around a woman, afraid
to break the almost easy mood, which might take them back to square one.

Damn, it had already been several months since Jodi first
came to his studio, looking eager for a full-time job, bringing a dash of
reality to his world and a sense of comfort Mac had rarely known. Another long
wait to get close to her might kill him. His cock needed to be inside her sweet
depths now and all fucking night. Mac wanted to fall asleep with his head
pillowed between her ripe breasts, his leg draped over hers so she couldn’t get

Her escape would be too hard to endure. He had to get his
fill of her. Share histories, laughs, become friends. Something he hadn’t cared
about before with other women but did now for some reason.

The song ended. On its heels, another began, rougher, less
romantic, the moment gone.

Frowning, Mac cursed himself for his uncertainty. Being a
goddamn wuss wouldn’t get him anywhere. He turned to Jodi.

“Hey,” Krista chirped. “I’m back.” She plopped into her
chair. Her hair was tousled, lips bruised, complexion pinked up, undoubtedly
due to Pretty Boy’s stubble. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing,” Mac muttered.



Despite Mac’s insistence, Krista refused to let him take her
home first.

“We’ll take her,” she argued, flapping her hand in the
direction of the backseat.

“That’s probably best,” Jodi said.

Mac shot her a frown. She pretended not to notice. Even if
he wasn’t dating Krista or even interested in her, that didn’t mean Jodi wanted
to run interference for him. She was his assistant at work, not the referee in
his love life, especially since she wanted him for herself.

Yeah right.

Jodi knew there was a less-than-zero chance of that
happening when countless babes traipsed through his studio on a daily basis.
All of them naked and just as lovely as Krista. Could be he didn’t like blondes
as much as he did brunettes. He certainly had enough raven-haired beauties to
choose from.

Crap, why did her car have to break down now? The stupid
thing could have waited until she had the money to buy an auto club membership
and enough saved for repairs.

Sighing, Jodi studied the streets they passed. The last time
Mac had spoken to her was when he’d wanted her address. Since then, he’d
concentrated on his GPS prompts, not once asking if everything was all right
back there, if she was too cold or hot, lonely, horny, frustrated.

The music wasn’t helping. He’d put on some funereal opera
with lots of dark notes and ominous drums.

Krista didn’t seem to notice the gloomy piece. She was back
to fondling Mac’s thigh while she hummed merrily. Her tune reminded Jodi of a
toothpaste commercial where everyone was young, successful, good-looking and
happy. She slumped farther into her seat, the taste of her dog and the wonder
of Mac’s teasing already a fast-fading memory.

He made a left onto her street, which looked identical to
the others around there, all of them boring. There was an endless series of
apartment buildings, some of them tan stucco, others white stucco topped by
red, mint green or blue-tiled roofs. Where the ordinary lived, their hopes long
gone, their dreams too far in the distance to remember, replaced with having to
earn a living, getting through the next day and the next until they totally
gave up and died.

God she was depressed. She didn’t want to be alone tonight
or face the ginormous quote the garage would give her tomorrow, which she’d
never be able to afford. Then there was the problem of her riding to work with
Mac, having him to herself for a few seconds, after which he’d spend his day
concentrating on one goddess after the other with most of them wanting him and
discussing their lust the moment he wasn’t around. The models’ desire was the
worst of all, since Jodi craved Mac as much as they did but would never have

“Stop three hundred feet ahead,” the GPS voice said.

Scanning the street, Mac slowed and parked in a spot near
Jodi’s building.

“Thanks,” she said quickly. “Dinner was great. I appreciate
it. Have a good night.” She opened her door and hurried out of the car.

So did Mac. He joined her on the sidewalk. Jodi stared at
him, not understanding.

“I’ll walk you to your door,” he said. “It’s late. No need
to take any unnecessary risks.”

With her safety? This wasn’t Beverly Hills by any standard
but it wasn’t a warzone either. The working-class neighborhood was relatively
quiet, with only a few stereos blaring away. “Thanks, but I’m all right.”

“You will be, because I insist.”

Before Jodi could argue with him further, Mac turned at the
sounds of that gloomy opera pouring from his car. “Stay inside,” he ordered
Krista. “I’ll be back in a sec.”

She screwed up her mouth and shut her door.

“This is just a suggestion,” Jodi murmured quietly, “but
maybe you should tell her you two aren’t dating.”

Mac chuckled. “Yeah maybe I should. I’ve dropped hints—god
how I’ve dropped them. I’ve been trying not to hurt her feelings.”

Jodi liked him even more for being such a good guy. “That’s

He seemed surprised. “You think? I thought I was being kind
of wimpy.”

Him? Wimpy? Never. Strength and authority simply burned
within him. “You’re a nice man. No harm in that. If I haven’t said thank you
before, I am now. I really appreciate what you did with my car. You probably
shouldn’t have. It’ll probably take me until I’m sixty to pay you back.”

“That long, huh?” His eyebrows lifted. “Guess I’ll just have
to work you harder so I can get my money sooner.” With a playful smile, he
strolled down the street.

Jodi joined him like a good little assistant…and a woman
drawn by his irresistible appeal. In the light of the streetlamps, Mac looked
like a hero of a supernatural romance. Dangerously handsome with a dark heart
but a good soul. Threads of moonlight graced his chiseled features and the
rugged planes of his body. His movements were fluid, well-oiled, a guy who was
comfortable in his own skin.

She envied the woman who’d finally snare him.

Mac studied the building numbers and made a right for her
place. When they’d reached her porch, Jodi stated the obvious.

“This is it.” She cleared her throat, surprised at how her
words had caught. “What time do you want me to be ready tomorrow?”

He studied her eyes then her mouth. “Early.”

Confused and more than a little unsettled, she managed a
wobbly smile. “Such as?”

Mac didn’t say. Already close, he edged nearer. Jodi’s pulse
thumped in her temples and throat. She could have moved back but didn’t, even
though nothing blocked her.

He murmured, “Want me to check out your place? Make certain
it’s safe?”

If he came inside, it wouldn’t be. There’d be no stopping
what she wanted to do with him. She’d be worse than Krista, tackling him to the
floor, begging him to want her. At last, she edged back. “Thanks, but I’m sure
it’s fine.”

Mac didn’t look convinced but finally nodded. “See you
tomorrow morning.”


He turned then stopped and regarded her for a long moment.
The breeze ruffled the ends of his hair. Moonlight sparkled in his eyes,
bringing out a bit of the blue. Jodi told herself to dig out her house key and
open the door but didn’t have the will to do so. Looking at him was too nice.
Catching his scent too enticing.

With a soft smile, Mac advanced again until their bodies
nearly touched. He rested his hands on either side of her face and stroked her
cheeks with his thumbs.

Jodi forgot to breathe. Stunned, aroused and completely lost
in the wonder of him, she closed her eyes and parted her lips as Mac lowered
his mouth to hers.

Chapter Four


He was gentler than he’d intended to be or could endure for
long. Mac’s only reason for making his first move so subdued was that he didn’t
want to alarm Jodi. The moment she decided he was being too rough, she might
pull back or push him away.

No fucking chance he’d let that happen.

Her mouth was too seductive. Not only ungodly soft but loose
beneath his. Her flowery fragrance made him think of her again in an
old-fashioned, age-yellowed portrait. In the image, her hair would be longer,
the ends dangling above her lavish breasts, her nipples puckered from her
arousal and excitement at posing so shamelessly.

He imagined her in a frilly corset drawn tightly around her
waist, the satiny fabric not doing much to hide her lush nudity. Instead, it
would display her pale breasts and ass for his use, her punishment. The thought
of disciplining her thickened Mac’s blood. He could almost hear the crack of
his palm or a strap against her succulent cheeks, followed by her sounds of
submission and desire.

A growl caught in the back of his throat, a sound Mac didn’t
dare let out until he was certain she wanted at least a portion of what he’d
been fantasizing about. His tongue glided over the seam of her mouth, testing,
teasing, then slipped inside gradually, opening her to him.

Her taste and wet heat made his legs rubbery. His knees
bumped into hers.

Moaning softly, Jodi sagged against him, surrendering.

Aw, baby.

Mac planted his hand on her ass and pushed her cunt into his
rigid shaft. Jodi yielded further, her mouth fitted to his, arms wreathed
around his neck.

Intoxicated by her eagerness, Mac filled her mouth with his
tongue. Her nipples were peaked, hard as could be against his pecs. Her desire
was so damn welcome that he answered her faint moans with a growl then a cruder
grunt, unable to pretend he still had any control over what was happening
between them.

Jodi couldn’t possibly be deluding herself either. She
suckled his tongue with abandon and ground her body into his.

They rocked back and forth, each of them trying to get
closer in their carnal dance. Mac held the back of Jodi’s head, not allowing
her to break free. She pushed her fingers through his hair, anchoring him to
her. Wasn’t enough, dammit. He needed more and angled his mouth for better

Once he had it, Jodi took charge, forcing his tongue aside
then spearing hers into his mouth. An appreciative noise escaped him, the sound
more animal than human. She answered with a lust-filled groan that thickened
his cock and squeezed his balls. Mac wanted her hands on that part of him. No,
not her hands…her tongue. Licking his nuts, exploring their contours, then
easing his shaft deep inside her mouth, taking in as much of him as she could.

If she were able to manage his full length, that would be
paradise. To get there, all they had to do was go inside her place and—


Her name popped into Mac’s head like a bad memory he
couldn’t shake. Oh shit. He’d left her in his car. She wouldn’t stay put for
long. She could very well be on her way there now to see what was keeping him.

On a frustrated sigh, Mac forced himself to calm down and
gentled his kiss. He suckled Jodi’s tongue tenderly. Lovingly.

She matched his pace as though they’d been doing this for
years. Her past uncertainty disappeared, replaced with a response that was so
fucking horny and real Mac couldn’t wait to have her stripped bare and beneath
him. Or on top. Any damn way he could have her.

He pulled his mouth free and held Jodi in a firm yet gentle
embrace, his chest bumping hers as he gulped air. She snuggled against him,
their bodies seemingly made for each other.

How long they stayed that way, Mac couldn’t be certain
except it wasn’t as long as he would have liked. Once Jodi’s breathing had
quieted and their silence grew, her body tensed against his. Mac suspected part
of her sudden stiffness stemmed from her frustration that they couldn’t go
further tonight. The rest was probably her concern over what they’d done. What
she might expect from him now.

Not wanting her to worry, he eased back and smiled at her
mussed hair and poor little glasses. They hung askew on her nose. Mac
straightened them for her. “Better?”

She searched his face and nodded.

In the porch light, he could see her lips were damp and
slightly puffy from his passion, her cheeks reddened from his stubble. He’d
have to start shaving more closely so he wouldn’t irritate her delicate skin.
Carefully, he ran his thumb over her jawline. “I have to go. Krista’s… Crap, I
have to get her home.” He sighed. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

Jodi nodded again.

“Thanks,” Mac said at last, meaning it, grateful for the way
she’d returned his kiss, that she truly seemed to want him. He cupped her face
in his hands and pecked the tip of her nose. “Go inside. Get some sleep.”

Before she could respond or he weakened and drew her into
him again, Mac forced himself to leave. Halfway down the walk, he stopped and
glanced back. Jodi hadn’t budged. She continued to regard him.

Mac fought a smile. “Go,” he ordered.

She didn’t move.

His body thrummed with renewed excitement. He wanted her to
tear down the walk, throw herself into his arms and beg him to take her to his
place where they could screw like monkeys until they needed more—like making
real love until dawn. Maybe even taking tomorrow off.

Holding his breath, Mac waited.

Jodi stepped to the right then back. Certainly not enough to
call it a mad dash to get to him. Finally, she dug her key from her purse then
gave him one last longing look before she slipped inside her apartment.

The last image Mac had of her was Jodi peering at him
through a crack in her door. Wasn’t enough. He needed and wanted every fucking
thing she could give.

After hesitating a moment, he lifted his hand in farewell
then trudged back to his car and Krista.


The moment Mac was out of sight, Jodi closed her door and
slumped against it. She pressed her fingers to her mouth. Her lips were still
wet from his kisses.

What had just happened?

Jodi wasn’t sure. She simply knew how she felt. Sort of. A
mixture of sweet joy, raw lust and incredible doubt swirled through her so fast
she grew unsteady. Lowering her head, she gripped the doorknob for support.

Her mind replayed their goodbye, which, oddly enough, was like
a scene from one of her more hopeless fantasies. Mac had looked at her in what
appeared to be wonder, which was crazy. His initial kiss had been more than
tentative…it had been searching and gentle. Because he hadn’t wanted to scare

Could be. Then again, she had no idea.

Maybe he’d been drunk. Wait. He’d only had one beer that he
hadn’t finished. Jodi wondered if someone at Dilli’s had put something in his
booze. That was the only reasonable explanation for his behavior.

By all that was sane, the last few minutes shouldn’t have
happened. Jodi had suffered a lifetime of rejection from the opposite sex. She
didn’t hate her looks but she didn’t kid herself either. The world wanted
perfection and beauty. Always had. Always would. She didn’t have it, so there.

Mac kissing her tonight was no different from her winning a
billion-dollar lottery after buying one ticket. Stuff like that didn’t happen
to people like her. Now Krista…

Maybe she’d put something in his beer to loosen him up so
he’d finally sleep with her. Maybe she’d been buying the drug while she’d been
in the restroom. Maybe—

Stop it. You’re losing your mind.

Jodi staggered to her bathroom and flicked on the
fluorescent light. Squinting at its shocking brightness, she faced the mirror
and grimaced. It was worse than she’d thought. Her hair was a damn mess,
glasses crooked despite Mac trying to straighten them on her nose, clothes
rumpled and stained. A glob of chili had dropped from her dog onto her tee,
leaving a reddish trail from her boobs to her belly.

There was also a smear of car grease on her jaw.

Aw god.

She gripped the edge of the counter and breathed hard. If
anyone had told her that Mac would have behaved as he had tonight, she would
have called that person insane, while wishing that the prediction would come
true. Now that it had happened, she wanted to be happy but didn’t trust her

Could be Mac got involved with all his assistants in between
his romps with the models. Could be that’s why he’d had to hire her. The last
girl had probably quit, unable to handle the heartache of seeing him with
another woman, or several of them, while she stood by helplessly and—

Uh-uh. No way was Jodi going there. Nor could she quit. She
needed the job almost as much as she wanted to be near Mac.

Hoping to catch his fragrance again, she pressed the front
of her tee to her nose, not unlike a dog sniffing its owner’s shoes.

Granted, she should have had more pride but she didn’t.
Being alone had always been a bitch, but was even worse now after such a
wonderful night and an earth-shattering kiss. It had been painful to watch him
leave, her heart aching, wanting more. So freaking much more, Jodi kept trying
to smell him on her tee but couldn’t. The chili she’d spilled overwhelmed any
other scents.

She yanked off her top, tossed it aside then ditched the
rest of her clothes and ordered herself to look in the mirror, seeing what Mac
would if they got naked.

That was a big if.

Jodi considered that tonight might be the beginning and the
end of their relationship, if you could call it that. When he picked her up
tomorrow, he might very well pretend their kiss hadn’t happened.

The thought hit Jodi like a slug to her gut. Avoiding the
mirror, she turned out the light and dragged to her bedroom. The mattress squeaked
loudly as she fell back on the bed. With her chin lifted to the shadowed
ceiling, she ran her hands down her body, imagining Mac touching her.

He’d pluck her nipples, teasing them, before he cupped her
breasts and squeezed. Not gently. Oh no. His passion would be too out of
control for that. He’d work her flesh as hard as he wanted, pulling a wanton
moan from her. Hardly satisfied, he’d swirl his tongue over her nipples,
coaxing her areolas to constrict and her tips to tighten so much they’d sting.
He’d suckle them until they ached and she was crazed with need.

Pleased with himself and nowhere near finished with her,
he’d trail ravenous kisses down her torso, over her belly to the springy curls
between her legs.

Inhaling deeply, Jodi parted her thighs and dipped her
fingers over the edge of her mound. Her pussy was puffy and wet, her clit as
erect as Mac’s cock had been when he’d pushed her cunt into it.

He’d wanted her then. She hadn’t mistaken his desire. Even
if his unexpected passion for her never happened again, no one could take away
Jodi’s memory of that breathtaking moment.

Letting her thoughts go wild, she pictured Mac naked. The
hair in his pits would be dark and fragrant. He’d have a thick, musky pelt
above his cock.

She swallowed.

His balls would be lightly furred, his powerful thighs and
calves wonderfully hairy. He’d sink to one knee between her legs, his mouth on
her cleft, his tongue exploring.

Jodi stroked herself. Her pussy felt heavy, congested, needy
of relief. Lightly, she rubbed her clit while she envisioned Mac doing the
same. He’d have one hand on her belly to keep her still. With two fingers
snuggled inside her slick channel, he’d stretch her in preparation for his cock
while he rubbed her nub with his thumb.

She shivered at a burst of sensation between her legs. Her
breaths came hard and fast.

Her thoughts soared, picturing Mac again. When he had her
within a breath of climax, he’d stop. She’d moan, pissed at him for delaying
her release. He’d ignore her complaint, position himself between her legs and
would draw the tip of his cock over her puffy folds.

She’d grow still at the promise of his hard length within
her. She’d surrender.

In one savage thrust, Mac would enter her completely, his
balls grazing her ass. She’d wrap her legs around his torso and hold on for a
freaking good ride. He’d growl his approval then pump. Hard. Quick. Ruthlessly.
Sending her over the rainbow straight into the land of wonder and awe.

Jodi whimpered then moaned. Her back arched at the wondrous
sensations dashing through her. At last, her climax consumed all her strength,
leaving her breathless. Panting, she draped her arm over her eyes and yielded
to sweet exhaustion. She craved nothing except sleep so she could dream about
Mac and relive the best part of tonight while their mouths and bodies were—

Her phone jangled, interrupting her cherished thoughts. Jodi
ignored it through the first five rings. On the sixth, she worried it could be
her parents. One of them might have gotten sick or been hurt. Maybe something
happened to one of her relatives.

She scrambled across her mattress and snatched her phone
from the nightstand, right where she’d left it this morning. “Hello?”


Her heart turned over at Mac’s deep voice. He was calling
her? Why?

He couldn’t have changed his mind about
picking her up tomorrow, unless he was going to fire her now because he’d
quickly regretted their kiss.

Please not that. Please.


She steeled herself for the coming bad news. “Uh-huh.”

“Were you asleep? Did I wake you?”

“Not really.” Her pussy was still sensitive from the love
she’d just given it. “I’m awake.”


He didn’t sound so certain about that. Pulling in her
shoulders, Jodi waited.

“I forgot to tell you what time I’d be by,” he said. “I’ll
be there at six.”

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