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Authors: Pynk

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Erotic City (30 page)

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“Hi, Tamiko. How are you?”

Milan stood up and walked out of the kitchen.

Tamiko said, “Okay. I hear you’re doing better.”

“I am. You don’t have to do this.”

“I know.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

Tamiko leaned toward the bar and spoke up. “Maybe you can say one thing. Like tell me why. Why you still messed with Jarod once you found out he was mine?”


Tamiko was firm. “No, really. Why?”

“I guess I, I must have been mad. Mad about being discarded like I didn’t exist.”

“So you took it out on me. By hurting me. Just like you hurt my mother then, right.”

“Tamiko. I can tell this isn’t the right thing for me to do, by staying in the house. And it doesn’t seem to be the right thing for you either.”

Tamiko stood and began pacing the kitchen floor. “The right thing would be for you to tell me more than you were mad. That’s not good enough.”

“Well, first of all, I know that I’ve always had issues. Being with your father made me, I don’t know, feel like I was somebody. Plus he was older and I never knew my father.” Nancy swallowed and became silent.

So did Tamiko.

Nancy continued, “You know, I had six abortions by the time I was eighteen. I never even thought I could have children or that I could even get pregnant again at forty-two years old, and here I find out that I was and that I lost it.”

Tamiko held her breath. She didn’t know that little detail that her sister had spared her. She felt her heart race.

Nancy continued, “What your dad gave me was the self-esteem I needed. His popularity gave me that.” She sniffled.

Tamiko waited and breathed heavily. She then asked, “Oh so, it doesn’t matter whether or not you loved him, right? You just used him?” She continued to pace.

“I loved him like no one I’ve ever loved. He put up with me and gave me the life I’d never had. My childhood was the complete opposite. It was hell.”

“So at forty-two years old, you tried to make my life hell, too.”

Nancy continued explaining. “I was mad, like I said. I guess I felt Milan discarded me and the last time I talked to you, I could tell you were upset because of my e-mail about the claim for money. I was wrong for still seeing Jarod after I knew who he was. And I’m sorry.”

Tamiko again walked the length of the kitchen and back. “Well, it would’ve been nice if you’d picked up the phone and told me that yourself. What you did told me a lot more about you than I thought to be true. And I wanna know. How did you go from needing a father figure to needing a man who’s almost young enough to be your son? I’m still just trying to figure out what you two were thinking.”

“I can imagine you are.” Nancy’s voice retreated.

“You need to know that Milan wants this. I don’t know what tree fell on her head but you will live in that house. I’ll fly you out there one-way, first class, whatever. Milan thinks it’s the right thing to do. I’m going to go with her on this. But honestly, I don’t ever want to hear from you again. And I can’t say that I give a darn about you losing a baby or getting raped. You can marry Jarod for all I care.” Tamiko threw up her hand.

“Tamiko, please—”

“Don’t.” Tamiko walked back toward the bar just as Milan walked back in. Tamiko and Nancy and Milan were quiet. “And by the way, what in the heck did you do with all the money my dad gave you?”

Nancy’s breathing was loud. She again sniffled. “I won’t lie. I was with someone when I moved out of your dad’s house. It was my trainer. And he asked me to help him open a gym. I did. Next thing I knew, we’d gone through the money and when it was all gone, he left.”

Tamiko’s face said she was through. “Hold on.” She shoved the phone toward Milan and stormed out of the kitchen. She could be heard saying, “With her jungle fever, dyke self.”

Milan sat down, looking at the wind from the trail that Tamiko blazed out of the kitchen. “Nancy, we’re gonna go. Do you have someone to take you home when they release you? Where are you going?”

“Yes. To Jarod’s.” Nancy sounded as though she knew the truth did not sound good.

“I need to talk to him so ask him to call me. And I left my new home number by your bed. Let me know when you get on your feet and we’ll set a time for you to meet with my attorney to handle everything. Take care of yourself.”

“Okay. Thank you again. Thanks to you and to Tamiko. And again, please tell her I’m sorry.”

“Good-bye.” Milan hung up the phone and rushed out of the kitchen to find her livid sister. But she had left.


“I’ve Got to See You Again”

Friday, June 6, 2008
11:20 p.m.

amiko was right back at Kellen’s house for the second night in a row.

The long blades of the ceiling fan above them sliced the air, cooling their bodies from the heat of June, and from the heat of their combined passion.

The accumulation of her bouts with anger helped her to swallow her apprehension. There was no more doubt. Right off the bat she was getting a serious, longtime-coming tongue-lashing. Kellen was taking care of business like a real man should.

Her breaths signaled arousal. She was propped up on her knees. Kellen’s tongue slid across her clitoris from behind and she was seeing stars. She squirmed and tried her damndest not to lose it. He feasted on her pussy like she was an all-night buffet.

Their empty wineglasses rested upon the dresser. Soft light from the Sea Breeze aromatherapy candles flickered against the skin of their naked bodies. Soft, panty-dropping music serenaded their ecstasy. But the panties had long been dropped already. The song was “There’ll Never Be” by DeBarge.

“Ah, Kellen. That feels so good.” She nearly meowed.

He said yes with a moan that vibrated between her legs.

“Since, we are lyin here ah / For the first time, you and I.”

The lyrics made her mind swoon and she hung her head low with her hair draped over the pillow. But two minutes later her head shot straight up and she screamed, “Oh. Oh wait. I can’t take it.”

He did not stop.

Her lips separated as he inserted his tongue like it was a dick fuck. His tongue went in waves. One minute his tongue was pointed and then it was flat, and he never neglected her clit, running it back and forth. He pulled on it lightly and gave a tug with more pressure. His nose rubbed against her opening while he treated her to a suckling.

Tamiko arched her back even more and stuck out her ass. His face was lost. He never seemed to come up for air. He put his finger around the outside of her asshole, slowly inserting it.

“Oh, Kellen. Oh. Oh. Oh. Shit!” The bad word sprinted from her mouth and she broke out in an all-over, 100-yard-dash orgasm that caused her to shake against his face. She could feel her cum oozing and her clitoris throbbing like it never had before. She panted, “Kellen. Kellen.” It was like her voice was begging him to stop.

He backed away and said, “Yeah,” looking extra-

Tamiko collapsed onto her stomach. Her head swam. “That was amazing.” The attention to detail had her wide eyed and impressed.

He smiled and lay on his side. “That was one good, hard cum. That’s what that was.”

She looked at his average but thick penis and licked her lips. “Can I do you now?”

His eyes were on her cheeks. “I just wanna be inside of you.”

“Okay.” Without hesitation she turned onto her back.

“No. Can we face each other? Sitting up?”

She seemed curious. “Show me.”

Kellen sat on the bed with his legs in front of him. He directed her to sit on his lap, facing him with her legs spread open. He pulled her closer and she widened her legs even more. He began kissing her on her face and all over her erogenous neck.

She moaned.

He looked her in the eyes and touched her face
and hair, tracing her hairline and her profile with his fingers. He nibbled on her ear and explored her from the neck up.

Tamiko’s desire intensified. She began kissing him from tongue to tonsil. Their mouths danced until he backed away.

He reached over and took a condom package from the checkered bedspread, ripped it open, and rolled it over his erection. He took his dick in hand. She prepared to take him in. Her eyes were expectant.

He pushed toward her and he was inside.

His girth took over her.

He moved slowly and Tamiko wrapped her arms around him. She held on tight. He hugged her back and thrust deeper.

She could feel his dick touch a place and said, “Oh yeah.” It curved to a soft spot that was sending signals to her clit.

He felt her squeeze. “Uh-huh.”

They worked together until the stroke of midnight while she lifted and lowered her hips on his dick, working her wet pussy muscles to hold his penis tight.

Their hips stayed locked together and again they kissed. Her chest was pressed to his.

It was syncopated rhythm for another fifteen minutes.

That was until he froze and began to grunt. And groan. And yell. “Uhh, yeah. Oh yeah. Fuck. Damnit.” He released his streaming, urgent orgasm and she still moved her hips.

The heat of his body and the pressure of his pelvic area against her clit made her lean her head back in amazement. She felt dizzy just as she came again. She saw a white light. Her body shuddered.

Twice in one night.

Twice in one hour.

She said while trying to come down from her satisfied high, “That’s the shit I’m talking about right there.” She high-fived him with her pleasured, dirty voice.

He said, “Beautiful.”

And again he kissed her softly.


“Diamonds and Pearls”

Friday, July 18, 2008
11:05 p.m.

t was four weeks before the big premiere of Milan’s cable television show. She sat in her office e-mailing invites to members, friends, and business associates. She had planned for it to be huge, lavish, and well attended.

She received an e-mail from the church, inviting her to the upcoming Big Sister dinner and thanking her for her financial contribution. Her heart smiled.

She also received an e-mail from Tamiko that read,

Sis—I know we’ve been at odds about Nancy. You are not one to fight fire with fire and I know that. I understand your reasoning behind letting Nancy stay in the Miami house so she’d leave Dad’s estate alone. I know you felt sorry for her. I feel like something’s wrong with me though, because though I’m glad they caught that guy who raped her, I still don’t feel a bit sorry for her. Not even deep down.

But my biggest thing was trying to understand why you’re so generous to Jarod again after what he did. And I’m going to move on from that. As you know I’m happy with my life and things are going well. I’m also happy that Lavender’s grandma is here. At least now you guys can go back and forth to Miami and not have to worry, and work later nights. And if you ever need me to babysit I’ll be there for you. Oh, just so you know, I really did have fun when I went to the club that night. Honestly, I was a little turned on. Okay, a lot turned on. But I’m not looking to start swinging anytime soon. N-E-WAY–I can’t wait for your big night. I love you, big sis. T.

Milan immediately clicked reply and began typing.

Sis—Thanks for letting me know that you understand. I debated about whether or not I was doing the right thing and I just think it’s best to forgive and give. Jarod made a big mistake and so did Nancy. They’ve also paid greatly. They lost a baby.

Thanks for being happy for me but I’m even more happy for you. Happy that you and Kellen are getting to know each other and that he helped you put everything in place for your big night. Your first fashion show. You guys seem good for each other. I love you back, baby sis. Talk to you tomorrow. M.

She hit send and a smile spread across her face. She stood, taking a moment to look out of the mirror to check out the scene of her thriving sex palace.

In the red room on the dance floor, there were about two dozen lively people doing the shuffle to “Cupid Shuffle.” An older couple did a switch move with a younger couple and they began kissing each other’s mates.

Milan’s desk phone rang and she rushed to catch it. She jerked the receiver from the base and said, “This is Milan.”


The caller ID read
private number.

She hung up and immediately turned back, looking at the goings-on in the silver room. There were about four people standing at the entrance, eyeing down a woman who was getting fucked by a man who used a doggy-style enhancement strap on her ass. And he was deep-sea fishing. Well.

The main purple room had people mingling about with breasts and asses everywhere. The fuck flick for the evening was
Desperate Blackwives 3
. Milan saw Brian walking by, making sure everyone behaved.

And the black VIP room had groups of people sitting upon the leather sofas, mingling and laughing. One woman with a definite bubble butt looked like she was giving a focused lap dance to two guys at once. The looks on their faces said it would be an on and crackin, male-male-female all-nighter.

Milan saw Jed walking from the bar to where Lavender stood, in front of the VIP room. Milan took hold of the radio.

“Hey, Lavender. Can I talk to Jed for a minute please, honey?”

He joked, “It’s gonna cost you.”

“Oh no problem. You know I’m willing to pay whatever the cost.”

He looked up at her and grinned. “I’ll remember that. Hold on, baby.”

Jed also looked up toward her office window, taking the radio. “Hey.”

“Hey there. Listen, I need to know if you and Dakota wouldn’t mind running Erotic City until we get the Miami location off the ground. Only for a few months on and off. We’ll be back and forth.”

“Starting when?”

“Next month.”

“Sure, I can definitely help you out. I need to have something to do. This retirement thing is driving me crazy.”

“Good. Can we meet later on? Just go over what you’d charge, and some other things?”

“Sure. And what about Lavender here? What happens to security when you guys are gone?”

BOOK: Erotic City
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