Equation for Love (11 page)

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Authors: Fae Sutherland

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Equation for Love
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Skye laughed breathlessly. Amazingly, the mention of Liam's job didn't bother him in the slightest. How could it? Liam had been so turned on, the man had hauled himoffto the nearest semi-private space to have his way with him. It was hard for his insecurities to bristle at the mentionofsexfor payright then.

Then Liam's finger sank deeper and was joined by a second, and Skye ended up lost in a swellofpleasure and sensation. He'd wanted this, wanted every bit of it, but he'd had no idea what it was he'd been after. No amount of studying could have prepared him for Liam Maddox, and while normally Skye hated surprises, in this case he was more than happy to admit he'd been knocked for a loop. A brilliantly sexy, decadent, wicked loop.

"Oh my gosh...Liam, people will hear." Just saying it, knowingit, made himshiver.
Liamlaughed. "Thenyou'd better be quiet, myown, or they'll hear all those sexy sounds you make when you're delirious withpleasure."
Skye glanced back over his shoulder, fingers clenched. "I do not!" he whispered, both mortified and a little turned on by the idea. Did he make sexy sounds whenLiamwas-
things to him?
Liam leaned in close, breath fanning on Skye's cheek as he worked his fingers harder, faster, making Skye's knees wobble. "Oh, but you do. Wicked, naughty sounds. Desperate, hungry sounds. Needful sounds."
Oh God.
Skye didn't even know what needful sounds meant or what they might sound like, but Liam insisting he made such sounds had Skye's cock throbbing, a heavy pulse that matched his thudding heartbeat and made his head spin.
"I don't mean to." His eyes closed on a groan as Liamadded a third finger.
So full...
"Which is precisely why it's so fucking sexy. You don't even know you're doing it. It's instinctive. Primal. It comes from a place inside you that isn't neatly controlled. It's messyand raw and beautiful."
Skye's breath hitched and he pushed his ass back, shocked to find denim was no longer separating them. Liam must have shoved his jeans down when Skye hadn't beenpayingattention. To be fair, he'd beenmore than a little distracted. He moaned at the feel of hot skin, hard cock, crisp hair against his ass.
"Liam...Sir...please, I want..."He whimpered.
Skye had expected that. He swore, he could almost
the people on the other side of this door, huddled around, listening. Which was ridiculous because probably they were allbusy with their own debauchery, and the thumping bass of the music was pretty overwhelming, even in the bathroom. But he couldn't stop imagining people listening. He thought it made his cock evenharder.
"I want you to... Please, I want..." His eyes squeezed shut as he fought to get the words out. "Please, Sir...fuck me?"His cock threatened to explode thenand there.
Liam groaned, teeth gripping Skye's nape sharply. "Again."
Skye shuddered, eyes squeezing closed in an almost certainly useless effort to keep from coming before Liamever got inside him. "Please...fuck me, Sir."
Thankfully, Liam didn't ask for another because Skye just might have lost all sense of propriety and shouted it at the top of his lungs. Instead, Skye heard the tear of a condom packet and thanked every god he'd ever heard ofthat Liamwas prepared. He had half a mind to get his hands on the man's jeans and see what else he kept stored inthose pockets.
Later, though.
Liam gripped his hips and jerked them back, makingSkye catchhis breath.
Much later.
He stumbled slightly with his jeans tightly bunched around his knees, but managed to steady himself. The brush of Liam's cock against his bare ass was electric and made himjolt. The bucking ofhis hips earned hima low growl and Skye melted with a moan. He'd give Liam anything at all when he growled that way, all possessive and hot.
As it turned out, he didn't have to give Liam anything. Liamseemed much more in the mood to take. And that, Skye thought, is perfectlyfine withme.
The head of Liam's cock was slick against him, the sensation shocking. Skye still hadn't gotten his head wrapped around the fact he was about to have sex in a public restroom. In a nightclub. With people less than a few feet away, witha manwho, evena week ago, Skye would never have believed could want him. But he believed Liamdid. It blew his mind every time he really thought about it.
"Please,"he whispered, forehead against the door.
Liam growled softly against his nape, and Skye shivered. "You please me so much, my own," Liam murmured.
Skye's chest tightened, pride filling him. Then it was
filling him and there was no pride, no selfpleasure; there was only Liam--giving Skye what he needed.
Skye hissed, breath hitching as the other man's cock slid into him, stretching, stinging. It felt so fucking good. Yet another thing he hadn't been prepared for. When he'd thought sex felt good, he'd never imagined just
good. It was mind-bending and Skye wasn't sure how anyone managed to ever get anything else done whenthere was
Liamscraped his teeth along Skye's neck, following the collar of his shirt, his breath hot and damp against Skye's skin. "Mine, Skye. You're mine."
Skye thrust his hips back, barely managing to bite back the cry of pleasure wanting out, when the move sank Liam even deeper. He nodded, clenching around him. "Yours. I'myours."
God help him, it was the truth. In that moment, he wasn't Skye McCord, scientist. He was Skye McCord, Liam's boy. Initially, he'd rejected the word, thinking it was a word to diminishhis ownpower. He now knew it didn't diminish anything. He was Liam's boy and it was as natural a fit as Skye's love for math. It seemed to have been there always, in him, just waiting for Liamto come alongand claimhim.
Now if only Liam would claim him for good, not just temporarily.
Liam groaned in reaction to Skye's easy acceptance, and a thrill went through himknowing he'd pleased Liam again. It was a rush, every time he saw the satisfaction in Liam's beautiful hazel-green eyes. Skye wanted to always see that look, not a disappointed one or a "Skye, you're being bratty again" expression. Even if the latter was almost always accompanied by a sort of amusement. He still liked the "Skye did good"look the best.
Liam's hands settled on his hips, long fingers digging into his skin, threatening to leave marks there. Skye's stomach flipped in anticipation.
Oh God, yes please.
He thought he'd come on the spot if Liam really did mark him.
Finally, Liamwas in him, fully, and Skye wished for a second he could just not move and stay there always. Buried in him, who cared about anyone else or where theywere. It was the most glorious feelinginthe world.
Then Liam moved, sliding hot and hard out and deep and sure back in, and Skye decided
was the most glorious feeling. Everything was. Liammade every thing better than the last. It was insane and didn't seem possible, but there it was. He dragged Skye to the top and then shoved him just a little higher still. Over and

over.The pace was hard and fast, and the edge of frantic

only made it all better. Hotter and sexier and more wicked than anything Skye had never imagined. Liam's voice was a rough, panted growl in his ear--feral and primal and commanding. Skye gave himself over completely. He didn't have any other choice. Liam demanded his surrender, and Skye gave it wholeheartedly. He gave until he had nothing more to give, which was when Liam demanded just a little bit more. Skye gave it everytime.

In the end, Liam had his arms wrapped around Skye's torso, holding him close--almost cradling him-while his hips snapped hard and jolted them both with the brutalthrusts. They each drove harder and closer to the edge, sweat slicking their bodies, Skye's cock aching inside Liam's stroking fist. It was so much, it was too much, it was not enough.

"Skye...come for me, Skye. I want to feel you come for me." Liam's voice was a gruff demand behind Skye's ear and he nodded helplessly, entire body shivering.

"So...close..." he whispered, gritting his teeth in an attempt to hold back the desperate sounds wanting out. He was grateful when, unexpectedly, Liam's free hand slid up to cover his mouth.

"Let go for me, my own," Liam pressed a steamy kiss to the sweat-slick skinofhis neck.
Skye did, his pleasured cries now muffled byLiam's hand. It was enough to make his head spin, the sensation of being bound, essentially gagged, and fucked to within an inch of consciousness. He'd never felt so dirty--and so alive--inhis entire life.
He came so hard he saw stars, face turned into his arm, crying out into Liam's tightly clamped hand, pantingthroughhis nose as the world exploded. He was barely able to register the fact that, a few seconds later, Liam was joining him, his thrusts erratic and jerking as the other man came, his breath hot and broken in Skye's ear.
Liam's breath and ragged groans, along with his own thundering heartbeat, was all Skye could hear for what felt like an eternity. Gradually, the thundering faded and was replaced by the pounding beat of the bass fromoutside the bathroom.
Oh God.
They were in a bathroom, half-naked, come- and sweat-slick, and all Skye wanted was to curl up in Liam's arms and recover from his earthshattering orgasm. His eyes widened and he glanced back at Liam, panting as the other man let go of his mouth.
Liam met his gaze and grinned, looking not in the least repentant.
Of course not.
Skye rolled his eyes with a soft, embarrassed laugh. "You're terrible," he whispered.
Liamnipped his jaw, rocking his hips against Skye. "I am. And you're wonderful. Wicked, wanton boy." Liam eased out of Skye, smiling at the soft sound of disappointment the other man made. "You're good for myego, darlin'."
Skye laughed softly, glancing back over his shoulder. "Considering what I just let you do, I believe

it."Liam leaned in and kissed him, then pulled back to

reach up and unbuckle the belt, loosening it from around his wrists. "Stay still for another minute." Skye nodded, and Liamstepped back in order to tug off the condom and toss it, then took a second to clean Skye up as best he could before patting his ass. "Go on; get dressed, myown. We've hogged the stalllongenough."

* * * *

Skye blushed and it was so fucking sexy and adorable Liam was half-tempted to have him again. It was amazing how often he had the feeling that, if he could, he'd just stay inside Skye forever. Kind of scary, too. Those were bad thoughts to be having about a client, evenone as unusualas Skye.

A minute or two later, they were both properly clothed, if a bit mussed, and Liam grinned down at Skye, who seemed reluctant to openthe door.

"We have to leave sooner or later, Skye."

"I know. I'm just..." His voice trailed off and he shrugged. "I'mmortified."
Liamlaughed and reached around himto unlock the door. "You'll probably never see any of these people again. Besides, the sooner we leave the stall, the sooner we can leave the club." He nuzzled the nape of Skye's neck. "There's still a good hour or so on the clock," he whispered.
Skye shuddered and tugged the door open, squeezingout and keepinghis head down. Liamgrinned and caught his hand, meeting the envious and amused glances of a couple of the bathroom's occupants as he led Skye out and downthe halltoward the coat check.
Skye didn't say anything, but his blush said it all as Liam gathered their coats and helmets. He finally just laughed and stole a hard kiss from Skye's lips. "Come on. Let's get youback onyour turf."
Skye followed him out of the club and back to the bike, though, when Liam climbed on, Skye hesitated. Liamfrowned.
"What's wrong?"
Skye shook his head, a smile curving his lips. "No, nothing's wrong. I just...I don't want to go back to the hotel."
Liam blinked. He hadn't expected that. He'd been pretty sure Skye wouldn't want to cut their time short, but he nodded, head tilting. "Okay...where do you want me to take you? Just back to your car?"
Skye shook his head again, fiddling with the helmet. Whenever Skye was anxious, Liam noticed, he fiddled with things, like busy hands distracted him from his nervousness. But after what'd just gone down in the bathroomof Las Vegas's hottest gay nightclub, what on earthcould Skye be nervous about?
"No. I...I'd like to go back to my place."Dark eyes flicked up to meet his from beneath heavy brows and thick lashes.
"Oh. Well, okay, I can drop you off there." Vegas wasn't as big as it seemed, so wherever the apartment was, Liamwas sure it wasn't too out ofhis way.
Skye still didn't get on the bike. "No, I... Gosh, this is weird." Skye let out a sigh, in the annoyed way he had when something was stumping him or making him feel out of his element. "I'd like you to come with me. To myplace. For the rest ofour time tonight?"
Oh. Crap.

Liamwas sure he ought to say no. It was written in stone, no ifs-ands-or buts that escorts did not go to clients' homes. Locals were frowned upon anyway, but those who did use the service were required to only meet with the escort at a hotel. It was safe and neutral and public ina waya private home could never be.

But this was Skye. Who was shyand awkward and the idea of Skye being of any risk or danger to Liam was just about the most laughable thing Liam had ever heard of. Still...it was personal. It was very personal--a danger all its own--and another reason it was frowned upon. Sex in one's own bed was far easier to mistake for more thanjust business.

Skye didn't say anything, watching and waiting as Liam's mind raced through every reason why he should say no. Skye looked like he expected a no. Liam expected to give hima no.



Shoulda seenthat one coming.

* * * *
"Wow, nice place."It wasn't anapartment like Liam had been expecting, but a high-end condo situated right next door to one of the area's most prestigious golf clubs. Whoever Skye was goingto be workingfor, they were payinghimwhat he was worth.

Skye smiled and tossed the keys onto the entryway table. "It wasn't a week ago. I had to hire someone to decorate the place because I had a bed and a couch and that was pretty much it." He shrugged, looking around. "It's a little modern for my taste, but I like it." He rubbed his hands on his jeans, a nervous habit Liam had noticed.

Liam reached out and caught one of his hands, tugging Skye closer. "What are you nervous about, professor?"

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