Episode VI: Beta Test (10 page)

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Authors: Ben Winston

Tags: #Science Fiction

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Several monitors had been installed on both crystals in order to detect any changes in the environment or flaws in the crystal. When the ships exited the system and made the jump, the unshielded crystal in the hold of the ship exploded. Sarah reported that it had overloaded due to a build-up of energy. From what she could detect, it had been absorbing hyperspace energy even through the shield surrounding the ship.

Sarah 2, the clone that was riding the test ship, immediately checked the readings on her own crystal and saw that it, too, was very slowly building up energy.  The level of absorption was so low that it would be four or five days before the levels became critical and dangerous. However, the influx of energy seemed to have a stabilizing effect on the crystal itself, increasing the over-all integrity of the crystal matrix. Which would reduce the chance of a flaw.

It was already known that the crystals naturally produced enough power to maintain themselves and the AI inhabiting them. Placing the crystal, unshielded, into an energy state dimension over-loaded them. However, as long as the crystal was shielded, the influx of energy from the hyperspace dimension could be regulated and bled off, which provided some interesting theories for tapping hyperspace as an energy source. Several tests were run while the test ship remained in hyperspace. Sarah 2 was given equations that were intended to load her processing capabilities and place her under a heavy 'load' for an extended period of time. Due to the information discovered about matrix stability, a similar test was quickly developed for another AI installation that was not in hyperspace to see how such a load affected the crystal as well as the AI.

The engineers on the chaser ship helped Sarah 2 redirect the excess power to a different ship system, and she reported that everything returned to normal operation. She noted that as long as there was a method in place to either shunt excess power away from the crystal, or a method of completely shielding the crystal could be discovered, the use of the crystal processor should be acceptable. The only test not done was one during combat operations because that data was already available to the scientists; it had been taken during the battles around Earth.

It was found that the crystals did absorb more energy during combat than they did during normal operations, but again, as long as there was a way to shunt the excess away from the crystal, proper levels could easily be maintained. The final result was that crystals would be once again released for installation into the Alliance ships, however, there would be some modifications done. In the ships that had already been upgraded, new sensors and power shunts would be installed. The extra sensors and power connections would be integrated into all future installations.

When Ced and I were finally able to inform Admiral Vance of our findings, he looked very relieved.

"You guys will never know how relieved I am that these turned out to be feasible. The results of the battle that we had here are very obvious. Those AI are needed in the worst possible way. Simply put, they will mean the difference between life and death for every single one of our crews. Now that you are comfortable using them again, how soon will you be ready to begin upgrading the rest of the ships here?" Vance asked.

"Well, we never actually stopped growing them. Several of the needed crystals are finished and ready to be installed. As soon as the modifications needed are finished, we can get the crystals mounted and Eric can install the AI," Ced replied, smiling.

"We never stopped our programming efforts either, Sir. In addition to Athena, we have about a dozen and a half new AI ready for deployment in the ships. Athena's new Crystal should be finished in the next few days, as well as all four of the planet class crystals. We are currently putting the finishing touches on the planet grade AI and have been working on getting the specialized AI ready. I haven't seen a report on the crystals for those yet, though," I said.

Ced nodded. "Sorry, we're all working on getting this department shifted over to your new hardware shop. Eight of ten specialty crystals are ready for installation. I will be sending the installation orders for them later today. That should give them about two to three weeks to get the crystal vaults ready for them. So it looks like the timing worked out this time."

"Will you be wanting me to do the High Command and Core World installs myself or do you want me to send one of my trained monkeys?" I asked grinning.

"Trained Monkeys?" Vance asked smiling.

"I have four senior level AI programmers besides myself. The installation itself is so simple anyone can do it. I only went out to the ships for activation just to make certain there were no issues. Other than political reasons, there is no need for anyone to go really," I said. "I can always attend via hypercom if it would make them feel better."

Vance nodded. "I'll discuss it with the Council and High Command. If there is no reason to risk sending you or one of your people, I don't see the need for it. How are the expansions of your departments coming along?"

"A pain in the ass! I really hadn't known I had gotten involved in so many different things!" Ced replied. "The problem is, it's all so fascinating."


ffice of the Base Commander

Alliance Apollo Base

Selene, Earth’s moon

Sol System


hile all the crap was going on down on Earth, First Admiral Lord Hearlis sent word that the Aracs had been increasing their territory. Trade and supply ships servicing colony worlds near Galtar reported increased Arac activity in that sector. High Command sent two fleets to protect those worlds. However, they arrived too late; the planets had been seeded.

Scouting missions back toward Veranor discovered that the Aracs had infested several uninhabited worlds as well. Again surveillance drones had been sent to Veranor in order to see what the hive was up to, but they were destroyed as soon as they had been detected. Intelligence knew they were up to something, but due to the lack of evidence had no idea what it could be.

Based on the direction of expansion though, it was clear that Galtar was going to be the Arac's first target as soon as they were ready. The problem was, no one knew when that would be. Admiral Vance called me to his office shortly after receiving this information.

When I arrived at his office, he wasn't alone. In addition to Sarah, another man wearing an almost identical uniform to Vance was also there.

Sensing it was an official occasion, I bowed to both men. "Altuis Anure, Lord Admirals. I am honored by your request."

Vance smiled at me like a proud father. "Altuis Anure, Lord Doctor Cowan. It is my honor to make known to you Lord Admiral Hearlis, First Admiral of the Alliance. We asked you here to discuss a possible plan of action involving your AI." He also motioned me to a seat while he got a drink for me from the replicator.

When Vance introduced the First Admiral, I bowed to him as well. "It is an honor beyond words to meet you, Lord Admiral."

He returned the bow. "The honor is indeed mine, Lord Doctor."

Once I sat down and Vance handed me my special coffee, Vance filled me in on the report of the Aracs and the threat to Galtar. "More than the loss of the facilities at GMASS, the balance of the Shallan race will be lost if the Aracs take Galtar. You had mentioned to me a few days ago about a plan you had to infiltrate the GMASS computer systems to prevent the Synod from total dominance of that race. Is it still possible for you to do that?"

I nodded. "Yes Sir, it is. But that plan was for Susan to be the one to invade that system. She was built for that purpose. The new AI for High Command as well as the core worlds will be leaving for Novalus later today. I hadn't planned on setting Susan loose on GMASS until Athena was installed at High Command."

"We may not have a choice in the matter. Would it be possible for her to send one of these mental clones she uses?" Hearlis said, entering the conversation.

"I hadn't thought of that. It would be possible for her to do it now. Since she was getting so overloaded trying to run everything, I sent her an update that allowed her to 'cut loose' certain clones. That means that they would not have to report back to her, which is what was causing the over load. She's still under stress because she wasn't designed for her current duties, but she should be okay until Athena arrives and gets installed.

"Yes, it would be somewhat simple to have her send an autonomous clone into the Galtar systems. I think I should speak to the Shallan computer folks before we send her, so I have a better idea of what we're sending her into. As soon as she's ready to be sent, I'll let you know, Sir, that way you can give her any extra orders or tasks," I said.

"Lord Doctor, I know how you are very busy at this time, but could I impose on you to handle this personally? This situation is quickly becoming urgent, and we will have little budget for mistakes," Hearlis asked.

"I had planned to anyway, Lord Admiral. I very much understand the urgency and the importance of this mission. As soon as we finish here, I will contact the Shallans and get working on this right away. Is this to be considered classified? How much can I tell the Shallans?" I asked.

"That's exactly what we need on this, Lord Doctor. Normally, any military strike should be considered classified. However, I don't see how you can ask pointed questions without the other party knowing what you need the information for. Just so you know what to speak to the Shallans about, we will need Susan to be able to take control of the defensive weapons systems, the ships nearing completion that are still in dock, as well as the programming and conditioning equipment. If possible, we will need her to deprogram as many as possible if that can be accomplished as well.

"We also know there is a computer link to the Queen of the infesting hives. We would like for her to get control of that as well, but if all she can do there is disable her, then that will work also," Hearlis added. "I just wish the new armor system was ready for mass production and we could equip our Marines with them."

I shook my head. "Even if it were ready, Sir, it would still take a month to get your troops fitted and equipped for the assault. To tell you the truth, my instincts are telling me we simply don't have that much time."

Hearlis nodded. "I think you might be right. The Grand Hive will still need time to build up her numbers and build the ships, but once she does, she'll swarm over the Galtar system like a tidal wave. Our scouts tell us that the Synod's secret ship building facility has been taken over by the Hive and is currently mass producing ships. From what little information we are getting, she is building massive, very heavily armed, transport ships in addition to completely new types of warships. We've never seen anything like them either. They are much smaller than previous models; one ship that was detected had the firepower of a battleship but was the size of a medium cruiser. We haven't seen any fighter craft yet but Intel has determined that they are building them. However, none of the combat ships like the battleship will be carrying them. We haven't seen a carrier or anything like that yet, but they will surely have to have them."

"Are we certain that they will move on Galtar first?" I asked.

Hearlis nodded. "Yes. All of her actions to date indicate that GMASS is her target. It's the only major ship facility the Alliance has until the one in your system gets built. She would need to take it out in order to cripple our war effort. She also needs to defeat or subdue the Galtar hives. Finally, she knows the Synod retreated there. She hates those beings slightly more than she hates the rest of us and it is believed she will kill them first."

"I know how the Alliance feels about it, but has anyone considered revisiting the use of chemical or biological weapons against infested planets? I mean once the Aracs are cleared out, we can always work on repairing the damage to the planet," I suggested.

Hearlis nodded. "Yes, in fact, the Council is debating that very issue. However, they are leaning more toward the use of a chemical weapon as opposed to a biological one. Biologics tend to mutate into uncontrollable strains that are very difficult to control or stop. Whereas, chemical weapons are far easier, relatively speaking, to clean up."

We talked for a few more minutes before I asked to be excused to begin work on the new project. Both Hearlis and Vance stood.

"Lord Doctor Cowan, Vance has told me much about you and all that you have done for the Alliance. I can tell that what he's told me about you was not exaggeration or embellishment. You are an asset to your people, as well as our race. Thank you for your assistance with this project," Hearlis replied. "I'll let Susan know you will be contacting her."

I once again bowed to both men. "Altuis Tanae, My Lords. Until we meet again." They returned the sentiment, and I left the office to tackle yet another major project. This time, almost an entire race would be hanging in the balance. No pressure.


omputer Sciences Briefing Room

Alliance Apollo Base

Selene, Earth's Moon

Sol System


n the way back to my office, I asked Sarah to see if the Shallan Clan Therinate computer people had a moment to spare for me. I was surprised when Sarah said they would be happy to speak to me. Since all the Shallan computer people were now working in our computer lab, I didn't really need to change the slide-way destination, but I would have to go to a different 'floor' in the computer sciences annex. Sarah told me that she had asked the Shallan software programmers to meet me at the hardware reception area.

I knew how many Shallans we had in the computer sciences department, but when I arrived at the meeting place, I was surprised to find about ten extra people. Ceisel, the Shallan programmer I was most familiar with, saw the look on my face at the number of people and took pity on me. "We included the operators that actually worked with the systems at GMASS. We thought they might be helpful in whatever questions you might have."

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