Epic: Book 02 - Outlaw Trigger (10 page)

Read Epic: Book 02 - Outlaw Trigger Online

Authors: Lee Stephen

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #War & Military, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Suspense, #Military

BOOK: Epic: Book 02 - Outlaw Trigger
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You must be proud of yourself, too. How old are you?”

Twenty-two, sir.”

She was almost the same age as him. “You’re twenty-two and a scout already. That’s impressive.” Scout training lasted four years, and it was the most comprehensive training in the Academy. She must have enlisted at eighteen. “I know you must be pleased.”

Yes sir, I am. To graduate meant a great deal to me.”

He smiled. “You think you’re ready for the real EDEN now?”

She retucked a damp tendril. “That’s what training is for. To prepare one for the real thing, is it not?”

Scott couldn’t help but smile. She had no idea what she was getting involved in. She couldn’t know, not until that first plasma bolt whizzed past her head, and her vision flashed white for the first time. “You’ll do fine. Just follow our lead when we give it, and do what we ask of you. Our job is to keep you alive.”

I’m excited about combat, sir, but I will confess I’m a bit nervous.”

That was natural. When Scott had first seen South Michigan Avenue in Chicago, his heart had nearly leapt out of his chest. “It’ll all come.”

Esther watched the center of the pool and sighed. She sunk down until her chin touched the water. “I was scared when they’d told me I’d be stationed here. I’d requested
, but…I suppose Academy had other plans.”

Scott’s eyes followed hers, where they distanced in the reflections of the water. He knew the feeling of being stationed far from home. So did Becan. So did a lot of people. “I asked for
—my fiancee lives near there. They sent me to Virginia. I thought that was bad…then I came here.” Virginia wasn’t bad at all. At
, he’d had it made. He just hadn’t realized it back then.

Esther’s smile disappeared for a moment, but resurfaced as she dipped her head his way. “I was going to say, sir…that having you as one of my leaders makes it easier.”

He canted his head in her direction. It was an unexpected compliment. It was sweet. “Thank you.” He smiled. “I mean that.”

She grinned. “You’re welcome, sir. I meant it as well.”

From the center of the pool, Becan waved his hands frantically. “Esty! Come an’ show Jay wha’ yeh can do with your breath!”

Esther turned her head to Becan.

Scott couldn’t help but laugh. Scout training had prepared her for just about everything—everything but the Irishman. No amount of training could prepare her for that. “I think you’re being summoned.”

She flashed Scott a smile. “So it seems.” As she slipped from the pool’s edge, she glanced back to him and gave him a wink. “Wish me luck, sir.”

Good luck.”

Esther grinned, then dove under the water and torpedoed Becan’s way.

Scott watched her as she emerged in the center of the pool, next to the small crowd of Jayden, Varvara, David, and Travis. She would fit in fine, especially with her personality. She was already making waves with some of the men—or at least one of them. As for Scott, it was the scout aspect of Esther that he was genuinely itching to discover. He couldn’t wait to see what she could do.

The Fourteenth stayed in the pool until 1100, when the prune-skinned operatives abandoned the water for the warmth of their towels. As they returned to Room 14, the excitement of the rookies’ arrival filled the air. Esther and Maksim talked to everyone. And more importantly, everyone talked to them.

Wednesday was equally casual. The morning began with passing drills, where the two rookies held an American football for the first time in their lives.

When Thursday rolled around, the only thought on Scott’s mind was Nicole’s impending arrival the next day. Workouts were light, as he allowed Galina to lead them. When night came, Scott could barely sleep.

Then it was Friday. Her day. The day that the love of his life would be in his arms once again. Scott informed the Fourteenth that morning workouts were cancelled, a message met with celebration by all. Breakfast was as conversational as ever, as the anticipation of her arrival gave way to the realization that she was actually coming. The knot in Scott’s stomach was tight with pleasure. He memorized every second on the clock.

One second faster.


One second closer.


To her.


Friday, August 5
, 0011 NE

1400 hours

Scott shielded his eyes as he squinted into the sky. It was a beautiful day. It was a gorgeous day. It was the day he’d been waiting for since
. He could barely hold himself still.

The entire week had felt like a blur. The excitement of the new alpha privates was but a vapor as the reality of Nicole’s arrival overtook every priority that EDEN’s most notorious base could throw at him. And now he was there, standing in the massive opening of
‘s hangar, staring over the airstrip, waiting for that glint in the sky.

David smiled from beside him. “You’re shaking like a leaf.”

Scott squinted further and attempted to still himself. He was glad that David had come with him. No one else was there; that would have been too much. But David was good. Scott almost couldn’t believe that the older operative and Nicole had never met. “I can’t explain how I feel, man. I can’t explain it at all.”

You don’t have to. I know what you mean.”

Scott smiled and looked at him. If anyone could understand what Scott was going through, it was David. He hadn’t seen Sharon in just as long, and they were married. He hadn’t seen his kids for that long, either.

Returning his gaze to the horizon, Scott ran his hand through his hair. Where was she? Her transport was due at 1400. It was 1401.

It was an odd feeling, standing there in the hangar staring off into the distance. It was the second time he’d experienced it at
. Except the first time, it was for the opposite reason. It was months ago—the day Svetlana had left. He remembered standing there, side by side with Galina, watching Svetlana’s transport disappear into the distance. Never to come back again.

You’ve missed her, huh?” David asked.

Scott laughed a bit under his breath. “You know, I actually have.” She was the first friend he’d earned there. The first one who’d given him a chance.

David shot him a funny look. “Why say it like that?”

Glancing at David, Scott quickly shook his head.
Nicole, idiot. He meant Nicole.
“No, that’s not what…” he laughed pathetically. “That’s not what I thought you asked.”

David raised an unexpectedly suspicious eyebrow. “What’d you think I asked?”

It was nothing, man, I mean it. Don’t worry about it.”

Are you okay?”

Yeah, I’m fine. And yes, I’ve missed her like crazy.” More than

David was silent.

Scott looked at his watch again. It was still late. Immediately, the nightmare scenarios ran through his head. Maybe something had happened. Maybe the transport had crashed, or maybe it got attacked. No, that was impossible. That was too much, even for fate. It was just running late. It was just running one minute late. That kind of thing happened all the time. They probably had hit turbulence.

You know I’m jealous of you, right?”

Scott turned to David. “I know, man. I wish so much that you could see Sharon.”

The older operative chuckled. “Don’t sweat it. I’m just messing with you.” He held his breath for a moment. “Mostly.”

Scott laughed and turned back to the strip. He wondered what Nicole would look like. How would she have her hair? Would it be up? Would she have it down around her shoulders? Maybe she’d wear a ponytail. It didn’t matter how she wore it. As long as it was her hair on her head, he’d be the happiest man alive. He couldn’t stop looking at his watch.


Where was the stupid transport? It was a civilian transport—that was the problem. If it was the military, it’d be on the second. But these civilian airbuses were never on time. At least, sometimes they weren’t. Every now and then.

just let

Calm down,” David said. “You’re making

She should be here. I don’t see anything yet.”

Maybe she got cold feet. Maybe she met a handsome Russian at the airport and they’re running off to get married.”

Scott glowered at him. “I’d better get invited to the wedding.”

You won’t.”

Why not?”

David motioned to the sky. “Because there she is.”

Scott snapped his gaze back, where his eyes scanned the skyline. The moment he saw it, his pupils grew wide.

There it was. That tiny glint in the distance. There was the love of his life.

He could barely control himself.

Breathe,” David said. “In, out, in, out.”

I’m breathing.”

Now remember—watch the public displays of affection in front of all these Nightmen. I don’t want you two to get mowed down for a kissing violation.”

Scott brushed the hair above his ears. “I look okay?”

Like a monkey.”

The speck grew larger. It was more than just a speck now. It was the silver nose of a civilian airbus. He could see the faintest trace of an exhaust plume behind it.

Scott blew out another breath. She was there. She was in that airbus, looking out the window at the ground far below. He wondered if she was as nervous as he was. He wondered if that was even possible. All the months. All the phone calls. All the tears. And now she was moments away.

You sure you don’t want Becan here?”


So you
want Becan here?”

Scott shook his head in frustration. “I mean yes.”

Yes you do, or yes you don’t?”


David laughed and slid his hands in his pockets. “Just asking. I can easily call him on the comm for you.”

The airbus grew larger. Scott could make out the windows now as it neared the airstrip.
Thank you,
Its primary engines whined down as its maneuvering jets took over. Within seconds, it hovered above the airspace right in front of the hangar. Right in front of them.

Do you need to go take a spiz before she lands?”

Scott scoffed. “Yeah, now’s a

I hope she likes me. I’m kind of nervous.”

I bet it’s killing you.”

It is.”

The vertical thrusters burned to life, and the airbus began its descent.

She was there. She was right there, meters in front of him. He couldn’t see her in the airbus windows, but he knew she was there. She was probably pressed to the glass, just out of view.

The wheels of the airbus touched down with a gentle jolt, and the roar of the thrusters whined down to a low, steady hum. Technicians trotted from the hangar as the pilot gave them signals through the window.

Scott didn’t know how many other civilians were on board. He was sure there couldn’t have been many.

There was a piercing hiss, and the airbus settled down. Silence. Then, the side door opened.

Just like that, she was there.

Her mahogany hair was teased down the small of her back. A few loose strands fell around her face, and she lifted a hand to brush them away. She wore an off-white shirt, tucked into faded blue jeans. Her body was as perfectly slender as it had always been. Her face was as animated and beautiful as it had always been. Everything was exactly the same.

Just how he wanted it.

She saw him as soon as she stepped on the ground. Her dark blue gaze grew wide, as the smile that was already etched across her face stretched wider. Her teeth glistened like pearls.

Time slowed. It slowed to almost a stop. In that moment when he ran to her and she ran to him, nothing about the outside world mattered. There was no outside world. There was no
. There were no Nightmen. There were only the two of them. When they met in the middle, there was almost no room for words.

She leapt into his embrace, throwing her arms around his neck passionately. As he lifted her up from the waist, her heady fragrance gripped his senses. Then they kissed.

It was magical. It was everything that wonderful could be. It was time. It was patience. It was endurance. It was the pent up frustration of so many months, poured out in a connection so real it was almost too real to be true. When their lips finally pulled apart, they locked moisture-filled eyes. The day had finally come.

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