Entwined With the Dark (13 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Entwined With the Dark
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But even now, as I repeated these words inside my head, I doubted. A part of me unwilling to succumb to the glory of the power at my command. I am not a goddess. I am not always right. And sometimes, even though I know I should be, I am not always strong.

Tonight strength failed me and I felt quite alone in that knowledge of my weakness.

The vampires finished their meals and the humans slipped from the room. I hadn't watched Michel feed, I hadn't even been aware of Amun's choice of donor. I had avoided the moment, like I tend to avoid emotional confrontation. But I still felt like crap.

"That was delightful," Amun announced and my stomach obliged with a flip. "Your choice of meal was intriguing, Michel." What was Amun playing at? He would have been aware I had avoided the show. "A blonde, I would have thought the brunette was more to your favour."

I lifted my head slowly and forced a smile on my face as I met Amun's amused eyes. I wanted to say something witty, something that showed I was totally in control. But words failed me and the fighter I once was seemed gone.

Michel took a sip of his wine and simply replied, "Variety is the spice of life, is it not?"

"Agreed," Amun answered, not taking his eyes off me. He leaned forward and slowly reached out a hand to stroke my cheek with a long finger. Trailing down to my neck and pulse beneath. "You said you would provide anything in your power I required," Amun whispered, not to me but to Michel, however his eyes stayed resolutely on mine. I didn't move, I didn't breathe. I had no idea how Michel would react.

His growl met my ears first, followed instantly by his
Sanguis Vitam
. "I regret," he said through gritted teeth, "that I can not provide you my wife."

Amun's lips twitched in mild amusement. "I would have expected little else." He leaned back in a relaxed pose and returned his attention to Michel. "But what
you provide me, for the pleasure of remaining in my city?"

"What do you need?" Michel asked, the politician returning in an instant.

Amun's smile spread wide. "Oh not much, really. Simply things I am sure you would be willing to part with. For starters, I need your attendance at various functions I must hold." That didn't seem so bad. "I require your unconditional public support of my political agenda," he added picking up his wine glass and taking a sip. "I will insist on you frequenting my club. Your presence alone would be... welcomed. In short, Councillor, I need
to be my man. My advocate if you will. And I insist your wife is too."

Holy hell. He was asking a lot and then not much at all. He was physically allowing us our freedom, but politically confining us to his side. We knew nothing about Amun, or at least I assumed Michel was as much in the dark as me. At this point it was too early to tell if he would be a good, just and fair Master of London City. He had done nothing to indicate this would be so, but
then he had also not done a thing to make us believe he was a bad bet. All I knew was he was not laced with the Dark. He had some, like all vampires do, but not an alarming amount, that was for sure.

But I also knew Michel. He was singular in his political pursuits. To agree to this would be to appear less powerful than the new Master of London City. And that was crux of the problem. Amun had not asked for the impossible, in a physical sense of the word. But he had asked for something priceless. Michel's public acknowledgement that Amun was more powerful than him.

I knew in an instant what his response would be. Michel had craved power for centuries. He would not relinquish it to this man. Not now not ever.

I guessed we'd be packing our bags and leaving England's shores. Why did that make me so happy? I took a large sip of my wine able to digest it unhindered for the first time tonight and sat back with a smile to watch the fireworks explode.

Michel stood slowly from his chair beside Amun, his face still a perfectly reasonable and unfathomable mask. Amun watched him from under hooded eyelids, not giving a thing away. There was a small increase in
Sanguis Vitam
in the air. The vampires in each entourage tensing. I decided to get ready for a quick retreat.

Then in a scene unprecedented in my life before, Michel went down on bended knee, hand fisted across chest, head bowed low. Marcus and Matthias hesitated for a brief second, then followed their master in his respectful bow. Sergei, Nataliya and myself just watched on in morbid fascination.

"Master of the City, we have an accord."

Holy flying fuck!

Chapter 11
What I Wouldn't Do

Because of the way I had behaved, or maybe because of the way Michel had, I didn't need to make an accord with Amun. Michel did, sharing blood and repeating words that sealed his fate. And mine. Although there was no need for
to get tied into a non-breakable agreement, it had been obvious to all present that I was under Michel's command and control. Therefore Amun did not insist on my participation in the contract that Michel and he performed.

I wondered if that had been Michel's intention all along, why he had come across as the heavy handed master from the start, so I would avoid this commitment. I was still uncomfortable with the events as they had transpired, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Michel had only been protecting me. It sounded right, it was easy to believe, so I tried.

More wine was brought out after the ceremony, cases of the stuff covered in dust. Amun was aiming to impress. Michel extolled his pleasure at the offering, talking vintages and styles and tastes for quite some time. Amun seemed relaxed and at ease, having obtained exactly what he had set out to get. The party moved into the club itself, an opportunity for Michel to fulfil part of his side of the agreement. His presence in the Egyptian's club for all to see. I was just along for the ride, Michel's arm firmly around my shoulders. My attendance all that was required. I didn't have to join in on the conversation, but Michel made sure I looked like I was having fun.

The odd command mentally given to:
smile, relax, calm the fuck down
. He was, without a doubt, unamused by my performance this night. I just longed for it all to be over, but I did what he commanded. Smiled, pretended to relax and made an effort to calm the fuck down. He squeezed my shoulder when I was attempting the last, a small quirk of his lips at the corners of his mouth the only indication he was present in my head at all.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we had obviously proven our intent and stayed long enough, because Michel made our excuses, shaking hands with Amun in an openly friendly way and we left. Jackets and weapons returned, most of the night long since past. Michel still had his arm draped over my shoulder, unable or unwilling to let me step away.

There had been a lot of attention in the club. From vampires, the odd fairy and the like. Not only had Michel's presence, and his and Amun's relaxed manner with each other sent a message to the supernatural creatures tonight, but his possessive and protective stance around me hadn't gone unnoticed either.

I spotted the dragon-shifter moments before we left. I was unsure how long Sebastian had been there, watching, but I decided not to draw attention to his presence. I had more pressing things on mind. Like why Michel had gone into an accord with Amun, why he was prepared to relinquish the illusion of power to the Egyptian in such a way. I was dumbfounded by his behaviour and stood silently fuming on the edge of the footpath while we waited for the Range Rover to arrive.

No doubt Michel was well aware of my mental musings. He'd been inside my head the entire night. Maybe not communicating, he seemed incapable of that, but listening - I was sure. But he didn't say a thing as we waited for our vehicle to arrive. Just continued to hold on to me at his side, his thumb gently rubbing my shoulder through the material of my jacket.

Normally that would be a welcomed caress, but as soon as the car appeared and Sergei opened the passenger door for us to climb in, I pulled out of Michel's grasp roughly and escaped to my side of the seat. Nataliya and Marcus took up their spots in the rear, Sergei and Matthias in the front and we were set. The car pulled away smoothly from the kerb, Sebastian smirking at me from the crowd outside the door.

Silence descended on the Rover as we gently rolled down the clogged inner city streets. I was so angry about the entire evening I didn't know where to begin to rant and rave. What should I shout about first? The fact that Michel treated me like a possession, something to command and control? Or maybe the fact that he hadn't communicated - again - and prepared me for what he intended to do? Or maybe I should just scream out my frustrations with this city, with our new obligations to the Master who ran the show? What had Michel been thinking?

Did I even know this man at all?

"Lucinda," Michel began, startling every one of us in the car. The vamps recovered quicker than me, my heart had leapt into my throat at his low and steady, yet decidedly angry voice. A fight or flight reflex kicking in, making my heartbeat treble and my breath all but cease to exist. "It is the nature of the game."

I turned to look to at him, unsure exactly what he wanted to me to say. Are we having this conversation now? In the car? In front of our guards? He glared at me and then ran a frustrated hand through his long hair, making it come loose from its clasp at the back of his head. The glorious midnight strands fell about his shoulders, but neither he, nor I, paid them any attention.

OK then, now.

"What game?" I asked, my voice steady.

"The game of politics, of course."

I huffed a breath out at his derisive reply. "Excuse me for thinking it didn't seem a particularly wise political move," I said through gritted teeth in response.

Sanguis Vitam
began to accumulate in the car. From M&M in readiness to defend their master. From Sergei and Nataliya ready to do the same for me.

"Oh for crying out loud!" I exclaimed. "Rein it back in!" It had started to prickle against my skin and my Light had accumulated in a natural protective response. Immediately the vampires all complied, the car becoming a less formidable environment. At least from vampire life force, Michel's arched eyebrow at me said I wasn't out of danger just yet.

I took a deep calming breath in, then when he didn't add anything further decided I'd try to meet him halfway.

"So... you're just gonna go around kissing his butt whenever he needs it." I could hardly see Michel ever doing that, but that was what the accord with Amun equated to, as far as I could see.

Michel frowned, surprisingly he hadn't been up until then. "Eloquent as usual, my dear. But if that is what it takes, yes."

I just stared at him dumbfounded. This was not the Michel I knew.

"Sometimes we must do things we do not want to do,
ma douce
." Oh was it lesson time? Then something occurred to me, I leaned in closer and lowered my voice to a whisper. Useless, as all those in the car would easily hear, but it was the natural thing to do.

"Are you doing this because of the baby?" I wasn't sure why he would, but since he'd become aware of the possibility of the baby, he had been acting very strangely indeed.

Michel hesitated, his eyes holding mine, but they had softened around the edges, his anger contained or dissipating, I wasn't sure which.

"No. I had already concluded, when I first met with Amun, that this would be the eventual outcome of us living here."

My breath left me in a rush. "Why didn't you warn me?"

He looked pained, something I was seeing too frequently for my liking. My hand automatically came out to rest on his. He grasped it immediately and began stroking the back of it with his thumb.

"I am prepared to kill to break the accord if need be." Whoa, where had that come from? "I have already told you,
ma douce
, there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep you safe."

"Safe?" I asked, all blood draining from my face.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair again. "He is the Master of the City, my dear. I have no intention of taking his place, but I
stronger, more powerful and more connected than him. I am a natural threat. I will do what I have to do to convince him I mean him no harm. Thereby keeping
in a modicum of safety."


We stared at each other for quite some time as his words slowly sunk in. Not for the first time I wondered why we had to stay here. Why couldn't we move somewhere else? Somewhere I could be happy, where he wouldn't need to compromise his ideals to such a degree. London was not for us, but Michel had chosen to base us here. I'm not well travelled, I didn't know any better when he made the arrangements for our move. But I wondered now if he had made a mistake and whether he was just sticking to his decision out of a stubborn need to not back down.

But then, where else could we go? I couldn't even settle on a holiday location for Kathleen and Matthew to investigate retreats. I relied on Michel's judgement for these things. But it didn't mean I had to like his decisions.

Michel woke me from my mental ramblings with a chuckle at my thoughts.

"Oh, you do soothe my ego so,
ma douce
," he murmured as he lifted my hand to his lips and laid a kiss there. I couldn't hide my responding smile. What was I going to do with this man?

He cocked his head to the side, raised his eyebrows and gave me a salacious grin. Then unbuckling his seatbelt, scooted over to my side of the car and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, running his nose against the skin on the side of my neck.

"Anything," he purred. "Anything you want. I am yours."

Lust bloomed inside me the instant he came near. His touch, his warmth, his words. Him. It didn't take long to ignite that ever burning flame within. I turned my face towards him, fully intending to take him up on the offer, despite our audience in the car. I'd come a long way since I first met Michel, a little PDA was acceptable now.

His lips brushed against mine and he sucked on my bottom lip, his teeth grazing and tugging, making sensations explode lower in my body and my back arch towards him in a blatant invitation to take more. He moaned softly against me, slipped his tongue between my teeth and deepened the kiss further; savouring me, tasting me,

We were heading into treacherous waters, I knew he wanted more, but even if a little PDA was acceptable, I was concerned I'd unleashed the beast and wouldn't be able to keep up. He chuckled again at my thoughts and pulled back slightly. His eyes shone magenta in flashes of amethyst. He licked his lips and glanced down at my mouth, his fingers and thumb holding my jaw still. He wouldn't let me pull back or look away, he simply proceeded to drink me in with his eyes alone. Letting me know exactly what he had in mind, what he'd be doing right now, if we weren't confined to such a small space with four other vampires in tow.

I laughed a little at his behaviour and then bit my bottom lip when he raised an eyebrow in response. Michel of old wouldn't have stopped - he wouldn't have let it get too far either, but he certainly wouldn't have stopped. I wondered if it had anything to do with his new found over-the-top protection desires. Unwilling for anyone else to see his vampire mate so.

He smiled and gave one short nod of his head in consideration. Yeah, he wanted me to himself.

He leaned back in his seat letting out a sharp bark of laughter. "I should bloody well hope so,
ma douce

By the time we arrived at his house - not Samson's I noted - we were laughing and quite at ease.  So much of the tension from this evening evaporated. I was grateful for the reprieve. I didn't want to dwell on all that had transpired. I just wanted to enjoy the rest of the evening in the company of my husband. No worries, no concerns. I'd no doubt have to deal with them all again tomorrow, but for now I just wanted a moment of peace. A moment for us.

I had even decided I'd delay Walking to Avery until tomorrow. I could do it during daylight hours if need be. I'd done that before, although he had been expecting me tonight, things had come up. He'd have to live with the delay. I
tired and weakness from the lack of contact with my joined kindred was beginning to take its toll, but the night was late and I doubted there'd be any more surprises I'd have to battle.

Avoidance? Maybe. But I was happy and I just couldn't face raining on my parade.

Michel held my hand and hummed to himself softy as we walked up the steps to his house. Even the thought of the dreary interior failed to get me down. For the first time in weeks I felt connected to my man. We may not have solved all of our communication problems, but being together, in any capacity, seemed to have a healing influence on our relationship status. I'd take whatever I could get.

The smells of baking assaulted my nose as soon as we got inside. Voices in the front room, the clatter of utensils and crockery from the kitchen, and then the roar of a welcoming fire met my ears. Matthew and Christopher were in the parlour talking animatedly about the latest football score of some local team, which meant Kathleen had commandeered the kitchen. My stomach grumbled in anticipation.

Michel pulled me against his body, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and waist, and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"You are hungry," he whispered against me, as the guards all came traipsing into the room and started joining in the talk with Matthew and Christopher. "You should eat."

"I was hoping for something else," I grumbled quietly. He gave me a beaming smile in return.

"That can wait,
ma douce
. Go see what Kathleen has created, I need to check on a few things anyway." He released me, pulling his cellphone out of his jacket pocket and shooting a look at Nataliya, clearly indicating she should accompany me on my quest for food. Nataliya jumped to attention and nodded back in agreement.

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