Entwined With the Dark (20 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Entwined With the Dark
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I had to respect that power. I had to respect her ability to cause me unmitigated harm. I said the words meaning every syllable. I said them, knowing she would hear the sincerity too.

For the time being I crushed all thought of revenge and I just held on tightly to the knowledge that she
follow through. The Champion had never been on my side and she never, ever would. But for now, I was on hers. And it killed me a little inside.

"She is appeased," Sebastian said softly and I watched in my mind as the vampires fighting Michel disappeared and he crumpled to the ground. Seconds later Alain appeared at his side and Michel allowed his Second to tend to his wounds.

You had no choice, ma douce
, Michel whispered hoarsely in my mind. His earlier words came back to me,
sometimes we must do things we do not want to do.
He was right. And politics sucked.

I stood still on the pavement in some inner London street, Norms walking past doing whatever it is they do on a Friday night out on the town. A shape shifter and four vampires waiting for my next move. And I just... didn't have one. She would be able to get to Michel again, in a flash. She would
hold his life above my head. Despite the fact that as a Council member, he should not have been subject to her attacks. Despite the fact that she had chased him,
him for the role he now performed. Despite the knowledge that she held Michel in high regard. She would do this.

Why? Because she saw it as a means to protect the vampire race.

She was as fucking delusional as Lutin. Didn't she know she could have had me at her side without resorting to duress? Hell, I had fought beside her willingly, when the Challenger came against her at the
. She didn't need to do what she did today. But she had. And what did that say about her current state of mind?

If I had thought the Champion dangerous before, it was nothing to how she appeared now. Dangerous and unpredictable - a vampire of enormous power treading the Dark edge of an abyss. Part of me still wanted to call her back from the brink, to bathe her in my Light. But it would be a precarious move. One that could backfire, topple her over the edge and send her careening into the Dark. She could have accepted my Light in the past I think, but not now. Her fear of the Fey had eclipsed all reason in her mind.

She had always shown an inordinate amount of alarm at the portals having been opened, but I had not expected her to operate so completely in the shadow of the Dark. I should have, she is the
and they are by nature Dark. But I truly believed they did not need to be. That they could still guide the Nosferatu, protect them and see them into the future with Light. What she accomplished with Dark could be achieved so much more smoothly, more elegantly, with Light.

could not see that. And I really didn't think I had a hope in hell of changing her mind. The Champion and I would always be at the end of two broad outlooks on life. Hers lay in the path of Darkness and mine lay in the path of the Light. And didn't that make me laugh out loud. I was so sure I was already entwined with the Dark, but it hadn't been inside of me at all. The Dark I was entwined with was not mine. It existed outside of my body, but I was being forced to embrace it all the same.

I hesitated at those thoughts, aware that Sergei and Marcus were roughing up Sebastian a little in their impatience for me to give further instructions to my team. I was too engrossed in the words I had just expressed. Entwined with the Dark. Was
what the Prophesy meant? What Nut was trying to tell me? I tried to reason it through, but it still stayed resolutely out of my grasp. I sighed and returned my attention to the immediate situation. Prophesy puzzling would just have to wait.

"Let him go, Marcus," I said in a tired voice. "He's just the messenger."

"And a spy," the blond vampire spat back with vehemence. Not at me, but at the dragon-shifter I was sure. Michel wasn't so inclined and I felt his anger through the still open connection to my mind as it was directed in a pure beam of
Sanguis Vitam
towards his vampire. Marcus fell to his knees, his hands clasping his head.

Michel tried to voice his anger at Marcus speaking to me in that tone, but the effort required, on top of his injuries made him collapse. And the connection, which had doggedly stayed open, slammed shut in my head.

"Michel!" I said in an alarmed whisper.

Matthias's phone rang within seconds and after answering it in vampire speed, his hand came up to rest on my shoulder. "He is all right. Alain is seeing to him and will return him to London as soon as he is well enough to be moved."

"When?" I asked, desperate for reassurance.

Matthias listened to what Alain was saying and then repeated the words to me. "When the poison has worked its way through his system. He knows what it is and is surprised Michel was able to hold on to consciousness for so long."

I smiled weakly, unable to hide my pride at my husband's tenacity and strength. Even in the face of underhanded tactics from the most powerful vampire in the world, Michel was still able to impress.

"OK, tell him thanks and please keep me informed," I said, already feeling a former strength returning after the harrowing few minutes we had just endured. I turned my attention back to Sebastian.

"I don't know why you're working for her and quite frankly I don't care, but if I see you again, I will consider you my enemy. Do you understand?" There was no room for forgiveness. No room for excuses, even though part of me knew they existed and he quite possibly had no choice. I needed to fortify myself for what was coming and I needed to send a subtle message to the woman, the vampire, I had just bowed down to. I'd take any opportunity I came across, to
not show fear, not give an inch and always stay on guard
. She'd expect nothing less.

Sebastian nodded, a small sad smile on his face. "You will be telling Marie of this?" he said, taking me by surprise.

"You're worried about what a Nosferatin would think?"

He shook his head, once. "I'm worried about what Marie will think." Hmm.

"Well, you should have thought about that before you spied and sold out her mentor and a member of her team."

I didn't wait for an answer, just turned on my heel and got back in the car. Within seconds my guards we were with me and we were fleeing the scene for Kensington and Michel's house to pack.

Paris awaited and more political games no doubt. But, before I had a chance to dwell on those problems, another was waiting on the doorstep of Michel's house.

I sighed loudly, as Matthias suggested we just carry on to Samson's instead.

"He doesn't give up, does he?" I said quietly, watching as Lutin slowly got to his feet.

"Mistress, Samson's?" Matthias asked, not answering my question.

"He'll keep following us, keep turning up when we don't expect it. What if he does that in Paris? We can't afford for that kind of surprise."

"He can't hurt you, if we are near," Sergei conceded, although I could see a vein throbbing in
his head.

I didn't want to listen to whatever the fairy had to say, but I did need to contain this, or else pay for this oversight in due course. I slipped my hand into my jacket pocket and felt the familiar rough shape of Aliath's gem.

"Let's do this on our turf," I said with a firmer voice. "Let's get this sorted once and for all."

Chapter 17
Declarations Of...

The Rover came to rest in a vacant car park in the middle of the street. Michel's particular street was quite wide, with parking on both sides and additional parking down the centre as well. Handy, as no one seemed to have garaging or even off-street parking in London. Something I was still having trouble adjusting to, amongst everything else.

We all got out of the car, Marcus and Matthias taking the lead, Sergei and Nataliya flush against my sides. The lights were off inside the house, the blinds open, but it seemed no one was home. I hoped so, I hoped that Matthew, Kathleen and Christopher were all out on the town somewhere, but a part of me knew, that the fairy was to blame. And that was proven as soon as my
Tego Texi Tectum
duo walked closer to the Imp Prince.

Within a few feet, the lights sprang back to life, music could be heard from the parlour and through the window I spotted a surprised Christopher as he went to pass by. His gaze falling on us and then the fairy with ever increasing alarm. I raised my hand to still him, as I noticed a sword appear in his outstretched hand. I hadn't seen Christopher armed before, but it didn't really surprise me. Michel's vampires were nothing if not versatile.

Christopher nodded once, but didn't move from the window, his eyes taking the whole scene in as his free hand dialled a number on his phone. I frowned and let an annoyed breath out, but there was nothing I could do to halt his attempts to call for aid. Instead I concentrated my anger on the fairy before me.

"Why did you shield the house?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest. There was no point me getting my weapons out, every one of my guards were openly armed.

"They would not have allowed me to wait for you, if they had been aware of my presence," he answered reasonably.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but didn't respond to his words. Instead I asked, "Why are you here, Lutin? You know I don't want to see you at all."

," he said as though in pain. "We are meant to be together, you and I. I know you feel it too."

Right now all I felt was anger and rage at this fairy before me. At what he had put me through in the past and what he had so recently put me through too. My hand moved to my stomach without even realising what I was doing, nausea replacing the hollow emptiness from seconds before as I noticed my movement was caught in the fairy's gaze.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" he asked wistfully. "I believe you can tell at this stage. Your human science allows it, does it not?"

I shook my head at him. "I'm not pregnant, Lutin. I don't carry your child."

He looked shocked briefly, and then defiantly mad. "You are lying. I
you are pregnant. I can see your glow."

I had heard so many people in the past mention
my glow
. I knew I had one, but whatever Lutin saw, it wasn't a pregnancy glow. "You're mistaken, Lutin. I am not pregnant."

," he said placatingly. "They want you to believe that, so you will be turned from me. But we are meant to be together. They can not fight it. They will not win."

Who the hell were they? I shook my head more vehemently. "Lutin. Get this through your head. I do not want to be with you. I do not even like you. I am
. I am
having your child. I never want to see you again." My fingers wrapped around the gem in my pocket. "Why can't you understand this?" I said in a frustrated voice.

He took a step towards me, my guards raised their weapons as one. He didn't hesitate until he was just two feet away. Close enough for Marcus and Matthias's swords to scrape his flowing white shirt and Sergei and Nataliya to growl.

"That's close enough, Lutin," I said, thinking it was way beyond close. I pulled Aliath's gem from my pocket, hidden inside my fist. I raised it to my face and covered my mouth, trying to make the move appear a nervous gesture. It must have worked, because Lutin didn't disappear or even baulk.

, please, I beg you. Don't make me fight to get you back. People will get hurt."

"Is that a threat, fairy?" I said in an even and low voice, my hand opening slightly to allow my lips to press against the gem.

"It is the truth. I have asked my mother for her assistance. If you do not come willingly with me this night, the
Royal Court will declare war on the
. This would be a bad thing."

Understatement, I thought numbly, my mind racing to connect the dots. The
were currently at war with the
, most of the battles taking place in
. Which had been a good thing, making the Fey presence in the mortal realm not as shocking. Too busy wrapped up in their own fighting to be concerned with us and the newly opened portals at all. If the
divided their attention between their sworn Fey enemies and us, what would happen? Either the war would spill over to our realm, or we would be sucked into theirs.

Was the
Royal Court strong enough to combat two enemies at once? Would it matter? The Champion would blame me regardless of the reasons or outcome. Bringing the
into this battle was putting a death warrant on my head. The Champion would not have to issue the command, the rest of the
would act of their own accord. The protection from the connection she and I had, would be moot.

I kept my gaze on the fairy, and not for the first time wished I could converse telepathically with my vampires to instruct them to strike. I even checked in my mind to see if Michel was back, and then I could get him to converse telepathically with M&M, but he was still obviously unconscious as he didn't reply.

The only thing I could think of was to distract and call in reinforcements of my own.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into, Lutin. What you're getting your people into. The
are not to be trifled with."

As he answered my challenge, I whispered Aliath's name against the stone. "You give them too much credit,
and forget the might of the
. We are not to be..."

His words were lost in a flash of blinding light and a crack of booming thunder that pushed us all back several feet. Then two shadowy figures appeared on the street beside us, a stake in the hand of one and a sword wielded by the other.

Of course, I had forgotten my
Tego Texi Tectum
duo would nullify Aliath's magic too. He reached out a hand and muttered a few words in his fairy language, but nothing occurred. It was Gigi, my Nothus charge, who had the wherewithal to act at all. My vampires and myself too stunned at the fact she was with the fairy at all, and momentarily distracted enough to lower our guard.

She spun through the air in an impressive spin-fighting move, one I had no idea she had perfected yet, and staked the fairy through the heart. Silver does little to harm a member of the Fey, but their hearts beat just like ours. A stake through the centre is quite debilitating. I would hazard a guess, lethal under normal circumstances. But then, Lutin didn't stick around in our realm awaiting death. With a loud pop and the acrid smell of ozone and peaches, he retreated to the safety and magic of

"Mother fucker!" Sergei announced and Matthias repeated with verve.

"What the fuck are you doing here, newbie?" Marcus shouted at Gigi and then noticed the blood coated silver stake in her hand. "And how the
are you holding
?" His voice was ominously quiet as he took in the implication of a vampire touching silver and not being burned.

The door to Michel's house burst open, Christopher stormed down the steps, brandishing his sword. Nataliya shouted at her brother to get his arse back over to protect me, and all the while Matthias looked on open mouthed at Marcus laying into Gigi, face blackened with outrage and I was mortified to see, hatred as well.

"Oh shit," I muttered beneath my breath, we really didn't have time for this.

Aliath came over to me, ignoring Nataliya's growl. "Princess, did he harm you?" I shook my head, unable to take my eyes off Marcus and Gigi, chest to chest, having an all out verbal brawl.

Aliath flicked his glance over me, I guess to make sure I was in one piece, then said softly, so softly I had to lean in to hear him, "We will hunt him back in
, but word is out that the
hunts you now too. It will be dangerous on your streets." He flicked a glance at Sergei, who nodded his understanding and then returned his attention to me. His vivid green eyes softening slightly. "They have also declared war on the leaders of the Nosferatu."

"You know that already?" I said, unable to comprehend the speed things were turning to shit.

He nodded slowly. "The war is getting dirty. I need to speak to your leaders. Together we could combat them, together we could win." I looked at him shocked he'd suggest this. Shocked that Sofiq would go for it. And there was absolutely no way the Champion would agree to fight beside the Fey. Dark or Light Court be damned. "Can you arrange this?" he asked, holding my gaze with his steady look.

I shook my head. "I really don't know." A flash of disappointment crossed his handsome face, I didn't have the energy spare to care. All my energy was gearing up to face the wrath of the Champion when I arrived at the
later tonight.

"See what you can do, Princess. Alone your vampires do not stand a chance against them." Arrogance was not in short supply amongst the fairies.

I nodded bleakly and watched as he turned back to Gigi. He stepped up to Marcus and looked down his nose at my guard. Marcus finally realised he had an audience and stopped mid-rant at the Nothus to turn his steely gaze on the fairy. "What?" he demanded of the

"If you don't mind, Miss Deverell and I have a fairy to hunt. Or would you prefer the
of your mistress to regroup, re-emerge and re-attack?"

Marcus flicked an ashamed glance in my direction, that was quickly followed by that hatred I had seen before when his eyes returned to Gigi. She stood, fangs bared, red glow to her eyes, and stake pressed firmly against his chest in a defiant stance. What the hell was she doing with Aliath? And how the hell did I keep her secret from M&M in light of how she looked right now?

He didn't answer Aliath, he just continued to growl and flash fang at the girl.

"Right," said Aliath pleasantly. "Shall we, my dear?" He offered his arm to Gigi, who flashed me a look from under her platinum blonde hair. I couldn't decipher exactly what it said, but I thought it might have been filled with rage.

I sighed as they disappeared through the fabric of space. My relationship with the Nothus was not on firm ground and it looked like it wouldn't improve just yet.

"What the fuck was she doing with him?" Marcus demanded, turning on me with his fists clenched.

"Calm down," Matthias warned in a deep voice, Sergei already standing between me and Michel's guards.

Nataliya started dragging me towards Christopher and the front door to the house.

"No!" Marcus shouted back at his sidekick. "You saw what she was holding. Just what the hell is she, Lucinda?"

I ignored him as I followed Nataliya past Christopher, whose phone began to shrilly ring.

"Yes," I heard him say into the mouthpiece in his crisp English accent, which reminded me of Samson and made me wonder if my vampire realised his charge had escaped. "One moment, Alain."

I stopped, thinking he might have news of Michel, but the phone was handed to a fuming Marcus instead.

"Alain? What is it?" Marcus asked and within seconds his face went white. "Yes. Yes, I understand. I will apologise. You have my word."

He handed the phone back to Christopher and went down on bended knee. Fist across chest, head bowed low before me.

"My apologies, mistress, for acting out of line. My attitude was unacceptable. I had no right to confront you in this manner. I seek your forgiveness, please."

I really could not get used to this, no matter how many times it occurred. I didn't grovel, I didn't expect my friends to either. And that's what my guards were to me. I sighed, at least it meant Michel was aware of what was happening here, even if he was still cut off from my mind.

"Come inside and we'll discuss it. We're causing a scene out here, the neighbours have probably called the police already." I didn't wait for a reply just headed into the front room.

I needed a stiff drink, despite the fact we were working on borrowed time. Christopher came into the room and took over pouring my
Bacardi and Coke
, telling me to take a seat. He brought it over to me and placed a bowl of nibbles to my side. I started absently popping the dried fruit and nuts in my mouth between sips of soothing alcohol.

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