Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3) (2 page)

Read Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3) Online

Authors: Phoenyx Slaughter

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3)
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Chapter Two

s soon as
we’re out in the main room, away from the insanity of my father’s betrayal, Dante pulls me into his arms. There’s a good chance Romeo might kill my father and I can’t call up an ounce of concern. That probably makes me an awful daughter, but I honestly don’t care. All I feel when I think about my parents is a lot of

“You okay, baby girl?”

“No. I’m not okay at all.”

His mouth tightens into an angry line. The need to get away from the clubhouse claws at me. “Can you take me for a ride?”

“Yeah. Anywhere in particular you wanna go?”

“No. As long as I’m with you, it doesn’t matter.”

Once I’m tucked onto the back of Dante’s bike my head clears and everything I learned today sinks in.

I have a sister.

I was the product of an affair.

This explains my father’s long absences.

No wonder my mother drank.

He takes us to the first restaurant we ever ate at together and I smile at the memory. On our way inside, he takes my hand calming me and making me feel safe at the same time. We sit in the back and there’s no one else around us. The place is quiet at this hour.

“Feeling any better?” he asks after the waitress leaves.

“I feel better being with you. But about my family? No.”

One of his big, warm hands slides over mine. “Baby, I’m your family now. The club’s your family. You don’t have to waste another second on that guy pretending to be your father.”

“Thank you.” More of the afternoon sinks in. “Dante, would Romeo have really taken me to pay off a debt? I don’t understand.”

His face hardens and he squeezes my hands a little tighter. “I don’t know what the hell their arrangement was all about, baby girl.”

“And my sister? I can’t believe I have a sister. I wish I’d stayed to find out more about her.”

“I’ll help you find out whatever you want to know. Promise you that.”

His words make my heart jump. “Thank you. It’s weird. I always wanted a brother or sister. And I’ve had one this entire time. I wonder if she’s older or younger?”

“Probably older.”

“Do you think she looks like me?”

“Don’t know. No clue what her mama looks like. Doubt anyone’s as pretty as you though.”

He always knows what to say to make me feel better.

“Can we go home, Dante?”

“Yeah, baby girl. Whatever you want.”

I’m so…torn. I don’t know how to express myself or how to process everything.

When we step in the front door, I turn and slump against Dante. His arms band tight around me, strong and comforting. “What does my baby girl need?” he murmurs next to my ear.

“I don’t even know.”

“Got homework?”

“Shit. Yes. It’s in the car, at Romeo’s shop.”

As if they’d heard me, two cars pull into our driveway. One is my new car. One I recognize as a truck from Romeo’s shop. While Dante goes out to meet them, I hang back in the kitchen.

All three men stomping into the house rattle me. Luck’s been here before. But Romeo hasn’t. And I always feel uneasy or off-balance in his presence.

Dante holds his hand out to me. My signal that it’s okay for me to join them I guess.

“Thanks for bringing my car up,” I say to Luck, who nods at me. Dante hands over my backpack and I set it by the stairs.

The living room seems to have shrunk in size with three big men taking up so much space. My man is the biggest, but the other two aren’t far behind. They’re just as scary, too. A skitter of fear brushes over me.

I’ve been around these guys at the clubhouse plenty of times. But this is more intimate. Strange having them in our personal space. What if they decided to hold me down and do whatever they wanted to me? I’d be powerless to stop it.

A different sensation prickles over my skin. Excitement. A tingling spreads all over as I picture the three of them—

As if he hears my perverted desires, Dante turns my way. “Here’re your keys, baby girl.” His words draw Luck and Romeo’s attention to me again.

My heart hammers and my panties are definitely damper than they were a few minutes ago. Now it’s the combined focused attention of all three of them making me squirm.

“You okay, baby girl?”

I’m still standing there like an idiot instead of taking the keys he’s holding out. “Yeah. Um, tired.” I grab the keys and set them on the counter. “I’ll leave you guys alone. I’ve got homework.” Romeo smirks at the word “homework.” My face burns with shame.

I turn and take the stairs two at a time before I do anything else to embarrass myself.

hat’s up with her
?” Romeo asks after Karina races upstairs.

“You really have to ask after that fucked up situation with her Dad?”

For once Romeo shows some compassion for someone other than his dick. “Yeah. That was fucked. Think she’s worried I’m—”

“Don’t even finish that thought.”

“I ain’t gonna touch your girl.” He almost seems offended.

“Go check on her,” Luck says.

Romeo nods and the idea of my prez telling me to take care of my woman over discussing club business makes for a massive what-the-fuck moment. What a fucking day.

Karina emerges from the bathroom just as I’m about to call out her name.

“Oh.” She slaps her hand over her chest. “You startled me. Did the guys leave?”

“No. Wanted to check on you.” My gaze lingers on her face. Flushed cheeks, wide eyes. Travels lower. Neck and chest also pink. Hard nipples straining against her tank top. “Are you okay?”

Her bottom lip trembles and her cheeks turn even pinker. “Yes. I—” she gestures at her backpack over by the bed.

“Homework, yeah, I know.”

I’m still studying her as I crook my finger and motion her closer. “Come here.”

When she’s standing in front of me, my hands settle on her shoulders giving her no option other than facing me. Except, she keeps her gaze lowered and it’s buggin’ the fuck outta me. “What’s wrong?”


“Take your clothes off.”

Now she meets my eyes. “What? Why?”

Leaning down, so we’re almost nose to nose, I lower my voice to explain the situation to her. “Because, baby girl, I don’t think you’re telling me the truth.”

“And taking my clothes off will help?” Ah, there’s the bit of sass I like from her.

My fingers trail over her shoulders and down her arms. “Yeah. I know how to get the truth out of you.”

“Dante. Luck and Romeo—”

“Will wait downstairs until I’m finished with you.”

Her breathing picks up, but she’s still rooted to her spot. Still got her clothes on. Tightening my hold on her arms, I turn her around. “Put your hands on the wall.”

She hesitates. “Dante—”

“Did I ask, baby girl?”


This time I wait. Staring at her until she’s spread out like she’s waiting for a police pat-down.

The kind I’m about to give her isn’t the lawful kind.

As usual, I’m struck dumb by how fuckin’ perfect every inch of her is. I get up real nice and close behind her. Run my fingers over her bare thighs, up under her shorts, then back out. My fingers work the button and zipper open enough for me to squeeze my hand down the front. Nope, still too tight. I yank them down and they bunch up around her feet.

She’s completely still. When my hand connects with her ass, she jumps and squeaks. “Step out.” She finally gets it and kicks the shorts to the side.

“Hmmm. I like you in white. Gotta get you more of these.” My hand’s running all over her ass and hips, then dips under the front, sliding down until I hit the jackpot. With my free hand, I brush her hair over one shoulder and kiss right up to her ear. My fingers slide easily through her slit. “Spread your legs.”

She slides her feet a few more inches apart. A soft moan passes her parted lips, then a louder one, as my middle finger slides inside her.

“Why so wet, baby girl?”

Her arms tremble and I’m afraid she won’t be able to hold herself up much longer. My arm bands around her waist, holding her tight. I slip my finger out, drawing her wetness up, teasing and circling her clit.

A needy whimper comes out of her mouth.

Two of my fingers slide in her tight hole and I take my time pumping them in and out.

“Tell me. And don’t lie.”

“I can’t.”

My teeth graze her shoulder. Enough to make her shiver but not mark her. “You can tell me anything.”

“I don’t want you to be mad.”

What the fuck could I ever be mad at her about?

“Oh. Oh. Please. Harder.”

“Not until you tell me what I want to know.”

Christ, I’ve conducted a lot of interrogations through my years with the club. None of them were ever this much fun.

None of them ever got me so fucking hard.

She sobs and shakes in my grasp. “I was scared downstairs.”

That makes me stop. Her hips keep moving seeking relief. “Scared of what, baby girl? Luck and Romeo? They’d never hurt you.”

“I know.” She hisses as I resume pumping my fingers in and out of her. “I know you’d never let anyone hurt me.”

There’s something she’s holding back. “What else?”

“Please don’t make me say it.”

Of course now I really want to know. “You gotta, baby. You can’t keep any secrets from me. Especially if it’s something that upsets you.”

“I was scared. I thought the three of you could hold me down and do whatever you wanted to me, and I wouldn’t be able to stop you,” she says in a breathless rush. So fast, I almost don’t catch all the words. Her pussy squeezes my fingers and she’s so wet, girl juice’s dripping down my hand.

“The idea turned you on.”

“Yes,” she sobs. “I’m sorry.”

I mash my lips together so I don’t laugh and make her feel bad. My thumb rubs over her clit and she whimpers. “Don’t be sorry. You can’t help what turns you on. I want you to tell me all your dirty thoughts.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Fuck no.” Christ, she’s fuckin’ innocent. “Now, if you’d stripped downstairs and yelled out ‘Come fuck me’ then yeah, I’d be pissed.”

She laughs. A soft sound that turns into a moan as I increase the pressure of my thumb.

“I don’t think I can share my baby girl with anyone. And I’d never let Romeo touch you.
. Just so you know.”

“Good,” she sighs.

“Ready to come now?”

“Yes, please.”

Fuck, I love this girl.

“Lean back against me.”

She’s so eager, I end up chuckling against her ear. My hand circles her wrists, pinning them between her breasts. She’s already close. A few quick thrusts in her snug little cunt are all she needs before she’s moaning and writhing in my arms.

It takes her a few seconds to open her eyes and when she does, my heart slams against my chest so hard she can probably hear it. She blinks up at me, her lips curving into a soft smile. “Thank you, daddy.”

“Love you, baby girl.”

“Love you, too.” Her hand reaches down and rubs over my dick. I’m harder than a motherfuckin’ hammer and having her hands on me ain’t improving the situation.

“Not right now, baby girl.” I gotta calm the fuck down. I’ve probably only been gone less than ten minutes, but I still need to get back downstairs. “Finish your homework. I gotta take care of some things. After they go, I want you ready and waiting for me to fuck you—

Chapter Three

a lot of shit from Romeo when I finally get downstairs. It’s possible they heard Karina’s moans and shrieks a few minutes ago and I find I don’t really give a fuck.

“Christ, you reek of pussy,” he bitches.

“Fuck off, you jealous prick.”

“Amen to that, you motherfucker. Stop being such a greedy asshole and pass that bitch around.”

“Are you fucking high?” I growl at him.

He smirks, but knocks his shit off.

Luck remains silent during our exchange. Finally, he pipes up. “Romeo filled me in a little bit. She handling it okay?”

“What? Learning her father’s a useless piece of shit who tried to sell her for a gambling debt? Or that he’s a two-timing fuck with another family stashed away and a sister she’s never met? Because, no she ain’t handling none of that well.”

“Sorry, brother.”

Pulling a few beers out of the refrigerator, I motion for them to sit at the bar in the kitchen. “Tell me.”

Romeo opens his mouth—I think to play dumb, then thinks better of it when he sees my face. “Tucker’s always been a fuck-up. Only thing he does well, is run that big rig. Whatever it is about him, he never gets pulled over, searched, ticketed, nothing. He’s just got that square look to him, ya know?”

Always looked like a pansy-assed cocksucker to me, but I tend to be a bit cynical.

“Shit started missing from our hauls, envelopes came back light. Turned out he was making detours to gamble. And losing big. Fuckers he was running around with stole one of our shipments.”

I vaguely remember when that had happened. Romeo had been real adamant that he be the one to handle it.

“I bailed him out of that fucking mess and as payment he said he’d give me one of his daughters. I thought he was fucking joking at first. Our MC’s never been involved in pedaling pussy.”

“Then where’d he get that idea from?”

“Who the fuck knows. He probably watches too much television. But if he had ‘em pledged to me, figured he wouldn’t be sellin’ ‘em off to anyone else.”

I highly doubt Romeo’s intentions were that noble, but I keep that thought to myself for now. “Yeah, and what were you plannin’ to do when it was time to collect?”

He waves off my question. “I’m more than capable of finding bitches to spread their legs for me. But the club needed him to keep moving our stuff, so I temporarily let it slide.”

“You know the other daughter?”

“I know
her. Her mama dumped Tucker’s ass and hooked up with Savage Dragon’s prez. Tucker almost shit himself. Begged me for protection.”

“That how we got into it with them?” Our beef with their MC had been more of an annoyance than anything. It passed with a low body count and our clubs are on okay terms for now.

He shrugs. “They’re pricks.”

One false move could easily blow our truce to hell. This right here is why doing business with fuck-ups like Tucker bothers me. But I ain’t the prez, so it ain’t my call. No, my job is to protect the club when Romeo’s decisions put it in danger.

“You know about the guy he had come talk to her?” I swear to fuck if he was in on that, prez or not, I’ll crack this beer bottle over his head.

“Fuck no.” He seems sincere, almost insulted I’d even suggest it. “I didn’t take the fucking thing all that serious. Tucker introduced me to Hemi. Never told me he was his daughter’s boyfriend or anything of the sort. First time I met your girl was when you brought her in. Even then I didn’t know who she was.”

“Okay.” Fuck me. “You think Hemi knew?”


Fuck. Him taking her makes a lot more sense if he somehow found out about the debt and thought she was about to be sold off to Romeo. Gonna make it difficult to slit his throat if it turns out he was trying to protect her in his own stupid way. Still plan to beat the daylights out of his disloyal ass when I find him though. Taking her from me. Trying to turn her against me. That can’t go unpunished.

“So where we at?” I ask before I work myself into a rage over Hemi.

Romeo eyes me longer than I care for before answering my question. “You planning to claim her soon?”

Luck stares at our president. Fuck, I do, too. That question ain’t a good sign.

“I don’t know, prez. I was thinking, maybe she ought to graduate from high school before I bend her over the table and fuck her in front of the entire club.” I barely manage to conceal the sarcasm from my voice.

“Don’t get twisted, Dante. I ain’t saying I’m gonna touch your girl. But you know as well as I do, word of that bargain gets out and she’s unclaimed…that ain’t gonna look right.”

Ain’t gonna look right for
. Makes him look weak. But you don’t earn a president patch in an MC like ours because someone hands it to ya, and you sure as fuck don’t
it because someone lets you, so I understand his concern.

Still pisses me off.

He strokes his hand over his chest, something he does when he’s thinking. “I hear what you’re saying about school.”

“How much is he into you for?”

“Hundred K.”

“That’s it?”

Romeo raises a brow. “You wanna pay his debt?”

No, I don’t fuckin’ want to pay his debt. It will put a serious dent in the money I’m startin’ to think of as Karina’s college fund. But I also don’t want to rush her into something she ain’t ready for.

Since I’m still working this out in my head, Romeo opens his mouth. “Don’t stress. I’ll keep working on that dumb prick. When’s graduation?”

“Two weeks, I think.”

A different smirk lights up his face. “Her little friend’s got a birthday right after, doesn’t she?”

“Yeah,” I answer wearily. Christ, from the sound of it, he’s got the date circled in red on his “Girls I need to fuck” calendar.

“Maybe you bring her by the clubhouse for me, and I’ll wipe this whole thing clean.”

“You wanna let a hundred thousand dollar debt go for a taste of her friend?”

He lifts his shoulder, but he’s not fooling me one bit. “I’m really not all that worried about it.”

Luck turns to me. “I don’t think the claiming has to be a big deal. Ease her into it slow.”

“Yeah. It’s happening eventually anyway. Just thought I’d let her finish school first.”

“Two fuckin’ weeks,” Romeo says.

“No, I mean college.”

Romeo pulls a face. “What the hell does a hot little fuck like her need to go to college for? Knock her fuckin’ ass up.”

What a fuckin’ caveman. “She’s smart. Thinkin’ about med school. Thought the club could use a doctor.”

Asshole actually stops to think about it. “I guess. She’s that smart?”

“Yeah. And the thought of having fuckin’ rugrats around withers my dick, anyway.”

Romeo laughs like a jackass. “I hear you.” He pretends to check the watch he’s not even wearing. “Well, it’s probably her bed time. We should go so you can get one last fuck in.”

“Those jokes never get old, prez.”

“I’m glad.” He slaps me on the back on his way out.

Luck stops and bumps my fist. “You need anything let me know.” His tone all serious and straight-faced.

“Thanks, brother. Appreciate it.”

Once the place is locked up tight, I shut the lights off and head upstairs. Knowing my baby girl’s waitin’ up there for me gets my dick harder with each step I take.

can’t stop quivering
after Dante leaves. That’s what he does to me. Leaves me in a puddle of emotions every time we touch. Every time I breathe him in. There’s a small piece of me that wonders if it’s healthy to be so obsessed with this man. This man who’s so much older and more experienced than me. Although his methods were…unique, I’m glad I confided in him about my unsettling fantasy.

Every now and then I catch the guys’ voices from downstairs. Part of me wants to creep into the stairwell and listen in on their conversation. Part of me is terrified of what I might hear. Eventually I lose myself in my school work. Once I’m finished, I notice a missed call from Athena and call her back.

“Where were you?” she demands. She’s so dramatic sometimes.

“Homework. Phone was off, I just saw you called. What’s up?”

“Are you alone?”

“Yeah,” I answer slowly. “Dante and the guys are downstairs.”

“What guys?”

Damn, she’s a nosy pain in the butt tonight. “Romeo and Luck.”

“I should come visit. Romeo’s just…agh, I can’t even.”

“He’s a little old for you.”

“Look who’s talking.”

I guess I walked right into that one.

“Athena, you don’t even know anything about him.”

“Sure I do. He’s hot and he looks at me like I’m the most interesting thing in the room.”

“Yeah, because he probably wants to fuck you.”

“And your point is?”

“Did you call for a reason?”

Athena’s giggles ring through the phone and I realize I haven’t spent a lot of time with my best friend lately. I miss her. Even if she is a pain in the ass. She ends up reading me a short story she wrote for English class because she wants my opinion on it. As usual it’s brilliant.

My praise is short-lived. In the background, I hear yelling.

“Shit, Karina. I have to go.”

She hangs up before I get a chance to say goodbye. Not unusual. Her parents have always been strict about her bedtime. It almost seems like it’s gotten worse instead of better.

Dante, homework, Athena. All great distractions to take my mind off the mess that is my family. Only a few hours away, I have a sister. How many times growing up did I wish I’d had someone else to talk to or share things with? Someone to hide under the bed with when my mother was on one of her drunken rampages? Will my sister hate me when she realizes she has a bastard half-sister? Romeo mentioned she was seeing someone in a motorcycle club too, and the idea makes me laugh. Pulling my laptop back out of my bag, I run a quick search online, but nothing comes up for Kadence Rivers.

How could my father leave me after my mother died to be with his other family, knowing I was all alone? If he truly cared about me, wouldn’t he have told his wife about me, no matter the consequences? Once they split up, why did he still barely spend any time at home? The cynical part of me snorts. Maybe he has a third family out there. I could have brothers and sisters all over the country for all I know.

Thinking about all of this, depresses me. Instead, I focus on Dante. On shedding my clothes. Turning the lights down. Throwing a pillow on the floor and kneeling on it while I wait. Wait for the only man who’s ever really cared about me.

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