Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya

Read Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM; Science Fiction & Space Opera

BOOK: Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya
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Entwined Fates:



Trista Ann Michaels




Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya

Copyright © October 2013 by Trista Ann Michaels

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


eISBN 9781623004422

Editor: Jana Armstrong

Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Published in the United States of America


Loose Id LLC

PO Box 809

San Francisco CA 94104-0809



This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

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DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in our BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Loose Id LLC nor its authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its titles.

Chapter One

“The two of you need to go find a nice quiet little corner somewhere and fuck before you break each other’s necks,” Alex said drily after listening to Christian bitch about Sharna for the last five minutes.

Chancellor Alexander Dorn had to bite back a laugh at the look on his best friend’s face. Despite the fact Christian had the hots for his adorable full-figured assistant, he refused to do anything about it.

Alex thought he was nuts and took every opportunity to tell him so.

“I will not fuck my assistant,” Christian said with a frown.

Alex shrugged one shoulder. “Good. Then you won’t mind if I do.”

“Chancellor, you go anywhere near my assistant, and I’ll break

Alex laughed as he took the glass of brandy Christian handed him. His laughter slowly died as he studied the amber liquid. It was never a good thing when a man lusted after someone he thought he couldn’t have.

“Life’s short, Chris,” Alex murmured. “You shouldn’t deny yourself something you really want.”

Christian brushed his long white hair over his shoulder as he sat down in the chair across from Alex at the dining table that divided Christian’s living room and kitchen. “Is that you trying to convince me or yourself?”

Alex grunted. “You, of course.”

Christian smiled as he set his glass on the table. “How’s life as chancellor treating you? Truthfully, Alex.”

Alex sighed as he continued to stare into the glass. “Truthfully? It’s beating the hell out of me. I’ve got too much going on, I think. Something’s gotta go.”

“Yeah, but what? You can’t let the chancellorship go. Cara would kill you.”

Chuckling, Alex set his glass on the table. “Agreed. That’s mine for life. I thought about selling my share of the BDSM club.”

“Then the subs would kill ya.”

Alex frowned. “Very funny.”

“Come on, Alex. You’re the Dom who keeps everyone in line. That place was a hellhole when you bought it. You’ve really cleaned it up. I’m not sure I could do what you do.”

“You’re a good Dom, Chris.”

“Maybe, but I’m not as feared as you are. Even other Doms defer to you.”

Alex sighed. “I think I just need a break.”

“The senate’s going on holiday later this week.”

Alex rubbed at the back of his neck. The senate being on holiday would definitely free some much needed time for him to catch up on his sleep. Lately he got very little. Ever since Hayden and Cara’s party, he’d spent his nights dreaming of Miya Marcone and waking up with a hard-on that could hammer a nail into a board. What he really needed to do was find a way to get Miya out of his head.

“We’re back,” Christian’s assistant, Sharna, called as she and the object of his erotic nighttime dreams walked into Christian’s apartment.

“Now’s your chance,” Alex murmured as he grabbed his glass and took a sip of brandy.

“Shut up,” Christian clipped, making Alex chuckle.

“Hey, Alex,” Sharna said with a wide smile that never failed to put him at ease.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

Sharna was a curvy girl with beautiful red hair. Pretty blue eyes sparkled with good humor and friendliness. She had breasts and hips a man would love to get his hands on. If Christian didn’t soon, someone would; then he’d definitely lose her.

Then there was Miya. About five feet eight in three-inch heels, Miya was dwarfed by the men in her family. And considering Alex was a good inch taller than her brothers, she was definitely dwarfed by him. Her thick chestnut hair hung straight today, falling two-thirds of the way down her back.

She had an adorable hourglass figure with breasts that would fill Alex’s hands perfectly and dark green eyes that left Alex breathless every time she looked at him. Miya was ten years his junior; he knew better than to even consider it.

Miya was in her twenties, and in Alex’s mind, still a baby. Definitely not up for the kind of sex he wanted.

“Morning, little bit,” Christian said as Miya walked over and kissed her brother’s cheek.

Alex was tempted to point to his own cheek and ask where his was, but he doubted Christian would appreciate him flirting with his baby sister.

“Good morning,” she replied as she ruffled Christian’s long white hair.

“Hey,” he chided, making Alex grin.

She smoothed it back and smiled. “If you don’t like for women to run their fingers through it, then perhaps you should pull it back. Shar’s right,” she said as she studied a strand. “You do need a trim.”

Christian reached around and tried to swipe her on the behind, but Miya laughed and dodged him. She caught Alex’s grin over her brother’s head, and her smile softened just a little. “Chancellor,” she said.

“Why don’t you call him Alex?” Sharna asked as she brought over two coffees. One for herself and one for Miya.

She shrugged one dainty shoulder as she slipped her leather blazer off and laid it across the back of the chair. Her black sleeveless shirt highlighted her deep tan. Around her wrist was a silver bracelet with a fleur-de-lis dangling from the chain that clinked lightly as she moved her arm. “He’s never told me to call him Alex.”

All three of them looked at him as though waiting. Alex fought a grin and shook his head slightly. “Call me Alex, Miya.”

“Fine, Alex.” Her lips quirked into a devilish grin that made Alex’s heart skip a beat. “If you insist.”

“Your father was right,” Alex said before he could stop himself. “You are an imp.”

Her smile widened slightly as she pulled the chair out and sat down. “I thought men liked imps.”

Not normally, but Alex definitely liked this one. Which was a problem. Miya was one imp he needed to keep his hands off. He tried to think of something to say that wouldn’t piss off Christian—like how much he wanted to throw her over his knees and spank her impish little ass.

“Oh,” Miya said as she turned her attention back to her brother. “I’m not going to be able to go to Earth with everyone.”

Christian frowned. “Why?”

“I have to stay with the opera.”

“Do you have to stay, or do you just want to stay?” Christian asked, frowning.

“If you promise not to tell Dad, it’s I want to stay. If you tell him, I’ll deny I said that.”

“Miya,” Christian warned.

She spread her hands. “Chris, the businesses are you, Hayden, and Dad. You don’t need me there, not really. Besides, I like what I do a whole lot better than board of directors’ meetings, and my first understudy is sick.”

“You have a second,” Christian said.

Miya was the soprano darling of the Rhinari Opera house. The first time Alex had heard her sing, he’d been shocked such a booming voice could come from such a small package.

“If I’m taking off for the grandparents’ big anniversary party on Tilarus in a few months, I can’t take off now. I’ll be fine here by myself.”

Christian started to say something, but Alex interrupted him. “I’ll be here, Chris. I can keep an eye on her. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

She turned and smiled at him, setting his heart skipping. “Thank you, Alex.” She turned back to Christian. “See? Crisis averted.”

Christian sighed but didn’t say anything while Miya pushed her chair back and stood. “I have to get going. I have rehearsal in less than an hour. I’ll see you guys when you get back.”

“Bye, hon,” Sharna said as Miya grabbed her blazer and quickly skirted out the door.

He turned from Miya’s retreating backside and caught two sets of eyes staring at him in silence. He frowned. “What?”

“Were you serious about keeping an eye on her?” Christian asked.

Alex’s frown deepened. “Yeah. Why?”

“Miya doesn’t know Chris knows, but,” Shar began. “She’s been getting some strange letters. Chris has been trying to figure out who sent them, but so far he’s hitting a brick wall.”

“What kind of letters?” Alex asked.

“Secret admirer kind of letters. At first they were harmless, but lately they’ve turned pretty dark,” Christian replied.

“If she doesn’t know you know, then how did you get them?” Alex asked.

Chistian pointed at his assistant with his thumb. “Miya showed them to Sharna and then Sharna told me.”

“She’s trying to act brave, but they’re really starting to freak her out,” Sharna said.

Alex narrowed his eyes as he nodded his head slowly. Who the hell would be stalking Miya? He could guarantee whoever it was wouldn’t be doing it for long. He would definitely keep an eye on her. He just hoped he could keep an eye on her while at the same time keeping his hands
her. “So keep an eye on her without letting her know that I know. Yeah, that should be easy.”

Christian chuckled.

Chapter Two

Alex sat in his private box at the opera, listening to Miya sing. He never tired of listening to her voice, watching her facial expressions. There was something about her tonight, though, that had him worried.

She looked tense and would flinch every time she took a deep breath. Toward the end of the scene, when her facial muscles pinched in pain, Alex knew something was wrong. He jumped out of his seat and headed toward her dressing room.

It took him a couple of minutes to get past the multitude of guards and navigate the twisting hallways to the back of the facility where Miya’s dressing room was located. When he finally got there, he spotted her leaning against a dressing table. The back of her dress was open, her flesh covered in blood, and a man stood over her, ripping at the dress.

Anger rolled through Alex as he rushed forward and pulled the young man off Miya. Alex threw him against the wall where he landed with a loud thud. His high-pitched voice squealed in fear as Alex grabbed his shirt collar and shook him.

“You keep your hands off her,” Alex snapped.

“Chancellor Dorn!” Miya snapped in a booming voice that never failed to shock Alex. “Get your hands off my assistant!”

When Alex turned to look at her in surprise, she snapped, “What the hell are you doing?”

She stood just a few feet away from him. Her eyes wide and angry, her hand clutching the open dress to her chest. It was a beaded number that sparkled different colors under the light. Beneath it the tight bodice cinched in her waist and pressed her breasts together, creating an impressive cleavage Alex had a hard time keeping his gaze off.

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