Entrelacen (25 page)

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Authors: Dani Morales

BOOK: Entrelacen
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I got no sleep last night. Well, maybe I got a
few stolen minutes here and there, but I was wide
awake most of the time. So I watched Logan sleep.
Sounds creepy, right? I’ve never done that before, but
there’s just something about him that’s so captivating
when he is asleep. He looks so peaceful. I also learned
that every time I moved to get up or lay away from
him, his face would draw into a frown, and his hand
would search for me so he could pull me back to him.
I had to stifle a few giggles. It’s 6 in the morning, and
I’ve been debating whether to take the boys to school
today, or send my mom to take Lee and Michael
somewhere, so I could talk to Mathew.

I get out of bed and walk into my closet to find
something to wear. It’s supposed to be hot today, like
It’s almost every day in this desert. I settle on some
blue jean shorts, pink tube top, and my black Vans. On
my way out of the closet, I see Logan sitting up. “Hey.
I’m sorry if I was being loud. I just couldn’t sleep, so
I figured I would jump in the shower before everyone
got up.”

He smiles at me, “You weren’t being loud. I
just didn’t feel you next to me, so I woke up.”
“Oh. Well, since you’re up, I was thinking that
maybe I should get Mom to take Lee and Michael
somewhere safe for a while, so that way you and I can
talk to Mathew. What do you think?”
I really want to spend the day with all of the
boys because I’m not sure if I’ll get to see them after
the full moon, but I can’t think like that. I can’t afford
to think like that.
He must have heard my thoughts because he
said, “Don’t think that way baby. We will all be
coming back to them, so get that sad look off your
face. Go get in the shower, and I’ll wake the boys up
to see if they want to go out to eat for breakfast.”
He sounds so optimistic, like he knows
something I don’t. At least his attitude is so
contagious that I find myself bouncing to the
bathroom door. I stop as soon as my hand hits the
door, turn around to run back to him, and say, “Oh
yeah. Good morning Love!” I give him a quick kiss
and walk away. I can hear him laughing as I turn the
water on in the shower, and it makes me smile.
Everything is so easy with him. It’s like we’ve been
together forever.
Getting out of the shower, I realize I forgot to
grab a bra or any panties, so I wrap the towel around
myself, peek my head out the door to see the coast is
clear, and then bolt to the closet. I end up falling on
top of a shirtless Logan, “Umf.”
He laughs. “Geez April, if you wanted me to
join you in the shower, all you had to do was say so.”
“Oh, shut up Logan,” I laugh. “I thought you
were downstairs. I forgot, umm, some things.”
I try to get up, only to be pulled back on top of
him. “Have I ever told you how good you look wet?”
He asks through a smirk.
My teeth immediately go to my lip, and my
face heats up.It’s crazy the things he can do to me
just be saying one sentence. He pulls my lip free from
my teeth and kisses me hard. I press my body onto his
and feel him moan as his hand starts to slide up my
towel. I pull back and roll off of him. I stand up to
grab some black and pink lace panties, with the bra to
match. Taking one last look at him before retreating
back to the bathroom, I say, “Later.”
Yup. It’s definitely going to be a long day. I
finish getting ready and head downstairs to see that
Mom and Logan are having coffee, the boys are
already dressed and watching cartoons, and there are
packed suitcases by the door. I guess they’re all ready
for our day.
“Good morning boys,” I say, ruffling their hair
as I pass. They complain for me to stop because
Logan fixed their hair. Logan is laughing, and Mom is
smiling. “Morning Mom.” I place a kiss on her cheek
and reach around her to grab a bottle of water.
“Morning April. I told the boys we’re going to
be going on a little vacation, and you, Mathew, and
Logan will be joining us after y’all go pick some of
Logan’s stuff,” she announces as she winks at me.
Thank god for my mother! She thinks of
everything. “Thanks so much Mom.”
“Okay Lee, Michael. Come get your bags.
Let’s get going before your mom talks us into
cleaning before we leave.” She laughs.
Michael and Lee are up and running to the
door, squealing the whole way. I just shake my head
and go to the door to walk them out. I give them both
kisses and tell them that I’ll see them later. Once
they’re buckled into their car seats, I shut the door. I
give my mom a hug and whisper into her ear, “Mom,
promise me that no matter what happens to me, you
will take care of the boys and Logan. He’s going to
need them and you if something goes wrong.”
“April, nothing is going to go wrong, but yes, I
promise you. I’ll even make him move into your
room.” She laughs out loud, but it’s forced.
I hug her tight and kiss her on the cheek. “I
love you mom.”
“I love you too, April.”
I stand in the driveway as they back out and
leave. Atear slides down my face, and then I’m
enveloped in a hug. It’s strange how fast he’s become
tuned in to my moods. I wipe the tear away as he
laces his hand in mine, and we walk back up to the
“Hey Mathew. We need to have a little talk,” I
say as I close the door. Logan squeezes my hand, and
we sit down on the couch.
Mathew turns off the TV. “What’s up mom?”
I don’t even know how to begin. What am I
supposed to say? I decide to be honest because
Mathew has always been one to understand things. I
take a deep breath and start talking. I tell him about
how I come from a line of witches, how Logan comes
from a line of protectors, and how he is special. Since
we don’t know exactly what he is going to be, we just
let him know that something bad is coming, and that’s
why Grandma took the boys somewhere safe.
“So I’m someone special, and someone is
coming to take me away?” He asks.
“Yes Mathew. You are very special. You have
a purpose like we all do. What that purpose is remains
to be unknown, but It’s Logan’s and my job to make
sure that you’re able to fulfilthat purpose.”
“Mom, what if something happens to you or
Logan? What would happen to me then?” He asks
with fear creeping into his voice.
“Look at me Mathew. Listen when I say this.
Nothing will happen to any of us. We will all face this
together, and we will all come home. Together. Do
you understand me?”
He jumps out of his bean bag and gives me a
hug. “Yes Momma. I understand.”
I squeeze him tight, hating that he is having to
go through this at all. I look over at Logan, and he’s
nibbling on his lip. He looks up and realizes that he’s
been caught worrying, so I offer a small smile. Today
is going to be the longest day.
“So what do you want to do today?”
“Hmm, can we go get some food and maybe
go see a movie?” Mathew asks, sounding hopeful.
“Of course we can get food, and we can see
what’s playing at the movie theatres, but first we need
to stop at Logan’s house so we can get him some
clothes,” I say.
“Sweet! Let’s go Mom. Hurry up Logan!”
Mathew shouts excitedly.

Chapter 38

Mathew is such an awesome kid. He
took the news like a champ. He’s so much
like April. It seems crazy that she isn’t
even his biological mom. All the boys are
so much like her, but Mathew is the most.
He has her attitude, looks like her, and
hides what he’s really feeling, just like she
does. I can tell he is freaking out inside,
but he holds it together because he sees
that is what April is trying her hardest to
do as well. That’s the moment I see how
much he idolizes her. He likes to give her a
hard time sometimes, but he loves her

I guess he has gotten used to me
really quickly. I chuckle as he yells at me
to hurry up.

“Come on Logan. Gah, my grandma
moves faster than you!” He laughs.
“Alright. Alright. I’m coming.” I
laugh. “Are we taking my car or yours,
“Oh my God. Mom, can we take
Logan’s Mustang? Please! I miss your old
Mustang. Come on Mom. Let’s ride with
him!” Mathew pleads.
I look at April questionably. “How is
it that I didn’t know you used to have a
“You never asked about the cars I’ve
owned. Oh man, I loved that car.” She
laughs and tells Mathew, “If Logan is okay
with us riding with him, that’s fine, but
you have to wear a seatbelt.”
“Yes Momma. Logan, can we ride
with you? Please, oh please,” he starts
begging me.
“Of course you can ride with me.
Besides, I need to hear all about this
Mustang your mom had.”
I unlock the doors, and we get
inside. He jumps into the back seat with a
grin, puts on his seatbelt, and takes a
deep breath. “Okay, so when Mom first
got us from our foster home, she had this
awesome mustang. It was white, but
inside it was red and black. It was so cool!
Oh yeah, she also had these awesome
speakers that made my chest vibrate
when the song had a lot of bass in it.”
“So let me get this straight April.
Not only did you own a Mustang, but you
also had a system?” I look at her like she’s
the greatest person ever.
She laughs. “Yes, I had a ’94 white
Mustang. It was a V8 3.6L, and I did have
a system in it.”
Damn. She even knew what type of
engine it had and everything. I’ve never
been more turned on by a girl than I’m by
this girl right now.
“That’s awesome. Do you miss it?”
“So much! It wasn’t practical with
the boys though, so I gave it to my
brother.” She sounds regretful.
“Then he messed it up. Huh, Mom?”
Mathew chimes in.
She sighs, “Yeah, he did, and then I
ended up selling it.”
I pull into my house and ask if they
want to come in. They both say no
because it wouldn’t take as long if I went
in by myself. I run inside, take the fastest
shower I ever have, throw some random
clothes on, and shovel others into a bag.
“Twenty minutes. Not bad Logan.”
April laughs at me.
“Well, I didn’t have any really
awesome distractions like you did this
morning,” I say, while acting cocky.
She shuts her mouth and blushes. I
laugh. Mathew is too busy playing a game
on April’s phone to listen to our
conversation. It’s lunchtime now, so I drive
to El Pollo Loco because I know April loves
their salads. Once we get there and order,
we start to look up movie times. There’s
nothing that looks good showing that we
haven’t seen, so we end up going to the
park instead.
The park we go to has a water
playground in it. Mathew and I take off to
play in the water, while April grabs a
blanket and lays it out on the grass. The
whole time I’m playing with Mathew, I
keep an eye on her. She looks so sexy with
the way the sun makes her skin shine like
gold and her hair spread across the
blanket. She also has some killer legs that
aren’t being hidden today.
“Logan, stop checking out my
mom!” Mathew laughs.
I laugh with him because I was
caught. “Uh oh. You are so going to get it
Mathew!” Then, I chase after him, while
he is laughing hysterically.
We play a little while longer and
then decide to go jump on April to get her
wet. She screams, and I see this weird
energy bubble start to form around her.
Once she realizes that we were the ones
that scared her, it disappears.
What the
hellwas that?
I look at her with
questioning eyes, and she shrugs her
shoulders. It reminded me of the
protection spell she did at the bookstore,
when her hand lit up like she was holding
a light bulb.
“Mom, that was so cool! Can you do
it again?”
“Wait Mathew. You saw that?” She
asks, sounding scared. She looks at me,
and I can tell that she’s terrified.
“Well yeah Mom. It wasn’t like you
were trying to hide it or anything,” He
I never realized how smart he is for
a 7 year old kid. He sounds grown up, but
I guess all this has to make him grow up
fast. “Okay, let’s head home before we
draw any attention,” I suggest as I start
to head for the car. I grab April’s hand
and realize that she is shaking. I look at
her, but she won’t return my look. “Hey
bud, lay the blanket on the back seat and
get in,” I tell Mathew, so I can get April
to talk to me.
“Babe, what’s wrong?”
“Logan, he saw the energy bubble.
That means its starting,” she replies.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you remember when you faced
them the first time?”
“Yeah, but I could only hear and feel
them. I didn’t see energy like I do with
you,” I say. Then it dawns on me what she
means, and I start looking around the
park. That’s when I see him. He’s standing
on a grassy area in the middle of the
park. He is surrounded by 6 other people
that I’ve never seen. From the way my
skin is crawling, I know this can’t be good.
“What should we do Logan? There
are way too many people here. Kids might
get hurt if they do something.” She’s
starting to panic. Think Logan, think
It starts getting dark, the wind is
picking up, and lightning is flashing across
the sky. I look over at those people, and
they look confused, glancing back and
forth between April and the sky. I look at
April. She’s saying something under her
breath, so low that I can’t even hear her...
I turn to look back at the people,
and they’ren’t there anymore. “Babe,
they’re gone. Let’s go before they come
back and try something,” I say.
She opens her eyes. “That’s only
going to give us until tomorrow afternoon.
Wherever we go, we need to make sure
it’s deserted, so no innocent bystanders
get hurt, but it also needs to be a place
where we can escape if we need to.”
“Okay we can check out places, but
right now, please get in the car.” I push
her toward her door.
We’re finally in, and April is looking
at Mathew. He seems worried, but I have
no idea what to say to comfort him.
“Look kiddo. Nothing is going to
happen to you, I promise. I can and will
do whatever it takes to protect you, and
so will Logan, right?” she says as she turns
to me.
“Right Mathew. You have nothing to
worry about. Your mom is awesome, and
I’ll watch out for both of you,” I say,
turning away before I can see the scowl
that I know is on April’s face.
“See? There is nothing to worry
about. I totally scared them back there,”
April says through a smile.
“You’re right Mom. They ran away!”
He laughs.
Crisis averted, we get to April’s
house and order pizza. We didn’t want to
risk being in public, just in case. We’re
sitting in the living room, watching a
movie and eating pizza, when we start to
hear some strange noises. April looks at
me, and I look at Mathew to see that he
has fallen asleep.
“Logan, stay here with him,” she
Before I can argue, she’s out the
front door. Through the window, I can see
the lightning picking up and the wind
smashing trees into the house. I’m fighting
the urge to run outside and drag her back
in here. I know it’s safer for Mathew with
him here, but It’s killing me knowing she’s
out there alone.
The door opens, and April walks
back in. Everything outside is calm. “Let’s
go to bed, love. Do you mind carrying him
upstairs for me?” she asks.
I don’t know if I want to hug her or
make sure she’s really okay. I pick up
Mathew and walk up stairs. She’s locking
the doors and windows, saying a spell as
she does so. I’m amazed at how much she
has learned in such a short time. I put
Mathew in his bed and go back downstairs
to get my bag. I let April know I’m going
to take a shower and then head up the
I’m so confused about why they keep
showing up around Mathew. They’ve never
been this aggressive before. Maybe it does
have something to do with April. I let the
hot water of the shower pour over me
until it runs cold. I step out and put my
boxers on. I’m not prepared for what I see
standing in front of the bed. I swear this
girl is going to be the death of me.
She’s wearing the black and pink
lace bra and panties to match. That’s it.
Her blonde hair, with the red underneath,
is being illuminated by the candles,
matching the fire. Her eyes are taking in
every inch of me. I start moving towards
her, and she bites her lip as she takes a
step back. I smirk at her. I reach her the
same time she reaches the wall, just like
we did that one night in the book store.
“Baby, you know what I said about
biting that lip,” I growl at her.
She smiles. “That was the point
babe. I need to say something, but first
just kiss me.”
I look into her eyes to see worry,
fear, and love. I can handle love, but I kiss
her so she can forget her fear. I lean down
and kiss her softly, once, then twice. “As
long as you’re with me, you have nothing
to worry about. There is nothing to fear
April. I’ll always take care of you.”
A tear slides down her cheek, so I
kiss her again. This time I don’t pause. She
sighs into my mouth, as she puts her
hands into my hair and tugs. I want this
time to be even better than the first time.
This time I’m going to take it slow and
explore her body. I want to love her in
every way possible.
I run my mouth down her jaw to
nibble her ear. Then I go down her neck
and across her shoulder as I slide her bra
strap down. I gently bite her shoulder. She
gasps as I unhook the clasp on the bra.
Front clasps; the person who invented
those are a genius. The bra falls off, and I
take my time to admire her golden skin. I
run my hands down her sides and rest
them on her hips. My lips work their way
across her collar bone, down the valley of
her breasts, and continue their path down
to her belly button.
I stop for a second to kneel on the
floor. Then, I kiss her belly and look up at
her. “April, I know we’ve only known each
other for a short time, but it feels like I’ve
know you my whole life." I pause to take
the ring I got from the gumball machine
earlier out of my jeans. “The only thing
I’m certain of is you. No matter what
happens tonight, tomorrow, or the next
day, as long as you’re by my side, I know
I’ll be okay. This isn’t the ring I want to
give you, but I don’t want to face
tomorrow without you knowing this.” I
pause because I’m choking myself up. I’ve
only said 'I love you' to my mom, so this is
a huge step for me.
April is covering her mouth with her
hands, and her eyes are glistening with
unshed tears.
“April, I love you. I love the boys. I
want to love all of you until I stop
breathing, and even then I’ll still love you.
Our love is endless, forever entrelacen. Will
you promise me that when we come home
tomorrow after everything goes down, we
will start planning the rest of our lives
together?” A tear escapes my eye. I’m
desperately hoping she will say yes.
Hopefully I didn’t just scare her away.
I get tackled to the floor. She’s
straddling me and pressing kisses all over
my face. We both laugh.
“Logan, you had me the day I fell
into you at the store. Then I fell further in
love with you the day you met the boys,
and then I was completely, head over
heels, in love with you when you said 'our
boys'. So will I plan forever with you?” She
kisses me and says, “There is nothing I
rather do than spend my life with you.
Yes. Now give me my gumball ring!”
I laugh and put it on her finger. She
smiles. "It’s so me! How many rings did
you have to buy before you got the one
with the pink stone?”
“Babe that was the first and only
one.” I smile at her surprised expression.
Before she can talk anymore, I
frame her face with my hands and kiss
her. I trace patterns on her back all the
way down to the tops of her panties. My
finger traces the inside of the band,
sending her body into shivers, and then I
tear the fabric away. I roll her over and
stare down at her. “Absolutely gorgeous,”
I say as my hand caresses her cheek.
I lift her up and place her on the
bed. Removing my boxers, I allow her to
check me out. She’s biting her lip again,
and fire is burning in her eyes. Not able to
take much more, I lift one of her legs up
to my face and kiss my way up her thighs.
Then I stop, teasing her. I pick up the
other leg and kiss my way up to her thigh.
By now, she’s squirming. Her breathing
has increased, and her skin is a light shade
of pink.
I settle in between her legs and kiss
her belly, tracing ‘I love you’ on her
stomach with my tongue. After drawing a
squiggly line underneath it, I trace my
way down to her sex and flick her sweet
spot with my tongue. She moans my
name. I’m not going to be able to handle
much more without exploding. She pulls
me up by my hair to kiss me. She rolls me
onto my back and kisses her way down
my stomach and then taking me into her
mouth. I growl, “Baby stop. I need to be
inside of you now.”
She kisses her way back up to my
lips. She takes my tongue into her mouth
and sucks on it. Her body drops on top of
me, causing us both to moan at the
contact. She slowly starts to lift up and
drop down. This girl is an artist with the
way she swivels her hips up and down. I'm
so happy that she’s mine. Mine. No one is
going to take her away from me. I’m
getting so close to my climax, and I can
tell she is too, so I flip her over. I slow
down our movements so we can prolong
the pleasure. She whimpers as I place a
hand on her stomach to still her from
meeting my thrust.
When I can’t possibly hold on any
longer, I move the hand that’s holding her
down to her bundle of nerves and begin
applying pressure to it. She starts panting,
and then I feel her clenching me. I lose it. I
erupt into pure bliss as she’s contracting
around me. The only thing filling me up is
her hold on me. Her love is taking away
all the abuse from my father, the dark
hole from losing my mother, and all that
time I lost. It has all been replaced with
April and dreams for the future, our
future. I collapse on top of her. She’s
pulling me into her like I weigh nothing.
She whispers into my ear, “Logan that
was….I love you.” I just smile because I
can’t form words just yet.

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