Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Enthrall Him (Enthrall Sessions Book 3)
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Shay reached out and patted his back.

“Are you okay?” I called out.

Their surprised gazes shot to mine, both of them standing tall as though attempting to shake off this awkwardness.

Those creaky floorboards had failed to give me away.

Not used to seeing Cameron frazzled, my mind ran over a thousand reasons why he seemed so upset.

Looking from one to the other, I asked, “What was that noise?”

“It was nothing.” Cameron handed Shay a key.

Shay tucked it into his pocket.

“What happened?” I said.

“That’s a pretty dress,” said Shay, his arched brow a warning.

“Thank you. Cameron chose it for me.” I finished tying the halter neck and slipped on my shoes. “Have you heard from Richard?”  

A silence followed, along with that fierceness coming off both of them. It burned a hole in my brain.

Dropping to my knees, my thoughts backtracked over that crash, and what Cameron meant about him feeling like a moth. Had Lance gotten to him?

I lowered my head in a bow.

Cameron neared me and rested his hand on my head. “Shay and I would like an aperitif before we leave for dinner.”

I rose and headed into the living room.

Oh jeez,
Shay was joining us, and with his sternness at an all time high. Dinner with these two alpha males was going to be less than pleasurable. Goodness knows what kind of erotic tricks they’d get up to during our fine dining experience.

I circled the bar, grateful for Samantha Harding’s lessons back at Chrysalis. She’d told me champagne was a safe bet for an aperitif. I uncorked the chilled bottle of Veuve Clicquot as elegantly as possible.

Cameron and Shay joined me in the living room.

I handed them each a crystal flute filled with the bubbly and they looked happy enough with this choice. I knew well enough not to pour one for myself.

Cameron did the honors, tipping the bottle to fill a third flute for me; bubbles frothed.  

“Thank you.” I took the glass, resisting gulping it down.

“You look beautiful.” Cameron admired my dress. “Extraordinarily lovely tonight.”

“Thank you, sir.” Stone faced and sipping my champagne, I pretended to take interest in their conversation about the British Labor Party compared to American Liberals, but my mind drifted to a more interesting subject.


Cameron looked dreamy in his black suit and tie, his hair a mess of perfection. Shay, with his two day scruff, looked extra rugged. Both of them dressed up gave them the easy advantage over other men. Women would give anything for the chance to be alone with these two hotties, let alone be seen out on the town with them. Throw in their worldliness and wealth and they really would be stepping out as a deadly combo. If Richard was with them, London might experience a quake.

A rift in the space-time continuum.

O’s for everyone.

Holding back on a giggle, my focus fell on them again.

Cameron and Shay were acting serious.

Their conversation had moved on to Scotland and Shay sharing with us that he could live there.

“It sounds beautiful,” I said in response to the mention of sprawling moors, ancient castles, and awesome pubs.

Shay looked surprised. “Ask permission to speak, Mia. Remember your place, please.”

“Yes, sir,” I said, with a touch of rebellion. I caught a curl of a lip that might have passed for Cameron’s amusement.

The wall these men put up between me and them was palpable. A realization hit me as I continued to admire Mr. Eye Candy and his rogue friend.

Their severity served as their way of preventing their own heartache by keeping women at arm’s length. Yes, they loved their kink, but after all Cameron had shown me, all that time spent together, I used my knowledge to advance my understanding of the human condition, along with the content I’d absorbed from the books I’d devoured when left alone in his library.

And now, seeing beyond their feigned disinterest in me, reading their body language, that crook of a brow, that twitch of a lip, a flex of a jaw, that cadence and rhythm of conversation, I saw through that masculine veil and the truth came spilling out.

They glanced my way.

Behind polite conversation, they both held a wariness of what I might do next. To them I was a feisty entity yet to be broken in, and one neither of them could control.

Unless I willingly gave myself over.

I was like one of those crazy racehorses with the ability to win the BDSM equivalent of the Triple Crown, or should things not go their way, I’d quite possibly blow up the entire race and cause nothing but disarray.


A challenge for Cameron. An annoyance for Richard. In need of roping in for Shay.

Drawn to Cameron’s crooked smile, I watched the way he topped up our drinks, the way he ignored me again to continue chatting about the modern marvel that was London’s skyline.

Cameron knew a lot about architecture, apparently.

He never loved you,
came that cruel tease from my muse.

He never will.

Spiraling down into the worst case of blues I’d ever had, my mouth took the brunt of my disquiet as my teeth grazed my lower lip. My thoughts drifted back to our shower and Cameron’s response to my declaration of love. As though I’d delivered the worst news possible.

Dr. Finley’s challenge was now put to rest. Along with any hope Cameron and I might ever share an intimate moment again. This once affection between us was now a memory.

I envied Dr. Finely and his ability to extract what was needed from a few seconds of observation. His laser-sharp perception had even impressed Cameron. Perhaps if I’d have been in possession of this quality I might never have handed over my heart. Not that I remembered the actual moment it happened. I’d just woken up one day infatuated with this man.

A spell yet to be broken.

Cameron’s frown was directed at me.

He stepped towards me and reached for my left hand. We both stared down at the fingernail dents in my palm.

He traced a fingertip over them. “Why, look at that. You just extended your lifeline.” Cameron’s fingertip slid along. “Your heart line.”

Our eyes rose to meet each other’s and it was easy to disappear in his.

The room fell away.

, this was home.

I was thousands of miles away from the country I’d been born and raised in, yet being with Cameron was my one true casa.

I readied my heart for his reaction.  

Cameron pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arm around me while his other still held his glass. His right arm clung me to him in a tight embrace. With my eyes closed, it was impossible not to weaken. I rested my head against his chest and marveled at his ability to know exactly what I needed.

His cologne was heady.

Melting against him, I willed this moment never to end. Trepidation loomed closer with his threat of taking me the rest of the way in my training and what that meant.

“Tell me your thoughts,” he whispered, his voice low, alluring.

“I was wondering…” I glanced over at Shay.

Cameron planted a kiss to my cheek. “Yes.”

“How Dr. Finley did it?” I said. “How did he know so much about Shay from merely a glance?”

Shay looked warily at us. “Do I even want to know?”

Cameron arched a brow. “He pretty much nailed you, Shay.”

“Okay, let’s have it then?” said Shay.

“Haircut was easy,” said Cameron, resting his hand on the arch of my back. “You handed him that one. It was your obvious mindfulness, your ability to take in your surroundings, process your observations and react with alertness. Your confident air. The firm shake of your hand. The ability to decline an invitation into the house elegantly and without offense. Your wisdom to know we needed privacy.”

“How did he know he’d been in the navy?” I asked.

“Finley knew I was ex-navy?” said Shay.

“Your suit had an expensive cut, but that tug you gave your tie when you got in the car hinted you weren’t used to wearing it,” said Cameron. “The SEAL collar is easy on the throat.”

Shay brushed a hand over his head. “I’m getting a new haircut.”

He made us laugh.

Shay reached into his pocket and removed his phone. He stared at the screen, his frown deepening. “Merrill just entered Zengi.”

“Good,” said Cameron.

“We’re having dinner with Lance,” said Shay.  

“What? When?” I said.

“Now,” he said.

“Richard’s tactic didn’t go down too well,” admitted Cameron.

Shay shifted uncomfortably.

“Lance just so happens to be in London,” Cameron said. “I thought we might go for a touch of diplomacy.”

“Am I going?” I said.

“Of course.” Cameron smiled. “Who’s hungry for clams?”






TALK ABOUT A mind-fuck.

We’d gone from ferreting me out of the Savoy in the early hours, followed by a breathtaking motorbike ride across London to shake off our stalkers, to stashing me away in an officer’s club, to now, sitting opposite Lance Merrill at dinner.

Like everything was just fine.

I sat between Cameron and Shay, with Lance sitting opposite. Our conversation was pleasant enough, as though we were just three Americans enjoying London’s nightlife and I wasn’t a wide eyed submissive dangled before the scariest lion in the den. Though Richard called them dragons and I could see why.

Lance rested back casually, oozing power in his black pinstriped suit, his arms outstretched on either side of the leather seat in our private booth.

Zengi was one of those swanky restaurants with close fitting tables and a wealthy clientele, judging from the lack of prices on the menu. The chatter of English accents mixed with the clang of knives and forks and soft classical music playing.

“How are you enjoying London?” asked Cameron.

“Love the city,” said Lance. “You?”

“We’re having a blast,” said Cameron, turning over the menu. “Highly recommend the oysters.”

“If the recommendation comes from you,” said Lance, “I know they’re good. How about you, Shay? See anything you wouldn’t mind swallowing whole?”

“Still deciding,” said Shay, pointing to my menu. “Mia?”

“I like swordfish,” I told him.

Cameron nudged my arm. “Why not go for something you’ve never tried, like haggis?”

“From Scotland.” I beamed at Shay. “What’s in that?”

“The trick with haggis,” said Shay, “is to eat it first and ask questions later.”

He made me giggle and I almost forgot we were dining with the enemy.

“May I?” Cameron held up the wine list.

With a nod of permission, Cameron chose a 1972 bottle of Desmond Prue, followed by words of approval from Lance. He’d picked the best bottle, apparently.

Despite the suggestion of haggis, I went for the clams in garlic sauce, as recommended by Cameron. He chose the same. Shay ordered haggis and was eager to have me taste it. Lance went for a foreign sounding dish with lamb.

Red wine flowed.

The food was delicious.

A second bottle of wine was ordered.

The conversation went from oil prices, Lance’s latest vacay in Dubai with his wife, to the benefits of having a driver and not having to tackle London traffic. Which I’d discovered was even worse than Los Angeles, if such a thing were possible.

I drifted in and out of their chatter, thinking back to my early days of working at Enthrall and about all that had transpired since. It really was worth journaling about. Especially this new experience of visiting London. I hoped I’d be able to remember every detail so I could tell Bailey all about it. I’d leave out this bit though, me eating dinner at an upscale restaurant with Lance.

That small taste of haggis off Shay’s plate was delicious. Much to his amusement, I stole another bite. We evened out my mischief with him stealing several clams from my plate.

Cameron dipped a piece of bread in his garlic sauce and took a bite. “Lance, I’ve given serious thought to your request to establish another club. You have my approval to begin drawing up specs.”

Lance took a sip of wine. “That’s very generous of you, Cole.”

“I will, of course, lend my dominatrixes.” Cameron waved his hand casually. “I’ll provide my best doms to get your club off the ground. Once established, you can hire who you like.”

“The club will carry your name,” said Lance. “With your stamp of approval, you’ll encourage members to utilize its services. I can’t exactly have it under my name, now can I?”

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