-Enslaved-by-an-Officer[ Sold 8] (8 page)

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Authors: McLeod-Anitra-Lynn

BOOK: -Enslaved-by-an-Officer[ Sold 8]
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With teasing seduction, Honor pressed his cock against Carver’s ass. He slid within perhaps an inch then withdrew, frantically checking Carver’s face.
“I’m not in pain.”
“Will you tell me if you are?”
“Yeah.” Carver chuckled. “I’m not some idiotic tough guy who’s just going to take a butt pounding to prove my manliness.” He paused, considering what he’d said. “Not like that would prove my machismo. Quite the opposite, in fact.”
“I do not understand you.”
“It’s nothing.” Carver pulled him close and kissed him. “I’m making myself laugh when this should be more serious.”
“As long as you are not laughing at me I believe mirth in this situation is okay.”
“Yeah?” Carver wrapped his legs around Honor’s powerful hips. He didn’t pull tight, not yet, not when Honor was clearly struggling not to climax.
“Tyler told me that sometimes his mating with Blessed is very hungry and fast, other times sweet and slow, and sometimes they slide between the two with humor.”
“Tyler is a very talkative little human, isn’t he?” Carver stroked the sensitive part of Honor’s side, loving the way he growled all low and sexy.
“He is.” Honor pressed more firmly into Carver, sinking his cock in several inches this time before he withdrew.
“So, tell me the truth.”
Honor stopped with his cock half inside Carver. He looked very serious and rather strained.
“Do you care about all the humans or just me in particular?”
“I care about all the humans
you in particular.”
“Good answer.” Carver grinned and then tightened his ass around Honor’s cock, loving the slight look of panic on his face. “You’re very close to climax, aren’t you?”
“Yes. Your body is tight and hot, and there is a part of me that can’t believe it’s you below me.” Honor pressed his forehead to Carver’s. “I have never felt this way.”
“Me, either.”
Holding his gaze, Carver relaxed his body below Honor’s so that he could maintain for a bit longer. As pleased as his ego was that he had reduced his fearsome warrior to a quivering mass of need, he wanted his first time to be much longer. Honor sank deeper but didn’t pull back out. Instead, he closed his eyes and moaned. Something about the sound pushed Carver to whimper. Honor’s eyes came open, but they were no longer red, but black.
“What does it mean when your eyes turn black?”
“Lust, longing, and love change the color of our eyes.” Honor sank another few inches until he was fully buried.
Now it was Carver who closed his eyes. The feeling of having Honor inside him was the most wickedly intense sensation. There was no pain, only a pressing fullness that caused him to roll his hips.
“I’m here.” He blinked slowly as he looked up at Honor. “I just never thought it would ever be like this.”
“It is good?”
“It is perfect.”

Chapter 9

“I think so, too.” Honor could not remember ever feeling the way he did now. He felt protective of Carver, but also driven to mark him inside and out. Growling softly, he thrust his hips, careful not to go too fast or too deep. Carver moaned again in such a way that he somehow pressed into the most primal part of Honor’s brain. The sound wasn’t one that his fellow warriors made. It was maddening and made him hunger to taste Carver.

Lowering his lips to his neck, Honor licked his skin, eliciting a cry of ecstasy. Inspired, Honor bit lightly, and Carver tilted his head farther to the side, surrendering himself fully. It was submissive to bare his neck in such a way. Carver was giving up himself up to Honor physically when he’d already done so emotionally. Honor swore he would never harm him. He realized that Carver was only surrendering to him because he felt safe in doing so. Honor would never violate his trust. Instead, he reveled in finding yet another secret spot on his mate’s body. He kissed and bit and licked gently, almost reverently, showing without words how much he appreciated the gift of Carver’s trust. When Carver reciprocated by stroking the sensitive areas along his sides and then his hair, he inadvertently thrust hard into him.

Carver’s response was a breathless cry of pleasure quickly followed by a further show of submission by parting his legs even wider and relaxing completely.

Snarling, Honor increased the pace of his thrusts as he pinned Carver to the bed. His whimpers of enjoyment surged another bolt of possessive pride through Honor. Carver was everything and more than he’d dreamed. But what made all of it a million times more special was that he was here. This was real, and Carver was here, and Honor was never going to let him go.

“Stay with me.” Honor slowed his thrusts.

“I’m here.” Carver’s voice was dazed. When he opened his eyes, they were unfocused and dreamy, almost as if he’d been drugged.
“I mean with me.” Honor kissed him softly. “I don’t want to be without you.”
Carver’s grin was slow and sexy. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Reassured, Honor held his gaze as he increased the pace of his thrusts. Carver grasped his shoulders, holding on as he angled his body to take more of Honor’s cock. Faster he went until he was afraid of going too hard.
“Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” Carver wrapped his legs around Honor’s hips and tightened them on the down part of his thrust, forcing him so deep he was grinding Carver’s cock against his
. But since he clearly wasn’t in pain, Honor kept on going until Carver leaned up and bit his neck. The pleasure-pain set something off in him, and he drilled into his mate, marking him with the most powerful release he’d ever had.
Barely had he anytime to recover when Carver flipped him over and rode out the rest of his contractions by clenching up his rectum and rocking his hips. Once he was utterly drained, Carver kissed him as his cock slid free. And then he worked Honor’s legs apart. Even though Honor was ready for him, Carver took the time to tease him anyway. Honor laid back and enjoyed the attention. With his own kind, it would have been over long before now. This time of talking and teasing was pleasurable in and of itself with the powerful orgasm just an added bonus.
Carver climbed up Honor’s body, bracing his weight on his arms.
“No. I can take your weight.” Honor grasped Carver’s buttocks. He pulled, plunging Carver’s cock into his ass and slamming their powerful bodies together.
“Fuck!” Carver rammed into him, hard, and then slid his hands under Honor’s back to grasp his shoulders. “You like it rough.”
“I do.” Honor rocked his hips up. “I want to feel you.”
“You’re really tight.”
“You sound surprised.”
“Well, your cock’s enormous.”
“What does that have to do with my channel?”
“If you sleep with your own kind, that means you can take a dick as big as yours.”
“My rectum is like yours in that it is under my control.” Honor tightened and released several times, loving the look of pleasure and surprise mingling on Carver’s face.
“Now I get it.”
“No. I am getting it now.”
Carver laughed, and then his face turned suddenly serious.
Working together, using the power in both their bodies to best advantage, they ended up fucking so hard that Honor was moved up toward the top of the bed. When his head hit the wall, they had to disengage so that he could move down. Once he was at the very bottom of the bed with his legs hooked over the side, Carver was back, riding him for all he was worth. Sweat poured off his body, making Honor lick and bite at his neck, loving the taste of him. The closer Carver got to release, the more he dug his knees into the bed to harden his thrusts. Every muscle in his powerful body was straining toward release. When his climax came, he uttered a victorious growl that shook Honor down the length of his body. Almost against his will, Honor uttered a whimper of surrender. No one had ever made him feel so wonderfully owned.
The moment stretched out as Carver collapsed on top of him, panting heavily. Honor wrapped his arms around him and squeezed.
“That was incredible.”
Honor agreed. Carver surpassed his expectations in every way imaginable. Carver eventually rolled over, pulling Honor with him so they lay on their sides facing one another. Looking at him now, Honor realized his green eyes seemed deeper than they were before. There was a fire in them now. A brightness that Honor wanted to protect.
“So where do we go from here?”
Honor realized rather suddenly that he had no idea.
“Wow. Did I just about blow your heart up with that question or what?” Carver laughed, but it was clear he was concerned.
“I did not think beyond this moment.”
“So you fantasized me into your bed but never thought about what would happen afterward?” Carver laughed again, this time with far more genuine mirth. “Are you sure you’re not human?”
“I do not understand.”
“Just that jumping in with both feet without one thought to the consequences is a very human trait.”
“The urge to mate with you was very strong. But now that I have marked you, I want to keep you.”
“Keep me?”
“I do not mean it in that way. You would never be my slave.”
“Not even every once in a while in bed?”
Judging by the flirty look on his face, Honor knew he was teasing. Or perhaps he wished to play power games. But Honor was worried about what he would do now that they were emotionally bound. In a rather profound way, he understood how possessive and fierce humans could be when their mate was threatened. He considered Carver his mate and did not want anything to happen to him.
“Hey, whoa.” Carver sat up, and Honor was glad when he didn’t wince. He had been deeply concerned about hurting him with his cock despite the device. “We’ve got to talk about this. You’re really worried.”
“I am.” Honor sat up, too. “I cannot retire. Not until I find all the humans or another is given the task. But even if another were charged to find and free the humans…”
“You don’t want to retire, do you?”
“No. I do not. I am sorry.”
“Well, it’s not the end of the world I suppose. I mean, you have to have a job, right? I’ll just be your cabin boy until you’re ready to retire.”
“You cannot stay with me.”
All the bright, shiny joy slid off Carver’s face and practically shattered on the floor. “What?”
“I did not think. I am the foremost on this mission.”
“But you…” Carver cut himself off and just sat on the bed looking at the far wall.
Honor didn’t know what to say or do. He’d made a mess of things, and now he might lose Carver for good. What Carver said next surprised him so much he was literally dumbfounded.
“We’ll work it out.” Carver took his hand. “If I have to wait for you, then I have to wait for you.”
“You’d be willing to do that?”
“I would.”
Honor didn’t know what to say. Once again he was astonished at the way humans were able to face difficulties without being crushed by them. Rather than allow something to block their path, they simply went around the obstruction, over it, or sometimes they went right through it. Their determination and tenacity was admirable.
“Hey, most of my goals have been very long term. Getting a degree and getting a ticket to the pros didn’t happen overnight.”
“No, I don’t imagine that they did.”
“Don’t you get recreation time or something like that? I could meet you, and I could make sure your
doesn’t ever get too full.”
Since Honor had not told him about the Krase need to expel fluids, he though Acerith might have. Not that it mattered. The only thing that mattered was that Carver wanted to make things work. In that moment, Honor was certain that he fell in love.

Chapter 10

Honor’s eyes went totally black.
Carver leaned close and kissed him. He had a feeling it was love and lust combined, but he didn’t need to know for sure. He was secure in Honor’s affection for him. “So I guess the other big question is, are you willing to wait for me?” From what Acerith had said, the Krase were a horny bunch. If they weren’t fighting, they were fucking. Carver was concerned about the first since he didn’t want to lose Honor during some kind of battle, but the second he simply couldn’t handle. As much as he wanted to be an understanding boyfriend, he didn’t think he could be that permissive. He didn’t want Honor fooling around with anyone but him.
Honor reached out and traced his finger over Carver’s mouth. “I will not ever be with anyone but you from this point forward.”
Carver blushed, and he wasn’t sure why. Honor didn’t just say something to pacify Carver’s concerns. It was more like he was making a declaration or taking a solemn oath. It was romantic and a tiny bit scary.
“Why do you look frightened?”
“Because I’m a little overwhelmed.” Carver reached out before Honor could pull away. “Not in a bad way. I’m just—you aren’t like any human I’ve ever met.”
“And this is a bad thing?”
“No!” Carver moved closer. “It’s just everything is so new and I’m so sad and happy.”
“You are emotionally confused.”
“I’m on an emotional roller coaster.” Carver had to describe what that was.
“Your kind is very strange to ride something that scares you.”
“It’s thrilling. It’s like defying death in a safe way.”
“Perhaps this is another example of why you can be so fearless when you need to be. You face your anxiety in tame ways so that when you are called upon to be heroic you can act with less terror.”
Carver had never thought of it in that way, but he had to agree. “With everything that’s happened to me in the last—however long I’ve been out here—it’s a lot to get used to.”
“I can give you time.” Honor made as if to move away from him.
Carver stopped him, taking a moment to get his thoughts together. “I don’t need time away from you. I don’t need—” Carver cut himself off from the negative. “What I
need is to feel secure, and as strange as it is, I do feel safe despite the fact that everything is kind of up in the air right now.” Carver realized he wasn’t making any sense. “I will always miss the people I left behind on Earth. I will miss the opportunities that I had. I’m sad about that. Deeply. But there isn’t anything I can do but move forward.”
“You are very strong.”
“Thanks.” Carver felt another curious blush coming on, and he wasn’t certain why. He’d never reacted to praise quite like this. Maybe the difference was that the admiration was coming from someone he’d been so intimate with.
“I will do everything I can to help you do…” Honor trailed off but finished his thought rather quickly. “Whatever it is you’d like to do.”
“I guess my first challenge will be figuring out what I’d like to do here.” Carver couldn’t believe he was actually equal amounts scared and excited. Literally everything was different here, but that was okay. He had unfailing faith in his ability to figure things out.
“We are heading back to Krase. You’ll be given official papers stating your citizenship. But also, Tyler and Blessed are there. They can help you become assimilated to Krase society.”
“I’d like to meet them.”
“Just one thing.” Honor looked down at the floor and sighed hard. Carver wasn’t certain what was coming, but he braced himself. “Do not let Tyler dress you.”
“Why?” Carver couldn’t imagine what kind of damage that might cause.
“Because he dresses to please Blessed and his sense of style is awful.”
Carver playfully slapped Honor’s back. “You load! Here you had me thinking Tyler would do some horrible thing!”
“He would!” Honor rose from the bed. “You should see the kinds of things he wears. Another human called the look a retro throwback to the 80s. I do not know what that means other than it’s horrible.”
“I don’t think that particular style would look good on me at all.” Carver wasn’t anywhere close to being from the 80s, but he knew the look. Baggy pants with tight ankles—known as parachute pants—or slim pants tucked into boots. Blazers with rolled up sleeves in either neon colors or creamy pastels. He shivered. He’d look like a cartoon character given how big he was.
“You should be dressed just as you are now.”
“I’m naked.”
“I know.” Honor turned and pounced, knocking Carver flat on the bed. He pinned him and then licked his neck.
“You have no idea how good that feels.” Carver turned his head to the side and arched his neck. Honor was making circles with his tongue then biting in the center.
“But I do know because you did it to me.”
“I—wait. We can’t keep doing this.”
“Why not?”
“Don’t you have to work?”
“Ah!” Honor was up and running to his communication unit.
“Damn but you can move fast for a big guy.” Carver realized that much like himself, Honor could be rather scattered. Clearly, he’d forgotten something. “Are you late to an appointment?”
“No. I had devotee checking on the man from the auction and the news report of the explosion.” Honor flashed Carver a rather chagrined look. “Rather than be interrupted, I told him to put the information in my work file.”
Carver got up and moved over to the desk. Instead of a standard keyboard, the Krase had an odd gel-like substance that they placed their hands on in order to communicate with their computer. It was more organic input than mechanical. Carver had no idea which way was better, so he didn’t make comparisons that way, only noted that their cultures’ way of doing things was different. He grinned. Everything would be new and interesting to him. He wondered how long it would be before the novelty wore off. He hoped never.
While Honor worked, Carver got behind him and kissed his shoulders and his neck. His skin was tougher than human skin, with that fascinating red color, but it was apparently just as sensitive in certain spots.
“You are not helping me.”
“I didn’t say I would.”
“I’m trying to save another human.” Honor looked over his shoulder. “The sooner I save all the humans, the faster I can retire.”
“And once you retire?”
“We can fuck all the time.”
Carver laughed.
“Well,” Honor offered, “perhaps not all the time.”
“Yeah. Let’s leave some time to eat and sleep.”
“And to bathe. I understand you humans like that particular activity.”
“We do.”
“There is a bathing tub in the room I set up for you.”
“There is?” Carver didn’t remember seeing it when he was there before.
“Go there and prepare yourself for me.”
Carver tried very diligently not to snicker, but he couldn’t help himself.
Honor turned around. “What?”
“‘Go and prepare yourself for me,’” Carver tried to imitate Honor’s rather imperious tone then laughed. “Talk about sounding bossy. And who says I’m going to let you have your way with me again?”
“You will.” Honor grinned. “You are now my love slave.”
“I am?”
“Oh, yes. There is no escape.”
“You realize it’s a two-way street, right?”
“I do not know what that means.”
Carver leaned down and placed his mouth against Honor’s ear. “I am your willing slave but you are mine, too.”
Honor shivered and pulled his hands away from the computer. “Perhaps you don’t need to be prepared for me after all.”
Carver moved back before Honor could pull him close. “Now, now, now. You get on with the helping humanity thing while I go and relax in the tub.” Maybe getting used to this new world wouldn’t be so difficult after all. Carver was about ready to leave when he realized he was naked and a good portion of his body was covered in glistening lube. “Pants would be good.”
“Here.” Honor rose and went to a panel in the wall. It opened when he pressed on it, revealing something similar to a clothes closet. “Krase warriors wear these when the weather is hot.”
“It looks like a loincloth.” Carver slung it around his hips.
Honor’s eyes darkened. “You best go before my
makes me incapable of letting you leave.”
“Wow. You are kinky. You get aroused when I put
clothes.” Carver left before Honor could respond. He didn’t have to walk far to get to the room set aside for him. He tried not to think about how close Honor had put them to one another. He understood that Honor had been smitten long before he showed up. It was unusual, but not creepy or anything. Honor had readily told him the truth, and he was now genuinely interested in him. Maybe love at first sight was a real thing. It sure had been on Carver’s end. Or at least lust. When he’d seen Honor striding toward him over the white sand, he’d wanted to do him right there in the dunes.
“I thought to myself, screw the revolution of
pickers. I just wanted to get him naked and then have him.” Carver was glad they’d waited until after everyone had been freed, bathed, clothed, and fed. He had to admit that Honor had been worth the wait. From tough to tender, they’d pretty much run the gamut of emotions. Carver had a feeling things would only get better with more time. Even if Honor had to continue working and they could only see each other occasionally, that was okay as long as they could ultimately be together. With no clue about what to do with himself for a job, fun, or anything, Carver certainly had a lot to keep himself occupied.
After cleaning up in his room, he went to Honor’s door, but thought better of interrupting him. The sooner he found the other enslaved humans, the sooner he could retire. That was good. But also, Carver wondered how many of his fellow abductees were in dire circumstances.
“And I think I’ve found the first thing that I’d like to do.” From what Honor said, Carver gathered that Blessed and Tyler had assisted in finding the stolen humans but they’d ended up spending more time on Krase to help the found Earthlings assimilate. That would be something he would need to take advantage of at some point but not something he’d be good at now. However, he could certainly assist in retrieving his own kind. Where a human might not trust a Krase warrior, he would certainly trust a fellow human.
“What’s even better is that this goal—helping to find my fellow Earthlings—also assists Honor and will likely result in us being allowed to stay together.” Carver could tell Honor’s bosses that his job could be interpreting Earthling words, behavior, and the like. It made perfect sense.
Carver entered the shuttle bay, excited to tell Acerith about his plan, but as soon as he entered, all the Krase looked at him. Their attention wasn’t casual, and it wasn’t exactly sexual. Baffled about what was going on, Carver went over to Acerith and settled on the bunk across from him.
“Hey.” Acerith was fussing with his few possessions, something that he seemed to do in an effort to calm himself. On Earth he’d be labeled obsessive-compulsive, but his own species might all behave the same way.
“You got a read on this?”
Acerith didn’t even bother to look around at the handful of Krase in the shuttle bay. “It’s what you’re wearing.”
“I got that, but what about my clothing, exactly? I mean it doesn’t feel like a horny vibe.”
“Horny vibe?” Acerith tilted his head to the side, making his slightly pointed ears catch the light in an unusual way. Before Carver could translate, Acerith waved him off. “Your kind is so compellingly strange.”
“It was praise. Of a sort.” Acerith looked around at the Krase, who were still staring at Carver without one single attempt to be subtle about their interest. “You are wearing a Krase garment.”
“It is unheard of for another species to wear their clothing unless they have killed the warrior and stolen it from him.”
Carver rocketed to his feet. “I didn’t kill Honor!”
Acerith yanked him back down. For a smaller guy, he was just as strong as Carver himself. Maybe more so.
“You didn’t allow me to finish.” Acerith surreptitiously looked right and left. “It’s also symbolic of possession.”
For some insane reason, the first thing Carver thought of was
The Exorcist
. He shook his head. That wasn’t the kind of possession Acerith was talking about. “You don’t mean demons, you mean— oh.” Carver looked around again and realized it wasn’t a lustful look but one that mixed curiosity, coveting, and concern.
“You’re wearing an officer’s clothing, and you have bite marks all over your neck.”
Carver reached up and touched them, trying valiantly not to feel guilty but he managed to do so anyway. “We didn’t do anything wrong.” But then he wondered if they had. “I thought Krase warriors were gender neutral?”
“They are.”
“So there isn’t a male-on-male taboo, right?”
“There is not.”
“Is there some kind of interspecies thing?”
“There is not.”
“Then what’s the problem?”
Acerith leaned close. “Honor was supposed to rescue you and free you. It appears to them he has turned around and enslaved you.”
“He didn’t. I was with him willingly.”
“That may be, but it looks bad.” Acerith sighed. “To them it might look as if Honor’s loyalty is compromised.”
“I thought you said—”
“Once a Krase officer—keep in mind that Honor isn’t just a warrior but an officer who is also in charge of this mission—once he retires he can fuck anyone or anything he wants. He can buy as many sex slaves as it takes to satisfy him. But while he’s a member of the military, he’s supposed to stay with his own kind unless he’s fucking the creatures he’s conquering. It’s a fine distinction, I know, but there it is. The real issue with you is that Honor was supposed to find and free you, not keep you for himself.”
Carver realized that by giving into his attraction to Honor he might very well have ruined his career.

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