Read Enslaved Online

Authors: Shoshanna Evers

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #Contemporary

Enslaved (17 page)

BOOK: Enslaved
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“So I’m guessing he’s not the BAD Boy who was arrested. Hard keeping all those rumors straight.”

“That might be Marc Wilde, I think. But I brought you to WhipperSnapper a lot then because I had a crush on the bartender,” he admitted, and winked at Andrew.

“So while I was at the bar, getting to know Andrew, I wanted to make sure you had a good time. One night I put you in the cage on display, the hanging one, do you remember?”

“Yes. I remember because I had to pee and you told me to hold it.”

“Well, I am a sadist.”

Andrew laughed and shook his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe that’s how you kept her busy while you were sitting at the bar drinking lemonades with me.”

Gregory shrugged. “Either way, Elisabeth, you certainly caught Trevor’s attention. He saw what was happening with me and Andrew, and he suggested I come over to his house to talk.”

“So you went.”

“And I was impressed, to say the least. I knew you could be well taken care of with him. I just had to make sure you’d like him, and that he’d treat you right. That’s when I started keeping a close eye on him.”

“I’m glad you did,” Elisabeth said. “We’ve . . . enjoyed each other.”

Andrew looked at her with interest. “What was it like, being with another man after being with Sir for so long?”

Elisabeth shrugged. “Different.” How could she explain the difference it made to be dominated by someone who was sexually attracted to her? “The first thing Trevor did when we were alone was find out my limits and give me his rules.”

Gregory laughed. “Very proper.”

“When you put me on that train with a one-way ticket I thought you just wanted to get rid of me,” she said.

“We both needed space from each other, honey. You never would have moved on without literally moving on.”

“I know.” She smiled.

“And there was one more thing.” Gregory raised his eyebrows. “I had him put money into an account for you, so you’d be financially stable if you wanted to leave.”

“Money? I have money of my own?” The thought was impossible. Even the two million dollars she’d been given to manage had felt like Monopoly money, something on a computer that she could transfer to the organizations that needed it most.

“I forced him to put his faith in you into a tangible, monetary amount.”

“Interesting concept.”

“It worked. You became an investment to him. He’d been investing a lot of time and energy into being with you. I didn’t want him to ever take you for granted, or to think that I was abandoning you.”

“Thank you, sir,” she said quietly. Her wine was almost gone.

“Did I do right by you, Elisabeth? Are you happy?” Gregory leaned across the table and caressed her face.

She flinched—years of being with him had taught her that a caress with one hand meant a slap with the other. But he didn’t slap her. She was no longer his, after all.

“I will be, sir.” Elisabeth stood and gave him a quick kiss on both cheeks. “I’m going to have the driver take me home.”

Home. She’d meant to say Trevor’s house. But could it be her home, too?

Chapter Nine

his is Trevor,” he said into his cell phone. When it vibrated, he’d hoped it was Elisabeth. But no, just Adele.

“One of Roman’s cars just pulled up,” she said. “Thought you’d want the heads-up.”

“Thank you. I’ll be right down.”

Finally, Elisabeth was coming home to him. He flew down the stairs, quickly smoothing his hair back into place. He’d spent all day running his fingers through it, unable to focus on work. Only Elisabeth occupied his mind.

The doorbell rang just as he got to the front hall, and he opened the huge wooden door.

Roman stood on the front patio, his eyes shadowed with dark circles. “We need to talk, man.”

Trevor’s stomach rolled. This couldn’t be good.

“Where’s Elisabeth?”

Roman stepped inside. “She’s with Gregory. I got a call from my driver that he’s been waiting there for her all day.”

“She wanted to go back to her former Master?”

“I don’t know. She told me she wanted his guidance. I was sending her back here, to you.”

Trevor didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath until he released it. Roman wasn’t here to claim Elisabeth as his own.

“Let’s go have a drink in the den,” Trevor said. “So we can speak in private.”

The housekeeper who had been dusting a nearby banister a little too slowly blushed and walked briskly out of the hall.

“I could use a drink,” Roman agreed.

In the den, Trevor poured scotch into two glasses and handed Roman one. He had to remind himself to savor it and not gulp it down like medicine for a broken heart.

“So you were sending her back to me?” Trevor asked, praying he hadn’t misunderstood.

“Yes. Elisabeth and I had a long talk about it last night. She’s just like me, Trevor. I understand her needs on a deeper level than I think you ever will.”

“If you think that, why would you let her go?”

“Because I don’t want to betray our friendship or your trust. But I can’t lie. I’ve . . . developed feelings for her.”

“What sort of feelings?”

“I think I accidentally fell in love. I’m sorry, brother. It wasn’t supposed to happen. But . . . seeing her with you is going to hurt.”

Trevor set his drink down in surprise. “We’ve known each other since we were teenagers, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard you admit to a weakness.”

Roman drained his glass. “That’s true. She’s become a weakness to me. And I can’t handle being anything but in control,” he laughed. The laugh sounded sad, as if the irony didn’t escape him.

“You’ve trained her well, Roman. Yesterday with her showed me that if each of us adjusts a little bit, we’re going to be able to make each other very happy. I can’t thank you enough.”

“You can thank me if she actually comes back to you. Elisabeth is still a free woman. I told her that I won’t take her, but she didn’t believe me, I don’t think. That’s why she went to see Gregory.”

“If she chooses you, I won’t keep either of you from being together,” Trevor said. “It would hurt, like you said. And I hope like hell she chooses to be with me. But if she chooses you—”

“Let’s cross that bridge if we come to it.”

Trevor nodded. Fuck.

His phone began to vibrate.

“This is Trevor,” he said, answering the cell.

“Elisabeth has arrived,” Adele replied without preamble. “What do you want me to do?”

“I’ll come out.”

Roman set his glass down. “I don’t want to see her right now.”

“You can’t avoid her forever. Let’s go.”

The two men walked out to the grand foyer, their steps echoing on the wood floors in the huge entranceway.

Elisabeth stood there silently, her bare arms crossed over her breasts. Her eye makeup was smudged, as if she’d been crying.

“Roman?” she asked, an expression of surprise and confusion on her face when she saw them both.

“I came to talk to Trevor. I told him that I love you.”

A single tear rolled down her cheek. “That’s not fair, Roman. I made up my mind, and you can’t go unmaking it for me like that.”

Trevor wanted to embrace her, pull her away from Roman and into his arms, but Elisabeth had to make her own decision.

Please, Elisabeth. Choose me. I’ve already chosen you
, he thought.

“Trevor,” she said, looking up at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He knew what she meant without her having to explain. The money he’d put in her name. “You already knew that I didn’t own you, not truly. That you were your own woman, and free to leave me if you wished. I didn’t want to hasten your departure with a severance package.”

“If I had known I had money, and I still stayed, wouldn’t it have made you feel better? More secure?”

“I’m so sorry, Elisabeth. You already held all the power. I couldn’t stand the thought of you leaving before we even got a chance to see if it could work out between us.”

“I know.”

Roman looked at her, the heartache he must feel already showing on his face. “Would you have stayed with Trevor, if you had known? Would you have agreed to come train with me?”

“Yes. Yes to both. I’m almost sorry I did though, Roman, because being with you was so confusing for me emotionally. It still is.” She looked at him pleadingly.

Finally, Trevor couldn’t hold back saying what he needed to say. “Please, choose me.”

He stepped close to her so she could see only him, not Roman, not the mansion, nothing but his eyes as he stared into hers. “I love you, Elisabeth. Desperately. I want you to stay with me, despite any feelings for Roman you may have. Even if you don’t love me back yet, please, just stay.”

“I don’t know what to do,” she whispered, and pulled back. He could have kept her there, she wasn’t as strong as he was. But he let her pull away. They were alone now in the hall.

Roman was gone.

lisabeth ran to the front door just in time to see Roman’s car drive away. “Why he did he leave? He told me he loves me.”

“He does,” Trevor said. “But I think he loves you enough to know you’d be happier with me. Roman told me that he was giving you back to me because he’d never want to betray my trust, and I respect that. But no man is that honorable, that unselfish. All is fair in love and war.”

“To Roman, this was both,” she whispered.

Trevor nodded, holding his hand out to her. “He sent you back to me out of love for you, Elisabeth. You have a choice. Two men love you, but only I can keep you.”

“That’s what he told me. That he can’t keep me.”

“You’re a rich woman now, Elisabeth. You can leave me, leave us both, and choose a different path entirely. But I’m begging you, choose me.”

She stared out the open door to the green grass and the sunshine. She could be on her own. Or, she could be owned, something she longed for, needed. To be loved and cherished.

Trevor held his hand out to her. “I will win back your heart, Elisabeth, whatever it takes.”

Breathe, Elisabeth. In two three. Out two three four.

She took his hand, tears rolling down her face. He pulled her in close and kissed her, showing her with his body and his lips what she needed to know. This was her future.

, sir.”

Trevor stepped back as if she had fired a shot. “I thought you never used your safeword.”

Smiling through her tears, she took his hands in hers. “I had to, because this is the end of the world as we know it. Teotwawki. Everything changes from here on out, because I do choose you.”

“Oh, thank God,” he said. “May I kiss you again?”

“You can do whatever you want to me. I’m yours, fully. I love you, Trevor.”

He lifted her in his arms, a huge smile on his face, a smile mixed with wonderment. “Will you wear my collar?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Will you marry me?”

She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Yes. Yes to everything.”

“Upstairs,” he said. “Now. I need you.”

He set her down and the two ran up the stairs like the devil was at their backs.

“Your house is too big,” she panted as they ran down the hall to his bedroom.

“It’s your house, too, now,” he grinned. He picked her up and carried her over the threshold of his bedroom. “I need to have your things moved from the Pink Room to my suite.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“But not now,” he said, setting her on the bed.

She laughed. It felt good to be in his—their—home together. To laugh together.

He pulled her sundress up and she raised her arms so he could strip her. Underneath, she wore a strapless bra and cotton panties.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, taking off his own clothing.

“Thank you, sir. So are you.”

“Wait. I want to do this right.” Trevor stood up and went into the locked linen chest at the end of the bed where he kept some of his favorite toys. Elisabeth perched on the edge of the bed, excited to see what he would pull out.

Handcuffs. Her pussy dampened at the visceral memory of metal cuffs biting into her skin. She loved them. They were primitive and hard to escape from, at least the good ones were. Knowing Trevor, he had nothing but the best.

He stretched out on top of her, pushing her arms up above her head, and cuffed them together. His skin smelled like the ocean, a mix of salt and whatever his cologne was.

The scent of his cologne reminded her of the first time they met, when Trevor had whipped her at the club, and his amazing scent had lingered when he whispered in her ear.

Bringing her cuffed wrists down over his neck, she clung to him, kissing his neck, breathing him in.

Roman had said that masochism was her air. He’d been wrong. Trevor was all she needed to survive, all the oxygen, all the sky.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too.” He lowered his head and nipped at her breasts, sucking her nipples full into his mouth, biting them until she cried out. It was perfect.

“Do you want more?” he asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good, because I got you some jewelry.” With a grin, he held up shiny gold nipple clamps attached by a thin gold chain.

“Is that real gold?” she asked.

“Of course,” he laughed, and clamped one nipple. She gasped, breathing in one two three and out two three four. Exquisite pleasure-pain spread from her nipple through her breasts and body as he clamped the other nipple. “Do you like gold?”

“Not as much as I like you,” she said. A laugh escaped her, despite her attention focusing back on her nipples.

“Do you want more?”


Trevor spread her legs, attaching each ankle to a spreader bar. Having her legs held open for her made everything feel more intense, and yet she could relax easily into her bondage. Roman’s words skipped through her mind before she could block them out.

There’s nowhere for you to go.

Even the memory of those words got her hot. She shouldn’t be thinking about Roman, not now, not after she and Trevor just declared their love for each other and were about to make love for the first time as an official couple . . .

The first slap of the riding crop on her pussy shocked her out of her thoughts, and her hips moved of their own accord.

“Say: ‘Thank you for whipping my pussy, sir.’ ” Trevor stood above her, holding the crop with the flat leather fold at the tip above her.

“Thank you for whipping my pussy, sir.” She meant it. He brought the crop down again, the flat end hitting her clit perfectly. “I love it.”

The pain intensified and her climax rose within her as he administered more strikes, making her clit red and swollen until finally she cried out her orgasm, saying his name over and over.

He tossed the riding crop aside and mounted her, sliding easily inside her wet pussy, pounding her with his thick cock.

“You feel so good,” he whispered, holding her arms above her head, pressing his weight onto her, letting her feel all of him, how easily he could hold her down and take her.

She’d made the right choice. With Trevor, she had the sun and the laughter and love as well as the BDSM. If she had chosen Roman, her world would have been darker. The sex would have been great, but she’d forget to smile and tease.

Just as Roman would.

With a final thrust, Trevor came inside her. She pulled her handcuffed wrists forward, down over the back of his neck, and kissed him until they were both out of breath.

“What about Roman?” she said.

Trevor unlocked her handcuffs and kissed each wrist carefully. “He’s still my best friend, him and Marc. And we still run the Brooks Wilde Chase Fund together.”

“I know, but I feel—guilty, I guess. Being so happy when he’s not.”

“I’ve been through heartbreak before,” Trevor said. “When my marriage dissolved. Roman and Marc were there for me, taking me to out to WhipperSnapper, and telling me that I’d find another girl. The right girl. And that’s what we’re going to do for him.”

“We’re going to find Roman another submissive?”

“Not just any submissive. He’s been through too many to count. Someone special, like you.”

“He thinks he’s still in love with me,” she whispered.

“I know. But you’re mine.” He pulled her in close, his words reverberating throughout her very being.

BOOK: Enslaved
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