Read Enough Online

Authors: Jade Chandler

Enough (10 page)

BOOK: Enough
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Chapter Eleven: Lila

Dare’s laugh filled the apartment, echoing off my walls. The sexy rumble lit me up like always. Relaxed with laughter, his face transformed, looking innocent and young. He lost the serious edges that warned everyone away.

I grabbed a towel to wipe the frosting off.

He closed the distance quickly, with his hand out. “Let me.”

I eyed him but handed over the towel. He bent and kissed the frosting from my brow. His tongue darted in quick licks over my forehead. My knees weakened and I grabbed the counter for support. Holy mother of sexy, his licks revved me up. He took his time with the licking kiss, but I didn’t complain. When he finished, he dabbed the spot with the towel.

“Good icing.” His lips claimed mine. He tasted of my chocolate icing, and that should be illegal.

“So are you.” The words didn’t even make sense. I scrubbed my face. “Food?”

“If you got leftovers.” He shrugged.

“I had a sandwich, you want one?” I already had my head in the fridge, grabbing ham, cheddar, mayo and veggies. “You like mayo and green pepper on your sandwich?”

“Make it like you make yours.”

I assembled his sandwich and he took it into the living room while I went back to icing cakes.

After he finished, Dare brought his plate to the kitchen sink and fiddled with my phone to start the music again. Turning, I bumped into him. My kitchen was tiny and a huge biker didn’t fit the space.

“I want the apple pie.” His words were gruff, but a shadow lurked in his eyes.

Did he think I’d say no? I never said no.

“Better make sure it’s good enough.” I winked and handed him a fork.

A smile spread across his face, and I thought it was what he looked like as a kid. He took his treasure to the kitchen table. Unable to resist, I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture. I’d taken a few photos but not nearly enough. It would be all I had when we’d run our course.

“You are a fucking genius.” His tone was reverent. “This is the best.”

After another hour of baking I was done with all the cakes and cobblers, and I quickly cleaned up. The great thing about having few dishes is clean-up is quick and continuous. No way to pile up dishes.

Dare wrapped his arms around me as I drained the dishwater. “Done, Red?”

“For now.” I leaned into him. “You got plans for me?”

He turned me around and pinned me with his gaze. “Want me to stay tonight? Then go out to the clubhouse later in the day.”

Why did he ask? He’d stayed before.

“Sure, anytime.” I leaned forward on my toes to kiss him. He could stay every night and that would work perfectly for me.

He stepped back, hands in mine. “It’ll make it easy to head out to the club tomorrow.”

Delusional much
I had to stop making every question the next step in our relationship to nowhere.

* * *

My eyes flew open. I turned to the alarm clock, afraid I’d overslept. Only eight o’clock, a half hour before I’d set my alarm to go off. Stretching in bed, I rolled over toward Dare. Asleep, his beautiful features appeared angelic. I resisted the urge to lick the nipple peeking out of my blue comforter. He needed his sleep, and I had cheesecake and cookies to bake.

I pulled on some sweats and tied up my hair—a shower would have to happen later—before I headed back to the kitchen.

The scent of coffee wafted by me, waking me a bit more. While it brewed, I whipped up the cheesecake recipe—one that didn’t appear too complicated for my first attempt at the dessert. Once they were baking, I carried my second cup of coffee to my chair.

I liked waking up with him. Dangerous. My budding feelings tempted me with fantasies of a lifetime together. Life didn’t bring guarantees, and this pseudo-relationship brought even less. It was a gamble, and no matter how much I hoped this time I’d win, honestly I probably had a better chance of winning the lottery than making this last.

Enough thinking
Worry never helped anyone.

I’d boxed up the last of the peanut butter cookies when Dare strolled into the living room with his phone to his ear. “Better bring two guys, lots of shit here.”

I scowled at him. My desserts were not shit.

He smacked my ass and bussed a kiss to my cheek on his way to the coffee. He hung up and poured a cup. He took it black, like me.

“The boys’ll be here in about twenty.” He leaned back against the counter.

“My cooking is
shit.” Hands on hips I worked up to mad.

“Whoa.” He held his palms up. “Just an expression. They’re heaven. I plan to eat the rest of the pie for breakfast. Absolutely wonderful pie.”

I softened. I’d overreacted.

He moved in for a kiss, nice and slow, taking his time. His hands squeezed my ass. “Once they’re gone, I’ll show you how much I appreciate you, Red.”

“Count on it.”

When the knock sounded, Dare was in the shower. I opened the door to Zayn, Rock and some guy I didn’t know.

“Hey. Lila, this is Curly.” Rock nodded and then stopped. “You bake all this?”

I laughed. “Yeah, I’m a baking nut.”

“Run away with me, now.” Rock held his hand to his heart.

I giggled at his over-the-top declaration.

“At the far end on top is something for you, Zayn. Underneath, a surprise for Dare. Put it in the fridge at the club?”

“Why don’t I have a surprise?” Rock frowned between us, a pout on his lips.

“You didn’t tell me your favorite dessert.” I winked at him.

“Strawberry pie, strawberry shortcake—”

“I get the picture. I’ll bring you some next week at work.”

Rock’s face lit up. “You’re too damn nice for Dare.” His tone wasn’t as light as before. “He’s not the settlin’ type.”

I ignored him and oversaw Curly and Zayn loading my desserts. “Don’t fuck up my desserts or I’ll skin your balls.”

“Shit, that’s worse than MJ’s threats.” Zayn cupped himself. “No worries, Mama.”

Why had he called me
? I gave Zayn a strange look and filed away the word to ask Dare.

* * *

“I got a present for you.” Dare held a gift bag in hand. “It’s a naughty one.”

“Ooh, those are the best kind.” I leaned up on tiptoes and kissed him.

He laughed. “You haven’t opened it yet.”

I dug into the black gift bag with red tissue paper to find a flowered box with Japanese script. I glanced up at him.

“Open it,” he urged.

I ripped the top of the box and saw two glass balls with beautiful, intricate flowers on them. I had no idea what they were and looked to him for explanation.

“You don’t know what they are?”

“Not a clue.” How was I supposed to know the naughty use of two huge glass marbles?

“They’re Ben-Wa balls,” he said as if it explained everything.


His shoulders shook with laughter. He hugged me to him and drew me down in the chair. I sat on his lap, about ready to torture him for answers.

“You’re so tight with those amazing muscles in your pussy.”

Heat crept up my cheeks.

“I figured you’d used them before. You insert the balls into your pussy and hold them in place. They move when you move, stimulating you.”

that sounds hot.

“But, I can barely keep my hands off you now.”

“You don’t know how much I appreciate it.” His eyes glowed with sexy heat that made me quiver. “This is about intensity. Red, you’ll come so hard after wearing these, you’ll fly apart.”

“But, uh, won’t I, I mean, need to get off faster?” I couldn’t imagine how I’d last longer. Just getting a whiff of his scent made me wet, and I didn’t want to resist.

“Oh, I’ll take care of you.” He bit my lip. “You want release, you find me, and I’ll make it better, I promise.”

It was some promise. “Deal, but all this talking has me worked up. Take care of me now?”

He threw his head back and laughed again. “Always, Red.”

He pushed up the denim miniskirt I’d put on less than an hour ago. I straddled his lap, lifting up when he slid down his jeans—tonight we were both commando. Handing me the condom he’d pulled from his pocket, I rolled it down over him, appreciating his hard, veined cock. Of course, I’d appreciate it more when he impaled me with that bad boy.

I sunk down, inch by inch, with a determined slowness that would work us both up. I clenched down and circled my hips once he was seated deep inside me.

His head fell back. “Torture me with your pussy.”

I moved up with an unhurried, deliberate pace until only his tip was inside me. Gyrating my hips, I moved down his length until I hit his groin.

He pinched my nipples with both fingers. “Naughty girl. Torment, torture, what’s next?”

I lifted up with a secret smile, thinking how he’d gotten this all wrong. Anticipation shuddered through me because I was about to rock his world.

Plunging deep, I rode him hard, bouncing up and down faster and faster. Need burned low and the need to come filled me.

“Fuck,” Dare barked, and dug his fingers into my hips, setting a driving pace that stole my breath.

“Coming.” I leaned back, needing something.

With hand to my back, he jacked up into me, over and over. I met him, giving as good as he gave. Then I crashed, falling apart in my orgasm. He pumped through my spasms with a feral set to his face.

“Fuck me.” I moved forward and grasped his shoulders, letting him move a bit farther into me.

“That’s it, Red. Give me all your tight pussy.” He thrust once and twice then he shivered as he exploded inside me, sending me off again. I bit his shoulder and held on as the pleasure ripped through us, just like always. No one had ever made me come as hard or as often—I was addicted.

Eventually I moved off him, taking the condom and heading to my bathroom for a quick clean-up. I sashayed into the room, my skirt down and no top, since I’d left it discarded on the floor along with my lacy black bra.

As I fastened the bra, Dare moved behind me. “Ready for the balls?” he whispered in my ear. “I’ll insert them.” He tugged on my earlobe with his teeth.

I nodded. “I’ll try anything once...with you.”

He retrieved the Ben-Wa balls from my dresser. “Sit in the chair.”

I complied, then he dropped to his knees, propping my legs apart over his shoulders.

“Stunning pussy drives me insane every time.” His lips were inches from my folds, so close I could feel his breath when he spoke. Kissing those lips, he slid his tongue between them.

“Dare,” I squeaked with a death-hold on the arms of the chair.

“Sweet clover and salt—that’s what you taste like.”

His words affected me on a primal level. I growled deep in my throat. “Feels divine.”

He drew his lips away and plunged into me, stroking my already swollen sex. “Nothing better than a well-fucked woman.” A cold, hard pressure replaced his finger.

I wiggled, unable to hold still. He grinned and popped the second one into me, pushing both up right over that most sensitive ridge inside me. I was in trouble, more than trouble, but I was too satisfied to care, later I could work up some worry.

Prickles of lust tickled me with only a tiny shift. What an interesting night ahead of me. I stood and braced myself on Dare, who laughed at the expression on my face. When I walked, the balls rolled, arousing my already sensitized pussy.

“We can remove them,” Dare said from behind me.

I shook my head. “I’ll adjust, and you promised to take care of me. I’m holding you to that.”

He laughed and caught up to me. “Ready to ride?”

I wanted to shake and wiggle trying to find some place where the balls didn’t distract me.

“Let’s go.” I shook my ass.

Dare snorted. “That help? ’Cause damn—”

“Shut it.” I stormed out of my bedroom and out my door.

Not even these balls would distract me from my very first ride on the back of Dare’s bike. I’d waited for this, wanting this, and provided the balls didn’t make me fall off his damn bike, I planned to savor every minute of our ride. Out front, he handed me a helmet and strapped his on. Before he got on his bike, he inspected my helmet, pulling on the strap to make sure it fit tight. We roared down Main with the wind in my face and sun beating down on us. My heart flew with the exhilaration of the ride, but the bike between my legs sent the glass balls inside me into a frantic dance. I clutched Dare tighter, rubbing my breasts into his back. Electric jolts bounced through me too fast to recover.

His muscles tightened as I rocked into him. Leaning my cheek on his back, I surrendered as the shudders racked me. My hips moved into Dare’s back, giving sweet relief when my clit hit something. Panting, lost in the sweet torture. I prayed for it to end and wished it’d last forever. Dare hit a bump as he turned, and I came apart, a climax shattering me. He stopped the bike, but I only squeezed into him, praying he didn’t move.

Once I could move again, I released the death grip on his black leather cut. He swung off his bike and yanked me into his arms. His mouth fucked mine. His tongue pushing in and out in fast strokes. I pushed my hips into his. I moaned into his mouth, unable to help myself. My hands went to his buttons needing to free him. His hands stilled mine

“You’re on fire, Red. I promise to burn with you.” He unbuckled my helmet and swept me up in his arms.

We were in a back door by the club and in a room in seconds.

“Fuck me.” I clawed at his pants.

“You are so gone, baby. Let me.” He pushed me onto the bed and freed himself. “Only got a few minutes.”

He pushed up my denim skirt, but I couldn’t wait. Leaning forward, I sucked his cock into my mouth.

“Wait.” He repositioned on top of me and his cock was in my mouth while his head bent between my legs, sucking me.

I stroked from his balls to his ass before I pushed on his anus. His ass tightened and his movements lost rhythm. My body arched, legs splayed, teetering on the edge. I drove him harder because I wanted him to be as crazy as me.

He braced himself and lifted his head from me before he shouted and came in my mouth. I greedily swallowed his seed.

BOOK: Enough
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