Enlightened (2 page)

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Authors: Alice Raine

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Enlightened
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‘How funny, me a bridesmaid and Nathan a best man!’ she said with a giggle. Nicholas had asked his brother a week ago. Nathan had apparently been slightly hesitant, but after an impassioned speech from Nicholas, finally agreed. ‘At least we’ll be colour co-ordinated!’

As I chinked my glass with Stella’s and we grinned at each other, I had a sudden recollection about the night when I’d first met her, back in the earlier days of my relationship with Nicholas, which seemed like forever ago but was actually just over a year ago now. We’d probably been dating for about five months at that point, and his brother had invited us over for dinner. Having only met Nathan once before I’d been ridiculously nervous that night. All I’d had to go on was what Nicholas had told me – that his brother was an emotionally detached man who lived his life during the day purely for business and his nights as a sexual Dominant. Not exactly what I’d consider to be an ideal dinner companion. After Nicholas explained to me that Nathan had saved his life when he’d tried to commit suicide after his father’s beatings, his obvious affection for his brother seemed rather justified, and so I’d grudgingly decided to try and accept him too.

Right from the start of our relationship Nicholas had liked to take the lead in the bedroom, but even in the beginning we didn’t have a contract or safe words, so the idea that Nathan was a Dominant had freaked me out. After being introduced to Stella that night I’d quickly realised that she was Nathan’s submissive, and I’ll admit that I’d been pretty horrified by that fact. A smile slipped to my face now and I felt my cheeks flush as I remembered my rude behaviour that night. I’d been gunning for Nathan from the start of the evening, throwing foul looks his way and assuming that he was somehow forcing Stella into their relationship. My face crinkled into a rueful smile – I probably hadn’t been the most well-mannered dinner guest that night.

Looking across at Stella’s relaxed face as she looked through a brochure of wedding venues I smiled. Now that I knew Stella properly and we’d chatted about the set-up of her relationship with Nathan I understood more fully. I wasn’t sure I could ever live the way she did with Nathan, but it was completely consensual so I would never judge her for her choices. To my surprise, Stella had told me that the start of their agreement had been rather impersonal, a contractual agreement for a no-strings relationship where he would dominate her in the bedroom and she would happily submit to him. The thing that had shocked me the most was when Stella had told me that
had been the one to seek it out. I still struggled to get my head around that, but knowing how independent and headstrong she was I could sort of imagine her doing something so brave – or perhaps reckless should be the word.

From what I’d gathered in our chats over the last few months, Stella and Nathan’s relationship had changed significantly about a year ago after he’d asked my advice about ‘mainstreaming’. Stella said they now had a relatively normal relationship and that although Nathan was still in charge in the bedroom, rules and safe words rarely came into their time together anymore.

Glancing across at Nicholas and Nathan as they sat on the balcony highlighted by the late evening sun I smiled; as brothers went they were a pretty stunning pair. My eye narrowed slightly as I looked at Nathan, his sharp gaze focused on Nicholas, his head tipped to the side as he listened intently to what his brother was saying. Having gotten to know about their past I knew that both of them still carried deep scars from their abusive father. I still found myself a little cautious around Nathan – there was just something intrinsically intimidating about him, but it was clear to see how he relaxed when Stella was around, and the little flashes of a softer side that I saw in his eyes when he looked at her were incredibly endearing.

My gaze shifted across to my man and I felt my heart give a little kick. Rather uncharacteristically, Nicholas actually looked a little tipsy tonight. His cheeks were redder than usual, his hair flopping wildly over his brow, and the sleeves of his shirt rolled up clumsily. I couldn’t help but smile fondly at seeing him so relaxed. As dishevelled as he looked through the reflective window glimmer he was still so frigging attractive, and even sitting here, as far away as I was, I felt my body responding to his – a sensation I would never tire of. It was like we were linked on some carnal, chemical level.

Blinking the thoughts away, I shrugged slightly to refocus my mind and turned my attention back to my friend. Whatever the setup of the partnership between Nathan and Stella I was immensely glad to have her as a friend, and I was thrilled she’d just agreed to be my bridesmaid. Raising her champagne flute Stella caught my eye and beamed at me.

‘Here’s to some fun preparations and a fantastic wedding!’ A toast I wholeheartedly agreed with.

Two –Nathan

A marginal heaviness at my temples indicated that I'd probably had a little too much wine this evening, but as well as drinking too much my mind had been more active than I’d have liked – no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget Nicholas' words about Stella perhaps wanting to get married one day, and even now, almost an hour after my brother had left, I kept playing his words through my mind over and over again.

Frowning, I leant forward and rested my hands on my knees as I stared at the unlit fireplace deep in thought. One thing kept going round and round inside my head; what if Stella's continued reluctance to move in with me had something to do with the fact that she somehow knew about my aversion to marriage? I’d asked her to live with me multiple times now, but she’d flat out rejected me every time. What if deep down she knew she wanted to get married someday, and was just waiting for the right time to tell me that we would be incompatible in the long run?

Christ, my heart was suddenly thudding. The thought that she might up and leave me was almost enough to tempt me to consider the idea of tying the knot. No matter how much I was adverse to the idea of marriage, I really wasn't sure I could function without Stella in my life any more. Images of my father suddenly flashed in my head; dark and foreboding and I scowled at the sickeningly unwelcome thoughts. What was that old saying?

Like father like son?” Biting down hard on my lip I shook my head vigorously. No. I wouldn't ever tie Stella to me if there was even a remote chance that I'd one day end up like my old man.

Letting out a heavy sigh I sat back on the sofa. Perhaps I should discuss the subject of marriage with her? The mere thought of that conversation made my eyes narrow and my stomach twist with apprehension. A huge sigh left my chest, leaving me depressingly deflated. Maybe I could convince her that living together would be enough … A scowl twisted my brow as an immediate problem sprang to mind – she wouldn't bloody well agree to live with me, would she? Which totally scuppered that plan. Running a hand through my hair in agitation I decided to avoid the hugely volatile subject of marriage and instead try one more time to find out why Stella was so reluctant to move in with me – perhaps the answers would shed light on some of my concerns.

With this in mind I had decided to go in search of Stella when the lights in the lounge suddenly went off, plunging me into complete darkness. What the fuck? Wondering if it was a power cut the sidelights suddenly popped to life, illuminating the room with a soft, mellow glow similar to candlelight. Blinking in the dim light I frowned and looked towards the light switches. The sight that met me caused every nerve ending in my body to erupt at once.

Holy fuck.
Stella was standing by the entrance to the lounge, one hand on the switches and the other hand on her bare hip. She was wearing black lace, barely-there knickers, a black bodice I'd never seen before, and not much else except for a saucy smile on her lips. She looked utterly gorgeous and I instantly hardened at the sight.
Well, well
. My dull mood had rapidly evaporated, thoughts of talking departed my mind, and the remainder of the evening suddenly looked distinctly rosy.

Seeing as Stella made no move to come closer I grinned at her teasing little game, stood up, and began to prowl my way towards her. I knew Stella loved it when I stalked her like this and I watched in satisfaction as she licked her lower lip, excited desire clearly twinkling in her eyes. Pushing off the wall she gave me a seriously seductive ‘come hither’ look, turned away from me, and began sauntering her sexy arse in the direction of the bedroom.
. Her knickers were actually a thong, the thin material tucked up between her cheeks, leaving her beautiful bottom exposed to me. A growl escaped my throat as I sped up my steps and made a click of disapproval with my tongue that completely stopped Stella in her tracks – there was not a chance in hell I was letting her get as far as the bedroom. That seemed like fucking miles away, and after Stella's barely clothed arrival in the lounge I wanted her, right here,
right now

‘Not so fast, Stella,’ I barked, gripping her wrist and pulling her up against me. A gasp escaped her throat and her beautiful eyes widened at my sudden movements as a split second later I had her firmly pressed up against the wall and pinned by my body.

The heat from her skin felt like it was burning through my clothing. Fuck, I needed to get naked right this second to try and cool the flames licking at my skin. ‘You are a little temptress, aren’t you?’ I growled before I crashed my lips onto hers in a frantic kiss, stealing the breath from her lungs as I smothered her with both my body and mouth. Finally I gave us both some breathing room and leant back slightly, panting against her neck, ‘Not that I'm complaining, but what brought this on?’ I sounded as breathless as I felt as I ran a finger across the lace of her very sexy corset. Damn, she’d strapped herself in so tight her nipples were practically spilling over the top.

‘Rebecca asked me to be her bridesmaid today, I guess all the talk of romance got me horny …’ she panted. ‘I want you, Nathan … now,’ I found myself ridiculously pleased that she said ‘romance’, and not ‘all the talk of marriage’. Grunting my approval, I bent my head to kiss her again, but Stella pushed against my chest and met my eyes. ‘Bedroom …’ she whispered, trying to lead me in that direction, but once again my impatience got the better of me, and instead of taking her to the bedroom I stooped down, hauled her over my shoulder, and carried her to the nearby sofa, responding to her shocked cries by giving her bottom a firm spank which echoed in the silent space.

I was like a man possessed, and in record time I had her panties off and myself naked. Within seconds I was sweeping the TV remote and a magazine from the sofa as our bodies crashed down onto the cool leather in a jumble of arms and legs. Keen to give Stella a little payback for her teasing I leant to the side and swiftly pulled the belt from my discarded trousers, then with a grin I took hold of both of Stella’s hands in one of mine and used the belt to fasten them over her head. Tilting my head I eyed her response. ‘That OK, sweetheart?’ I murmured, a gesture I’d never have bothered with back in my old Dominant days.

Smiling shyly Stella shifted slightly below me, then nodded and bit her lip, ‘I’m good.’ She lifted her head as she tried to reach my lips so I wasted no time talking and swiftly kissed her on the lips hard, driving my tongue into her hot mouth and groaning as she immediately ran the velvety softness of her tongue against mine. Breaking my lips from hers I dipped my head, running a trail of wet, open-mouthed kisses down her jaw and neck before using my teeth to pull her already hard nipples from the tempting prison of the corset. Stella let out a sharp gasp as I tugged harshly at her with my teeth, but by God I was so turned on there was no way I could be gentle now. Besides, when I briefly lifted my head and caught her gaze, desire was clear in Stella’s eyes and I couldn’t help but smile. My girl liked a little pain mixed with her pleasure. She really couldn’t be a better match for me.

With her hands bound Stella couldn’t reach out for me like I knew she wanted to, but instead she writhed beneath me until she had her thighs apart, snaking one of her legs around my hips and drawing me sharply down against her so our groins collided, forcing the tip of my erection to push against her, a sensation that nearly made me delirious.

As my hands roamed over her body, gradually making their way towards her groin, soft panting moans escaped from Stella’s lips, spiking my pleasure to almost feral levels.
She was mine. I was making her feel this way.
Running two fingers over the damp, quivering flesh at the apex of her thighs caused Stella to buck herself against my hand, coating my fingers with her arousal as I ground them against her nub. Oh God, she was so wet. Groaning, I kissed her again. She felt so damn good against me. Stella was so fucking sexy she almost drove me out of my mind. I could barely think straight now, let alone breathe, and as our joint pleasure escalated I couldn’t hold back a second longer.

Shifting myself marginally to the side I reached down to position the head of my pulsing cock at Stella’s quivering entrance. ‘Yes,’ she whispered, almost sounding victorious in her desperation. As I felt her shift impatiently below me I locked my eyes with hers and then thrust myself down hard and deep, causing us both to shudder as pleasure flooded our systems and my head fell to the crook of her neck.

‘Fuck! So good!’ I don’t know who said it, but one of us cried out as our bodies joined. Perhaps we both did. I had no idea any more. Raising my head I gazed down into Stella’s wide eyes and after we both regained our composure I began to thrust in long, steady strokes, causing Stella to clamp around me like a vice.
. She was so tight. Every time with Stella felt like a brand new experience, she was so fucking incredible.

Leaning her lips against my neck Stella pecked and licked below my ear as I continued to drive us both on with steady, regular thrusts. I was carefully holding myself in check so I didn’t lose it too soon, but that control was disappearing by the second. ‘Harder, Nathan … please …’ she murmured against my skin, causing my cock to stiffen even further. Her words took me right back to our first time together on this very sofa; that night she’d begged me to fuck her harder and deeper too. And just as I’d obliged her then I did now, increasing the speed and power of my thrusts until Stella let out a strangled cry and came in pulsing bursts, triggering my own powerful orgasm that swept through me until I collapsed on top of her completely drained.

Several minutes later, when our breathing had returned to normal, I shifted my weight from Stella’s pliant body, undid the belt around her wrists, and pulled her against me so she was snuggled into my chest. I rubbed her wrists and allowed myself to relax below her as I tried to sink further into my contented state, but infuriatingly I found that my bloody mind was still partially focusing on my earlier concerns about marriage and living together.

At the return of these depressing thoughts a long, deep breath left my lungs. I was always so in control of my life that having an issue I had no power over was leaving me floundering. It was so fucking annoying. Chewing on my lip a devious thought slipped into my mind – perhaps if I broached the subject while she was sated from our sex Stella might be more co-operative.

Turning my head I placed a kiss on her forehead, which caused her to snuggle in closer to me.

‘We’re so good together, Stella, and I’m not just talking about the sex …’ I hesitated briefly before diving right in, ‘… why won’t you move in with me?’ I tried to soften the blow by stroking my hand through her hair in a soothing motion, but I still felt a warm sigh blow across my chest.

Leaning up onto one elbow she looked me directly in the eyes, a small frown puckering her eyebrows, and I cringed. God, I really must sound like a frigging broken record, asking her the same damn question. That must be, what, twenty times I’d asked her in the last year?

‘Fine, you really want to know why?’ she asked, her voice soft but determined nonetheless, a description that summed her up perfectly. I swallowed hard and an uncomfortable feeling rose in my chest. Now it looked like she was going to relent I suddenly had my doubts – did I really want to know why she’d been so hesitant for so long? What if the answer was as awful as I’d imagined? What if she was desperate for marriage and planned to leave me to find someone better? Forcing my paranoid guesses away I nodded my head apprehensively.

Seeing my nod she didn’t waste another second, seemingly keen to get it off her chest. ‘The main thing is this apartment. I don’t want to live here,’ she said simply. Trying to process her words I blinked several times as relief rushed through me. She hadn’t mentioned marriage, thank God, but my apartment? That wasn’t what I’d expected her to say at all. Did she want me to move in with
? Was that what this was all about? ‘But your place is only small, we’d never fit all our stuff there,’ I replied, still somewhat perplexed by the turn this conversation had taken.

Shaking her head a small smile tilted the corner of her lips. ‘That’s not what I mean, Nathan.’ She let out a long breath and seemed to be steeling herself to drop yet more bad news on me. ‘Look, I know how much you love your apartment, you designed it; you’re allowed to love it.’ Leaning down she placed a brief, chaste peck on my chin, ‘The thing is, I just don’t like it.’

My eyebrows rose significantly at her words, and even though Stella was talking sense I couldn’t help but feel my hackles rise and body tense. This place had every convenience possible, what the fuck was there not to like?

As if reading my mind Stella shook her head and smiled wryly, ‘Don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful apartment, Nathan. Perfect really.’ Lowering her eyes she seemed to be choosing her words carefully so I laid there and attempted to reign in my impatience. ‘The thing is, if I moved in here it would never feel like “our” apartment to me, it would always be yours.’ Denial was about to spring from my lips, but Stella halted me by placing a finger gently on them. ‘I know it’s stupid, but when I’m here I can’t get the image of your previous women out of my head. They lived here with you, shared this space …’ Her hand wafted around as if to prove her point, ‘… and as stupid as it probably sounds, that’s why I can’t live with you. It’s not about you, it’s about this apartment and its history.’

Taking a moment to process her words I couldn’t help a frown deepening my brow. It was true other women had shared this space with me, but I never gave them a second thought now – how strange that Stella would dwell on it. ‘But you come here every week and you’ve never seemed bothered before,’ I stated, fairly sure that I was right.

Shrugging, Stella lowered her eyes, ‘Perhaps not outwardly, but there’s a reason I always try and manoeuvre our time so that we’re mostly in your bedroom.’ Raising her gaze she looked directly into my eyes. ‘You told me you’d never taken another woman in there before me, that’s why I like it so much.’

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