Enlightened (18 page)

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Authors: Alice Raine

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

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Nathan’s eyes darkened as he nodded his approval and began to unroll his shirtsleeves before re-buttoning the cuffs. ‘Once you move in with me permanently you can call it
bed,’ he reminded me softly, but then just as I was expecting him to initiate yet another debate about why I hadn’t moved in yet he instead stepped back. Raising my eyes I was fully expecting to see his determined gaze, but instead I got his little boy expression of wide blue eyes as he reached out and dragged me against his chest. ‘Thank you for inviting me today, Stella. I had a really good time.’

Partly amazed that he had dropped the moving in subject so quickly, and also stunned by his soft words of appreciation, I found myself not knowing how to respond, so I simply allowed him to fold me into his arms for an especially long Nathan-style squeeze.

Fifteen – Rebecca

The sky was clear and blue and despite the chill in the frosty air it was still a beautiful day. Even the usual chaos of London seemed to have dulled to a peculiar sense of calm this morning, although that was probably because everyone was sleeping off their New Years’ Eve excesses from last night. Standing tall I leant over to the right to stretch down my side in preparation for my run. The first run of the New Year and it was a perfect day, which somehow seemed to bode well for the future. This was the year that I would be getting married, I thought with a huge grin. How exciting was that!

Glancing at my watch I frowned. Stella was obviously running late today which wasn’t ideal because it was bloody freezing. Shrugging I carried on with my warm up, not wanting my muscles to stiffen up in the cold temperature. Planting my right leg before me I stepped back into a lunge and stretched out my rear Achilles. As I stretched I let my gaze wander over the sights of Green Park before me as the low winter sun cast its rays across the park, forming beautiful glimmering jewels in the frosty grass. I was getting quite into these runs now, they were part of my ‘lose weight to fit into my wedding dress’ fitness regime, but a month or so ago Stella had decided to join in to keep me company and so I now enjoyed them even more

‘I’m here!’ I heard Stella’s voice behind me and came out of my stretch to see her jogging towards me smiling. ‘Sorry I’m late!

‘Morning!’ Selecting our route on my phone’s running app I clicked ‘start’ and pocketed it before Stella and I started off on an easy jog down the long path that ran around the edge of Green Park. ‘Did you and Nathan go out to celebrate New Year then?’ I asked, wondering if her evening had been half as eventful as mine with Nicholas had been. A blush heated my cheeks as I remembered back to last night; after cooking a lovely dinner Nicholas had produced a set of challenge cards, a bottle of single malt whisky, and a bottle of amaretto before announcing that we were going to pass the remaining time until midnight playing drinking games.

Needless to say, the challenges in Nicholas’ version of the game weren’t your usual singing or dancing ones, no, most of the cards Nicholas had made involved something sexual, or intimate, and had certainly been a
pleasant way to bring in the New Year.

‘No, we stayed in. I just overslept,’ she explained with a rueful smile as a slight flush reddened her cheeks. Hmm … that blush looked very similar to the one I could feel heating my cheeks, and I’d almost place money on the fact that Nathaniel Jackson had also created a rather eventful way to spend their New Years’ Eve last night.

We jogged on in silence for a few minutes until we came to the edge of the park and had to cross The Mall so we could enter St James’s Park. Glancing up the road to check for any traffic I saw Stella leaning forwards on her knees with a decidedly peaky complexion now on her face. ‘Crikey, Stella, you look a bit pale. Are you all right?’ I asked, frowning as she stood upright and staggered slightly.

Scrunching up her face Stella shook her head. ‘I feel a bit sick, actually. Think I might have had a glass of wine too many last night. Do you mind if we just walk for a bit?’

Nodding my head I linked my arm through hers as we crossed the road, ‘Of course.’ I was easily at my target weight at the moment, so I didn’t really have any issues with skipping one day of my running. Besides, my wedding dress was a lace-up, so it was pretty flexible in its fit.

After taking a few steady breaths, presumably to try and ease her hangover, Stella then looked across at me. ‘So, come on then, while we walk tell me more about your trip to Iceland, we’ve hardly spoken properly since you got back last week. I want details, woman.’

My heart fluttered in my chest and a grin instantly popped to my lips as I thought back to my Christmas holiday with Nicholas. It had been such a magical trip, and so romantic that I could still hardly believe that Nicholas had planned the whole thing himself. As surprise Christmas presents go I think it would take something pretty monumental to ever surpass it.

‘Well, I told you the basics on the phone really,’ I said as I considered how to condense our fabulous holiday into a few select highlights. My breath was fogging the air in front of me, but even though it was cold today the temperature was nowhere near as low as it had been during our week in Iceland. ‘We flew direct to Reykjavik and stayed there for the first night.’ I missed out the fact that Nicholas had got me naked on the balcony, teased my body with cold snowy fingers, and then proceeded to make love to me whilst I wore nothing but a woolly hat … but those were details I’d need to share with Stella while under the influence of alcohol.

‘The next morning we headed off to see a few sights. The country is just
Stella, like a cross between some rugged alien landscape and a David Attenborough nature documentary.’ My enthusiasm was obvious, and I actually had to forcibly calm myself down before I continued. ‘We saw thermal springs at Geyser, sunrise on a black volcanic beach, a frozen waterfall, and the Northern Lights, which were just incredible. Honestly, I’ve never seen anything quite like it.’

‘It sounds amazing, Becks. What were the hotels like?’

Smiling I thought back to the three places we had stayed during our trip. ‘Incredible. We were only at the first hotel for the first and last nights, but it was lovely, very plush and had a great view over a town square.’ Sidestepping a lady running with a fitness pram I continued, ‘The second hotel was in the wilderness, we could actually see a volcano from our room, the one that caused all those flight disruptions a few years back.’ Giving her a glance as we power walked over the bridge that crossed the lake I saw Stella’s eyebrows rise in interest. Remembering back to where Nicholas and I spent Christmas night I couldn’t help but let out a little sigh of happiness, ‘For Christmas night Nicholas had booked us an igloo in its own private forest clearing.’ Stella stopped walking and grabbed my arm whilst staring at me with wide eyes. ‘You’re kidding me?’ she exclaimed, looking almost as shocked as I had when I’d first seen the igloo.

‘Nope. Well, it wasn’t made of actual snow, it was glass and had central heating, but it was still phenomenal! The view of the stars that night was just out of this world.’ OK, so were the things that Nicholas had done to me in the gigantic circular bed, but once again that was a conversation that required some liquid courage to bring up.

‘God, I’m so jealous!’ Stella said as we reached the run up to the Churchill Museum and paused to let some horse riders pass us by. ‘It’s been ages since I went on a proper holiday,’ she mused. ‘The last time I went abroad was on a conference with work to Brussels. Don’t get me wrong, it had some stunning architecture, but it was all a bit stuffy and boring. Mind you, that was probably just the other colleagues I was with!’ she joked. I was glad to hear her sounding more like herself. Hopefully she was feeling a bit better now, maybe the fresh air had worked some magic on her hangover.

Stella indicated that she was OK to continue with our walk, so we set off in the direction of Horse Guards Parade at a slightly brisker pace than before. ‘Why don’t you ask Nathan if he wants to go away somewhere together? I’m sure he’d like to.’

Nodding, Stella smiled. ‘Maybe I’ll book something as a surprise for him. It’s his birthday in a few months and I have no idea what else to get him. He has every modern gadget and convenience known to man. Besides, he was away on a conference last year so we didn’t really get to celebrate it, so I could make this year extra special.’ Fiddling with the sleeve of her running jacket Stella blushed and looked at me with a twinkle in her eye. ‘Actually he wanted to take me away for Christmas, he suggested New York, but I’d already promised my mum that I’d spend it with her so we went there instead.’

‘You might not have been abroad, but I bet that having Nathan with you on Christmas Day made it pretty special too, though? I still can’t quite believe that Nathan actually went with you to your parents’ house.’ And I really couldn’t, I mean Nathan? Mr Intimidation, meeting parents? It really had never seemed like a likelihood at all.

‘It was good. He was really nervous beforehand, but I think he actually really enjoyed it.’ Stella might be keeping fairly quiet about the details, but I could see from the fond smile on her face and the crinkle at the corners of her eyes just how much it had meant to her, and just how much she must have enjoyed it.

Well I never, quite apparently since asking for my advice on how to ‘mainstream’ with Stella over a year and a half ago Nathaniel Jackson had developed and grown more than I would ever have imagined or hoped.

Sixteen – Nathan

It was lucky I was up and about, otherwise the slamming of my front door would have pissed me right off. It was the weekend, which meant my cleaner Miranda wasn’t due, and seeing as Stella had only left a short while ago for her now weekly run with Rebecca I knew it could only be Nicholas – the only other person with a key – letting himself into my apartment so bloody loudly.

Pulling on a polo shirt I paused briefly by the mirror to flatten my hair again, which for some reason was choosing to go springy since my shower this morning.

Wandering towards the hallway I leant on the wall as I watched Nicholas by the front door pulling a navy blue hoodie off over his head. My brother, the impeccable dresser, in a hooded jumper was
a common sight and I narrowed my eyes as I observed him further. ‘Morning, Nicholas. It’s a little early isn’t it?’ I asked with a cocked eyebrow, but in return Nicholas simply made a dismissive noise in the back of his throat and threw me an unconcerned look.

‘Good morning. Considering how many times you have turned up on my doorstep at ungodly hours I think that eight thirty in the morning is actually rather a respectable time.’ To be fair, he had a point.

‘Noted,’ I agreed with a smirk. ‘So, to what do I owe the pleasure, brother?’ I asked in amusement as he folded the jumper and placed it on the table by my coat stand. Gazing at him standing there in sports shorts, a plain black T-shirt, and trainers I frowned. What was going on? I literally hadn’t seen Nicholas in sports gear since college.

‘Well, I just dropped Rebecca off to meet Stella for their weekly run in Green Park. Apparently last week during their run on New Years’ Day they decided that Stella would drive them back here afterwards for breakfast today. I had the morning free so I thought instead of going to my usual gym I’d make use of yours and then we can all breakfast together.’

‘Invite yourself to eat my food, why don’t you,’ I murmured dryly, but I was only joking. I actually rather enjoyed the fact that I saw more of my brother nowadays since Stella and Rebecca had become so close. It was … nice.

‘Yeah, yeah, whatever, Nathan,’ he said, rolling his eyes. ‘I brought croissants and a bag of those amazing coffee beans from my local deli.’ Passing me a re-useable linen shopping bag I glanced inside and smiled. God, I loved this coffee – Panama Esmeralda, a bit of a rarity, but fuck me, it was good, like liquid gold in a mug.

Bringing the paper bag of coffee beans to my nose I inhaled and then rolled my eyes back in pleasure at the beautiful aroma, ‘I shall accept your bribery and allow you to use my gym,’ I conceded with a grin.

‘Cheers, bro. I thought seeing as Rebecca is making such an effort to tone up for the wedding I probably should too.’ This time it was my turn to make a dismissive noise. I was the fitness freak, but even though my brother might be slightly slimmer than me build-wise, he was just as muscular and I knew for a fact he used the gym at least four times a week. ‘Because you really need to tone up, Nicholas,’ I murmured sarcastically, giving him a backhanded punch on his rock solid abs.

Giving me a small shrug he blushed slightly and rubbed his stomach, ‘Every little helps. You fancy a run? Even with a few excesses over Christmas and New Year I’ve gotten my mile pace down pretty low now, think you can beat me, old man?’

Raising an eyebrow I felt my heart rate accelerate slightly. He might be my little brother who I would usually do anything to protect, but boy did I like a challenge, something Nicholas was fully aware of, and with my fierce competitive streak there was no way I was going down lightly.

‘You’re on. Just let me change before I run you into the ground, little brother,’ I said with a smirk.

After a quick change of clothes I found my brother in the gym leaning against the wall and stretching out his quads in preparation for our run. Glancing up as I entered he gave me a nod of greeting as I joined him on the mats. Even though Nicholas and I had both made fairly radical changes to our lives since meeting Stella and Rebecca neither of us had developed into huge conversationalists, but as we stood there stretching in silence I felt a need to fill the gap. As much as I had tried to avoid discussing the upcoming wedding with Stella in case it gave her ideas, it seemed to be the most logical topic with Nicholas. ‘So now you’re back from your fancy holiday are the wedding preparations back on track?’

Nodding, Nicholas swapped legs and repeated his stretch. ‘They are actually, the venue is booked and guest list sorted. Rebecca’s ordered the flowers, found her dress, and has nearly finished the table plan too. She’s an efficient little thing,’ he commented fondly with a smile.

‘Sounds pretty good going to me,’ I murmured, not entirely comfortable with the dreamy quality to his voice, or the topic at hand, and feeling a little unsure what else I could constructively comment on.

‘I need to get my arse in gear and book some cars though,’ Nicholas said as he shook out his legs and glanced at the running machines. ‘Ready for me to run you into the ground?’ he quipped.

Relieved at the change in topic I nodded sharply and then barked out a laugh at his cocky confidence. I ran five times a week so Nicholas ‘running me into the ground’ wasn’t at all a concern for me. Looking at my brother I could see the competitive gleam in his eye though, and couldn’t help but grin. We were so similar in that trait; both of us stubborn as mules and unwilling to go down without a substantial fight – so this could be quite interesting, not to mention fun.

Stepping across to the iPod dock I selected a folder of running tracks and pressed ‘play’, causing the heavy, fast beat of The Prodigy’s ‘Invaders Must Die’ to fill the gym’s silence. This music player was a new addition since Stella’s arrival in my life because apparently she simply “couldn’t run” without music, and seeing as I insisted on fitness being part of our lives the dock arrived shortly after she did.

Crossing the room to the running machine next to Nicholas I peeled off my T-shirt, as I always did when I ran, and then glanced across at him to see my brother smirking at me. ‘Showing off, Nathan?’ he quipped, tipping his chin in the direction of my flat stomach. Grinning, I shrugged. I knew I had a good body; I worked hard to keep it that way, so why the hell shouldn’t I be proud of it?

Rolling his eyes at me I was stunned the next second when Nicholas followed my movements and removed his own T-shirt to reveal a well-formed set of abs. Christ, my brother had a real, actual six pack. Well I never. He’d always been trim, but it seemed Nicholas really had been upping his exercise in the run up to the wedding.

‘Come on then Mr Muscle, show me what you’ve got,’ I bantered as I leant across and set his machine for ten kilometres. ‘Loser makes the breakfast.’


‘Oh my God,’ I murmured, my voice sounding a little high and breathy.

‘Mmm-hmm,’ Stella agreed next to me, apparently too enraptured to form actual words.

As my eyes took in the vision of Nicholas and Nathan sprinting on the running machines I lifted my hands up and placed them on the glass of the window so I could lean in closer. The Jackson brothers made quite a stunning pair running there together, but my eyes were predominantly drawn to Nicholas. A little moan of appreciation slipped past my lips as I watched him without blinking. Back muscles slick with sweat and rippling with each pump of his powerful arms, that gorgeous bum of his hidden inside some snug shorts, and his dark hair flopping on his head and wet with perspiration. He looked so good that I wanted to lick him. All over.

‘It’s like a living incarnation of a wet dream.’ Realising that it might sound like I was after her man I quickly qualified my point to Stella, ‘Don’t get me wrong, I don’t fancy Nathan or anything, but you gotta agree that those two running like that is a pretty hot sight.’ From their speed it looked like they were racing. Both brothers were topless, their backs to us, wet with sweat and utterly focused on their task as their feet pounded relentlessly on the fast moving tracks. ‘I’m
glad you suggested breakfast here last week.’ It was a glorious sight of taut flesh and heaving muscles, crikey, I could almost smell the testosterone seeping from the room.

Obviously I knew Nicholas had a great body, but wow, both the Jackson boys were clearly in good shape, and I mean
frigging good shape. What a sight. Much better then Stella and me, who were red from our run and looking a bit dishevelled from the cold, breezy day outside.

‘Yeah, I’ll stick with Nathan, but I totally agree. They look hot. And I’m not talking temperature,’ Stella agreed as she stepped away from window, fanned her face with her hand, and giggled, ‘I feel a bit flustered now!’

Taking one last look at the muscle-fest in Nathan’s home gym I let out a contented sigh before forcing myself to turn away. ‘Let’s set the breakfast out, I suspect those two are going to need to re-fuel after their contest.’

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