Enigma (9 page)

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Authors: Aimee Ash

Tags: #teen, #love triangle, #young adult, #love, #brothers, #long beach, #ya, #paranormal, #romance, #Fantasy, #curse, #supernatural, #enigma, #aimee ash, #twilight

BOOK: Enigma
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I ended up choosing a sexy black bikini with gold trim and a pastel, flower-printed bikini, which was a little safer—a little more me. It was also something that I could wear in front of Jack’s parents without them thinking that I was too provocative. The third and final bikini was my favorite: a white two-piece with a black tulip print spread across it. I paid for all three with my father’s credit card, not feeling a single pang of guilt.

Next, I hit all the designer stores, trying on overpriced clothes, and buying a few dresses, skirts, and a jumpsuit. Then I hit the high-street stores, picking out camisoles in a rainbow of colors, sarongs, and denim shorts. I treated myself to a party dress just because, jeans, makeup, jewelry, hats, and bags. My mother always insisted that needing and wanting were much of the same thing; I thought of this and didn’t feel guilty as I handed over my father’s credit card again.

I was having fun shopping, and it felt strange. I didn’t once think about Brett or my parents, but my arms were ready to drop off. Now I knew what Heather meant when she’d always tell me that shopping was therapeutic, and why she insisted that Tobias went shopping with her. I pitied him having to spend the day with her, and felt even sorrier for him having to carry her bags, but he never complained.

I made it to my car, threw the bags in the trunk, and drove home with the top down. I couldn’t wait to get to my room and dress up for Jack.


oaded down with bags, I practically threw myself through the front door, and Tobias helped me carry them to my room. I thanked him, trying not to laugh at his puzzled expression, and threw the bags on the bed. I knew what he was thinking, but there was no way I was turning into Heather, so he didn’t have to worry.

I checked my watch and realized that I’d been at the mall longer than intended. Leaving the bags, I hurried to the kitchen. Flo was preparing dinner, which smelled delicious, and I gave her a big hug. She looked at me like I was crazy.

“Okay, who are you and what have you done with Kate Harris?”

“Flo, don’t be ridiculous. I’m always hugging you,” I said, trying to act like I normally would, even though I knew I hadn’t convinced her.

“Yes, but you’re not usually this happy, dancing around the kitchen. What’s going on?” she asked, her eyes narrowing. A cascade of wrinkles appeared across her forehead.

I smiled, feeling my cheeks flush. “Nothing. I’m just in a good mood.” Flo laughed and I giggled like a little girl.

“You’re a terrible liar. Tobias tells me you’ve been shopping. That isn’t the Kate I know and love,” Flo said with a twinkle in her eye. Tobias was more of a gossip than I had suspected.

“Well . . . I needed a few things. Maybe I’ve succumbed to peer pressure,” I said.

Flo laughed and poured me a glass of juice. “You’re obviously determined not to divulge whatever has put you in this good mood. I hope you’re behaving yourself,” she said and waved her finger at me.

I giggled, taking the glass from her. “Of course I am. I’ll always be a good girl, Flo.”

I drank my juice and ate a fresh chicken sandwich overloaded with mayo, which Flo had left in the fridge for me. When I finished, I grabbed my bag and walked to my car, remembering that I was going to Jack’s football game after my class. I had to pinch myself. I was the quarterback’s girlfriend. I was actually looking forward to going to college, but for all the wrong reasons.



fter my class was over, I headed down the halls to a classroom that was being used for a football and cheerleading meeting. Jack had to get his game schedule and he’d invited me along to meet some of his teammates.

When I arrived, the room was overcrowded. I found Jack and took a seat as close to him as I could get. He was gorgeous and my heart skipped far more than a few beats at the sight of him. He waved me over to him. As I made my way through the crowds, I saw a beautiful girl talking to Jack and it made me want to pull out her highlighted, blonde hair. There was no doubt that she was a cheerleader, and even though my confidence had grown since meeting Jack, I still found her beauty intimidating.

Picking up my pace, I sat down next to him, which reassured me that I could keep my eye on his admirer. But before Jack had a chance to greet me, the girl tapped him on his shoulder.

“Hi, excuse me. Do you have a pen I could borrow? I think I lost mine,” she said seductively, and then bit her bottom lip.

I wanted to point her in the direction of the campus store, which sold every pen under the sun.
Who would come to a meeting without a pen anyway?
I thought. I was onto her and hoped that Jack would see that she was attempting to flirt with him, but he only smiled and handed her a pen.

“Here, take mine.”

Jealousy erupted in my chest and I gripped the arm of the chair.

“Thanks. You’re a hero,” she said, making sure her hand touched his.

To my relief, Jack turned away from her, and I appreciated his indifference. But as I smiled at him, the girl tapped him again, her acrylic nails brushing across his neck.

“Sorry to bother you again, but are you Jack Jones from Eastwood High?” she asked excitedly, and bent down to reveal her unnatural cleavage.”

How would she know that he was Jack Jones?
I thought.

Jack smiled awkwardly. “Yes, I’m Jack Jones, but I’m not at Eastwood High anymore.”

The girl giggled and Jack smiled at her. My palms began sweating and my heart pounded. I tapped my foot, waiting for Jack to look my way, but he only shifted uncomfortably in his seat. I placed my bag on my lap, pretending to look for something, and kept my eye on him.

He attempted to turn away from her again, but she grabbed his shoulder and whispered, “Pleased to meet you, Jack Jones. I’m Chanelle.”

I laughed aloud, and she turned and glared at me. Her name was so typical.

“Nice to meet you, Chanelle. Keep the pen,” Jack said, and then looked down at the floor.

I could tell that he wanted to end the conversation, but she grabbed his shoulder again.

“Thanks. Please, let me buy you lunch. I’d like to do something to thank you.”

“That’s not necessary,” he said.

“Maybe not, but I would still like to go to lunch with you. Once the word gets around that you’re attending Long Beach University, every girl will want to go to lunch with you, Jack Jones.”

I rummaged through my bag and gritted my teeth. Chanelle’s bony hands were still wandering over Jack. I wanted to tell her that he was off limits, but Jack beat me to it.

“Thanks for the offer, Chanelle, but I don’t think my girlfriend would appreciate me going to lunch with you,” Jack said quietly.

Silent revenge. Jack dented her ego and polished mine. He looked at me as I pulled out my cell phone, and smiled. Chanelle looked horrified that she’d been rejected, but surprisingly, she persisted.

“Girlfriend? What girlfriend? Jack Jones doesn’t date. Everyone knows that. Feel free to ask me out when you break up with her. Oh, I mean
you break up with her. And don’t forget that I asked first,” she said.

“I don’t think that’ll happen. Like I said, I have a girlfriend now.”

Chanelle’s eyes narrowed. “Well, Jack, if you ever need, you know, a night off, here’s my number,” she said, extending a piece of paper that was wedged between her bony fingers.

I bit my lip and through pure rage, threw my bag on the floor, walked over to Jack, and straddled him like he was about to get the best lap dance of his life. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He returned the kiss, tightening his hold on me, and when I came up for air, Chanelle and everyone else around us looked stunned.

Still straddling Jack, I smiled sweetly at Chanelle and said, “For your information, my boyfriend and I will
be breaking up, and he won’t be joining you for lunch, either.” Then I took the piece of paper out of Jack’s hand, crumpled it up, and threw it in her lap.

Chanelle sat open-mouthed with the piece of paper in her lap. Jack smiled at me and I felt empowered.

“Good luck,
whatever your name is
. You obviously don’t know Jack Jones as well as you should.”

I ignored her; I wasn’t going to allow her to strip me of my pride, so I decided to wait until later to ask Jack what she meant. I had no idea what had come over me; I’d never behaved like that before, and would’ve normally been mortified at bringing so much attention to myself, but I wasn’t the least bit embarrassed. After all, I was only claiming what was rightfully mine.

Jack’s football coach was standing at the front of the class. “Excuse me, Miss. Please take your seat,” he said. “You can finish making out after this meeting.”

There were a few snickers, but I didn’t care. I wrangled off of Jack’s lap and sat in my chair. I crossed my legs and Jack placed his hand on my thigh. I leaned into him and we smiled at each other. I was a moth to his flame and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on him.


hen the meeting was finished, Jack and I walked out hand-in-hand, and I felt like everyone in the room was watching us. They were probably wondering why such a good-looking guy would want to date a plain girl like me. I wondered the same thing, but I
look good in the bikinis I’d bought, so maybe it was time I gave myself a little more credit.

We walked to the parking lot and I put my bag in the back seat. When I turned around, Jack pinned me to the car and kissed me with profound passion. His lips pushed against mine and I couldn’t help but get lost in the moment. I wrapped my arms around his neck while inhaling his delicious scent, and he ran his hands down my sides. There were a few other students in the lot, but I didn’t care. I ran my hands underneath his T-shirt, finally getting to feel his toned chest, and he felt better than I’d anticipated. His fingers discreetly caressed the curve of my breasts, and having his hands on me made me go weak at the knees. We continued to kiss and with my eyes closed, I imagined that we were alone in his bedroom, and I was about to give myself to him.

Jack gently pulled my hands out from underneath his shirt. “We should head over to the locker rooms; my game starts in an hour and I have to warm up first.”

I giggled. “I can warm you up,” I said as my fingers teased his belt.

“As much as I’d love to
warm up
with you, I really do have to go and get ready.”

“I’m glad that everyone knows I’m your girlfriend, but your parents will probably find out about us now. Long Beach is like gossip central. I thought we were supposed to be a secret?”

“I don’t care anymore. I can’t keep us a secret from anyone any longer.” He ran his fingers through my hair. “I can’t be near you without wanting to talk to you, kiss you, and touch you. It would drive me crazy not to be able to do things that normal couples do.”

“Jack, I’m worried. If your parents find out, they’ll send you away. We can’t be separated; you’re the best thing in my life.” The thought of never seeing Jack again sent my heart racing. Jack pulled me into him and kissed my forehead.

“I want you to come over for dinner on Saturday, and then you can meet my parents. I’m going to introduce you to them as my girlfriend. They used to have a hold over me, but nothing they say or do will keep me away from you. Nothing, you hear me?” he said.

Meeting parents was a big step in any relationship, but I already knew that Jack’s parents wouldn’t like me.

I held Jack’s hand and looked in his eyes. “What did Chanelle mean when she said that I don’t know you as well as I should?” I asked.

Jack shrugged his shoulders. “We have to hurry; I’m going to be late for the game. You still want to go, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Why don’t you take your shirt off? A body like yours should be flaunted.”

Jack began undoing the buttons on my shirt and exposed my camisole. I would normally feel too self-conscious to show off my curves, but I took off the shirt and threw it over my shoulder, watching him smile as he observed my body. I pulled him into me and ran my hands through his hair, but was disappointed when he kissed my lips and said, “I have to go and warm up before the game; Coach will be pissed if I’m late. My jersey is number ten. I’ll be looking out for you in the bleachers.”

Reluctantly, I let him run into the locker room. As I walked up the bleachers, I managed to find a good seat to watch the action. Although I’d only been to a few of Brett’s high school football games, I had a good idea of what the sport was about—enough to make conversation for a few minutes anyway. Sipping on my soda, I waited for the game to start. The bleachers were filling up quickly, and I was enjoying the excitement buzzing around me—until Chanelle and her minions sat in front of me.

Chanelle turned and looked at me, her minions following suit. “White really isn’t your color; you need a much darker color to compliment your pale skin. I thought with a daddy like yours, you’d at least have access to a tanning bed.”

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