Enigma (32 page)

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Authors: Aimee Ash

Tags: #teen, #love triangle, #young adult, #love, #brothers, #long beach, #ya, #paranormal, #romance, #Fantasy, #curse, #supernatural, #enigma, #aimee ash, #twilight

BOOK: Enigma
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I was completely stunned. “Jack, why are you so persistent about this? What makes you think your mother is alive? Jonathan saw her die.”

“Jonathan is a liar.”

“Jack, I don’t want you to be disappointed and end up feeling even more hurt than you do now,” I said.

“Anyway, we need to get you adrenalized first, and then I can focus on finding her. We can find her together!”

“There’s something I don’t understand, Jack. If your mother survived after giving birth, why would she leave your father?
doesn’t make sense; they were in love. Why would she leave you and Seb?”

Jack drew in the sand. He must’ve asked himself the same question over and over again.

“I don’t know. That’s the part I can’t figure out, but I will.”

He held me close. I looked down and saw that he had drawn a heart in the sand with our initials inside. The tide came in and Jack blew the water away to stop it from destroying his heart. We stayed at the beach for a while before I made my excuses and Jack walked me home.

As I opened the front door, Tobias greeted me with a huge smile. Laughter was coming from the kitchen, and I heard Brett talking. Opening the kitchen door, I ran over to him and gave him a huge hug.

“Brett, it’s so good to see you! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home?” I asked, holding him.

“I’ve been calling the house for days. Tobias kept telling me that you weren’t home. I was starting to think that you were avoiding me.”

I choked back tears and had to compose myself before I spoke.

“Avoiding you? Never! I’ve just been busy.”

“She’s been spending all her time with those boys next door,” my mom said. “She’s hardly been home since we arrived back from our ski trip.”

“They’re important to me, good friends. You’ll love them, Brett,” I said defensively. My mother looked at me skeptically. “If you ever get to meet them. She never brings either of them to the house.”

“Mom, you’re so over-dramatic. No one’s ever here anyway.”

“Well, it’s good to be home. I’m even enjoying you and Mom bickering. But I haven’t seen Heather today.”

“She’s upstairs resting. She couldn’t come on the trip either, because she was so busy. But at least she’s back for Thanksgiving,” Mom said.

Brett looked refreshed. I was relieved that he was back and had successfully turned his life around. This time, it had to be for good. With all the excitement of Brett coming home, I almost forgot the reason that I’d come home in the first place. With the holidays here, it was the perfect time for my adrenalization. I’d need to be away for at least a week, possibly two, assuming I survived of course, and had to come up with a convincing story as to why I wouldn’t be home.

“Mom, Lindsey has invited us to go to Italy. She says it’s an amazing place.”

“Kate, I just got home,” Brett said.

“I’m sorry. If I’d known you were coming home, I would’ve never agreed to go.”

“How long are you planning to be gone?” my mother asked.

“Two weeks.”

“How can you just spring this on us?”

“It’s okay, Mom. Kate didn’t know I was back. But she’d better put some time aside to spend with me when she gets back,” Brett said.

“Of course I will.” I felt guilty for making promises that I didn’t know if I could keep.

“Well at least you’re here for our family dinner this evening.”

“I’m really sorry, Brett, but we’re leaving this afternoon,” I said, trying to sound convincing. I walked away.

“Well, you’ll have to reschedule. Heather wants us all to be here. She has something important to tell us,” my mother said, grabbing my arm.

“I can’t stay!” I protested.

“Come on, Sis! I’m sure you can leave a little later.” Brett looked at me with his big eyes.

Feeling guilty, I told myself that I at least owed him a dinner; I hadn’t been there much for him lately, so a few more hours wouldn’t hurt.

“Okay, I’ll come, but only for you, Brett.”

He smiled at me and I smiled back, shaking my head.

“Bring Jack too. I want to meet this guy you’re dating.”

“We’re dating, but it’s not a big deal. Don’t embarrass me.”

My mother stood up and waltzed over to me, almost tripping on her way. I had no idea why she was glaring at me, and then she grabbed my hand and held it up.

“Is this an engagement ring?” she shrieked, her eyes almost popping out of their bony sockets.

“It looks like I’ve missed a lot around here; this guy is a bigger deal than you’re willing to let on,” Brett said, smiling.

I had stupidly worn my ring without thinking—again.

“I was going to tell you,” I lied.

“You aren’t going off to Italy to get married are you? No daughter of mine will get married without her parents present or a huge party,” my mother said sternly, still holding my hand up so she could thoroughly examine my ring.

“Kate, don’t you think you’re too young to be engaged? How long have you known this guy anyway?” Brett asked.

I finally managed to pull away my aching arm.

“No, Mom, we’re just going on a vacation to Italy. We don’t plan on getting married yet.”

“My little sister is in love. Wow! Heather is going to freak when she finds out you’re engaged before her! You’ve totally stolen her thunder.” Brett burst out laughing.

“How exciting! I’m going to throw you a huge engagement party to celebrate; I’ll pull out all the stops!”

My mother was practically jumping up and down with excitement. I had to calm her down, but when there was a party involved, she was unstoppable.

“No, Mom. We don’t want a big fuss,” I insisted.

“What? Don’t be ridiculous. Give me two weeks to organize it. You won’t have to lift a finger.”

I felt my heart racing. “Please, Mom! We don’t want a party,” I pleaded.

“Nonsense! I’ll have everything ready for when you get back. I hope the belly dancers are free.”

“Brett, will you talk some sense into her please?” I stared at him, wanting him to back me up, but my mother continued with her suggestions. I could see her mind working overtime.

“Maybe Jack’s brother could sing at the party again too,” she said. “Brett you can help me organize it all. It’ll give us a chance to spend some time together.”

“I didn’t know the singer at Dad’s party was Jack’s brother.” Brett looked at me oddly, obviously remembering his comment about the singer flirting with me.

“Why aren’t you listening to me?” Panic swirled around in my stomach.

“Let’s discuss it with Jack tonight at dinner,” my mother suggested.

It was a nightmare coming true. If I’d taken my ring off, none of this would be happening. I felt so annoyed with myself.

“Your ring looks very expensive,” my mother continued. “He must be wealthier than his family looks.”

There it was: the start of several insults.

“Mom, money isn’t everything.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, Kate. Now, make sure you and your fiancée are here for dinner tonight at six. Don’t be late.”

With a heavy heart, I left the kitchen and headed up to my bedroom, knowing the adrenalization was once again delayed. I had to go to dinner, but I didn’t have to tell Jack that he was invited. But when I opened my door, I gasped at him lying on my bed.

“So, an engagement party then,” he said, rolling onto his side.

“I’m sorry,” I said, sitting beside him.

“For what? I think it sounds like fun. Why wouldn’t I want to tell everyone that I want to marry you? It’ll be a great opportunity to tell the entire world how much I love you.” His eyes almost melted me. “I’d better go home and get changed for dinner. I’ll be back at six. You’d better pack a fake suitcase for our imaginary vacation.”

He kissed my cheek and left.

A short while later, I heard Brett in his bedroom playing his guitar. I walked down the hall and knocked on his door. I wanted to spend time with him and say goodbye, without him realizing, of course.

Brett opened the door. His guitar was draped around his neck and a pen was wedged between his teeth. I peered around him into the room and saw sheets of paper strewn across the floor, and I knew that he was writing music. I felt relieved that he was able to concentrate and I’d leave knowing that his life was back on track. He removed the pen and smiled. He looked healthy again.

“Hey, Sis. I was thinking that I could play the guitar at your engagement party. I’ve had a lot of practice over the last few months. It’s actually very therapeutic.” His eyes were alive.

“Yeah, sure. That would be lovely,” I said, feeling the tears resurfacing.

He stood at the door, staring at me. “Okay, I’ll see you at dinner. Are you sure everything’s okay?” Brett looked at me oddly. I had to shake off my gloomy mood before he realized something was wrong. I turned around to try and compose myself.

“I’m fine,” I lied.

Just as Brett began to close the door, I threw my arms around him with the guitar wedged between us. He hugged me back and I hoped that I hadn’t made him suspicious, but I had to hug him one last time.






here was a team of unfamiliar faces in the kitchen preparing tonight’s dinner, which I was dreading, especially since Heather was home. I didn’t have a clue what her news would be, and she’d hate me getting all the attention because of my engagement.

I placed my suitcase in the hallway, so it would be ready to go into the fake taxi at nine o’clock. Panic swept over me when I heard Jack laughing in the dining room. I was furious that no one told me he’d arrived. After checking myself in the mirror, I casually walked into the dining room.

“Kate, where have you been? Heather has knocked on your door twice,” my mother said, her forehead wrinkled with confusion.

“Yes, Kate. You’ve kept us and your fiancée waiting,” Heather said through gritted teeth. She hadn’t once knocked on my door like my mother suggested.

“Sorry,” I said with an innocent smile. I glared at Heather and she smiled, knowing she had riled me.

“You’re worth the wait. You look stunning,” Jack said.

Looking around the table, Heather looked sick. Not sick with envy, but genuinely ill. My mother smiled deliriously, my father was on his cell, Brett was eating a roll, and Jack was smiling from ear to ear.

“Now, Jack, I don’t have my usual kitchen staff this evening, but the hired staff will be providing us with a very modern and
expensive seven-course meal. Everything is miniature.” She clapped her hands.

My heart sank.

“That sounds lovely, Mrs. Harris,” Jack said. He placed his napkin on his lap.

“Mom, I doubt we’ll be able to fit in seven courses. Our taxi is coming at nine, remember?” I reminded her.

“Oh nonsense! I hope you enjoy it, Jack. This must be different for you,” she said, taking a sip of her champagne.

I choked on my mother’s insulting words. I was convinced that this was going to be the longest and most challenging seven-course meal in the history of the Harris family—possibly in the history of the world.

“Anyway, Heather, why don’t you tell us your news?” I was happy to share the spotlight.

“I don’t think my news is appropriate with all the hype of your sudden engagement, Kate.”

“Well, we all want to hear your news,” I insisted.

“I don’t think this is an appropriate place to divulge my news. It’s kind of a girls-only thing.” She took a sip of her water.

“Don’t mind me. After all, I was dragged up with you, and I’m sure Jack doesn’t mind girl-talk either,” Brett said, stuffing another roll into his mouth.

My mother nudged my father, who was still on his cell, and he left the room.

“Well, come on, Heather. I’ve heard one daughter’s exciting news, now let’s hear yours.” My mother was smiling, waiting impatiently for her to speak.

Heather stood up and removed her cardigan. I nearly fell out of my chair and my mother choked on her champagne. Brett sat with his mouth wide open and Jack looked at all of us, not knowing how to react. Heather burst into a flurry of dramatic tears.

“Heather, how did you get so fat? Your agent is going to be furious,” my mother blurted out.

Brett laughed into his napkin. “I don’t think food is responsible for that stomach, Mom.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re pregnant out of wedlock! No daughter of mine would shame our family like that!” my mother said.

Heather wiped her face with her napkin. “Well, Mom, I am pregnant and I didn’t get married in Paris.”

“Heather, you stupid girl! How could you do this to us? Why would you ruin your career by having a baby?” My mother stood up and slammed her glass down on the table.

“Mom, don’t be so harsh. Can’t you see how upset she is? Heather, how far along are you?” I asked.

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