Enigma (26 page)

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Authors: Leslie Drennan

BOOK: Enigma
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“Matalyn, you have to understand, these people keep track of what I do. I have to make sure they have no idea that I’m on your side. You have no idea what they are capable of. I made your father a promise that I would protect you at all costs. Part of that requires me to act as if I don’t care in front of everyone else so that no one catches on to that. When I saw your ring, I knew it was time for you to know who you are, what you are, and why you are so important. I knew when I saw the ring that the one who was made for you had found you.”

“So my dad didn’t commit the crime he was accused of?” I asked as my heart told me Allen was telling the truth.

“Absolutely not! Your parents were killed by cold-blooded murderers!”

“Because they were after me…”


“So it’s my fault they’re dead,” I stated as I tried to hold back my tears.

“No, Matalyn, none of this is your fault. Never think that! It is more of a tragedy that you have to be caught in the middle of all of this. I am so very sorry that your parents didn’t have the chance to explain everything.”

“If you knew they were both murdered, then why didn’t you stand up and say anything? Oh, I forgot, you can’t because of your false loyalty to whoever the gang of murderers are. Awesome.”

“Matalyn, I can understand you hating me, but I swear I’ve only done these things to protect you. There are three things that you need to understand all of this. Two of the items are in a safety deposit box at the bank. When you retrieve them, do not let anyone at the bank see them until after you have been home to reflect carefully over both of them.”

“Okay, can you tell me what they are? Where is the third one located?”

“The first item is a detailed letter from your father explaining what is happening as well as what happened to him and your mother, in addition to explaining why. The second item is a charm bracelet your father gave me with charms of angels that the letter explains about too. The third item is one you should read last. It is somewhere in your apartment. It is a journal your father wrote about his mission before he became your father. It isn’t a long journal, but it will show you what he was like before he changed into someone good. It is important that you read this last so that it doesn’t deter you from reading the letter which is the most crucial.”

“My bracelet? How do I get into the lock box?” I inquired.

“In your apartment in the desk that was your father’s, there is a drawer with a secret compartment in the back. Inside the compartment you will find a key with a paper tag attached that has the safety deposit box number on it.”

“So where do you fit into all this?”

“It’s all explained in detail in your father’s letter, but for the sake of having at least one answer tonight, I’ll give you the short version. I was a friend of your mother’s. We came from the same place. I was sent here on protection detail for her working undercover. When she met your father, I warned her not to get involved, but because she was in love, she didn’t care about consequences or how it would throw everything we knew out of balance. In an unplanned turn of events, you were born and I decided to stay here working undercover to protect you at your father’s request. The letter will explain everything you need to know.”

“So you’re an undercover cop?”

“Um, not really, but if I had a badge, let’s just say I would be, like, the mother of all cops. You’ll understand when you read the letter. Oh, one more thing, the materials you are about to read will seem unbelievable, but once you do, you need to know that you will
see the world the same way you do now ever again. That is what will make you know it is real. Avan is up in your apartment. He is good for you; trust him. He is here to help you through this as well. He will also be able to help you with any questions as well,” Allen said, winking.

I turned to look up at Angel Towers, wondering if Avan could see me from the window of my apartment. When I turned back to tell Allen good-bye, he was nowhere in sight. Once again I could not make out any sound of footsteps. The only thing I could hear was the flapping of wings in the night sky. With that I walked out of the alley and back to the entrance of Angel Towers, discarding my shoes in a trashcan in front of the building before putting on my socks. Avan asked how the conversation went and explained when he found out it was Allen sneaking around, he knew it was okay to let him talk with me. I was so exhausted I needed sleep before I could even discuss the details of what Allen and I had discussed. I curled up on the couch beside Avan and drifted into a deep sleep as the sun started to rise.


When I woke up I still felt a warm area on my cheek where Avan kissed me before he left. I noticed the screen was lit up on my cell phone, indicating that I had a new text message. I pressed the button, which brought the words of the text onto the screen, and I felt a warm fuzzy feeling seeing Avan’s name. Looking up at the clock on the mantel, I noticed it was 2:00 p.m. My exhaustion had gotten the best of me. I had not slept that long in a while.

Getting out of the shower, I already felt like a new person just from rinsing away all the impurities on my skin. I toweled off my hair, got dressed, and opted for a ponytail, considering I still had some residual tiredness. About the time I was done, I also got a reality check from my stomach in the form of hunger pains, which reminded me that I had not eaten since before getting sick in the alley. Without any hesitation I headed for the kitchen and made a sandwich, grabbed a bag of chips, and a cherry soda.

I sat at the bar as I quieted my talking tummy. The temperature was far from being cold in my apartment, but being fresh out of the shower with wet hair, it felt chillier than normal. I gave a small shiver as I finished up my late lunch.

I was beginning to feel a bit nervous, knowing Lena should be back in town any day now. What was more perplexing was how Ian had all but dropped from existence over the past few months. I had enjoyed my freedom from both of them so much lately that I never bothered to wonder why Ian had disappeared from harassing me or how Lena would react when she got home to realize I moved out. That was the thought that made me wish I had refrained from eating lunch. I calmed myself down by telling myself what’s done is done and tried to focus on other things. Starting with the bathrooms, I cleaned them and gathered the laundry, separated it into loads, and put one into the washer.

Vacuuming the bedrooms and dusting the furniture as I thought about my conversation with Allen Hearsch in the alley, I went over the details again about the three items, remembering earlier in the night when I woke up to find Avan reading in the office. I thought about how he had told me it was someone’s journal that was interesting and how I should read it sometime.

Dropping everything I darted for the office, around the desk, and to the bookshelves that lined the back wall. My eyes scanned the binding of the books that sat side by side, one after another. I knew this book would be different from all the others having titles running vertically along the spines. I did not get a good look at it when Avan had it in his hands, so I was not sure of the color or pattern. I did notice it was a little smaller than most of the other books on the shelves so that was a starting point. On the third shelf from the bottom of the middle bookshelf, I noticed a small red book on the end next to others that were much taller.

This little book had no title staring back at me, and somehow I just knew this was the one. It was as though it had a voice of its own, calling to me and letting me know I needed it to find the answers I had been searching for so long now. Reaching out to pull it off the shelf, something caused me to hesitate before my hand touched it. Allen’s voice echoed in my mind with his warning that this needed to be the last thing I read.

Rushing back to the desk, I began emptying the drawers one by one, looking for a hidden compartment. Emptying all of them, nothing looked out of the ordinary, leaving me wishing I had watched more mystery movies that may have given me clues as to what a hidden compartment in a drawer would look like. Instinctually, I felt inside the drawers, starting with the front center and making my way to the drawers on the side. I pushed on the sides and the bottoms, but they all felt solid. I only had the bottom drawer left, and to no surprise, it was solid as well. There was nothing! Wanting to cry, I sat in the floor with the top drawers still hanging out of the desk.

Looking up in defeat, I noticed something odd on the bottom of the top drawer. Touching it with my finger, a small, thin piece of wood fell out, bringing with it a copper-colored key with a paper tag. I could not believe my eyes. I actually found it, even if it had been by accident. Picking the little key up from the floor, I turned it over in my hand, inspecting it. The paper tag had a number on it just like Allen said it would. On a small paper tag secured to the key with a piece of thread the number seven was written in black ink.

Now having what needed, I had to get to the bank. It was already 4:30 p.m.; the bank would only be open for another half hour. Luckily for me, the bank was only a few blocks from Angel Towers, but there was still the elevator, red lights, and a possible long line at the bank to deal with before getting my hands on what I was after. Shoving the key in my pocket, I slipped on a pair of flip-flops, grabbed my keys, and headed out the front door, leaving the office in a mess.

The elevator doors opened to reveal an empty car. I stepped into it, smashing my pointer finger into the button next to the number one so hard I thought a bruise would surface on my fingertip.

When the doors opened into the lobby and everyone was out of my way, I took off in a run toward the garage, bursting through the door, through the passageway, and into the garage. Before I could register how hard I was breathing, I was behind the wheel of my trusty Bug, zipping out of the garage and down the street toward the bank.

Creeping along until I got to the light, it inconveniently turned red upon my approach. Perfect, this was just perfect! I kept my eye on the digital clock as the numbers kept ticking away. Every traffic light turned red the entire way to the bank just for me! This was maddening humor. When I parked my car in front of the bank, it was seven minutes until five o’clock.

Locking the doors of the car, I ran to the heavy front doors of the bank and made it inside with five minutes to spare. I looked around, trying to find someone to help me, but with it being closing time on a Friday, everyone was attempting to get their paychecks cashed or deposited. I waited nervously, watching the clock, when a personal banker walked to the printer to grab something. Lightly tapping the man on the shoulder, I was determined to get help before the place closed. Remembering how Allen instructed me not to let anyone at the bank see what was inside the safety deposit box I had, being the last one here, all eyes were on me.

“Excuse me, sir?” I was so nervous and panicked.

“Yes, ma’am, how may I help you?”

“I need to get something from my safety deposit box. Is there someone who can show me how to do that?” I asked, thinking I must have sounded so clueless.

“Yes, ma’am. Let me get the client I am with her copies, and I will be right with you.”

It was working! I knew I was about to receive to crucial pieces to my puzzle in a matter of minutes. I was excited and nervous at the same time, not knowing how to feel. Evidently, whatever I was about to receive in the form of my bracelet and a letter was important enough that my dad had hidden it quite well. I guess I was mostly afraid of what I was about to find out. What if I refused to accept the answers I discover? One way or the other I was about to find out, so I may as well saddle up for the ride. I could see the elderly woman at the banker’s desk scrutinizing each form he had given her off of the printer to make sure she got each copy she was supposed to receive.

“Okay, I’m so sorry for the wait. Come in and have a seat,” the banker said, inviting me into his office as he slid back behind his desk again.

Following him inside, I sat as he looked up the safety deposit box on his computer. Once he had the information he needed, he asked for my name, date of birth, address, my father’s name, date of birth, address, and then made a copy of my driver’s license. Once that process was over, he instructed me to follow him. We made our way across the inside of the bank to a room with a vaulted door and what looked like walls of metal mailboxes. He showed me where to look for the box that would open with a turn of my little key and then told me he would give me a few minutes.

Taking a deep breath and moving toward the boxes, tracing my finger along each one, I finally came to box seven. It was small compared to some of the boxes sitting in the middle of the farthest column to the right. Sliding the key into the small lock on the front, I turned, hearing it unlock. I gently pulled the door open and removed the little black box from inside and set it on the small table in the middle of the room. Just as shiny as it had always been, I laid my angel charm bracelet right in the center as I removed the lid with a note written in my dad’s penmanship:
Put this on and wear it out. Everyone will think the box held your jewelry.

Immediately putting the bracelet on and sliding the envelope in my back pocket, which was concealed by the oversized hoodie I was wearing, I could tell it contained a very thick letter. Placing the lid back onto the box, I slid it back into the little compartment in the wall I had taken it from and locked its swinging door.

I stood in the doorway of the small room and waved to catch the attention of the banker who had helped me, not knowing if he needed to close the door or not.

“Did you find everything you needed, Ms. Holland?”

“Yes, my dad had kept our jewelry here, and I wanted to get it out. I don’t think I will need the box anymore, though.”

“That’s fine. Do you have the key?”

“Yes sir, here it is,” I said as I handed him the little copper key.

“Okay, Ms. Holland, why don’t you come and have a seat at my desk, and I will print out a form I will need you to sign, stating you no longer wish to keep the safety deposit box.”

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