Enigma (10 page)

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Authors: Leslie Drennan

BOOK: Enigma
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I turned in my chair and bent down to tie my tennis shoe, loosing focus of all who came in the doorway. Glancing over to the row where Avan always sat, I noticed he still wasn’t here with only two minutes until the tardy bell would ring. When I leaned back up, I saw Avan had changed seats with the girl who normally sat in front of me as he turned around to face me. Being surprised by him again, I didn’t realize I had his name doodled all over the front of my notebook as he started to look down at my desk.

Suddenly realizing what he was about to see, I laid my arms across the desk.

The tardy bell rang, and our teacher was on a roll today, leaving no time for casual conversation. I didn’t even care that we weren’t getting to talk, since his action of switching seats to be close to me spoke more than any words could, and I was not the only one who noted it. The whole class was buzzing and trying unsuccessfully not to stare. I knew the rumor mill fired up, but for once, it did not bother me the slightest bit. When I was near Avan I felt calm and unshakable, like nothing could hurt me. I did not think about any of the conversations others would have about us, and I did not feel the need to stress over it.

I could not help but think about how nice it would be to actually have something more than a friendship with Avan and to really give people something to talk about, when I noticed he had his head turned to the side as if he were waiting for me to say something. With a smile on his face that made his dimple visible, I couldn’t help but notice how indescribably amazing he was in every way. I thought about how nice it would be to tell everyone he was my boyfriend and how they would react.

I thought about how great he would treat me and how wonderful of a person he was. I knew he was an honest and loyal person who would protect me from any threat that came my way. He really was everything a girl could dream of wanting. He was the perfect catch, and I just hoped that I might have a chance.

After third period, the rest of the day became quite a reality show. It was a widely known fact all around school that I had arrived at school this morning in Avan Rork’s hot Mustang, he had opened every door for me, I was wearing his signature black leather jacket, he had walked me to several classes, he had changed seats with people to sit next to me, and he had bought me lunch.

I could feel the eyes of everyone in the hallways burning holes through my skull as they stared so hard they forgot to blink. A small part of me wanted to tell them to take a picture so it would last longer, but I knew it would not help, so I just let them be. The one person I had not run into today was Lena. She normally texted to let me know she would be absent for whatever reason, but I had not heard one word from her today. I wondered if maybe she had already caught wind of the talk going around and left early with a temper tantrum, which would not surprise me the slightest bit. The school day was nearing its end, and I dreaded going home to face her.

The bell rang, excusing us as I headed for locker 247 on the second floor. Having no homework tonight was a miracle that meant I only had to worry about my laptop instead of carting around my huge backpack. Taking the books out of my bag and placing them into my locker, I saw a folded piece of paper in the bottom that resembled the one on my car a few days ago.

Folded into fourths, the white paper sat on the bottom shelf of my locker, waiting to be discovered. Picking it up, I examined the paper just like I had the last one to see if there was any indication of who might have left it there. Although my mind told me I knew better, I thought for a moment that just maybe Avan had tried to be cute and leave me a note in my locker, but that just didn’t feel right. Even before unfolding the paper and just holding it in my hand, it gave off a dark feeling in my direction.

Carefully unfolding the paper, I dreaded what I would find inside. Once again, it was the same type of paper. As I straightened it out, I found a single sentence whose letters had been typed onto the paper by a typewriter, leaving them indented on the paper in black ink. I could not help but catch my breath as I read the message someone had left me, sending a chill through my entire body.

They’re watching you!

Suddenly I was beginning to feel like this was more than just a badly planned practical joke. My gut told me this was real and that someone was trying to warn me. That was where my thoughts left me at a dead end. Who could this mystery vigilante be protecting me from? I did not have any enemies, unlike Lena, who created a new one every day by being her normal self and making everyone else feel like crap. I stayed to myself and avoided involvement with most people. Maybe that was it! What if one of Lena’s enemies had finally had enough and reached their breaking point? It made sense; if I thought about it, I could convince myself of this theory easily. Someone Lena had made mad somehow knew I lived with her.

Maybe they had planned on confronting her or even starting a fight with her. If they did not have a problem with me even though they hated Lena, they might be warning me so I could avoid getting caught up in a less-than-pleasant situation by being in the wrong place at the wrong time when they went for Lena. The more I thought about it, the more sense it made. I wondered if I should warn Lena that someone had it out for her.

The last time I did, though, she warned me to stay out of it and told me she could take care of herself. Of course, that was in gym class two years ago when I tried warning her that the person throwing the dodge ball said in the locker room that she was going to aim at Lena’s head. Sure enough, Lena ended up with a bloody nose and two black eyes. I had tried to warn her, but it had not made much of a difference then, just as it would not if I tried to warn her now. A small part of me knew she probably deserved whatever was coming her way.

After thinking it through, I decided that I would do the same thing with this little stalker note that I did with the other one. I was going to pretend as if I had never received it. I folded the note back up poking into my back pocket when Avan walked up and leaned against the locker next to mine.

“So this is where your locker is?”

“This is it!” I smiled as I answered, adoring how he still looked good even under fluorescent light bulbs that shined in abundance in the school.

“I guess I’ll know where to find you so I can walk you to class now, huh?”

“I guess you will.” I couldn’t help feeling flattered that he would want to walk me to class.

“Here, let me carry your bag,” he said taking it from my hand as I closed my locker.

“I can get it.” I wasn’t used to anyone being so mannerly.

“A pretty girl should never have to carry her own books or bag when there is a strapping young man around who is capable of doing it for her—unless it’s a purse, because I really can’t swing that way.” He laughed.

I could not help but giggle at the thought of him carrying my purse on his shoulder and strutting around looking like a cross-dresser. I was sure he failed to realize that the visual he had just given me made me laugh aloud as we walked down the hallway toward the staircase at the end.

“You seem a little distracted. Is everything okay?” Avan asked, looking at me as though he already knew I’d found the note.

“Yeah, I think somebody is mad at Lena. They left a note for her in my locker.”

“How do you know it’s for Lena? Did it specify that?’

“Not exactly, but I haven’t made anyone mad, and she does all the time. It has to be for her.” I hoped this was the case, even though in my mind I still questioned the situation.

“What did it say?” Avan seemed concerned.

“It said they are watching me,” I said as my mind drifted to thoughts of the first letter in my glove compartment.

“This isn’t the first one, is it?” Avan asked as if he already knew the answer.


“I want you to be careful. As strange as it sounds, this may not be directed at Lena. You never know about what kinds of crazy and evil people are out there. You really could be in danger and being watched, Mattie.”

“How did you know about me getting a note before and what it said?” What seemed strange was that he had mentioned the first note with almost exact wording.

“Just a lucky guess,” Avan said as we reached the staircase. “I’ll race you to the car! The last one there is a rotten egg!”

After racing down the stairs and him letting me win, we ran across the parking lot, each trying not to be a rotten egg. Again, he let me win, leaving me completely out of breath. Making his way to the car about five paces behind me, he automatically came around to my side, opened the car door for me, lowered my bag onto the back seat, shut the door, and secured me inside before returning to the driver’s side and sliding behind the wheel. I was still amazed by all of the impressive gestures, finding it hard to believe the qualities still existed in any male under the age of sixty in this day and time. I was starting to like Avan even more with every second that passed.

Pulling up in front of Spirits, I realized I had not checked my cell phone since lunch; this was very unusual for me, since my phone was like an extension of my body most of the time. Being around Avan today had made me forget about it completely. It was kind of nice not to be so phone obsessed. I had forgotten what it was like to enjoy my day without looking at the screen every few minutes to check for texts, missed calls, or voicemail messages. Not that it would be a surprise who they were from anyway. Lena was the only one who ever really used my number, aside for the once-in-a-blue-moon call from Sharon needing an inconvenient favor or Damien calling to make sure all was well or Allen Hearsch calling to set up an appointment to go over financials.

I pulled the phone out of my purse to check to see if I had missed anything, a little curious as to why I still had not received a thing from Lena. It was inconceivable to think she would have forgotten her phone at the house this morning. She would not be able to survive without it.

Avan came around to my door, held it open, and handed me my bag. I turned and took a few steps toward my car when he asked if I was coming in. I told him I had better get home so I could get my homework knocked out, even though I had none. The reality was that if I did stay at Spirits I would end up staying until they closed, staring at him and ending up embarrassed. He smiled and told me he understood and he would see me in the morning, adding that he would pick me up at home.

I agreed, not thinking much about the fact that I had not given him my address. Being that I lived with Lena in the biggest house in Oceanview, I was aware that everyone knew where it was, so it never crossed my mind to hear that people knew where I lived. Watching him walk into work while I started my car and put it in reverse, I was a little taken back when the feeling hit me that I was already starting to miss him a little.

I pulled into the driveway, parking my car near the wrought iron fence. When I got out and got my bag walking to the doorway, it seemed a little heavier this afternoon, being that I had not carried it as much today. As I walked inside, I smelled something amazing that made my mouth water at the scent of seasonings that Lorenzo was using to make some culinary masterpiece for dinner, as usual. I loved anything Lorenzo made. I think he could probably cook garbage and make it taste out of this world. Passing up the staircase, I opted for the cushy living room downstairs, where I lay my bag down and propped my feet up to relax.

Daydreaming of Avan, I almost did not even hear Lorenzo tell me it was time to eat. I went to the bathroom, washed my hands, and grabbed for a hand towel when I noticed my reflection in the mirror. At that moment I noticed I was still wearing Avan’s jacket. I had completely forgotten to give it back to him before getting into my car at Spirits, and he must have been so concentrated on getting into work that he forgot to ask for it back. I took the jacket off and laid it by my bag on the couch before I walked to the dining room and slid into a chair across from Lorenzo at the enormous table.

Looking down at my plate, my mouth started watering to the point where you would have thought I had not eaten in three weeks. Lorenzo had made T-bone steaks seasoned with a blend of his own special concoction of spices, grilled veggies, loaded baked potatoes, and crème brulee for dessert, all topped with a refreshing glass of peach tea.

After dinner, I thanked Lorenzo for the amazing food by giving him a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek before telling him good night. I grabbed my things off the couch, along with Avan’s jacket, and headed up the stairs toward my room. Topping the stairs, I noticed that my bedroom door was ajar and a light in my room was on. Pushing the door open, I saw a pink sheet of paper weighted down with a small teddy bear by my lamp on the bedside table. On the outside, my name had been written in what I could tell was Lena’s handwriting. I picked up the little pink piece of paper which was folded in half setting the little teddy bear on my bed and unfolded it.


I’m so sorry I’m leaving you a note instead of calling, but I accidently dropped my phone in the toilet this morning and I have to go get a replacement. I’m going to work on Daddy’s movie set for two weeks. They need some extras for the movie, and it’s rumored I might even get a line! I’m so excited. I will get in touch as soon as I go get a new phone. I’m headed to the airport and will see you in a few weeks.


So Lena was with Damien—that was one mystery solved. I wondered if she might have been feeling threatened by whoever was leaving notes of caution for me and decided to skip town for a couple of weeks until things cooled down a little and blew over. If I had the option and knew someone wanted to use me as a punching bag, I would do it. I’d probably stay gone for a month. Either way, I was going to be free of Lena drama for an entire two weeks.

Sometimes getting a slight break from the usual was nice, so I was going to enjoy this one as much as I could, with Avan as much as possible. I slipped into my night clothes when I found the note in the pocket of my jeans that I’d forgotten I’d put there from my locker. I tucked it into my bag so I could put it in my glove compartment later. For now it was time to watch a movie and fall asleep.

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