Engaging the Bachelor (Pulse) (9 page)

Read Engaging the Bachelor (Pulse) Online

Authors: Cathryn Fox

Tags: #fake relationship, #Cathryn Fox, #reunited lovers, #doctor, #second chance, #Brazen, #romance, #fake engagement, #Entangled, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Engaging the Bachelor (Pulse)
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“Uh, yeah sure,” she said, and under the table, he put his hand on her leg, giving it a small squeeze.

“Will your family be coming to the wedding?” his mom asked, her subtle way of prying deeper into Gemma’s private life.

She went stiff beneath his hand. “The only family I have is my mother, and she’s not well, so there’s no way she could attend.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Does she live nearby?”

“In Brooklyn, where I grew up.”

“Well, I’m looking forward to meeting her someday.”

“She will like that, too.”

“Do you plan to continue at Score after you marry?”

“Mom,” Carson said.

“Gemma actually designs jewelry,” Crystal piped in. She touched the gem dangling around her neck. “This is one of hers.”

His mother’s eyes went wide, a new light shining in them. “I’ve seen that jewelry. It’s beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Gemma said. She exchanged a look with Crystal, her smile warm and grateful. For his sister to know Gemma was the genius behind
designs, she had to have been checking into her. If Crystal knew anything about the reputation she hid behind, she wasn’t letting on. “I’m so glad you like my designs.”

“They’re beautiful,” Crystal said. “I have no talent for stuff like this. You’re making quite the name for yourself. I know a lot of women wearing your designs.”

“Carson tells me you’re working on your law degree.”

She nodded, and his father beamed with pride. Gemma turned toward his father. “You must be so proud that she’s following in your footsteps. Of course, I know you’re proud of Carson, too, even if he changed careers mid-stream.” The room went quiet. Deadly quiet. Gemma squeezed Carson’s hand beneath the table, her brow pulled tight. “Um…” she said, her eyes darting around nervously.

Shit. Coming to her rescue he said, “We’re all proud of Crystal. Now why don’t you tell everyone more about your business, Gemma?”

“Um, okay.” She touched her hair, her hand a little shaky, and Carson put his arm around her shoulders. She smiled at him and relaxed a bit. “I could go on all day about design.”

Carson lightly brushed his thumb over the back of her neck as she talked. His heart thumped. Damn, she lit up like a Christmas tree when she described the jewelry-making process, and how she used only the finest gems. He couldn’t help but smile. Her energy and enthusiasm were contagious, but the honesty in her eyes, the genuine openness, was what really drew him in. This was the Gemma he remembered. Not an ounce of falseness about her.

“I want to open up my own shop in Brooklyn someday. There are all these new trendy little shops opening and I—”

“Brooklyn?” his mother asked, her eyes narrowing again. She looked at Carson. “Are you taking a job in Brooklyn?”

He leaned back in his chair. “We’re not sure what we’re doing yet.”

“Brooklyn is just so…”

“More wine, Diane?” his dad asked.

His mother picked up her glass and looked at Carson over the rim. “Well, there is lots of time to decide, lots of places to live.” Her smile was wide, but there was a determination in her eyes. “Maybe by the end of summer, I can convince Gemma to open up that shop in Manhattan.” Her gaze shifted to Gemma. “I know a lot of people who would be interested in your work.”

“We’ll think about it,” Carson said, putting an end to the conversation and appeasing his mother for the time being.

Two hours later, he was back in his car with Gemma. She exhaled an exaggerated breath when he exited the driveway, and remained quiet for a long time, as if she was lost in her thoughts.

“I think that went well,” Carson finally said, sliding his hand across the seat to capture hers.

She shook her head and laughed. “I don’t know what color the sky is in your world, but that was a disaster. I put my foot in my mouth about a dozen times, and now I have to go out with your sister on the weekend, and plan an engagement party with your mother.”

“She’s pushy.”

She laughed. “Now I know where you get it.”

He drove the short stretch to her place and pulled into the rear parking lot at Score. With only a few cars in the lot, there were plenty of open spaces. “I guess you can see why I wanted this whole pretend engagement.”

“I think she just has your best interest at heart, and you know what? I’d kill for that.” He cast a glance her way, and his heart pinched when he glimpsed the vulnerability she went to great lengths to hide. “I actually liked her. She seemed to warm up a bit after she found out I make jewelry.”

“It had nothing to do with the jewelry,” he said, even though that was most likely the case. “You’re just loveable.” As soon as the word left his mouth, he stilled. She went equally quiet. Shit, he probably shouldn’t be tossing around any L words here.

He pulled into a spot, and she said, “I can’t believe she wants to have an engagement party. I never thought it would come to this.”

“Me, neither, and you were right. Tonight was a bit of a disaster.”

They climbed from the car, and he walked her to her apartment. She unlocked her door and found Gracie asleep on her bed when they stepped inside. She turned to Carson, a new energy in the air as they stood staring at each other.

“I guess there is only one thing we can do,” he said.

“What’s that? Break it off now, before we’re both in over our heads?”

“No. We’re already past that.” No fucking way was he ready to put an end to this thing between them—whatever the fuck it was. Not until he’d gotten her out of his system once and for all. Until he did, he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking of her, or move on with his damn life. He slipped his hand around her waist and drew her close. Her body felt so fucking good against his; all he could think about was getting her naked and pressing skin on skin. He dipped his head, his mouth close to hers. “It means we have no choice but to get to know each other better.”

Chapter Eight

His lips found hers, and she softened against him. The sexy moan that escaped her throat tightened the sexual tension coiling deep inside. Fuck, he needed her again. Honest to God, chemistry like they had didn’t come along every day, and he definitely needed to explore it further—to light it up and burn it out—before it consumed him completely.

“You are the sexiest woman in the world,” he growled, inching back to see her, all of her. His gaze raced over her curves, so sexy in her little blue dress, and his cock throbbed. She had a body worth worshipping, and he needed her naked in the worst fucking way.

Her breathing changed as he backed her up, ready to push her against the wall and follow through with everything he’d promised, but the sound of Gracie’s tail wagging on her bed stopped him. Fuck, it just didn’t seem right having sex in front of Gracie.

“Change of plans,” he said.

“Carson,” she pleaded, her cheeks flushed, her body practically vibrating in his arms. Her groan of protest turned into a moan of pleasure when he slid his hands up her outer thighs, pulling her dress up with it. With little finesse and a lot of greed, he splayed his fingers along the backs of her legs, gripping her an inch below the soft swell of her ass and lifting her onto his hips. Her thighs hugged his body, her long legs curling around his back as he repositioned her. The heat of her sex seeped into his skin, and a loud moan of sexual frustration escaped his throat. His hurried steps carried them down the hall, and he used his shoulder to turn the light on. He kicked the door shut behind them, hard enough to rattle the few pictures on her wall.

Her questing hands snaked around his neck, her mouth on his, warm, sensual…so damn hungry. He returned those kisses, and spun around to press her into the wall.

He pushed against her, rubbing his cock against her sex. “All night I’ve been dying to get my mouth on you.” Sliding his fingers through her hair, he kissed her lips, her chin, the hollow of her throat, unable to get enough.

“Same,” she murmured.

“I need you naked.” He angled his head and caught a glint of silver on her dresser. An idea formed. A delicious, wicked idea that made his cock throb. “I’m going to kiss every inch of you, then I’m going to pound into you until you’re screaming my name. Tonight you’re mine, Gemma.” She moaned, and he pulled her away from the wall so he could reach behind her and release her zipper. Her legs went to the floor, and she wet her lips as he stepped back. “Take your dress off. Show me your body.”

“What?” she asked, her eyes glazed, glossy with need.

“It wasn’t a question. Now take it off before I tear it off.”

She sensuously rolled her shoulder, letting the material fall down her arm. He sucked in a breath. So did she. With a little whoosh, the dress fell to her ankles. A quick step and she was out of it, but when she moved to take her shoes off, he shook his head.

“The shoes stay.” He remained motionless, taking in her lush curves, and the black lace that stood in the way of his owning her body completely. And yeah, he planned to have every fucking inch of her tonight, his way, every way. Honest to God, he was the luckiest guy alive to be here with her. He stood a moment longer, just looking at her sweet curves.

“Carson,” she whispered. “Please.”

She reached for him, her hands pulling at his shirt, her greedy touches urging him on and damn near making him insane. His pulse thrummed in his throat, lust surging through his veins and lighting his nerves until he was burning up inside.

Needing to feel her skin against his, he tackled the buttons lining the front of his shirt, his big fingers fumbling. Frustration grew, came to a peak.
Fuck it.
Patience at an end, he grabbed and tugged, and his buttons fell to the floor and clattered away. She gave a broken gasp, the fire in her eyes deepening.

He grinned and stepped closer. “You liked that did you?” She nodded, and ran her hands over his chest. He threw his head back. “Fuck, I love when you touch me like that.”

His hands gripped her rib cage, and he brushed her nipples through the black lace. “Carson,” she murmured. “I need you naked, too.” Her lids were heavy, half-closed, her body breaking so beautifully under his touch.

Her fingers tugged at the button on his pants, but if she touched him right now, he was likely to detonate. He needed his fill of her before she went anywhere near his cock. He closed his hands over hers and put them behind her back.

She whimpered in protest. “I need—”

“Me first,” he said. “Keep your hands there.” Letting go of her wrists, he brushed her nipples through the lace bra until they were rock hard, begging for his mouth.

“Oh, yes,” she murmured.

As she spoke, her warm breath fluttered over his face, and he felt it all the way to his groin. “You like that?”

“I like everything you do to me.”

Desire overwhelmed him at her admission, and he applied more pressure, the need to please her the most important thing in the world right now. She arched into him, and a new kind of desperation took hold. He closed his eyes in distress, everything about her fucking with his mind and body. Being with her like this was as natural as breathing, and it would be so goddamn easy to fall for her.

What the fuck? He sucked in a sharp breath to keep himself together. They were just exploring a brief affair. Neither one of them was looking for any kind of relationship.

“I need you out of this so I can put my mouth on you.” He slipped one hand behind her back and unhooked her bra. The lace fell forward, and he slid it off her shoulders.

“Oh my,” she said, her words tumbling out on a whisper. “What skilled hands you have.”

He grinned at her big bad wolf reference. “The better to touch you with, my dear.”

A smile played on her mouth, and she ran her fingers over his shoulders, her body eager for pleasure. Good. Because he planned to spend the night giving her what she wanted. He leaned into her and dragged his tongue over her nipple before drawing it into his mouth. Her sweet scent curled around him, and he breathed her in, letting her perfumed skin fuel his arousal. A surge of pleasure shot through him, and he bit back a curse as his cock ached.

Her hands raked through his hair, and he sank to his knees. He nipped at her panties, and tugged them with his teeth, pulling them from her hips. She rocked against him, and his heart raced. A hard tug and he had her panties at her ankles. She stepped out of them, and he dug his fingers into her thighs, pushing them apart to make room for his greedy mouth. She shifted in her heels, spreading for him. He nudged her pussy with his chin, and she gasped, rocking against his mouth. He gave her one long, slow pass with his tongue, and inched back.

A cry caught in her throat as he climbed up her body, scooped her up, and carried her to her bed. A gentle toss and she was sprawled out on the sheets, his for the taking. But that wasn’t enough for him. He wanted complete surrender. Curious eyes never left his as he backed up and scooped the handcuffs off her dresser.

Her entire body stiffened, and he couldn’t help but grin. He spun the cuffs around his finger. No way would she be running out on him in the morning. Yeah, this might be her place, but she was a runner, and she wasn’t going anywhere until he damn well let her.

“What are you doing with those?” Desire clouded her eyes, telling him so much.

“Do you really have to ask?” At his question, she quirked a brow, tough girl Gemma back in place, and he laughed. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you don’t want this.” She opened her mouth, but he cut off any smart-ass comment. “Trust me?” He stepped up to her, his fingers barely making contact as he ran them over her fevered skin. Her entire body quaked.

“I…yes,” she said.

“Good.” He looked over her quivering body. “Because I want to play with you.”

“I thought you said you didn’t play games.”

He laughed again. Look at her lying there, trying so hard to maintain control when her body was begging her to hand herself over to him. “I do when handcuffs are involved.” Her dark lashes flickered, her chest rising and falling as her neck and face flushed pink. “Tonight you’re mine, Gemma. No running. No escaping.” He gave her two seconds to chew on that and said, “Now, hands above your head.”

Her fingers flinched. “You’re pretty bossy,” she said, her voice a breathless whisper.

“I’m waiting.”

Her chin lifted. “What if I don’t want to?”

“You do.”

“Oh really?” She clamped her thighs shut, but her voice lacked any kind of conviction.

“Yeah, really.”

“What are you, some kind of expert?”

“As a matter of fact I am.” His gaze raked over her sweet face and her gorgeous body, taking her in from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. “Let’s see. Flushed skin. Feverish, really.” He touched her, a light brush below the soft swell of her breast, and then dragged his hand downward. When he reached her sex, his fingers lingered for a moment then retraced his path upward. “Rapid breathing. Dilated pupils. Arched back.”

She wet her mouth, and he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. He brought it to his mouth and licked it. She whimpered, her hips shifting on the bed “Oh, yeah, you want this, Gemma. And now you’re going to do exactly what I tell you to.”

After one agonizing moment of hesitation, her hands crept upward, toward the bedpost. Pleasure burst inside him, and he damn near wept. She was perfect. So fucking perfect.

“Open your legs.”

Her thighs inched apart, and it nearly brought him to his knees. As she exposed herself to him, offering herself up so nicely, he tossed the cuffs on the bed for later, and walked around the bed, taking her all in. His cock throbbed so hard he was sure the pressure was doing damage. He grabbed his dick and shifted it inside his pants. She bit her bottom lip as she watched. “You are so sexy.”

He looked his fill, taking his sweet time, even though he wanted to bury his face between her legs and ravage her. Christ, the things this woman did to him without even trying.

She writhed shamelessly, and he liked it. He liked it a lot. “Carson, please.”

“Please what?”

“Touch me.”

He climbed onto the bed, eased her knees apart, and positioned himself between her legs, his body begging him to get naked and fuck her already. But he didn’t want to rush. He wanted so much more than a quick, hurried orgasm. He wanted to take his time and savor her for the rest of the night, and he was damn well going to do things his way, even if it meant handcuffing her. His hands went to her thighs, and he tugged, bringing her ass up, and her legs around him. Her shoes clicked behind his back, and the sweet sound sent vibrations straight to his cock.

He ran one hand over her stomach, caressing softly. “Is this what you want?”

She tossed her head to the side, her hair splaying across the bed. “Yes…”

He feathered his fingers over her flesh, slowly inching toward her sex. His thumb found her clit, and an erotic whimper filled the room. Need swamped him when he found her hot and wet. He put a finger inside her, and her hips soared upward, her body seeking relief. Blood pulsing hot, he pulled his finger out and plunged in again, knowing just how to touch her, and stroke the hot bundle of nerves inside.

“That’s it,” she cried out, her breath racing.

Lust sang through him, and it was all he could do to rein in his need. “You like that, huh?” Christ, he hardly recognized his voice.

She moved her body, and he repositioned himself. He withdrew his finger and gripped her legs, spreading her wider as his mouth went to her sex. He licked her, then delved deeper. His tongue swept over and in, swirling, licking…devouring. Jesus, he needed this. Feeling a little crazed, a little out of control, he plunged into her, and her legs tightened around his face.

“Carson,” she cried out, her body breaking beneath him. He stayed between her legs, nurturing her release with his tongue, and once she stopped shaking, he abandoned her sex, grabbed her hips roughly, and flipped her over. She gasped and gripped the bed sheets, her fingers curling into them. “Hands over your head, now.”

She said something, but he couldn’t make out her muffled words. Her hands flew upward, and he crawled over her, slipping the cuffs through one slat of the headboard and securing them around her wrists. He grabbed a pillow and shoved it under her hips, raising her ass up to him.

“So nice,” he growled, running his fingers down her spine, until he reached the soft swell of her backside. He kneaded her flesh then gave her a little slap.

“Ohh…” she whimpered.

“Don’t move.” He opened his pants. Relief washed over him as he pushed them to his knees and freed his cock. Shoving his hand into his pocket he grabbed a condom, bit into the foil like a man starved for more than just sex, and sheathed himself.

He gripped the base of his cock and ran the head over her sex. She moved against him, and in one quick thrust he drove into her. Tight. Hot. Mind-blowing. She gasped, and he gave her a quick second to catch up as his cock throbbed.

“Okay?” he asked.

“Yes.” She moved her hips, and he rocked with her. Together they created a rhythm, each giving and taking. His muscles rippled, and he angled his body for harder thrusts. Her body rose up to meet his, sharing in his urgency. Christ, she was so responsive it was all he could do to keep his shit together.

He powered forward and then withdrew, only to slam home again. Each hard push was met with a cry of ecstasy. Sweat collected on his brow, and there was nothing he could do to leash his control. His body ached for hers. He was desperate to release inside her, mark her as his. He crashed into her, teetering on the edge but not quite ready to fall over. He craved more, all of her. Tension rose in him, and he gripped her shoulders for better leverage. His heart pounded. His lungs grabbed what little air they could as she grew hotter beneath him.

“Carson,” she murmured.

His body trembled as she clenched around him, her orgasm draining every ounce of strength he possessed. “That’s it,” he murmured, his breath growing shallow.

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