Enforcer: Book Four (Princes of Prophecy) (19 page)

BOOK: Enforcer: Book Four (Princes of Prophecy)
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He smiles. “I'll make the calls. Diego is the second door.” I kiss his cheek and look for Diego hoping Jax doesn't get pissed. 

He makes a noise and runs around his desk lifting me up. “Slow down dweeb I'm in a skirt.” He puts me down. 

“Sorry.” He has a low voice for such a young guy. I kiss his cheek. “I can't wait until Saturday.” 

I laugh. “Me either.” 

He sits me in the chair in front of his desk and we talk about everything. Diego will always be special to all of us, but I like to think I'm special to him too. He texts and calls at least once a week, in my head that makes me his favorite. 

I tell him we're doing dinner and he says he'll be there. With a kiss and hug I leave with a smile. It didn't start out good, but I ended up with the best family a girl could ask for. The only ones I didn't see are Sandy, José and Judy. Sandy's at Mitch's lab for something. I'll see the girls at dinner. José is in school for Princes. I hope he shows tonight. I don’t see him enough.

On my way out I text Jax letting him know the family is coming to dinner. He makes me laugh texting; 
that was the plan.
 Love my man.

When I come up the bulkhead stairs I hear dogs barking. It sounds like it's coming from the playground. I walk over and watch, shocked. Uncle Steve has dogs everywhere. How the hell he's training them all together is beyond me. Amanda pulls up behind me. “He's fuckin’ nuts. They play every day at the same time.” 

I just nod, watching a dog jump on a baby swing
and swing
. They're going down the slides, walking around the tree houses, and running the ladders. He trained them to play. How fuckin’ weird is that? I look away. “Why?” 

She smiles. “It's sweet really. He does it so they can play with the kids. These are going to kids coming out of hospitals. He thought they could use companions that really played the way kids play.” She shrugs then shakes her head. “Crazy but sweet.” 

I nod and she drives away. I walk into the playground and he yells, “Safe.”

The dogs keep playing. “I'm glad you taught them a new one. Make friends would have had me changing for dinner.” 

He smiles and holds his arm out for me. “Kept kids safe. Proud of you.” 

“Thanks VP. This is a little crazy, but cool too. I'm glad you're training them. No one else would think like this.” 

He laughs. “When in Rome.” I nod. 

“Jax caught the homeless killer.” 

He nods. “Talked to Driscoll.” 

“Aaron wants PD. He thinks he's not old enough.” 

He looks at me. “Already HS. PD's an easy move.” 

“Yeah. I think he wants detective.” 

He grunts. “Smart enough. Could be detective.” 

“He's good Uncle Steve, but I don't think he believes he could make it. Did something happen up here?” 

He looks at me. “Here he's 'nother kid in HS. There had to prove he's HS. I'll talk to Driscoll. School'd be good for him.” 

I pull his shirt and kiss his cheek. “Thanks Uncle Steve.” 

He smiles. “Happy Jax got in. Good man. Don't give him shit.” 

“Ha! He better not give me shit.” 

He laughs and gives me a squeeze. “Glad you're happy. Kids good?” 

“Yeah the best.” 

He nods and calls his dogs. 

“I'm out before I get mauled.” He throws me chin. 

I make the house without getting mauled and smile at Brandon's laugh from the back. I go around and see him on Tiny's shoulders. Stella is sitting with Nancy, Sandy and Judy. She's in a new dress with little biker boots. I just shake my head. She's adorable. “I've decided I have the best family in the world. Thank you Tiny and Nancy for making that happen.” 

Everyone looks my way. Tiny throws me chin. Nancy has tears in her eyes and Judy comes running for a hug with Sandy following. The best!

Chapter Seventeen
Wedding Day

Kate brings me to the guest room on the first floor. “I'll be back when the old ladies get here. I have some last minute things to tell the Prospects.” I nod and flop on the bed when the door closes. I must have dozed, I think, when I hear noise in the room. I smile opening my eyes then freeze. Strapper is coming at me with a cloth. I sit up and swing my elbow at his face. Blood starts running from his nose and I reach for my gun. He's on me before I can get it. With my arm pinned behind me he's fighting to get the cloth to my face. I yell and he growls putting his weight on the arm on my neck and covers my nose and mouth. I see black.


I get Brandon dressed with Tiny's help. Really he supervises like I need directions. Since he's nervous and excited, I let him give me directions. I get Brandon's cut on him and he's smiling at himself in the mirror. “You look good little man.” He hugs me. 

Danny comes running in. “Tiny keep Brandon. Jax come with me. We need to go now.” I follow him out wondering what the fuck is going on. “Sheila's gone. There's blood in the room. Prez has Ops tracking and have her on water. Let's go,” he throws over his shoulder as we run down the stairs.

My fuckin’ heart drops. “What is it with the MC and my fuckin’ woman?” I growl, running down the stairs following him out. Someone throws me a helmet and I look at the bike. “She's on water. We aren't finding her with a fuckin’ bike.”

“Going to the chopper. Dakota is already up. Cloud will meet us at MC-Baxter.” 

I jump on the bike and follow him through town. Blood in the room. She's gone. 

I hear Prez talking to Dakota. He's heading south, but tracking is off. He just flew over it with nothing around the area. Fuckin’ hell! 

I'm seething by the time I get to the chopper. Loading bikes on the chopper steals minutes we can't afford to lose. Finally, we're up and following Dakota. Danny hands me a laptop and earbud. I clip it on and listen. They're looking for Strapper. Fuck! How the fuck did he get on the compound? I listen and start searching records. I get family names then do a search for properties. I send the list to Prez and keep looking. My heart is in my throat. We have his address and where he's shown lately from his tracking. I jump to Princes IT and pull his tracking. He hasn't moved as of last night. Fuckin’ great. 

I hear Prez order Princes Security to check addresses on the list. Since there is no way they could have made it to any of them he has them watching the properties. I look at my watch. Twenty-five minutes. I watch out the window. I did not get my shot with her just to lose her. The thought calms me. I look at Danny. “Blood in the room?” 

“Yeah. Chet followed it to the KC Training hall and up into VP's house right out to the beach.” 

Fuck. That's how he got away so fast. The door can't be opened without a code. “The code?” 

He looks pissed. “Admin.” 

Jesus. Someone up here helped him. My heart is in my throat. He's smart, knows where the cameras are and had full access on PD. Our only leads rest with Princes Surveillance and the properties. Since he was PD he doesn't have access to Princes feeds. I hope it's enough. 

I hear Prez telling Dakota a boat was picked up on a dock feed a few towns from our home. Geek is running the feeds, but the cameras only show the dock. Sheila was carried toward a parking lot. No vehicle is known yet. He tells Marty to run feeds close to the dock. 

Cloud sets down and we get the bikes off. I switch to the helmet and hear they don't have a direction. None of the properties were here and nothing close to the coast, so we're stuck here waiting for a go. I look at my watch. Almost an hour. Fuck!

I pace sticking close to the bike. Danny just watches. 

Prez: “LP1 follow west. GPS is set. Report of a woman jumping out of a car and being dragged back in. The description fits. Male has blood all over him.” 

Danny: “Roger Prez.” 

Finally! I jump on the bike and we fly, following Geek's directions. It's taking too long. They'll be long gone by the time we get there. Prez has Princes moving to the areas around where the Explorer was seen. He's making a net. Thank fuck he's running this. He's fuckin’ smart like VP with Ops. We hit the scene, but Danny rides right by it. HS is here and point toward the highway. Geek's got us following the Explorer by highway feeds. Prez is closing his net when we see them. 

Danny: “We have a visual. The fuckin’ truck is all over the place Prez.” 

Prez: “Roger LP1. Princes HS close the highway down.” I hear the rogers and the truck jerks to the left. 

“Fuck!” A semi goes around it with the air horn sounding. 

The Explorer hits the guardrail then turns with the driver's side scraping against it still rolling forward. We slow down. Danny gets in front of it and laughs then moves out of the way. Running alongside it I yank the passenger door seeing Sheila pulling the wheel with her hands cuffed. Reaching around her I pull the emergency brake. 

She looks at me and smiles. “Thanks.” 

I take a breath and try calming my heart. Fuckin’ woman is smiling at me. I pull her and she stops. “I'm cuffed and chained to his seat. Fuckin’ pussy thought it would keep me down.”

I laugh and look at Danny. He holds a cuff key out to me with a smile on his face. “Why didn't you pull the brake?”

“Did you see where we are? That's a fuckin’ cliff off the rail. I'm getting married today. I don't have fuckin’ time for an ER visit. They take for-fuckin’-ever.” She looks at him like he's crazy. He nods and I laugh hugging her to me. Fuckin’ Sheila. 

Prez is laughing in our ear. It shocks the hell out of me. “Cleanup is on its way. Prince will clear. Get She Dog to the chopper so she can get married. Geek is getting you directions to a lot off the next exit. Eagle Eye is your ride back.” 

“Roger Prez,” we say at the same time. 

Danny is still smiling. “Is he dead?” 

“Yeah.” I look around her and see blood coming out of holes in his neck. Jesus. “All I could get at was a pen.” 

HS pulls up and Danny gets a bottle of water to clean her hands. She's got no marks on her. “How'd he get you out of the house?” 

“Shit on a cloth. I broke his nose trying to keep him from getting it to my face but he had me pinned with my hand on my gun. When I yelled he had me.” 

I hug her tight. “Love you baby girl. Let's go get married.” 

She pulls my shirt and kisses my cheek. “Yeah.” 

At the chopper Prez tells us to leave the bikes. Cleanup will get them. She moves to a seat and I pull her back. “Not ready to let you go just yet.” 

She sits on my lap and smiles. “This will be a hell of a story when we're fifty.” I hold her tighter thinking she's crazy.

Danny laughs. “You may want to keep the killing him with a pen out of that.” 

“Not a fuckin’ chance. That's the best part.” 

He laughs more and I shake my head. “Holy fuck.” She's right, but Jesus.

We're dropped at the compound gate and everyone is waiting. I don't let her go. I can't let her go. They seem to understand and don't give me shit for it. Everyone hugs her and Brandon tries to climb up me. I help him one handed. “You got her back. Thanks Daddy.” 

“She got herself safe and was just waiting for us.” 

He nods and leans to kiss her cheek. I set him down and follow her back to the house. The old ladies try to get her away from me. “I need a fuckin’ minute,” I growl at them. Sheila pulls me into the room. There's blood on the bed and floor. Fuck. I pull the blanket down so I'm not seeing it and pull her to me. “Scared the shit out of me baby.” I bury my face in her neck. 

“I'm fine Jax. I was scared too. I'm just glad you got there when you did. I thought for sure I was going over the edge.” 

I hold her tighter. I could have lost her. A knock at the door has me growling. 

“We need to get married so you can hold me for the rest of the day.” 

I look at her face. She's calm and smiling at me. “You have no tracking on you. I'm not leaving you again.” 

She laughs. “Wait outside the door, but you have to leave. The old ladies will pick your carcass clean if you try to stay in here.” 

Fuck. I don't want to let her go, but they're knocking again. I kiss her and open the door. Shit. They're all looking at me. “I'm outside the door,” I growl at them. They smile and walk by like I didn't say a word. Fuckin’ women. 

Tiny, Jared, Brandon and Danny are waiting with me. We got the jewelry in the room. At least she has tracking back on her. Taylor comes down the hall. “Pres says you need to get out there, everyone is ready.” 

“I'm not leaving her again.” 

“I'll stay with Tiny and Uncle Danny.” When I don't move he goes on. “He's dead Brother. He can't get at her again.” 

I take a deep breath and throw him chin. “You'll stay?” Jared says he will too.

“Yeah Brother. Go get in place so you can get married.”

I push away from the door wondering if this is smart. My head is fucked. Strapper's dead, she's got Eliza and Marty in with her and two HS waiting outside the room, plus Tiny and Jared. Prez is rounding the corner when I get to it. His hand goes to my shoulder. “I'll walk with them Brother. Everyone is a little nervous.” I throw him chin and walk by feeling that relief. Dakota and Jessie pass me throwing chin. 

Darren is at the back door. “Just keeping watch Brother.” 

They're covering her. I breathe easy knowing she's safe. VP is standing at the path. “Don't need more fuckin’ excitement today.” I throw him chin and smile as I pass him. MC and Prince Brothers are standing and throw me chin as I walk by. They're all watching out for her. 

When I get to the gazebo Pres hugs me. “So fuckin’ glad she's Sheila and you got her back. I'll deal with the how after you're married.” 

I slap his back, but push his words away. I don't want to think about how right now. I want my ring on her finger and my hand holding hers. 

Anita brings Trapper up and I hug him then move him to my left. “Glad you got to her Jax. It's never dull with you. That's for sure.” 

I laugh shaking my head. “Not my idea of entertainment, but she's here and safe.” 

I'm watching the path and see Brandon holding Stella's hand. He walks slow so she can throw flower petals as she walks. Amanda is in front of them taking pictures. I push away the thought of them without Sheila. I'd deal, but fuck. I keep telling myself that she’s here. She's here and she's safe.

When I see her my breath catches. Her hair is blowing behind her and she's got my shy smile on as her eyes find mine. Fuck she's beautiful. She's in a white dress with blue fire going from smoked to royal down her side. I smile, it's just like her bike. The Brothers walk behind her and I'm hit with how much I love the fuckin’ Brotherhood. They're showing me how special she is. 

“You better breathe Jax. Don't want you passing out adding more drama to the day,” Trapper says, making me and Pres laugh. My eyes don't leave hers, but I breathe. 

Tiny puts her hand in mine. “You've proven you can take care of my girl. Keep her safe Brother.” 

I don't take my eyes from hers. “I will Brother.” He steps back. “Fuckin’ beautiful baby girl.” The diamonds on her neck and ears sparkle around us. It's like a dream.

Pres steps forward and we look at him. “Finally a couple that follows tradition.” 

I hear fucks in the background and laugh. They were betting. “Hope you bet on me,” Sheila says. 

Pres shakes his head no. “After what happened I didn't think I had a chance and changed it.” 

Trapper cracks up. “I did Sheila.”

She leans forward looking at him. “Congratulations Trapper.” Everyone laughs. 

“Think we can step it up?” I ask them.

Pres says his piece and we say ours. I slide her ring on thinking I need to get her another one for the one that was lost in the water. I kiss her finger and look at Pres. He goes on and she slides my ring on. I smile at her. It’s perfect. She kisses my ring and we finish, holding each other's eyes. I swallow hard. I almost lost her on the most important day of my life. Pres says I can kiss her and I do. 


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