Enemy Way (2 page)

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Authors: Aimée & David Thurlo

BOOK: Enemy Way
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“I also caught a glimpse of the female, who wasn’t wearing a mask. I believe she’s Baker’s wife, Barbara,” Ella added. “Anything on the man with the shotgun?”

Tache nodded. “According to Baker’s file, another Anglo named Jim Shepherd was convicted along with Joey Baker and Barbara
about five years ago for armed robbery. They’ve all been living in Farmington for the past year or so since their early good-time releases from prison.”

Ella nodded to the officer in the tan uniform stationed by the hospital room door, then went inside with Tache. Baker, a muscular, dirty-blond man with several tattoos, was sitting up on the bed, resting against the elevated mattress and several
pillows. He was handcuffed to the bed by his right wrist. The moment he saw Ella Baker swore, his stare filled with hatred. She ignored his mad-dogging, a move typical of criminals looking for someone to blame when the law caught up to them.

Ella shifted her gaze to the other Anglo man in the room. He was wearing an expensive gray suit and standing to the right of the bed. With one raised eyebrow,
she silently asked him to identify himself. From the silk tie and sharkskin boots, she guessed he was a lawyer.

“I’m Martin Miller,” he said fluidly. “I’m Mr. Baker’s counsel, and you must be Special Investigator Ella Clah, the ex-FBI agent and arresting officer.”

Ella nodded, and Miller continued. “Tread carefully, officer. My client and I fully expect to file a civil suit against your department.
Mr. Baker has been threatened, shot, and harassed, all for having the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“While threatening citizens with a loaded handgun, wearing a ski mask, and robbing a bank,” Ella added, amused. “You better find an attorney who can cut a deal, Baker, or at least someone with a stronger grip on reality. I hope that’s not your whole story. That defense
won’t work on a five-year-old.”

“My client has explained to me that the actual bank robber assaulted him outside the bank, and forced him to go inside at the barrel of a shotgun.” Miller added.

“Then why was your client wearing a mask? Surely the ‘real robber’ wouldn’t have cared if Baker’s face was seen. Another point, your client was the one giving all the orders, waving around a pistol loaded
with fourteen rounds of live ammunition,” Ella countered smoothly. “And the pistol functions perfectly, right?” She turned to Tache, who nodded in agreement.

“I was told what to say,” Baker said, a smug look on his face. “And he said the pistol didn’t work.”

Ella watched Baker. Something about this man was making her skin crawl. She knew from his behavior in the bank that he was calm and cruel,
and enjoyed baiting people. But that, in itself, was not unusual for a criminal. There was something else about him, something more elusive, that was sending signals to her brain.

“I don’t have to remind you that I certainly didn’t shoot myself,” Baker added with a confident grin. “It was the actual criminal who did that.”

“Sergeant Tache has helped me identify the other two members of your
gang,” Ella said meeting his gaze and holding it. “You seem to share a history of crimes with them. Want to change your story any before I continue?”

gang? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Your wife Barbara, who fired at me several times with a handgun, was the driver of the getaway car. The man with the shotgun was James Shepherd. They’re the ones who shot you, remember? If I
hadn’t pulled you down behind that planter, you might be in the morgue now instead of that bed.”

“My wife? Barb was the one who dropped me off, if that’s what you mean,” Baker said, his eyes never wavering from Ella’s. “And Shepherd? Well, I do know him, he shares our rental home, but he’s been busy lately looking for a job, and I haven’t seen him all day. It’s true we’ve made mistakes in the
past, but that’s behind us now. We all served our sentences. You can’t pin this on us. I was a victim of a criminal today, just like the other people at that bank.”

He was sticking to his lies, hoping to find anything to contradict so he could get them on the defensive. Ella felt Baker’s open challenge, and figured it was time to try and rattle that composure a bit. “Your wife and your friend
are out there on the run in a disabled car, with every officer within a hundred miles looking for them. You’d be better off helping us locate them before they come up against a group of well-armed officers. We already have enough physical evidence and testimony to convict you. Don’t let the next piece of news you hear be an account of your wife’s death.”

“That’s enough.” Miller held up his hand.
“You’re badgering my client, and he’s been nothing but patient with you, despite his life-threatening injuries. This interview is finished. If the district attorney has any charges to file against Mr. Baker, then I should be told about them now so I can have adequate time to prepare his defense.”

“I’m aware of the law, counselor,” Ella replied, forcing her tone to remain casual. She started to
say more, when she caught a glimpse of Officer Justine Goodluck standing just inside the door. Two years ago, her second cousin had been assigned to her crime team, and since that time, Ella had never had reason to regret it.

Excusing herself, Ella sent Tache to check on hospital security while she met with her assistant in the hall. Justine’s handgun, holstered at her belt beside the open front
of a blue satin rodeo jacket, seemed disproportionately large for the slender young woman’s figure. But, despite her youthful appearance, Justine was all business.

“Any more news on the two perps still at large?” Ella asked.

“Not yet, but you know we had roadblocks up within five minutes of the call, and extra officers are out searching every mile of road in the area. Hopefully, those two shots
you put in their engine block screwed up something. Even if they didn’t, there’s no way they’ll make it out of the county, much less the state. By now, I’m sure they know it, too.” Justine’s voice was confident.

Ella considered the matter silently for several moments before speaking. “It’s possible they may not be trying to leave the Rez anyway. I’m certain that the woman who drove the getaway
car is Baker’s wife. She may yet decide to try and spring her husband. Have Tache stick close around here. He’s seen the photos, so he should be able to recognize Shepherd and the woman. If he spots either of them, tell him to call for backup if at all possible before taking action.”

“I’ll have another guard posted here, too,” Justine said, “and coordinate things with Sergeant Tache.”

As her
cell phone beeped, Ella reached for the unit clipped to her belt. The reception was poor from her location, so she moved farther down the corridor until the static cleared.

“The dispatcher asked me to notify you,” came the voice of the on-duty officer. “Sergeant Neskahi has been patrolling along the Colorado state line. A few minutes ago, he requested that Angel Hawk, the air ambulance, be sent
to the site of an auto accident on a side road just south of the Colorado border, a half mile off of Highway Six-six-six.”

“Understood. But what’s that got to do with me? That’s hospital business.”

“There’s something fishy about the call. Neskahi has been with the department for years. It’s not like him to screw up a ten code. But he kept referring to a ten–thirty-one as a trauma victim pickup.”

“Which it isn’t. That’s the code for a suspicious person,” Ella said mostly to herself, her mind racing.

“Of course he had the flu last week, and he’s still feeling lousy.…”

“Hold on for a moment.” Ella glanced at Justine. “Tell the hospital not to dispatch the air ambulance until I give the okay,” she said, then turned her attention back to the officer on the phone. “What else? Did the dispatcher
pick up on any other indications of trouble?”

“No. That’s why we figured you’d want to make the call on this one.”

“Thanks. I’ll handle it from here.” Ella weighed the information carefully. Sergeant Neskahi was an old hand at police work, and had worked with her on several investigations recently. Everyone made mistakes, but it didn’t seem likely that the sergeant would make one of this nature.
He’d worked dozens of accidents in his time as a patrol officer.

Justine jogged back from the ER desk. “Better hurry. The pilot is really pissed off. He’s ready to fly and the medic is on board. The flyboy is demanding to know if we’re going to accept responsibility for a delay that could end up costing lives.”

Ella frowned. She had no proof that there was a problem, but she also couldn’t send
a civilian into a potentially dangerous situation. “I’m on my way.”

Ella took a white coat from a hook by the nurse’s station. Seeing what Ella had done, a young nurse by the supply cabinet came toward her and reached for the jacket. “That isn’t yours.”

“I’m just borrowing it. Consider it a police emergency.” Ella said and glowered at her.

The woman backed up a step, then saw the badge pinned
to Ella’s belt and the pistol in her holster. “Bring it back, okay?”

Ella nodded once, and slipped the jacket on over her own. “I’m going along on this ride,” she told Justine. “If Neskahi is in trouble, I’ll be there to back him up. If it is a mistake, and there’s a victim that needs to be transported, the helicopter crew can do their job and I’ll ride back with the sergeant, quizzing him on
the ten codes.”

They hurried up the stairs to the roof and as they opened the door and stepped out, the helicopter’s rotor blades picked up speed. The downwash ‘whomp’ seemed to send its vibrations right through Ella. “One more thing,” she yelled at Justine. “Send two units to Neskahi’s location right away. If there
trouble, I want to have plenty of backup.”

Ella kept her head down and ran
over to the shiny white and turquoise air ambulance. A silver hawk with a halo was painted on the pilot’s door, and below it was the name “Angel Hawk.”

The moment Ella climbed into the helicopter, she leaned forward to talk to the Navajo pilot. His jaw was set, and one look told her that this wasn’t a man who liked sharing authority.

“You aren’t a member of my crew, and this isn’t a carnival
ride. What makes you think you can go up in my chopper?” he shouted over the rotor noise.

She opened the white jacket she’d borrowed, and showed him her badge and police ID. “I’m going with you on this run. There may be more to the situation than a medical emergency.”

The lanky young medic sitting on a fold-down seat in the patient treatment area placed his hand on the pilot’s shoulder. “We
can’t afford the time to argue, boss. We have a pickup to make.”

The pilot gave Ella a quick nod. “I’ve heard about you, Investigator Clah, so okay, you can go. Climb up front and ride with me. As soon as you have that seat belt fastened, we’re going to lift off. You can fill me in on the way. If I’m heading into trouble, I want to know exactly what I’m facing.”


Fighting the sudden
lurch in her stomach as they took off, Ella gave the pilot a long, sideways glance. She’d never met the man before, but, then again, the reservation was a large place and the air ambulance was a very recent addition to the hospital. Also, these days she was hardly ever sent on traffic accident calls.

Ella glanced at the pilot’s name tag. Jeremiah Crow. She searched her memory for the name, but
came up empty. “You must be new to this corner of the Rez.”

Crow nodded. “My clan has always lived in the Tuba City area. After the military I flew tourists over the Grand Canyon before the job opened up here.” He glanced over at her quickly, then focused back on his dimmed instrument panel. “Now you know about me. It’s time to keep your side of the bargain. And talk fast. We’ll be there in just
a few minutes.”

Ella filled him in on what she knew, then added, “When we get there, stay alert until I give you a thumbs-up. Any other sign will mean that you’re to lift off immediately.”

“We’ll be sitting ducks inside this chopper on the ground, even in the dark. I flew scout missions in the army. I’ve been shot at enough to know a little strategy pays for itself. I suggest we do a fast orbit
first and illuminate the area with the spotlight. It’s got an adjustable beam width, so you can assess the situation before we take action. From below it’ll look as if we’re searching for the best place to set this bird down.”

“All right,” Ella agreed. “It’s a good plan. But, once we’re down, if there’s trouble, you stay out of it. Lift off immediately.”

Ella watched the stark expanse of desert
below them. The moon had risen from behind the cliffs, and a blend of dark and light shadows dotted the terrain making the familiar appear more sinister than it ever would in daylight.

As they drew close to the site of the accident, red flares burning on the highway marked the location. Jeremiah Crow looked at the scene below, then veered to the right for the promised low orbit of the area. “Looks
like an accident, all right.”

Ella followed the beam of the chopper’s searchlight. A single black sports car was tipped over on its side, but there were no skid marks on the road leading up to it. There was no sign of spilled oil or gasoline on the pavement either. “No. There are several things that aren’t quite right,” she said, pointing out what she’d noticed.

Neskahi’s police unit was parked
a little farther down the road, and the sergeant was crouched by the figure lying on the asphalt. Just a few feet away were two civilians, both wearing jackets.

Ella fought the sudden chill that enveloped her. “There’s trouble here. I can feel it.”

“If I aim the searchlight right into their eyes, the people down there will never see you leave the chopper.”

“Go for it.” Ella took her pistol
from its holster, and placed it in her jacket pocket. The feel of the cold metal against her hand was reassuring.

“I’ll land between the civilians and the police car, but move fast. Whatever else is happening, the person on the ground appears to need some very real help. There’s a lot of blood around the body.”

“Just remember to stay in the aircraft, and keep the blades turning until I signal.”

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