Enemies: The Girl in the Box, Book Seven (16 page)

BOOK: Enemies: The Girl in the Box, Book Seven
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“What a charming crowd you must run with,” I said, not really feeling judgmental but probably sounding like it. “I need to sleep
.” The world was tilting around me, the voices in my head a cacophony of argument.

—trust Omega—

—don’t trust Omega—

—don’t trust anyone—

—who cares—

—kill them all—

There was a throbbing in my temples that blotted out all else. I clenched my eyes shut and stuck my index fingers against the sides of my head and rubbed, hard.

“Uh, you look like you’re about to collapse,” Breandan’s voice cut through all the others.

“Yes,” I agreed.

“You can use my room,” he said. “Uh … it has a lock. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.”

“A perfect gentleman,” I said with a smile, my eyes still shut. “Thank you kindly.”

“Oh, yeah, no problem.” I opened my eyes and he stood there, watching me uncomfortably, as though I were about to explode all over his floor. Which was a possibility.

I made my way past him and through the open door, kicking his laundry as I went. I shut the door and had only a moment’s thought of my own to spare for what he must be thinking about me right then before the chorus in my head grew so loud I couldn’t contain it any longer, and the last thing I saw was the bed rising up to greet me before I fell into blackness.

Chapter 19


“You made a terrible mess.” Janus’s voice rang with extra emphasis, and I knew it was him before the scene came into focus. It took me a minute to realize he wasn’t talking to me, that he was talking to someone else, someone just as reluctant to be sitting in front of him as I would have been were I actually there.

Adelaide was sitting across the desk from the man himself. Janus’s grey hair and impeccable suit were only slightly different than the one I’d seen him in that very morning. It looked older somehow, less modern and fashionable, and I remembered again that Adelaide, for some reason, was living in the 1980s, and that I, for some other reason, far beyond my ability to adequately explain, was along for the ride with her.

“I did what I had to,” Adelaide said, but her manner was surly and snappish. “I couldn’t very well let this Aeolus go wandering about when I’d been handed a kill order, could I?”

“That’s not correct,” Janus said. “But let us leave that aside for a moment. You splattered the man’s brains all over the compartment of a passenger train, in full view of countless people. We are not talking about some minor, trifling problem. You have exposed yourself to considerable trouble. They will make posters with your face on them—”

“They will have posters with my mohawk on them, you mean,” she said, her legs crossed and her black leather jeans squeaking when she moved. “Lucky for us I can change up my look with ease.”

“That is not the point,” Janus said. “The point is that you made a mess, and you failed to clean it up. There were other ways to go about it, other ways to limit the damage, and you failed to employ even one of them.” Janus turned and stood with his back to her, facing the window that afforded him a view of London. “What we have to ask is whether at this point you will be a good operative for Omega or not. And it is an open concern at the moment.”

“I did the best I could,” she said, and I caught the hint of exasperation. “Time came to put him down, I did it. Just like I was taught.”

Janus turned to face her and there was a ripple of emotion across his face. “I would not consider your teacher to be the most reliable guide for how to conduct yourself in civilized society. We do not go about slaughtering anyone the minute they get in our way. That is savagery. That is bestial. That is—”

“The way of the Wolfe,” came a voice as the office door opened. It was thick and raspy, and the room was filled with a sudden musk of something primal. It was Wolfe, all right, standing taller than most men when he wasn’t crouched over like a dog ready to attack. Which, in this case, he wasn’t. He looked at Janus like the predator that he was, and Janus looked right back at him. “The way of pain, of fear—”

“Of shameless bloodletting, copious destruction and pointless death,” Janus said, keeping watch on Wolfe’s slithering entrance to the room. “You have certainly trained her well.”

“Wolfe taught her what she needs to know. How to avoid that pesky hesitation that costs you so many field agents right off the bat.” Wolfe wore a feral grin, and his black eyes burned into Janus.

I watched Janus concentrate on Wolfe, on the black eyes, and I sensed a shift in the room. “You taught her to kill first, ask questions later. Unfortunately, I was rather hoping to question this target. He did, after all, get a look at—”

“Sovereign,” Wolfe hissed. “Wolfe told you what he looks like.”

“Five hundred years ago,” Janus said. “He’s likely changed since then.”

“Still the same smell,” Wolfe rasped, his eyebrows arched down in a fearsome expression. “Janus didn’t say what he was sending the Little Doll out to do or Wolfe would have warned her to be gentle.”

“You are not her supervisor,” Janus said tightly. “You were to train her, and her training is over.”

Wolfe let a lazy smile come across his face. “The Wolfe leaves his mark, a mark that goes deeper than any command you can give the Little Doll, a mark that will outlast any order. Best Janus gives the Wolfe marching orders. That way they won’t get …” he looked sidelong at Adelaide and I sensed a deeply unsettling connection between the two of them, “… misinterpreted.”

Janus stared down Wolfe. “They had best not get misinterpreted anymore, else we will have to consider other possibilities for your … employment here.”

Wolfe let out a full-blooded hiss, as though he were thinking about coming across the desk at Janus. “Wolfe is not to be trifled with. Wolfe is not to be threatened—”

“By me?” Janus asked with amusement creasing the lines of his face. “Would you prefer the Primus or the ministers threaten you?” He leaned over the desk toward Wolfe and Adelaide. “I am not a man who tends to pass off his duties to others or hands tasks back up the chain undone. When the Primus tells me to do something, I do it, regardless of what is asked. If that involves handing a girl,” Janus gestured to Adelaide, who sat silent, watching Janus with narrowed, angry eyes, “innocent, sweet, pure, over to a monster to have him turn her into a killing machine, then I swallow my objections and do so. My personal morality may scream in outrage. It may tell me that to hand over such a girl to a beast who has shown no respect for life is wrong, that it is appalling, that it is not something I want to associate with. It may even tell me,” and Janus’s face twisted into something worse, something beyond fury, “that it would be better to take this beast, and use all my power … to neuter him. To turn him into a helpless puppy that will do no more than chase his own tail for the rest of his near-infinite days.”

Janus’s knuckles were flat against the desk, his jaw was squared and set, and if he was lying, he damned sure didn’t look like it. “But I don’t do what I want to do. I do what I’m ordered. My question for you, Wolfe … will you do the same? Because if not … you become rather more … expendable.”

Wolfe let out a growl and leaned forward onto the desk, his fingernails like claws, digging into the surface. “Is that how Janus sees it?”

Janus didn’t speak for a long minute, and Adelaide and I watched this contest of wills with no small amount of alarm; she, because it seemed destined to erupt only inches from her face, and me because … well, because it was just that gripping.

“No,” Janus said. “That is not how I see it. That is how the Primus sees it. Now … will you be a good dog and respect your leash? Or do you wish to spend the rest of your life licking your own genitals in a corner of the office?”

Wolfe recoiled in fury, leaving five long scrapes along the surface of Janus’s desk. “Wolfe will not forget this.”

“Good,” Janus said. “Never forget. Never forget what I can do to you, what I
do to you, should you slip the leash.” He waved at the door. “Now get out, and close the door behind you.”

Wolfe stalked off, making me wonder if he’d stop to open the door before plunging through. He opened it, stepped through, and was about to turn it loose in a slam that would break the glass when Janus spoke up again:

“Ah, ah, ah,” Janus said. “Gently.

Wolfe seethed so loudly I thought he’d spit blood, but the door was shut without being broken, and Janus turned his attention back to Adelaide. “I’m sorry you had to see that, my dear,” Janus began. “But unfortunately, you are a part of a bigger whole, and as part of Omega, you must realize that the mission is of critical importance. Nothing else matters, nothing but winning. Succeeding. Beating the odds. What you have done today has compromised an important source of information.”

“I thought he was a definite kill,” Adelaide said, and there was a little shake in her voice. Whether it was from the confrontation she’d just witnessed or the realization that she’d blown her mission, I didn’t know.

“No, he was supposed to be capture only,” Janus said. “We did not want him dead until after we could question him.”

“I’m sorry I failed you,” Adelaide said, and I saw her cheek twitch underneath the heavy black eyeliner that coated her eye.

“It is not me who you have failed,” Janus said carefully, sticking a hand in the pocket of his vest. “It is the Primus.”

Adelaide’s face went blank with the sort of horror that can’t truly be expressed. “Please. I’m sorry.”

Janus clicked his tongue. “I trust you will try harder on your next assignment?”

“Yes, yes,” Adelaide said with a fervent nod. “I won’t fail you again.”

“Temper your enthusiasm for Wolfe’s approach,” Janus said. “He can get away with the things he does; you cannot. Even more than most of our operatives, you come into this with a handicap of your own—”

“I know,” Adelaide said, her head bowed, the points of her mohawk shaking as she did. “I’m … thankful for the opportunity. I was merely trying to do what I had been told.”

“Recall that you report to me, not Wolfe,” Janus said, “and you will not make an error such as this again. Now, go—report to the stylists downstairs, have them give you a once-over to transform your appearance. We can’t have the police hounding you every step of the way, after all.” He let a light smile grace his stern features. “Go on.”

“Thank you,” Adelaide said and stood, opening the door and excusing herself. She didn’t exactly fold before Janus but close. It reminded me of a similar conversation I’d had with Ariadne.

“And Adelaide?” Janus said, catching her just before she walked out.

“Yes?” she paused, her hand on the wooden door. The glass in the middle of it was streaked with fingerprints, a greasy mess that made it look like it had been smeared with oil.

“You did not use your power in the encounter, correct?”

“No,” she shook her head quickly.

Janus studied her for a moment, inscrutable. “Very good. Go on.”

“Thank you, sir.” She tucked the door shut behind her.

Wolfe was waiting just outside, down on all fours, watching Adelaide as she came out of the office. His scrutiny made even me uncomfortable, and I lived with him in my head. I couldn’t imagine how Adelaide felt about it.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said with more starch than I would have given her credit for. “You set me up for failure.”

“Wolfe only told the Little Doll what she needed to hear.” His fingernails clinked on the tile, like a lion stalking slowly toward its prey.

“Horseshit,” Adelaide threw back at him. “I killed him. Like you wanted. You basically set me up for it; you taught me to kill fast, urged me on to it, got me all riled up to get out there and prove myself, and then it turns out I’ve bollocksed it up. I killed the man for no good reason.” She didn’t seem that bothered by the killing, more by the deception.

“Little Doll killed him for a very good reason. Little Doll needed to get her first kill in, oh yes she did.” He smiled wide, his sharp teeth looking ready to sink into a vein. “So much training, all … theoretical,” Wolfe said, surprising me with a big word. “Little Doll needed practical experience. To be a killer. To be like Wolfe. Like they want you to be.” His grin grew wider.

“I think they want me on a bit more of a leash than they have you,” Adelaide shot back. “I’m coming in at a disadvantage and you’re pushing me to break all the rules. They hand me a plum assignment, an important one that requires subtlety and finesse, and rather than get a chance to prove myself, you decided to make a mess of it for me by giving me the wrong idea.”

Wolfe shrugged. “The Little Doll is angry and fearful of the wrong people. Little Doll should be thankful that the Wolfe managed to get her over the first obstacle cleanly. Now the Doll is ready for anything.”

“Oh, I’m ready for anything, all right,” Adelaide said coldly. “But whatever comes next, I won’t be hearing it from you.”

Wolfe bristled. “Wolfe trained the Doll, taught her everything—”

“Oh, yes,” she interrupted, “you’ve just taught me a brilliant lesson.”

“And now the Doll throws it back in the Wolfe’s face?” He sneered. “Ingratitude brings a penalty of its own, Little Doll.”

“Try me,” Adelaide fired back hotly, her face red with emotion. “We both know that if it comes down to it, I won’t hesitate now.”

Wolfe hissed. “Little Doll had best watch herself.”

“Wolfe had best stay clear of me,” Adelaide replied. “I’m not your Little Doll anymore.” She brushed past him without another word, without fear of his response, and he seethed as she did it. Seethed, but did nothing else.

She made her way to the elevator, pushed the button, and waited for the door to open. Once it did, she stepped inside the familiar box, and looked out over the main floor of Omega’s headquarters. Across the distance, Wolfe still watched her, following her all the way with slitted eyes, saying nothing, and holding his place until after the doors had closed on Adelaide.

Chapter 20


I awoke to light streaming in, the feel of nausea infecting me, and a kind of grinding fatigue that seemed to have settled in my bones. I couldn’t decide which I wanted to do more—lie there and feel sick or roll over and go back to sleep. The choice was made for me a moment later as the nausea swelled and I gagged, running for the little bathroom in the corner of the room. I dodged inside to find a small toilet, sink, and a shower, all of which looked like they hadn’t been cleaned in quite some time.

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