Enduring Light (2 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Rose Ivy

BOOK: Enduring Light
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Chapter Two




Morning came far too soon. I stretched before forcing myself out of bed. Kevin’s cot was empty. He always seemed to get up so much earlier than I did. I walked outside, craving a few moments of morning sunshine. I closed my eyes, trying to soak in the sunlight the way my mom had taught me. Evidently, I also had the power to absorb the natural elements. Absorption worked kind of like recharging a battery. I couldn’t take in too much, but the recharge would help if I depleted my energy.


“Uh, Char, are you okay?” Henry asked.


“What?” I lost my concentration and realized I was sweating like crazy.


“I think it is great that you are using your abilities more, but maybe you should save some energy for later.”
His cotton shirt fit him loosely, and he probably wore it purposely because it showed off just the hint of chest hair.
Henry was all about making sure people realized he’d grown up. I understood on some level. Being the youngest child could be hard.


“That’s what I’m doing. I’m charging.”


“Charging? Is that what you call sweating like a pig?”


“Hey!” I swatted at him, but he moved away too fast.


He plastered on his most innocent expression. “What?”


“You don’t tell a girl she’s sweating like a pig.”


“How about… you are sweating like a beautiful pig. Is that better?”


“Get lost.”


“Okay. If you really want to be deprived of my company…” He winked before disappearing back inside.


I had just gotten back into a comfortable position when I was interrupted again.


“It’s nice to see you progressing so well.” Mom handed me a cup of coffee. She’d finally accepted that, on top of everything else, her daughter had become a total coffee addict at seventeen.


“Thanks. I needed this.” I took a sip, savoring the bitter taste. Sweetener wasn’t an option. The coffee certainly wasn’t gourmet, and it was made over an open fire, but I wasn’t going to complain. It served its purpose.


“Are you sure you’re going to be okay without me?” Mom looked so comfortable in her Energo outfit—a long navy blue dress. Sometimes I forgot that she had worn those clothes for the first eighteen years of her life. I wanted to ask her so many questions about her childhood, but we definitely hadn’t had time for reminiscing.


I loved having Mom back, but sometimes it got to be too much. I was so frustrated by her worrying, that I finally blurted out what I’d been holding back. “You do realize I’ve traveled Energo without you—twice. Right?” I regretted the words as soon as I saw her wounded expression. “I’m sorry. I just mean that I can do this.”


She put a hand on my arm. “I know you can. But I’m your Mom. That means it’s my job to worry.”


Liam came over and threw an arm over my shoulder. “She’ll be safe with us, Mrs. C.”


The fact that he was doing that meant one thing—Calvin wasn’t around. I couldn’t help but notice the way his black cotton shirt clung to his chest. I shook myself, but not before Mom gave me a small smile. She’d caught me. She didn’t seem to think my attraction to Liam was a big deal, but I did.


Mom turned to him. “I know that, Liam. But we’ve only just been reunited. I don’t want to say goodbye again.”


“This is going to be the last time. We’re going to end this.” I didn’t know where the conviction came from, but I felt deep inside that my words were true.


“I know we are.” Mom beamed.


“Besides, we’re only going to be gone a few days. We just have to find the scroll at Ruth’s old house, right?”


Mom nodded, but the worried expression remained on her face. “You still need to be careful. Remember that you have to use your abilities sparingly. Every time you use your powers, you risk the possibility of exposing your location to Blake. If he happens to be close…”


“I know he’s a Cipher, Mom.”


We’d also come to accept that Blake was something that was thought to exist only in legend. He was the antithesis to an Essence—to me. She was right, but I hated the thought of not being able to use my abilities. It was the only way I ever felt useful. Otherwise I was more of a burden than an asset.


I pushed those thoughts away. “We’ll be careful,” I said. “Do you even need to say that? It’s me we’re talking about.”


“Yeah, and you did wander through the gate you were explicitly told to stay away from.”


“True, but that’s different.” I ran my hand through my knotted hair. I was in desperate need of a brush or something to tie up my hair. Mom read my mind and handed me a piece of leather. I used it to pull my unruly locks into a messy bun. It would have to do.


I also needed a bath, but I wasn’t interested in another icy plunge in the river. I’d already had my one bath of the week in the caves. I could have used the Essence card to get someone to heat water for me, but it was such an ordeal that I didn’t want to deal with it.


“How is it different?” she asked.


I shrugged. “It just is.” It seemed a lifetime ago that I had stepped through the old garden gate. I’d had no idea at the time how huge a step it really was, how much would change. I glanced around the small clearing where we stood, mere steps from a thick fern grotto. Sometimes something as simple as the foliage reminded me of how far we were from home.


“How’s the coffee?” Liam took the mug from my hand and sipped it. “Nice.”


“Get your own.”


He grinned. “Why? Never learned to share?”


I pulled my mug back from him, nearly burning us both in the process.


“Okay, I forgot. I shouldn’t try to come between you and coffee.”


I laughed. “You of all people should know that.”


Mom just smiled again. Maybe watching us let her imagine what I was like when the weight of all the worlds wasn’t on my back.


Henry reappeared with a heavy pack slung across his back. “I think we’ve got everything.”


I was glad he’d be around to help keep things light. Without James, I needed that. Henry and I had become good friends in the year he’d spent in Charleston. I’d missed his humor on my last journey.


I glanced around for my Gerard. “Where’s Calvin?” I could feel his presence, so I knew he couldn’t be far.


Henry dropped his pack on the ground. “He’s getting the horses ready.”


My chest clenched at the word horses. It brought back memories of my first time on a horse—with James. Even though I’d learned to keep the truth to myself, James’s comatose state was one of the biggest motivations to find the scroll. All I knew was that I was the only one who’d be able to understand the writing, and that without it, we had no clue how to vanquish Blake. I tried to stay positive, but part of me was terrified I wouldn’t be able to read it. I wanted to defeat Blake, but I also needed to save James. As unbelievably annoying as he could be, he was one of my best friends, and he was only unconscious because he had protected me.


“You okay?” Liam asked gently. He was always able to figure out what I was feeling, no matter how hard I tried to hide my emotions. I wished he couldn’t. Sharing my feelings wasn’t high on my to-do list.


I forced a smile. “Yeah, I’m okay. If we’re that close to leaving, I need to find Kevin and Monty.”


“I’ll come with you. I think they’re getting ready to leave soon, too.” Mom gestured for me to head inside ahead of her. She didn’t actually say it aloud, but I knew she was nervous about Kevin seeing Dad. She wanted to go with him, just as she wanted to go with me, but she needed to stay with the Resistance. Someone from our family needed to be there. It wasn’t an edict or anything, but the presence of a Winthrop gave some more authority to the group—helped the morale a little. Monty had offered to stay, but Mom figured he’d have a better shot at helping Kevin. I wondered if she was afraid to face Dad. Her getting kidnapped obviously wasn’t her fault, but she had left him with a heavy burden to bear.


“There you are.” Kevin’s tall form nearly took up the entire mouth of the cave.


I crossed my arms. “You make it sound like you’ve been looking for me.”


He stretched his arms above his head. “I have. I feel like I’ve barely seen you, and now we’re leaving again.”


I shrugged, trying to play off just how much I agreed with him. “You know what they say, ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder.’”


“I think I’d prefer to hate you than to have to leave you here.” He led the way back inside. Liam and Henry stayed outside. They probably assumed we needed some family time.


“Aww, how sweet.” I still had to give my brother a hard time sometimes. Old habits die hard.


“So, Mom. How do you feel about Charlotte going off with three guys?”


Mom shook her head. “Considering one’s her Gerard, I’m not too worried. I should probably be more worried about you.”


“Afraid Samantha’s going to take advantage of me?” He laughed.


“No, it’s the other way around.”


Kevin let out a small grunt. “Geez, what a vote of confidence.”


“You know what I mean. Samantha’s from Energo; she’s not experienced. The lost world is going to be a shock for her even without you pushing her.”


Kevin looked incredibly uncomfortable with where the conversation was heading. “Monty’s going with us. I wouldn’t worry.”


Mom seemed to relax a little. “True enough. All right, you two. Don’t leave without saying goodbye. I need to check on supplies.”


Kevin waved. “See you in a few.”


I turned to Kevin. “I heard Talen’s going with you.”


“Talen? Why’s he coming with us?”


“He’s an arctic wolf. Don’t you think he might come in handy up in Alaska?”


Kevin pulled an apple out of his pocket and took a bite. “I guess. I just don’t know him well.”


“Aren’t I supposed to be the anti-social one?” I tried not to drool, but I hadn’t had a normal fruit like an apple in a while. I had no clue where he’d found them, but Kevin usually managed the impossible.


He smiled, pulling a second apple from his other pocket. He tossed it to me. “I liked it when you were. Mom might not care about you alone with three guys, but I do. I don’t care that Calvin’s your Gerard. You’re still too young.”


I took a bite of the crisp apple. “I’m seventeen.”


“Way too young.”

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