Enduring Everything (Marked Heart #1) (19 page)

BOOK: Enduring Everything (Marked Heart #1)
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"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I apologized to Auggie and I may never recover from that," I said with a smirk.

Laughing at me, Jacks stepped closer, asking, "Would you feel better if I kissed you?"

Looking up at him, I gave a soft smile as I nodded.

Jackson leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. A long slow kiss from him incited more than just feeling better in me.

As if his kiss wasn't enough to make my heart pound in my chest, he pulled back just enough so that his lips brushed against mine as he whispered, "I love you."

"Does the door have a lock on it?" I whispered back.

Jackson wrapped his arms around me, saying, "You're killing me woman."

"You started it and I love you too," I replied with a wide smile.

Squeezing me tight, he said, "Friday, I'll be late getting here but don't leave, I have a surprise for you."

"I have a surprise for you Friday too," I shared.

Raising his eyebrows at me, he asked, "What is it?"

"A surprise," I smarted before saying, "I better go, Honey gets sad when I leave her by herself for too long."

Nodding with a smile, Jackson placed a soft kiss on my lips and told me he would see me Friday.

The second I stepped back into the main area of the bar, Sophia was right in front of me. Reaching out, I gave her a hug.

As I pulled away she said, "Mama, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad, just disappointed," I replied.


Taking a deep breath, I informed, "You shouldn't talk about anyone like that. Especially, when you don't know their situation."

"Situation? She's a Roberts," Sophia blurted.

Shaking my head at her, I reminded, "She hasn't always been."

She appeared pouty as I said, "See y'all Friday," and left the bar.


Laid Plans

It was hard to keep the smile off of my face as I pulled my dress on for the soft opening. Sliding my feet into my favorite black heels, I couldn't wait to see Jackson's face when I gave him his surprise and I looked forward to spending the entire night wrapped in his arms. The thrill of good morning kisses and nights spent making love to him for the rest of my life was all I could think about.

When I
pulled up at the bar, I was a little surprised at the turn out. It appeared to be around thirty people but for some reason, it seemed like a lot as we all stood outside waiting for the unveiling of the bar's new name. I held the box with Jackson's surprise in my hand while standing with Sophia, Ailin and Braden.

Auggie held a rope that was attached to canvas covering the sign,
in his hands. William stood right in front of the doors waiting for the crowd to quiet before making his announcement.

"Thanks for coming out," William said before sharing, "This is the soft opening for invites only. Please give your name before entering," patting the clipboard in his hand.

Auggie gave the rope he was holding a tug as William announced, "The Dog House will be open to the public in one month from today."

I could hear clapping and a few cheers as I s
tood there staring at the sign.

Shaking my head at
The Dog House, the new name was in memory of Gus and at the same time, the name made it our bar. Glancing around, I thought Jackson should be strolling up at any moment. This had to be my surprise. He was still nowhere in sight and I couldn't imagine a better surprise than this.

"Let's go in," Sophia cheered, hooking her arm around mine.

Nodding at her with a wide smile
, I thought, 'tonight will be perfect'.

I was practically floating on air when we walked in. William laughed at me
, sharing that he knew who I was when I gave him my name to enter. I knew I didn't have to but I wanted to say it. Not being able to recall calling myself Rennillia Thomas, it gave me a little thrill to do so.

Right away
, I could tell why they still needed a month before the official opening. The inside looked nice but with only the basics, all of the walls were bare with the exception of paint. The bar was furnished of course with liquor as far as the eye could see. Auggie stood behind it, appearing to be the embodiment of his dad. I started to walk towards him when a noticeably dyed, red head walked up to the bar.


After two hours of visiting with a few people, Marabeth was still at the bar, Jackson was still not there and I was tired of carrying his surprise around with me. Finally I took a deep breath, clenched my teeth and strolled up to Auggie.

, the only empty spot at the bar was right next to Marabeth.

"Wanna pint?" Auggie asked

Thinking I could just grab a drink and then find a table, I replied, "Sure."

Setting my beer on the bar, Auggie offered, "Anything else?"

"Can you put this behind the bar?" I asked, handing Auggie the box.

Taking Jackson's surprise, he asked, "What is it?"

"Something for Jacks," I replied with a light smile.

I heard Marabeth make a disgusted sound as she looked me up and down. In my mind, I snapped, 'this is my bar', before deciding I wasn't going to let her get under my skin.

I started to grab my beer and walk away when Marabeth turned to me.

"He's not here," Marabeth said, sounding like she had quite a bit to drink.

Giving her a sarcastic smile, I replied, "I know that," before glancing at Auggie and saying, "I think she's had enough."

Auggie nodded as if he thought so too, as Marabeth mumbled, "Of you," under her breath.

"Excuse me?"

Whipping herself around, she stood up off of the bar stool and spouted, "I'm so sick of you."

Fully prepared to walk away from her, I stated, "You're drunk," and turned from the bar when I ended up on my hands and knees.

Finding it hard to believe that she actually pushed me, I stood up and faced her.

Drawing in a slow deep breath, I noticed people crowd around us as Auggie cautioned, "Ren."

I brushed my hands off, warning, "Do not put your hands on me again."

Getting right in my face, Marabeth snapped, "He's too good for you."

Taking a step back, I could feel my blood pressure rising but reminded myself that not only was my daughter here but JPT accountants and family were too.

Standing up tall, I stated, "Go home, you're drunk."

Pushing my shoulder back with her hand, she shouted, "You stupid bitch! Everyone here knows what a whore you are! Are you gonna put someone else's kid off on him too!"

Everything went silent. There could have been noise but I was so focused on Marabeth
, she was the only thing I saw or heard.

"I'm warning you," I growled at her before she shoved me hard and I ended up on the floor.

Standing over me, she looked down at me and said, "He'll see what you really are and I'll be right there when he does."

Kicking my shoes off, I stood up right in front of her.

Tucking my hair behind my ears, I shared, "He already knows what you are. Why do you think he doesn't want anything to do with you."

I barely got the word
s out of my mouth when she slapped me right across my face.

That was it. I tried. I was willing to walk away but apparently that wasn't wha
t she wanted.

Giving her a slow smile, I said, "I warned you."

Marabeth reached up to slap me again when I grabbed the front of her tacky low cut blouse and punched her in the face. As she dropped to the floor, I caught her by her hair. Twisting the back of her hair in my hand, I drug her towards the front of the bar.

Prepared to drag her all the way out and roll her into the street. I stopped suddenly when the doors opened and two police officers walked in.

I let go of Marabeth's hair letting her drop to the floor when Sophia broke through the crowd and looked at me, Marabeth and the police officers, saying, "No, mama, I thought..."

The first officer looked at Sophia and questioned, "Are you the one that called in the complaint?"

Sophia instantly started crying. It was clear what the situation looked like.

Auggie stepped behind her, griping, "You call the law on your mom?"

Frantically shaking her head at me, she replied, "I couldn't see and I though..." stopping her, I assured, "It's okay."

Looking at the officer, Sophia asked, "What's going to happen?"


Sitting in a city jail holding cell, I looked down at my bare feet. They wouldn't let me grab my shoes before they put me in the back of the police car. It wasn't the fight that got me arrested. No one at the bar would say anything and Marabeth was unconscious. The officers however, refused to overlook seeing me dragging Marabeth through the bar by her hair. Wondering what was going to happen to me, one of the officers informed me the judge would see me in the morning and at that time I could post bail, when I was booked in. Uneasy about the fact that I was in for the night, I also felt bad that Honey would have to spend the night alone.

here was no way I could fall asleep, the holding cell was empty but that could change at any moment. There wasn't even anyone for me to call, everyone was there when I got arrested. Except Jackson, and where was he? As I thought more about Jacks being a no show, I heard footsteps approaching.

One of the arresting officers appeared nervous as he quickly opened my cell and waved me over. I hop
ped up and met him at the door.

"Why didn't you tell me who you are?" he questioned in a quiet voice.

Making a face at him, I
didn't understand his question. I gave him my name address and all the other information they asked for.

"I apologize for the misunderstanding," the officer assured as I followed him through a hallway that led to the front.

Confused and curious as to his change in attitude towards me, when we stepped to the front, I figured it out.

Standing at the front desk was a familiar black suit and tie with a stern expression.

"A bar fight?" Ignacio questioned.

Crossing my arms against my chest, I held back a smile, replying, "I didn't start it."

"I believe finishing it is what landed you in here," he stated.

Rolling my eyes, I focused on the officer at my side who informed, "The charges have been dropped with our sincerest apologies."

I nodded as Ignacio stated, "We're done here," and walked to the exit.

I followed him to the steps outside of the police department.

"Not that it doesn't make sense but M.R. Industries has the police in their pocket?" I asked.

Clearing his throat, Ignacio shared, "Control affords us a certain amount of influence in certain matters."

Raising an eyebrow at him, I asked, "Like when the head of The Office's ex-wife gets arrested for getting in a bar fight?"

Without answering me, which wasn't necessary anyway, he teased, "So, your daughter called the police on you?"

Shaking my head with a sigh, I walked down the steps, saying, "She didn't call on me. She called because she thought that I was going to get hurt."

Following close behind, he suggested, "She doesn't know you very well."

Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, I looked up at him and asked, "Are you trying to be funny?"

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth as he answered, "My experience with you has taught me that you are capable of handling yourself."

memory his words invoked flashed through my mind as I continued to stare at him.

I watched his eyes carefully
, wondering if he was mentally reliving that day also.

"I wasn't then," I softly replied.

Scowling at me, Ignacio informed, "I was referring to the evening you showed up unannounced and proceed to slap me after hollering and poking me in the chest. However, you handled yourself that day also."

"No I didn't," I replied, suddenly feeling weighed down by my own thoughts.

Ignacio faced me and placed his hand on my shoulder, assuring, "You took a beating most men wouldn't have made it through and then the moment you were free, you ran back in swinging. Having seen you rush back in attacking your attacker, I don't know if anyone handles themselves as well as you do."

"And all in my underwear," I sarcastically added.

Ignacio softened his expression as he complimented, "You have always been a remarkable woman."

were only a few times Ignacio spoke to me on a personal level. Most of the time he was direct and to the point with an 'I don't share feelings' disposition.

he moment we were sharing pulled me back to a place I was no longer at in my life. Turning from him, I started towards the parking lot. Stopping dead in my tracks, when I saw Jackson standing in the parking lot staring at me, I watched him shake his head and turn away.

Without giving
Ignacio a second thought, I ran, bare footed, through the parking lot to catch him.

"Jacks," I shouted as I made my way up behind him.

Jackson stopped walking but refused to turnaround, saying, "Why?"

Making my way around to face him, I swore, "I didn't call him. I swear. I didn't ask him to get me out, he just showed up and they dropped the charges."

"Why did I come here?" he asked more to himself than directly to me.

The expression on his face was worrying me as I begged, "Jacks, please."

Looking down at me, he frowned, asking, "Why did he bail you out?"

"He didn't, he had the charges dropped but I think he just kind of feels... protective of me," I replied.

His expression turned angry as he questioned, "Why would he feel that way about my wife?"

My heart started to beat faster but it wasn't because he called me his wife, that didn't bother me at all. I was afraid that what I wanted more than anything was going to fall apart before it truly had a chance to get started.

"Were you seeing him before I proposed?" he asked.

Shaking my head, I replied, "No, I told you I hadn't been with anyone."

Placing his hands on the sides of my face, he begged, "Please explain this to me, Ren. Make me understand why he was here for you before I had a chance to be. Tell me something that's going to make me stop thinking I've wasted my life wanting to be with you."

I wanted to cry a
t the things he was saying but it was unnecessary because I could explain.

f I told him what happened that day in the old office, I could make him understand the bond Ignacio and I shared. I wasn't afraid of saying it out loud anymore. Miscarrying Jackson and I's baby had replaced what happened that day as the worst moment of my life. It was the last thing Jackson didn't know about me. Working on an idea of where to start, after I told him, there would be no secrets between us.

BOOK: Enduring Everything (Marked Heart #1)
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